Wishes |c.d.|

By yepitsjenn

7.9K 227 27

"You get to make three wishes. Whatever it is, just tell me and I'll make it come true" °°°°°°°°°°°°° Emily i... More



120 4 0
By yepitsjenn

Emily's pov

I jumped out of his car and run inside my house. I let out a loud sob as I ran up the stairs. "Emily?" I headed Kylie's concerned voice call from the living room but I ignored her. I ran up to my room as I heard loud footsteps follow me up the stairs. I shut the door behind me once I was in, hitting my back against the door and sliding down until I was curved up in a ball, with my knees to my chest.

"Emily open the door" I heard Cameron say sternly from outside. I didn't reply, I just let all my anger and sadness out. I was a mess, crying on the floor. This is not what I wanted my life to be like. "Emily open the god damn door right now" Cameron banged on the door with his fists. "Please" he whispered. "Leave me alone" I tried to say, but my voice cracked. "Open the door!" he yelled. I flinched at the tone of his voice. It sounded so different. It scared me for a second.

"Emily. Please open the door for me" Kylie said gently. "Leave! Leave me alone!" I shouted. "Please. I need time to myself" I said, lowering my voice now. "Okay. Just tell me whenever you're ready. We really need to talk"  she said. It was all silence after that, so assumed they both had left. I cried and cried my eyes out, letting all my emotions out, until I felt my cheeks hot from the tears. I calmed down, steadying my breathing again. Okay Emily, you need to do this now. You have to be strong now, stronger than you were just a few minutes ago. That wasn't you, that's not the way you handle things. Just calm down, and call Kylie upstairs to your room. You need to have a talk with her.

I slowly opened my room door. "Kylie?" I called. "Y-yes. Coming" I she answered back, running up the stairs. I walked back in my room and sat on my bed. She appeared at the door and I motioned for her to come in. "Emily I can explain everything. It is really not what you think it is." She started, as she sat down on my bed too. I sighed, looking down at my hands. "Is it really worth explaining?" I looked at her next to me. "It is. Look, I met Cameron at the cafe I work, remember?" She asked. I nodded. "I had no idea he was your boyfriend at the time. I didn't know him and neither did he. He had no idea we were friends. But that still doesn't change anything. The point is, it's none of his fault" she paused, taking a deep breath. "I kissed him. And he pulled away. I have no idea what had come took over me. It was just one moment, one mistake and it meant nothing to neither of us. I'm so sorry Emily. You're my best friend in the whole wide world, I would never do something to hurt you." She said. I could feel she was about to cry.

As much as I wanted to be mad at her, I had no reason to. I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly. "It's okay. You didn't know. And it was just a kiss right, I shouldn't have freaked out about it this much. I feel like such an idiot" I shook my head. "You were hurt I get it. But it meant nothing at all, and nothing is going on between me and him" she assured. "What if it did mean something Kylie? You kissed him for a reason. If you guys like each other, I can't stay in the way" i laid on my back, staring at the ceiling. Kylie laughed at my words. "Emily, trust me, we don't like each other. Not that way. He's chill and all but definitely not my type. And you know I have my eye on someone else anyway. Remember that Nate guy I told you about? Well he was with another girl from school at the coffee shop that day and I just... Kind of wanted to make him jealous." She explained.

I took a deep breath. "He told me he didn't pull away from the kiss. What if it meant something to him?" I but my lip. "It didn't. He's in love with you Emily. He really is.  Can't you tell? He's crazy about you, he only has eyes for you. I think it's pretty obvious" she smiled at me. I smiled back. I felt like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. It seemed so clear now. He was in love with me. And I was in love with him. I finally felt like I was sure for his feelings. I felt like I had nothing to worry about, nothing to fear.

I hugged Kylie once again. "He's asleep downstairs. He said he wouldn't leave until he was sure you were okay" she added. I nodded my head understanding. "What should I do?" I asked her, running my hands up and down my face. "You're going to talk to him tomorrow. You have to go to sleep, cause you're going to have a terrible headache tomorrow" she chuckled, causing me to crack a smile. "You guys will be alright. Trust me, you'll find a way" she smiled before standing up and walking outside of my room. She stopped at the doorframe an turned to me. "Goodnight" she smiled. "Goodnight Kylie" I yawned and before I knew it she had disappeared. I slowly removed my clothes and put on my pjs before going straight to bed.

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