
By ChloePJ

630K 19.5K 1.5K

My name is Elouise Heart. I am a werewolf in the Blue Moon Pack. I lived a normal life, but everything change... More

18th Birthday
When Everyone Hates You
Training with the Alpha
Remembering what you want to Forget
Christmas Time
Travelling to a better Future
The Selecting Ceremony
Dinner as the Real Me
Getting Ready for the Night of My Life
Finding my Mate
Can this night get any better?
A Queen Already
A New Home
When the day turns Bad
What a Day
One More Day
The Best Day of my Life
Author Note
The Party Continues
Pranks and Pleasure
Becoming Like a Queen Everyday
What a Day
Becoming Queen
Shaky Start to a Future as Queen
With Responsibility comes Sacrifice
Not Getting Rid of me
Life Changes in the Blink of an Eye
The Hardest Decision Of My Life
Going on the Run
What have I done?
The Time has Come
Finding out the Future
Facing the Truth
Confronting the Packs
Where the hell did that come from?
Seeing the End
Saying GoodBye
Life After Death
A Very Important Author Note
A Little Piece of Forever
The Day that Changed my Life
The Sequel you all have been waiting for!

The Day the Future is Decided

8.2K 316 36
By ChloePJ

Chapter 31

                Oliver’s POV

                How could she do this to me? It has been a month and a half since she left. Why? Why would she leave her own mate in the time of war?  My beautiful sweet Elouise. She left me. She left me after everything. What did I do wrong? I thought I was a good mate. I love her with everything I have. I want to live with her for eternity. I want a family with her. I want children with her. A beautiful little child. She would be a brilliant mother. I could never have a child now.

                I feel like I have lost everything. My mate was everything. She held me together. I felt like I lost half of myself that day. I went to bed with her in my arms thinking everything was fine. I wake up in the morning to a note. She was gone. She said she LOVED me. If she did why would she leave and abandon the Kingdom? She could have fought. I just wanted her to stay.

                That first day was horrible. Our room was a mess. I trashed it. I lost control of my wolf. Although, in all of the chaos I noticed she kept her wedding and engagement ring. That had to mean something, right? The palace went into chaos. Word spread like wild fire. Her parents were those that finally made me cry. They were heartbroken. Their only daughter had disappeared. They blamed themselves.

                Matt was a mess. Ali had gone too. My own sister betrayed me too. She betrayed her mate along with all of Ellie’s protectors. There were so many broken hearts that day. Mine was the worst of all. I felt like I had been broken into a million pieces. I wanted to break down. I wanted to cry. I didn’t. I locked away my emotions. I became like a robot. I became the perfect leader for the time of war.

                Training became harsher and more determined. I had to save the Kingdom even if Ellie couldn’t stand it. This was her purpose. She was a Silver Hinted Wolf with the powers of a Queen. She could have been the driving force in the war. She could have saved so many lives by being here. How could she do this? Would she come back? If she came back, would I even forgive her?

                Oh Goddess. Why did my mate leave me? Why? I have never felt so betrayed. A mate is there to love you as long as they live. Stand by you in their times of need. How could she do this to me? I laid out my heart for her. Yet, I feel like it has been trampled on and shredded.

                The only thing out of all of this that has let me be confused was the other girls saying that Ellie rushed in to see the Goddess and then suddenly all of this kicks off. It must have been the Goddess said something that scared Ellie and she gave up. That is the only thing I can think of. The goddess wouldn’t want her to leave when she is such a valuable asset.

                Right now. All I can think is that she left me. The pain in my chest won’t leave. I am half the man as I was before. I may never be the same again.

                Today, was the day of war. The armies had gathered onto a huge field surrounded my forest near the Royal Pack borders. Today was the day that would decide the fate of the Kingdom. We had all trained so hard. Today was the day. Not all of us would make it out alive. All because of some selfish greedy man.

                We had been planning for war every day since the day the Ellie left. I threw myself into all of this work. It was a distraction and it took me away from the pain I was constantly feeling in my heart. It hurt so much and was a constant reminder as to what I have lost. The only thing keeping me going is the need to look after the Kingdom and be a good King for them. That was all I could do. That was all I could use to keep my thoughts from straying back to how I truly felt.

                Everyone was outside who were going to fight. The children and those that didn’t want to fight remained in a huge safety room. My mother and Elouise’s mother were both in there. Right now, I was stood at the front of the a thousand off fighters giving them the briefing for going to war. They all wore grim faces. This was serious.

                “Today is the defining day in the European Wolf Kingdom. You are all brave in fighting for the future of our families. No matter what we face we are fighting to save the future of those to come. We will fight knowing that the Moon Goddess backs us. As long as we work together we will look out for each other. With the love for our kingdom and in doing right we cannot go wrong. Today, we will fight. We will not be afraid. We will fight for those we love. Our mates, our children, our future,” I spoke to the crowd.

                They cheered once I was done talking. We all ran through the forest to wear the battle was going to take place. I ran at the front leading by example. I showed no emotion. I was cold and calculating. All my emotions left when Ellie did. We ran through the trees in no time. I smelt the beautiful fresh air. I heard the wind rustle through the tree tops. I appreciated everything. I could die today. It was a very real and very scary possibility but it could come today and Ali or Ellie would return for the throne.

                We came out into a huge clearing. The clearing was massive. On the other end of the clearing were the rest. The opposition. They stood in formation and I could see the people extend all the way back into the tree line. There were so many people. There was going to be so much bloodshed for both groups. Wolves would die today. That stupid man. Killian. He infuriated me. How could he do this? Risk the lives of so many just for his gain. What kind of person is he? He disgusts me.  

                We all got into formation. I was at the front. My advisors were just behind me. My dad and Ellie’s dad just behind them. Then there were all of mine and my father’s protectors and then the rest of the wolves. They were all separated into five groups with the Alphas leading at the front of each. I saw Jackson and Mason stood at the front of the Blue Moon pack.

                Once we were all fully settled into place, I stepped slightly forward along with Killian. He had a smirk plastered across his arrogant little face. I was going to kill him for this. I looked along the ranks he had assembled. I looked at the packs first. The only ones that looked like they wanted to fight were the rogues and the Alphas. The rest were terrified held by the Alpha orders placed on them.

                When we fight. Take down the Alphas and the leaders. They have Alpha ordered. Once we kill an Alpha most of the pack will submit. Do not kill if they submit. They are being forced.

                I looked across the group again. I was disgusted. He was making everyone fight. Those that had only just shifted were fighting. Women were being forced to fight. This was disgusting. I couldn’t stand Killian. My hatred grew for him more and more every second. I could feel my wolf just under my surface.

                “Hello, there your highness,” Killian spoke doing a mock bow.

                “No need for formalities Killian. You have disgraced your kind, bringing death for your own personal greed,” I spat.

                “Oh no. I haven’t disgraced anybody. Your Queen however. Well… That is a different story,” Killian sneered.

                I growled at him threateningly.

                “Did I hit a nerve? Where is your mate? Shouldn’t she be fighting? Oh yeah. She ran away like the coward she is. She didn’t want to stay and fight. Aren’t you ashamed of your mate? I mean. You can’t be a good mate if she left you that easily, right?” Killian chuckled.

                “You leave Elouise out of this! No one knows her reasons. Everything has a purpose,” I shouted back.

                “It sounds like you are clutching onto straws. You got yourself a Silver Hinted Wolf that won’t help for her true purpose. You do pick them don’t you Ollie?” Killian sneered, enjoying himself.

                “Enough! You have one last chance to surrender yourself. There need not be a war today,” I spoke harshly.

                “Ha. Don’t be naïve. Of course there will be a war. I, Killian challenge you King Oliver for the throne of the European Kingdom,” Killian spat.

                “I accept,” I spat back just as harshly.

                I shouted for everyone to shift. I heard the tearing of clothes behind me as everyone shifted. I heard them growl threateningly. I saw Killian give the nod also and everyone shifted including himself on their side. I was the only one left who hadn’t shifted.

                This was it. War was about to happen. People would die. Killian side began to charge and so did our side. I was quickly over taken by my forces. I looked at a group of rogues. They needed taking down first. I watched as they all engulfed in flames and they screamed in pain. I did this for the other group of rogues too. I suddenly realised then that the war was upon me. I watched a wolf charge at me. I side stepped before quickly snapping their neck with my bare hands.

                I shifted then. I heard my bones quickly snap and realign. I was now into my huge black wolf. I let my wolf take over and pounced into the fight. The war was already in full swing. I watched as my wolves began to fight with the other wolves. Blood was being splattered everywhere and already the bodies began to fall.

                I went straight into biting into the neck of a rogue and tearing a chunk out. They fell to the floor dead straight away. I went through them biting and taking out most of the rogues that came at me. I fought hard showing no mercy to anybody that came at me. I looked around at the others that were fighting.

                Everyone was fighting really hard for their future but I couldn’t help but notice as the bodies of those on our side began to pile up as well. I kept myself focussed and fought with everything I had. I was letting out all the anger and emotions I were holding together for the past month and a half. All my anger was being vented out in all of this.

                I watched one of my wolves get pinned and the rogue was about to take the killing blow. I ran at the rogue diving at him. We tumble away from the wolf who recovered and nodded his head before running to help someone else. I quickly took a chunk out of the neck of the rogue who was now dying.

                I went back into the full flow of the battle. People were dying everywhere. I quickly spotted an Alpha. I attacked him straight away. We had a bit of a tussle as I felt him nip at my legs but I succeed in getting him pinned and ending his life. I watched as nearly one hundred wolves submitted and supported by our wolves were escorted out of the fight.

                Something was weird during the fight. I felt an ache constantly in my stomach for hours. It was intermittent and came back painfully in some cases. I had no idea what it was. All I knew was the fact that I could feel it constantly. I never let it bother me right now. I began fighting once again. More wolves and rogues fell at my feet.

                I noticed the fact another Alpha got taken down and some more wolves left the fight. We were on the better side of all of this. Suddenly, I realised I was surrounded by about ten rogues. Crap. I was out numbered. I broke the neck of the first one that stepped near me and I was just taking down another when I got bitten. I felt the teeth dig into my side roughly holding on for a good while. I whined in pain.

                I felt the teeth retract as I watched Tommy’s wolf quickly take down and kill the god damn rogue. We took down the rest of them together before Tommy went off into another direction and took down another wolf.

                I went searching then. I was hurting and limping slightly from the wound in my side but I was going to kill Killian. I was personally going to see to it. I found him just as he killed one of my wolves. I charged at him and we went sprawling to the ground. He growled at me viciously and scratched at my already hurt side.

                I stumbled back and whined at the pain I was in. I got back up and we circled each other. Killian made the first move and I quickly dodged swiping my paw at his side. Blood poured from the wound I had just created. Being the stupid coward he was he made a move to run but I quickly bit his leg causing him to collapse to the ground. I grabbed his neck pulling him to the middle of the fight.

                People saw what was happening so I then decided to kill him. The other side saw this and either bailed running away or submitted. This was over. It was all over. We had won. We had won the war. It had worked. We saved the future. Our future was safe but at what cost. I quickly limped behind a tree and shifted changing into a change of clothes. I walked back out and noticed others had done the same.

                People began to deal with the injured and deal with the dead. I walked around and helped the injured move to a doctor. I was quickly checked over. Some stitches were placed in my side but that was about it.

                Oliver. Help me!  

                Crap! That was Tommy. I followed his scent and found him just under a tree. A doctor was with him in human form. I looked down but blood was gushing out of the wound he had taken to the stomach. This was bad. This was so bad. I knelt beside him.       

                “Oliver. I am dying,” Tommy managed to groan out.

                “No you are not. You are going to live. Do you understand me? You will live. You have a mate. Please. Live. You are my best friend. I have known you since I was a kid. Don’t die. I order you not to die,” I spoke, a tear slipping from my eye.

                “You know that won’t work. Just look after Anna-Marie for me. Please, she is pregnant. Support her please,” Tommy just managed to choke through the blood now pouring out of his mouth.

                Pregnant? Oh my god. Tommy’s eyes began to close.

                “No TOMMY. Don’t die. Tommy. NO!” I shouted.            

                Tommy choked on his blood before closing his eyes. He took his last breath in my arms. My best friend was now dead. Dead. He was gone. I laid his body back down before some people took his body away looking at me sadly in the process. I had lost my mate and my best friend. I felt defeated even though we won the war.

                I stood up turning to see Mason and Sophie leaning over a body. Oh god no. Jackson I ran over and sure enough Jackson was on the floor. He was dying and we all could see it. Jackson noticed me and told me to come closer. I knelt beside him. He took hold of my hand.

                “Ellie won’t have left you. She wouldn’t do that. She dreamt about meeting her mate for a long time. She… w…was happy. I had never seen her as happy. We all know she saw the Moon Goddess before she l-left. What if the Moon Goddess told her to leave and run? She loves you. She will be back. T-tell her she was the d-daughter I had adopted,” Jackson wheezed.

                I nodded solemnly as I saw Mason let a tear drop from his eye. Jackson was now dead. I knew there would be losses but this was hard. I was struggling. I walked through the battlefield. I saw people die and get rescued. My father and Ellie’s father was still alive but I had lost my best friend. I watched as people took their last breath. I watched as mates came from the palace and sobbed over their lost loved one.

                I watched as Anna-Marie tumbled from the forest into the battlefield. Her hair was messy and her face was wide. I could already see tears stream down her face. She looked like a woman who had lost everything. She stumbled through the battlefield until she came upon Tommy’s body which was now tended to. She collapsed onto her knees beside his body clutching at his hand. I saw as she began to sob while clutching one hand to Tommy’s and one hand to her stomach. Her baby.

                I walked over to her as she sobbed. I saw people look on also at this horrific sight. I came beside her and I heard she was talking.

                “Tommy. I love you so much,” she sobbed.

                I pulled her too her feet and brought her so her head was leaning against my chest. I hugged her close to me as she continued to shake from her sobs.

                “Why him? Why did he have to die?” She sobbed.

                “He was an amazing person and like a brother to me. You are like my sister. I will look out for you. It will be hard but we will all support you,” I spoke quietly.

                She nodded weakly. I knew with the effect of all of this she was exhausted. I swept her off of her feet cradling her as if she was a baby with her head against my chest. I took her away from the battlefield. She had lost her other half. I let a silent tear fall for her, for she was one of many who had lost their mates.

                We won the war. We could now repair but we lost a lot of lives today. Hopefully, the Kingdom could pull through after all of this. Hopefully we would but I was alive. I was safe and so were my family. We lost less lives than I thought we would. We saved a lot of people today. That is what I was thinking. Ultimately, we won. Killian was dead. I was alive.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Basically, I couldn't wait to post this. I decided to write it straight away after the last one and decided to uploaded it straight away.

Thank you for all of the support,

Vote, Comment, Follow,


Chloe x

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