In the dead of Darkness

By hope100

135 8 1

It took a battle and a death of her closest friend to bring the vampires and the clans together. But what wil... More

In the dead of Darkness
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 9

10 1 1
By hope100

Violet's P.O.V

The clans had all arrived without delay. As i stood facing the other clan leaders all i could think was how am I going  to tell them that one of us is a traitor and is in on our plans. I moved around the outside of the room, gazing outside the windows watching some of the hunters patrolling the grounds in small groups. I felt caged in this room, with so many eyes watching me

"You're right" Kane said finally as he looked up from the maps.

"Someone has tampered with this map. None of this area should be marked, this sector here has'nt even been touched yet"

"The only people who are allowed in  this room are the clan leaders, James, Mason, Jake and Myself" I said finally, the whole room turned toward me, their eyes staring intently as if i knew the answers to he problems that lie ahead.

"Forgive me your highness, but im afraid that if this map has been altered then you are wrong" Peter said quietly. the silence in the room was deafening.

"So what do we do?" James, of course broke the silence. His voice sounding too loud for the room.

"Ill tell you what we'll do. We are going to take a group and find out why this area has been marked off and what is being kept there"

The final arrangements were put in place, a group of ten hunters, the bounty hunters, myself and James had been selected to investigate. After the arrangements were set in place everyone began to leave.

"Hold on a second" Everyone stopped and turned to face me.

"I've been thinking and with our numbers are spread thin by us being in separate areas of the country. I think that the leaders and their clans should stay here for now.

"That can't happen. There is no where near enough room for everyone to fit" James looked shocked, he spoke quickly as if he was scared of having so many people in the mansion.

"There's what, at least 50 hunters per clan and there's 10 clans so that's 500 people in one mansion. this place is big but it's not that big, It won't happen" Jake chimed in, backing up James.

"Im sorry Violet but they're both right, we won't all fit"  Amber said.

"I don't mean everyone, the clans have sister clans. Like the Blue moons and the Silverlights, Sunbeam and Starshots, My clan BlackRoses and the Shadows, Nightinggale and Darkhearts and the Mockingjays and the Serpents. So if we join the sister clans together we'll have a hundred people in one  base and i know for a fact that we can fit a hundred people in one base. So if we take ten hunters from every clan to stay here, including the Leaders we'll be better guarded and have more defence on the Mansion and on the other hunters"

"She's got a point, it would be a lot safer to have that many people in one heavily guarded base" Meghan said to the others.

"So tonight, everyone goes home. Pick ten hunters from each clan to come with you to stay here until this problem is sorted out and send the rest of the hunters to their sister clans and elect a leader in your place for them" Everyone nodded at this idea and left quickly to make preparations.

"Violet, we still are going to have difficulties fitting a hundred people in this mansion, i mean we have 50 rooms but still." i turned to face him.

"Well that means we can have three people per room. We can make this work and i know my clan sticks around here but we still need to have more of a defence or if an attack comes were going to be slaughtered"

"Don't say that vi, we could get through an attack. We've done it before" I whipped around to face James.

"Yes and my best friend died and for the next day everyone though i had died too when we were hit by that attack. So yes, we do need the extra defence because you lot didn't do a great job last time" James stared at me, i could see the anger in his eyes but i refused to say sorry. Then it hit me.

"Oh shit"

"What?" I stared at James. 

"Blane. They don't know" He slapped his forehead.



The next day the clans arrived, i had never seen this many hunters in one place aside from the rituals that used to be held, i shivered at the thought of them now. The word barbaric came to mind.

"Everyone's getting settled into their rooms, i kept girls and boys separate. Girls in the west wing and boys in the eastern wing" Mayra was almost glowing with pride as she spoke. When the task of planning rooms was put to the table Mayra jumped at the opportunity. Why? I still do not know.

"Okay, i had to shuffle around the usual residents also. So the twins are now sharing with your brother" I stiffled a laugh when May told me that, i couldn't imagine Mason sharing a room for god knows how long with Max and Hayden.

"Okay, who else was changed around?" i asked May

"Well we needed room for weapons and such so the twins had to move out  and um also James had to move out of his room" She was looking at me with a hint of nervousness.

"Okay.." I said, urging her to go on.

"And..well we don't really have any rooms in the boys wing left and the girls wing is not having a boy in it, never mind a vampire soo i was wondering if you could possibly.." she trailed off but i knew what she was getting to.

"You want me to share with James? I thought i had Blane in my room?" I said the end quietly, afraid that someone would overhear.

"Well no, he's in a room by himself in the southern wing along with our rooms because of the whole 'they don't know he's alive thing" I sighed, i needed to tell the clans about him but i had no idea how.

I sighed, "Yes alright, fine, whatever" Mayra beamed at me.

"Thanks heaps!" She then bounced off to direct some of the other clan members to their rooms.

I sighed again and walked up the stairs to my room, already some of James bags were already piled next to the door. I slammed the door closed and sat at my window seat, i don't know how long i sat there for but by the time i had snapped out of it it was going dark. I turned my head towards my door, listening with my heightened hearing to the hunters chatting at what we call the 'cross roads' a few meters down the hall. Where the East, west and southern wings meet at the main staircase.

A twig snapping in the tree across from my window made my head turn back fast. a dark shape stood in the branches opposite me.

"Hey Violet Lemme in!" I sighed and leaned over, unlocking the small golden lash and pushing the Windows out. Blane effortlessly jumped from the branch onto the window seat. 'bet i could do it even better' the smug part of me thought.

"And the door wasn't an option?" I asked.

"Well i wasn't sure if any of the hunters would be around in the wing and i didn't really wanna risk it cause i didn't think you had told them yet. Plus my new room is 4 windows away"

"Well for the record none of the hunters are allowed in the southern wing so were safe and how'd you make it here?"

"Yeah just don't ask" Blane replied standing up walking around.

I had forgotten what Blane was like as i watched him walk around my room, he'd been in here before but now, the way he walks, the way he moves. I missed this, the little things i never noticed before. but now, they're all i notice.

"Isn't this the blade you beat Kale with?" Blane picked up the sword off it's stand that stood on a table. Kale was the leader before me, he was an arrogant and volatile bastard. Im glad i took him out, this was a long time ago, well before i knew about James or my heritage. He refused to yield so i finished him.  

"No, that's just my spare" I pulled the blade out of the concealed sheath on the inside of my boots.

"This is the one" It wasn't extremly long but it was wafer thin and deadly sharp. i have had this sword for as long as i could remember, Millions of vampires had died by this blade.

""why not have a bit of fun" Blane held my spare blade in an attack position.

"Not with these, a nick would require a hospital visit, for you" still after all this time I still considered myself human. I needed to remember i am a vampire, even though nearly everyone i love is human.

I walked back to the window seat and carefully put my blade down.

"Let's settle this the old fashioned way" i turned to face Blane, a smirk on my face. He grinned in return and carefully set my spare blade back on it's stand.

James P.O.V

It was strange, seeing the mansion filled with so many people. I mean, i've grown accustomed to having Violet's clan members walking through the halls occasionally. But no where near this many people have ever been in this place for century's.

I walked through the Eastern wing, now labelled the "guys wing". the once quiet wing was now filled with the constant chatter of the combined clans, some stood in the hallway in groups, doors where open and music flowed out from a few. Silence was no longer an option to us from now on.

Some of the Violet's clan members i recognized, a few nodded to me in greeting. A couple even said hello. However Ally's clan was not so forthcoming. One or two nodded in hello to me, the rest either ignored me or just stayed clear of me. I knew it was because of the fact that im a vampire, even after everything some of them still wern't very trusting of us. Violet being their exception of course, I kept walking towards the crossroads.

Just as i got through the last of the guys that stood in the entrance to the West wing i rolled my eyes. Jake stood next to the staircase with three of the hunter girls standing around him, giggling and smiling up at him. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the little group.

"Can i talk to you?" I asked Jake.

"Can't you see im a little busy? Give me a bit" He turned back to the girls, giving them a charming smile. I think i threw up a little.

"Sorry ladies but you'll have to excuse my friend for a couple of moments" I took ahold of Jakes arm and dragged him into the Southern wing around a corner.

"What do you think your doing with hunters?"  i exclaimed.

"What im just having a chat" He said innocently.

"Yeah, like the last time you 'chatted' to a girl. i could hear you 'chatting' all night long" I added emphasis to the word chatting, just to get my point across.

"whatever, you wouldn't have minded if you were in my shoes at the time" He grinned, i rolled my eyes.

"What do you want anyway?" Jake asked me.

"I wanted to make sure you knew about the situation with Blane, no one knows about him yet and it needs to stay that way" I said, lowering my voice.

"I know, i won't say anything. When is Vi going to tell the council?"

"Tomorrow at the meeting" Jake nodded.

"Can i go now?" He asked, a grin on his face.

"If you keep me up tonight im going to kick your ass" He laughed at me.


"what the hell was that?" Jake exclaimed.

"It came from Violet's room" We looked at each other and ran.

Violets P.O.V

i stood with my fists up, Blane stood in front of me. Slowly we circled each other, he grinned at me.

"Come on Vi, you know you can't beat me" Blane took a very slight step towards me.

"I've done it before and i'll do it again" I took a step back from him.

"that so dose not count" Another step towards me.

"I know what your doing and it wont work" I said finally, taking a step to the right.

"Oh really" He replied with, taking another step around to the left.

"I watched all the fights, i know your tactics" He was trying to distract me by talking, it's how he has won alot of fights.

 "Right because yo-" I cut him off mid sentence, i lunged and knocked us both to the ground. I held both of Blanes arms down and got close to him.

"Looks like i win" I whispered with a smirk. Blane grinned back and shifted slightly, just enough to bring his knee up and hit me backwards. I skidded back a fair way on my back, as i sat up Blane lunged out for me. I put my foot up instinctively and hit him, my foot made contact with his groin and he fell backwards groaning.

"That was a cheap shot" He groaned loudly. I used this to my advantage and lunged forward, at the last minute Blane pulled his foot up, making contact with my cheek. There was a slight crack and i flew back into the wall.

"Yeah, and i took a fucking cheap shot!" I exclaimed. I held my cheek and attempted to pull myself up and stand. Blane was also trying to find his feet, both of us took some time to stand upright. We both looked at each other for a moment and ran, full speed and head on. We hit each other hard and fell to the floor in a tangle of arms and legs. Blane moved around and pinned my arms to he ground.

"now who's winning?" He asked, with a smirk.

"Me" I said, just as i bought my feet and and kicked hard. Blane flew back straight into the walk in wardrobe. Thanks god the doors were open otherwise we may have had some problems. Blane crawled to the opening of the wardrobe and looked at me, then we both pissed ourselves laughing.

Suddenly the door flew open, James and Jake stood in the doorway. The looks on their faces where a mix of shock and confusion.

"What the fuck?" Jake exclaimed.

James P.O.V

Violet sat on the floor, a black eye, broken cheek bone and split lip already healing over. A groan came from the wardrobe and a very sore looking Blane crawled just within the doorway.

"What the fuck?" Jake exclaimed. Violet and Blane both looked at each other and burst into laughter. Jake and myself just stared, confused and dumbfounded at the two people that lay in front of us.

"Are you okay blane?" I asked, still more laughter. He fell back onto the ground and continued to laugh. A thumbs up signaled that he wasn't seriously hurt.

"Violet are you okay" More laughter was our reply. I looked at Jake.

"Can you help Blane, i'll get Vi" He nodded and walked over to where Blane lay on the ground, rolling around laughing. I moved over to where Violet was laying on the ground, also rolling around laughing.i put my arm under her and half carried her to the edge of the bed.

Jake walked slowly over with Blane, holding him up with one arm.

"Cheater!" Blane exclaimed.

"No way!, you took a pretty cheap shot with my cheek" Violet exclaimed back.

"Okay, Blane you need to rest. Jake can you take him back to his room?" Jake nodded and helped Blane out.

"Well were going to have to have a rematch" He called over his shoulder.

"It's on bitch! Im gonna win!" Violet yelled after him.

"Keep dreaming" Blane replied. I turned to Violet.

"What the heck was that and no way are you doing that again, look what happened to you" I said, very gently brushing her cheek.

"Im fine and we do it all the time. It's just play fighting, like baby leopards do or sparring if that makes it easier to understand plus i wasn't using my inhuman strength, i held back so we were matched" I looked at her.

"Honestly James i am fine. I've seen worse injuries come out of a session like that"

"Just, can you wear protective stuff next time, i know you won't get hurt but it would make me feel alot better" Violet smiled at me, oh did it make my heart ache for her.

"Okay" I wasn't expecting that, she never ust agrees with me anymore.

"You need to eat and i know you don't like it but you have to. Especially if you want to fight like that whenever you get bored" She smiled weakly.

"Would it make you feel better if i ate as well?" I asked softly.

"Yeah, it'd make me feel a little less  , well dead aha" Violet looked away for a moment. I knew she was still uncomfortable about drinking blood, that was one of the reasons why we gave her a mini fridge in her room. That way she doesn't have to eat in front of everyone and it just makes things easier.

I walked over and took out two blood bags from the fridge and walked into the bathroom, filling the sink up with hot water and placing the bags in. after a few moments Violet wandered in, leaning against the door frame.

"Im sorry" She said finally, after what seemed like hours of silence.

"What for?" I asked, not looking up from the blood. I could feel her eyes on me, again more silence between us.

"For pushing you away, i know it was wrong and it caused you a lot of pain, and im sorry for it all" Violet turned to walk away, i blurred behind her and grabbed her hand before she could walk out.

"don't be sorry. You where going through a lot and it was too much" I stood close to her now, the smell of musk and roses rolled off her hair in soft waves, the warmth of her lips and the softness of her skin. I craved for violet and she knew it.

"No, it's no excuse. I needed help and i was too stubborn and proud" She shook her head, still refusing to turn around. I pulled her gently against my chest, she fell back softly without resistance.

"I love you Violet. Nothing will ever change that" I said to her quietly. She still wouldn't turn around.

"I love you too" It was very faint, almost too faint for even vampire hearing to pick up. But in the silence her words echoed. Before either of us could think or react i turned her around and kissed her. It was slow at first but the kiss soon grew faster, more needy and passionate.

violets arms went around my neck and mine slid around her waist. It felt right, everything dissapeared for a moment. The anger, the stress, the fear of the rebels, all the hunters currently in our home, everything just melted away. And for the brief moment, I felt sure that we would win. 


hey guys, im really sorry about the delay ive been going through alot lately but here it is the next chapter! let me know what you think

Till next time

hope oxox

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