The World's Most Wanted

By ObsessedWithY0uTube

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(Warning: Mature) Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg (PewDiePie) is the leader of the most dangerous gang in the worl... More

Prologue: Fact File & Teaser
Chapter 1: The Past..
Chapter 2: This Moment In Time..
Chapter 3: Serious Mission..
Chapter 4: Repeated Problems..
Chapter 5: Brutal Rampage..
Chapter 6: Confrontation..
Chapter 7: Much Needed Rest..
Chapter 8: Long Journey..
Chapter 9: Overblown Situation..
Chapter 10: Highway Drive
Chapter 11: Improvised Plans..
Chapter 12: Flashbacks..
Chapter 13: Escape Route..
Chapter 14: Fellow Criminal..
Chapter 15: Just In Time..
Chapter 16: A Bumpy Ride..
Chapter 17: New Jersey..
Chapter 18: Her Story..
Chapter 19: Unexpected..
Chapter 20: Stealth Mission.. (Part 1)
Chapter 21: Stealth Mission.. (Part 2)
Chapter 23: Bittersweet..
Chapter 24: Harsh Aftermath..
Chapter 25: Dreaded Reality..
Not-So Secret Project

Chapter 22: Close Call..

169 11 5
By ObsessedWithY0uTube

Chapter 22: Close Call..

Felix Kjellberg

We all clambered out of the vents, and made it back to the police station roof, our plan was most of the way complete and we just had one more thing left to do... Rebecca, Sean, Mark and I made our way back down to main ground, it seemed like we hadn't drawn attention and that we'd be able to escape freely. No really suspicious cops or anything, we plainly thought we were safe.
The four of us sprinted into the nearest alleyway, turned a corner and hid behind the wall, so we could talk discreetly.

"Any suspicious activity while in the vents?" Rebecca asked, just about catching her breath.

"Yeah a little." Sean panted as he attempted to talk clearly.

I explained, "Apparently the cops know our names now, and a witness told them our names." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Shit.." Mark mumbled, "Do you think it was a fan?"

"We don't know, all we know is that it was an eye-witness." I responded.

"Well, what about Cry and Aaron? Could they have told them?" Sean inquired, "I mean they didn't say where they were going.."

"Sean, how can you say that?" I grumbled, "Do you know how much they've helped us? We'd be in prison already if it weren't for them."

"Anyway.." Mark winced a little as he clutched his stomach, "It can't have been them, they're criminals themselves, they'd be asked for names and everything."

"They could've used fake names for all we know! And besides, it was anonymous anyway." Sean sighed, running his hand through his green hair.

"I doubt it Sean." I replied.

"They know how much of a risk it is to use fake names, we nearly got caught out last time we used fake names. If we couldn't do it, then how could they?" Mark answered, wincing again from the unimaginable, pulsing pain in his stomach.

"Are you sure you're okay Mark? Seriously, your wound could be infected.." Rebecca questioned, seeming quite concerned.

"Nah, don't worry Becca.. I'm alright." Mark insisted, returning a genuine smile.

With Rebecca beside Mark, I noticed their height difference, Rebecca was short, but she wasn't too short, she seemed about a few inches shorter than Mark, maybe more. Her height looked to be about 5'5.

"So did you guys seem to hear anything suspicious?" Sean crossed his arms casually.

"No, not really." Rebecca shook her head, "There were quite a few cops below us, but we couldn't really hear what they were saying."

"Most of it was just unimportant bullshit to be honest.." Mark chuckled a little.

Sean Mcloughlin

"So er.. Where's the detonator?" I queried.

"I've got it." Mark admitted, he opened his mouth to talk again but was interrupted by Felix.

"We shouldn't detonate the bombs yet." Felix stated, "It's still quite early."

"Well, its nearly 8am." Rebecca stated, "Wouldn't most cops be at work by now?"

"I don't know, I don't work at a police station, do I?" Felix muttered.

"I think we should just get it over and done with, blow it up and get the hell out." I suggested.

"Yeah but what use is it if it doesn't affect anybody?" Felix questioned, making a somewhat valid point.

"Felix, from the way we all placed the C4 its going to explode and leave fires behind anyway." Rebecca explained, "If the initial explosion doesn't kill anybody, and I highly doubt it won't, then they'll be left for dead in the fires because those selfish bastards only give a shit about themselves and their job. They'll die trying to save their own asses."

Felix sighed, "Alright, fi--" He was cut off to the sound of sirens, we all quickly stayed hidden behind the wall, hoping the sirens would disappear off to somewhere else.

But they didn't... They stayed in one place and soon abruptly stopped.

"Are you sure they're around here?" One male officer spoke.

"Yes I'm sure, what do you think all the noises in the vents were at least someone had to have been up there." The other female officer explained.

We remained silent.

"Yeah, but we don't know for sure." He continued, "And if its a hoax, we're just wasting time! So just give it up Alice."

"Ugh fine." Alice grumbled, "Not like we're gonna find them anyway."

The four of us sighed in relief, thankful that we didn't draw suspicions or get caught.

Mark Fischbach

"Fucking hell, they really are desperate to find us." I whispered.

"Yeah, no shit." Sean smirked, shaking his head.

"Ah shut up dickhead." I retorted jokingly.

"Alright if we want to get as many people as possible, then we have to time this correctly." Rebecca instructed. "If we detonate everything too soon then we might not get enough people even if we did place the C4 correctly."

"When should we detonate it then?" Felix asked.

"I mean... I don't know at the moment, but soon.." Rebecca replied.

Staying in the alleyways for a while longer, we talked about what we'd do after New Jersey. We had a lot of plans, like where we'd go, what weapons we would aim to get, what we'd do to kill more cops...
Our conversation was cut short, when we heard yelling, police officers yelling...

"Felix Kjellberg! Sean Mcloughlin! Mark Fischbach! Rebecca Valenté!" They shouted.

"We want you to come out behind cover and put your hands on your head now!"

"Fuck. What do we do?!" I hissed, looking at Felix instantaneously.

"I don't fucking know!" Felix whispered, "We're screwed, they know where we are, they could track us."

"There's gotta be something we can do.." Sean mumbled.

"Fuck.." Rebecca murmured under her breath. "Alright, I've got an idea.."


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please follow me and add to your library to find out when I update, a vote is always appreciated :3.
Apologies once again
for the short chapter.
More chapters
coming soon!

So stay tuned and...


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