Room Mates || Jack.Maynard

By emxwebb

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"thats my favourite song you're listening to you know" "thats where you'r... More



881 20 17
By emxwebb



I woke up this morning with something jabbing me in my ribs. It took about five seconds for realisation to come back and my memories of last night to return.

I looked to my left seeing Emily's head leaning against the sofa frame with light snores escaping her mouth and her legs tangled in mine. Her elbow was in my rib.

She looked so peaceful.

I rested my head back where it was when I woke up and closed my eyes. Rather than falling asleep, questions clouded my thoughts about Emily.

Why did I get so jealous when she was talking about Josh?

Why did I feel completely speechless when I saw her last night.

And why the fuck are we cuddling when we're supposed to hate eachother?

I started to get cramp in my neck so I turned on my side to try and get comfy, resting my head on Emily's shoulder. As I'd turned, I must've accidentally crushed her foot causing her to groan and flutter her eyes open.



I was awoken this morning by Jack squashing my food with his arse. He shot me and apologetic look but laughed as I turned to face him.

"I don't really think waking me up by breaking my fucking foot is funny you know." I chuckled while stretching my arms.

"Naaa I'm laughing at the birds nest on your head" he answered while prodding my head.

"Jack, your hair is just as bad as mine." I replied while he ruffled his bleached blonde hair.

"So what time do we need to be at Joe's later?" I asked while grabbing my phone from the coffee table.

"I think he said one?" He said more like a question.

"Well it's currently eleven soo I'm gonna go have a shower." I stood up and bent backwards make my spine crack.

"Well I need one too so don't take as long as you did the other day." He smirked. "And don't sing either. I don't think my ears can take anymore."

"Oh you loved it, don't even complain." I shouted while walking around the corner to my room to grab my towels.

I've always preferred showers to baths. Probably because the idea of sitting in your own dirt and sweat and then washing your hair in it didn't really appeal to me. Showers, in my opinion, were much more relaxing.

I left my phone in my room so I wasn't tempted to play my music. Mainly because Conor and Liv were still asleep but I wanted a quick shower, so I have more time to get ready.

There was no particular reason I wanted to look nice today.... Yeah I'm only going to film a video with a guy I've had a crush on for about a year... Other than that though, no reason at all.

I switched the water off and wrapped a towel around my body and another around my head.

Liv always shouted at me for 'wasting too many towels'. I just scoffed everytime. They're towels not food. Not that food would ever get wasted anyway.

Once I was in my room I sauntered over to my wardrobe, picking out my outfit for the day.

I finally decided on some grey high waisted jeans and a black adidas tshirt with the white stripes on each shoulder. I paired it with my white converse and my gold watch.

I decided to wear my regular eyeshadow and winged liner with some mascara and foundation with matte powder. I then straightened my naturally wavy hair, putting a hair tie on my wrist, just incase.

I took one last look of myself in the mirror before walkng out of room to be faced with Liv, still in her pyjamas.

She smiled at me and said "you look nice. Is it because Josh is gonna be there?" She laughed and nudged me as I slumped down beside her.

"Not necessarily. And what if I just want to look nice for myself for once?" I raised an eyebrow to her.

"Fair enough." She sighed. "And I've also recently noticed you and Jack have been very friendly since we moved here." She sipped her cup of tea while keeping her eyes trained on me.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I needed a drink in the middle of the night and I saw you both cuddling on the couch." She smirked.

"We werent cuddling Liv." I assured her

"What were you doing then? Being eachothers pillows for the night because you're both single losers?" She chuckled.

"Oh shut up and go get a shower you smelly bitch." I shoved her as she ran away laughing.



The cab had arrived about ten minutes ago to pick me and the other three up to take us to Joe's. We decided on a taxi because we'd been asked to go out after and we would most likely end up drunk.

Don't drink and drive kids.

The car had pulled up to a building similar to what ours looked like. White, nicely kept but a bit busier than ours. I pain the driver and we all walked into the lobby of the apartment building when we were stopped by someome shouting our names. We all turned to be greeted by Caspar.

"Heyy, haven't seen you guys in a while." He greeted all of us, each of us sending friendly waves and smiles back.

"What floor is Joe on again? I always forget." Jack asked Caspar.

"3rd. Wow you still have a really bad memory" he chuckled as we walked to the lift.

"Always have. Must get it from my mum." He laughed awkwardly while scratching his neck.

We all crammed in the elevator and pressed the floor number. It cant be just me that hates the awkward but slightly porno sounding music that almost every single lift has, but at the same time I still sway my head to the tune.

The doors opening snapped me out of my daze and we all scurried out, following Caspar to Joe's apartment.

Caspars knuckles had barely even touched the door before it swung open and Joe's smiley face appeared.

"Hiya! Welcome to my humble abode, where all the magic happens." He said and welcomed us into his surprisingly very tidy home.

"The only magic that happens here, is me being here on time." Caspar declares.

"I know, did you shit the bed or something?" Joe laughed.

"I may have done, you don't have to judge." Caspars remark made everyone laugh as we made our way to the living room.

When we got there, Josh was sat with his freakishly long legs crossed, his eyes trained to his phone.

It was only when Jack sat next to him that he's looked up and smiled to us all.

"Oh hi" he waved and smiled. "Sorry I was texting my mum. She worries if I dont reply" he laughed awkwardly.

"Whelp, were all here now so lets start filming." Joe said. We all nodded and he disappeared around the corner.

He came back with a big filming light under one arm and his tripod and camera under the other. The remaining five of us, not counting joe, had all crammed on the four seater sofa.

How Joe was gonna fit in the middle I didn't even know.

It was Josh on the end, them Conor, Liv, me and lastly Jack. Once Joe had finished setting up he turned and his eyes widened.

"Are you sure it's a good idea for Emily and Jack to be sat together?" He asked cautiously.

"They're friends now. I mean, I caught them cuddling last night on the sofa." Liv chuckled.

"We weren't cuddling, we were watching netflix and fell asleep." Jack pointed out. I nodded furiously in response.

"Ahh so netflix was involved too? Some might say... Netflix and chill perhaps?" Joe quirked am eyebrow.

"How about we film your video now Joe?" I asked.

I like Josh, the cute, lanky ginger sat across the sofa from me.

Not Jack.

"Touched a raw nerve there I see?" Joe laughed while pressing record and squashing between Jack and I.


We were halfway through the video, Jack was currently in the lead with four cards, then Joe with three, me and Josh with two then Liv and Conor with one.

The cards I'd won were for most pictures on my camera roll and the ugliest selfie.

Not a title I was proud of but it was my own fault for saving ugly photos of myself because they were funny at the time.

The last question, however, I snatched the card by far.

"Who's phone has the most photos of animals on the camera roll?" Liv asked.

I counted a total of nine while everyome had either none or about one or two.

"In my defense though, have you seen my little patterdale back at home with my mum?" I asked while receiving the card from Liv's hand.

"I think a better question would be who hasn't seen your little patterdale" Conor replied.

"True, I mean, she is all over my instagram." I nodded.


We'd gotten a taxi back to our appartment but Joe and Josh had come with us. We came home to get changed for the club but they decided it would be easier to come with us than meet us there.

I ran to my room and slipped on a dark khaki coloured low cut bodycon dress. It was honestly my favourite dress and I was literally just waiting for an excuse to wear it. Atleast now I have one. I paired it with some black heels, not too high since I was fairly tall already.

I felt satisfied with my appearance and left my room after spritzing myself with some perfume.

I walked down the wood floors to where everyone was sat. All heads were turned amd everyones eyes were trained on me


I attempted to write this yesterday but was that tired my fingers wouldn't even type properly.

Also I have on false nails and it took probably twice as long as what it would usually.

The struggles

-Em x

2nd September 2016

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