Illegal Innocence (Student/Te...

By InkedValkyrie

5.4M 103K 23.2K

What happens when you fall in love.... illegally? Do you avoid it, or continue with it? Avery Winters is faci... More

Author's Note (11.23.2017)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 11

148K 2.7K 303
By InkedValkyrie

Chapter 11

I sat under the palm tree, loving the warmth the sun gave me. Hunter was next to me, fiddling with my fingers and talking about something that happened in baseball practice. I wasn't listening, though. For the past week all I could think about was Mr. Taylor. What happened in the classroom, what he said to me... how I felt... everything. It was eating away at me, and I could hardly look at Hunter in the eye. I knew that he knew something was wrong, too, but I told him it was nothing important. Boy, was that an understatement.


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Hunter. "Yes?"

"What's wrong? You've been like this all week. Did I do something to upset you?" he asked with a worried face.

"No, of course you didn't. Just family drama is all," I said, reassuring him. He still didn't look like he believed me, so I kissed him, hard and strong. To my relief, there was a spark between us. Not as powerful as the kiss I shared with Mr. Taylor, but there was still a spark. That's all that mattered... right? I pulled back and gave him the best forced smile I could give him. "Satisfied?"

"And wanting more," he replied with a wicked smile. I laughed and kissed him again, but pulled back when I heard a cough from behind me.

"Get a room guys, seriously." Oh joy, it was Chloe.

"Hey, Chloe," I said, giving her a smile. "What's up?"

"Oh, you know," she said, sitting next to me. "School. What about you two lovebirds? Getting into it, I see." She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"We were just kissing," I said.

"Looked like a little more that kissing to me," Daniel said from behind Hunter, who was moving his way around him to sit by us. "Chloe's right, you two need a room." I chuckled when Hunter punched him playfully on the arm.

"Whatever, dude," he said. "Hey, when's our game on Saturday?"

I turned to Chloe as the boys got into a discussion about baseball. I took a French fry from her plate and ate it. "So, how is your quest for love so far?"

Over the past couple of days, Chloe was finally sick and tired of seeing all of the happy couples around her. And when I told her Hunter and I were now together, she finally just snapped. She's been looking for the right guy, but so far, she's had no luck.

"Still on the search," she commented, shoving three fries into her mouth. She motioned me closer, so I edged away from Hunter and leaned closer to Chloe so she could whisper in my ear. "I know this sounds crazy, but I think I might like Daniel."

"What?!" I exclaimed. Both of the boys looked at us with clueless faces, but I waved them away. "It's nothing, it's nothing."

"Shut up, Avery!" she whispered loudly, clearly furious.

"Sorry," I whispered. "But why Daniel?"

"Why Hunter?" she shot back. I opened my mouth to reply, but I was cut off by the loud chimes echoing through the courtyard, dismissing lunch for the students. I sighed furiously, not wanting to have to go to next period. Mr. Taylor hadn't been in class ever since what happened, but still... That was last week and I was sure he'd be in school today.

"Alright," Chloe sighed, picking up her bag from beside us. "Let's get to class. Hopefully we'll have another substitute."

"Yeah," I laughed nervously. "Hopefully." I went to get up, but was pulled back by Hunter grabbing my arm.

"Not so fast," he said. I sat back onto the ground and felt his lips on mine in seconds. I smiled under the kiss, trying not to laugh. Hunter was so sweet, which made me feel even guiltier about what happened. If I ever told him what happened, let alone that I actually liked it, it would break his heart.

"Alright, let's go," Chloe said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me away from him. Hunter let go of me as I was being pulled up, but winked at me before I was turned around and pulled away. "Bye guys!"

"Bye Hunter!" I said loudly, waving to both of the boys. "Bye Daniel!"

"Bye!" they said in unison.

Chloe and I walked up the stairs to the second floor and into the building. Every step I took towards the classroom made me more nervous. I was about to just skip class all together before the door opened as I reached for the silver handle. My stomach dropped when I saw his face.

"Oh, hello Avery. Hello Chloe." He greeted us with a friendly smile and opened the door wider. "How was lunch?"

"Not long enough," Chloe said, just as friendly, only half-joking. "Welcome back, Mr. Taylor."

"Thank you Chloe," he said. He looked at me, and only then had I noticed I had been staring at him. But not just at him; into his eyes. His brilliant, coffee-brown eyes. He nodded and me, and I looked down at the ground. "Are you okay, Avery?"

"I'm fine," I snapped. Not bothering to look at either one of their shocked faces, I brushed past them and went into the classroom. I made my way to my seat at the far end of the room by the window and sat down. Chloe was right behind me and sat in her seat that was in front of mine.

"What the hell, Avery?" he whispered. "What'd he ever do to you?"

More than you'll ever know, I thought bitterly. Finally looking at her, I said, "I'm just not in the best mood right now."

"Well that doesn't give you the right to snap at our teacher like that," she said, turning around. What the hell? Was she defending him? Over her best friend?

"Whatever," I muttered, trying not to get angry at Chloe as well. I stared at one of the pencil markings on my desk as my classmates filled their seats little by little. The late bell finally rang throughout the classroom and a moment later Mr. Taylor walked to the front of the class.

"Hey guys, I'm back," he announced. "Sorry I was gone so long. There was a family emergency. Now let's discuss chapter three in your books."

I pulled my book out of my backpack and put it on top of my desk, but didn't even bother opening it. This was another class period that I just wanted to tune out of. The rest of the class shuffled to find their books while I just sat there, staring at thing after thing- the back of Chloe's head, out the window at the huge tree, the pencil marks- anything to keep away from taking a glance at Mr. Taylor. He got into a discussion with the class about the book, which soon turned into a debate.

Every once in a while, I would steal a glance at him, when I couldn't feel his gaze on me. I knew he stole glances at me, too. Unfortunately, he decided that looking at me wasn't enough. He thought talking to me in front of the class would be better.

"Avery, what did you think about the chapter?" he asked. I finally decided to look up at him and stare.

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded. To be honest, I was hardly listening to him until he said my name. And the way he said my name sent chills throughout my whole body. I felt the goose bumps rising, but I shook off the feeling as best as I could and sat up.

"Avery, please pay attention," he scolded. There was no seriousness in his voice, which led me to believe that he wasn't seriously scolding me.

"Yes, sir," I said, forcing my voice to stay calm.

"Thank you," he said, turning away to ask more questions. I sighed in relief silently, then tried to pay attention as best as I could, not wanting him to talk to me anymore.

I must have stared at the clock for what felt like hours, because my neck was sore by the time the dismissal bell rang. Quickly dropping my book into my back, I debated on being either the first one out the door or blending into the crowd of students wanting to all get out of the same door at once. Like a dumbass, I chose the second one.

"Ms. Winters, I need to speak with you." I stopped dead, letting the other students pass me. I turned around, putting on a brave and calm face.


He looked past me at the door, waiting and watching. Once the last student was out of the room and the door clicked shut, he got up from the stool. "Avery, I'm sorry about last week. I shouldn't have done that."

"No kidding," I commented. "What we did was wrong, Mr. Taylor."

"Yes, I know," he said, letting out a frustrated sigh. "I know."

We stood there, in an awkward silence, just staring at each other. Finally taking the first move, I turned slightly. "I need to get to class."

He grabbed my wrist as I turned. I looked at him and shot him a look. Before I could say anything, he said, "Avery, you can't tell anyone about what happened."

"I promised I wouldn't," I whispered, letting my wrist dangle in his firm grip. "Just don't let it happen again."

"Okay," he agreed. He let go of my wrist and I walked out the door. "Goodbye Avery."



I flopped down onto my bed, letting out a sigh and releasing all of the stress that piled up throughout the day. Most of the day was filled with thinking about Mr. Taylor. The electrifying shock I got when he grabbed me still tingled on my wrist. Even when I was with Hunter at the end of the day- when he held me, when he kissed me, and when he just looked at me- it wasn't the same with him. I felt like a terrible girlfriend. The first real relationship I've had in my life and I'm going to go and screw it up with my teacher.

"God, I'm such a slut," I mumbled into my pillow.

"Why do you say that?"

I jumped and sat up on my bed. Josh was standing at my door, leaning on the frame, holding a banana in one hand and a soccer ball in another. I also noticed he had a gym bag on his shoulder.

"What do you want?" I groaned.

"Mom's busy and I need a ride to soccer practice," he explained. I groaned even louder, but this time it was into my pillow.

"Fine," I said, tossing my pillow aside and grabbing my keys from the table. Making sure I had my phone and a book, I walked with Josh downstairs and out the door. "You owe me." We got into the car and I started it up.

"No, mom owes you," he corrected me as I pulled out of the driveway.

"Why can't you just ride your bike?" I asked. "Or hey, here's an idea, why not run? You're in soccer, right?"

"Hahaha," he said, mocking a fake laugh. "Very funny."

"It wasn't a joke," I commented, flipping on the radio.

"What's up your butt?" he asked. "And why did you say you were such a slut?"

"None of your business."

"Not my fault you keep your door open to the world when you say that stuff," he pointed out. Okay, he had a point there, but still, it was none of his business. The last person who would understand my situation was Josh.

"Am I staying with you, or can I leave?" I asked, pulling into the parking lot to the soccer fields.

"Whatever you want to do," he said. "Just know that you'll have to come back in an hour."

I let out a tired sigh. "Guess I'm staying then." We got out of the car and walked past the white, plastic gates surrounding the soccer park. He walked over to one of the soccer fields, while I walked over to the metal bleachers. I sat down and flipped open my book, continuing to read it.

I didn't know how long it had been since I had gotten there, but I remember looking up to see a familiar individual about ten yards away from me.

"God dammit, I can't win," I whispered. He waved at me, so I forced a smile. My heart dropped to my stomach when he walked over to me. I leaned up against the railing of the bleachers and greeted the coolness of it.

"Hello, Avery," he said, propping his elbow up on the lower part of the railing.

"Hi," I replied. "What are you doing here?"

"My niece had soccer," he said.

"Your niece?"

"Yeah. I promised my brother I would take her," he said. "What about you?"

"My brother had soccer," I explained. "Mom was busy so I'm stuck here."

He stared at me for a moment, thinking. "I know this is probably pushing it, but would you like some company?"

"What?" I said, shocked. This guy was pushing it. But strangely, I wanted his company. I wouldn't mind it one bit, actually. "I guess so."

He sat a few seats down from me and leaned his back up against the railing, then stared at me. "What are you reading?"

I showed him the cover, but flipped it closed a second later after he nodded. It's not like I would be reading any time soon, anyways. I glanced at my watch. I had exactly seven minutes before Josh's soccer practice was over. Hopefully the time would pass.

"I'm going to be honest, this is really awkward," I blurted before I could stop myself.

He nodded. "Yeah, kind of awkward."

We stared at each other, but I jumped when I heard an unfamiliar ringtone blast from somewhere. Mr. Taylor pulled one out of his pocket and answered the phone.

"Hello?" he said. I watched his lips as he talked into the phone, feeling the wave of guilt wash over me again and again. "Yeah, okay. Bye."

"Who was that?" I asked as he hung up.

"My brother," he said. He turned to me and gave an apologetic look. "I'm sorry but I have to go. I'll see you in school tomorrow, Avery."

Before I could even realize he was leaving, he had already gotten up and walked half way to the parking lot.

"Uh, bye!" I yelled after him. Seeing him twice in one day wasn't exactly what I had planned... but I liked the idea of being around him. I couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to be around him. I didn't feel this way about Hunter, which made it worse. If anything, I should want him more than anything right now. I wanted to forget everything that happened, and have things go back to normal. I wanted Hunter to be my normal boyfriend, I wanted a normal English teacher who didn't have feelings for me, and most importantly, I wanted to not question my feelings for both Hunter and Mr. Taylor.

But something told me I wouldn't get my way this time.  

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