Undercover Gangleader

By Darkfairytale1234

770K 19.4K 2.5K

You know the normal cliche of the nerd secretly being a street fighter and the bad boy just so happens to fin... More

Undercover Gangleader
Prologue 1
Prologue 2
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter TwentyOne
Chapter TwentyTwo
Chapter TwentyThree
Chapter TwentyFour
Chapter TwentyFive
Chapter TwentySix
Chapter TwentySeven
Chapter TwentyEight
Chapter TwentyNine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter ThirtyOne
Chapter ThirtyTwo
Chapter ThirtyThree
Chapter ThirtyFour
Chapter ThirtyFive
Chapter ThirtySix
Chapter ThirtySeven
Chapter ThirtyEight
Chapter ThirtyNine
Chapter Forty
Chapter FortyOne
Chapter FortyTwo
Chapter FortyThree
Chapter FortyFour
Chapter FortyFive
Chapter FortySix
Chapter FortySeven
Chapter FortyEight
Chapter FortyNine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter FiftyOne
Chapter FiftyTwo
Chapter FiftyTwo
Chapter FiftyThree
Chapter FiftyFour
Chapter FiftyFive
Chapter FiftySix
Chapter FiftySeven
Chapter FiftyEight
Chapter FiftyNine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter SixtyOne
Chapter SixtyTwo
Sequel- Chapter One!!

Chapter FortyFive

6.7K 203 55
By Darkfairytale1234

^^Just to cheer everyone up some^^

Xavier's POV

I drive into the school, exhaustion touching my eyes from the adventure of trying to hunt Asher last night with her dad. We had searched until eleven a clock last night until he had called me telling me he had found her at Hana's house. I rub at my face, not wearing my glasses just yet and yawn as I pull into a parking spot. People cluster around the front of the building, all standing in one place and unmoving. I squint and grab my glasses and car keys before sliding out of my car and walking across the parking lot. People glance at me, some seeming frozen and unaware of their surrounding, while other stand with pity and guilt."oh my god." One whispers and I lower my eyebrows. I push my way through the crowd and come to a stop in the front of the crowd, as the vice principal looks at us with sadness.
"For those of you who don't know, we have cancelled school today. Tomorrow will be a half day and the next will be back to normal. All your parents or guardians will be getting a phone call explaining it further. One of our students have been in an accident and we've issued a day off for the students. Thank you." She yells out to all of us, a single tear going down her cheek making her foundation to run slightly. She rubs at her already smeared eyes and similes at us all." Please keep her in your prayers." She goes back into the school doors, leaving us all to stand by ourselves. I look amount the crowd to see Daniel squinting at the front doors as he takes his phone out of his pocket.
I hesitate seeing his black eye and realizing he's more than likely found out I left him at the arcade. I grunt before making my up to him and asking," Do you know who it is?"
He shakes his head and punches a number into his phone before bringing it up to his ear." No, but if any of us do its Hana or Asher. They know everything about the school."
Besides the fact that a group of terrorist are watching it..... I nod and wait as he waits with the phone held up to his ear and he glances around.
"Hana?" His face freezes slightly and he scrunches his face as she no doubt yells at him over the phone, the sound of her voice filling the air proving it." Whatever, I don't want to talk about any of that. Do you know who was in the wreck?" He tenses and begins to walk out of the crowd, me following behind." No it's not a cruel joke, why would it be? Do you know or not?" We get out from the crowd and he comes at a stop at the tree, his face lacking it's not a color." What? When?" His face slowly drains into a paler color with every second he talks, and his lips tremble slightly." O-okay. Um..... I know, I know. Yeah, who? Who's Kevin? Yeah, yeah, I'll tell him when I find him... Yeah, Xavier to. Yeah. K, bye."
He looks up at me, a slight switch in his upper lip, his face gone completely white." She knew who was in the hospital."
"Kevin Who?"
"Kevin Gates." Daniel answers back, his voice slightly higher pitched than usual." Apparently a new friend of Asher's. Though lately she's been getting a lot of those."
"Just shut up with the jealous shit and look for him."
"I'm not jealous and don't tell me what to do. You're probably jealous under that very bad act you got going on. We all know your after Asher too. Hell you left me in the arcade just to help the little princess."
"I left you in the fucking arcade because you deserved what you got. You went to far and anyone who says something like that deserves worse of what you got. Now shut the fuck up and search for him before he leaves."
"I said don't tell me what to do man." He shoves my arm slightly, and lifts his chin up to me." Say it again, I dare you."
People glance our way and I chuckle under my breath, looking down at him." And what are you going to do if i do repeat myself? Take out your Pokemon cards and challenge me to a battle?"
He clusters when people of the crowd laugh at him and he brings his elbow back before swinging at up at my face. My hand comes up and closes around his small ball of a fist and grin down at him." Let me go man. I swear I'll hurt you."
I sneer down at him and squeeze down in his fist, making him help out and shrink in pain." You won't do anything but whine. Because that's all you know how to do. Whine and be a bully to people when in reality the only fighting you can do is behind a remote controller. This isn't GTA bitch, you only have one life." He yells out and throws his other fist my way and I grab that one as well before twisting him around and kicking him to the ground." Have you ever even been in a fight?" I chuckle before grabbing him by the neck of the shirt and picking him up off the ground. I bring my fist back and punch him in the face, his head flinging back and blood squirting out onto the ground. I tighten my trip on the back of his neck before pushing it downwards, the time I get on one knee, making his head come in contact with my leg. A crunch comes from his nose as blood comes out from both his mouth and nose. I raise back up, leaving him onto the ground and look up to see everyone looking up at me." Now that I have all of your alls attention. Has anyone seen a Kevin Gates?"
The crowd tense at my gaze and I look over the crowd, my eyes landing on a tall guy with his hand slightly raised." I don't know if I want to enter this circle or not after what I just saw. I don't remember doing anything to offend you..."
I chuckle and wipe my bloody hand into my white shirt." Funny. No, we have somethings to discuss."
He nods and I signal him to my car and begin to walk towards it. I glance back at him, not placing this kid from anywhere and wondering how Asher meet him." You a new student?" He nods and I squint, looking straight ahead." Do you know Asher?" A small smile comes to his face as he nods again and I squint slightly more." She was in an accident." His smile instantly wipes off and I fold my arms over my chest as we get to my car." Hop in. I have jolly ranchers."
"Three broken bones. She'll probably have to stay in a wheelchair for about a month, a slight concussion to the head, and a lot of scratches and cuts. We've stopped the bleeding but considering she needs surgery on her left foot we decided to not stitch up the wounds until after the procedure."
Her dad stares at the wall, as a blonde woman pats his back- tears staining her cheeks and her face half bare of any makeup." When will the surgery be?"
"The closest being tomorrow, meaning we'll have to keep her sedated until she has it so she doesn't feel the pain of the leg."
"Will she be back to her normal self after everything heals?"
"Yes, it all depends on the will power she puts into recovering. With all her effort, I say she'd back to her exercise habits as right now in maybe a year, maybe a little less. But then she could forever have troubles out of that leg or maybe have a limp,that being the worse case scenario."
She nods as Asher's dad sits back and looks up at the ceiling, his arms folded over his chest, his eyes unblinking." When will she be back conscious?" He asks, talking for the first time since I've been here. His voice comes out broken and off, as if he's he's keeping his self back from crying.
"About two days. We don't want to set a final time considering you never know in these situations." The doctor looks at all of us, his blonde hair out of its gelled style from the times he's ran his hands through it." We're very sorry Mr. And Mrs. Knight." I tense at the name, knowing it from somewhere yet not knowing where... I'll have to ask Blade." If there's anything we can do-"
"We're fine. You can leave now." Asher's farther cuts him off and the doctor frowns before nodding and walking down the hall." God, I really fucking hate myself."
The woman frowns and says to him,"Don't. It's not your fault-"
"It's exactly my fault! I was image one who made her cry and drive out of the parking lot. I was the one who chased her out of the house and made her speed up because of following her! I watched the truck hit right into her. Her head went through the he window and back in. I was there when she asked for me even though we had currently been fighting. I'm the cause of all of this!"
"Honey, don't say that. Asher wouldn't want you-
"Asher doesn't care anymore! She told me so herself! I ruined that relationship I formed with our daughter over the years, over a simple spoiled brat. I once again didn't hear her side of the story and hurt her feelings! I didn't even need to be a father, lord know ms I suck at being one. I left you all, came back, then left again. I came back not knowing my own daughter over a simple fucking job-"
"Calm down! Your both alike meaning you both are to stubborn for you own good. Of course you two are going to get into fights, but don't beat yourself up over it. And your a great father, there wasn't a day that went by that she didn't mention something about you."
"What about the role of a husband? How'd I do with that? Like Asher said. I'm a nobody, a no account. All I know is my childish and old ways. I'm not made for a family."
"Of course you are. I see the way you look at Asher when she showed you the awards she got when you were gone. I see the way you look at her when she simply tells you about something she thought was funny. Give yourself more credit. If anyone's the bad parent, it's me. I know nothing of Asher, yet she stayed with me. All ink so is she gets good grades, looks and acts like her father, like to read, and likes to paint and draw. You know more about Asher than I will probably ever know. What would I have done if she died and I had to say something about her at the funeral, and was left with nothing? Just be thankful she's alive. We both have the chance to change things."
I look between the two of them, as does Kevin, and see the love that swim in their eyes when they look at each other. It must be nice to know that your parents loved each other...
He sighs and raises up from the hospital chairs,"I'm going to the cafeteria. Want anything?" She shakes her head and he nods before walking down the hallway, twirls the cafeteria.
"Sorry boys for the scene, it's just hard on us." She wipes at her cheeks and I try to find a resemblance between her and Asher, only coming up with the body shape. Delicate and curvy." So how does Asher know the two of you?"
"We're best friends, new ones. Just official on Saturday." She nods at Kevin as I squint slightly at him, and she turns to me." And you?"
"We're kind of friends. We talk and decorated the library together."
She smiles and looks at the door in front of us." Well both of you are very handsome young men. Maybe I can make one of you a future son in law."
Kevin chuckles slightly and picks up a magazine as I just stare as she glances at the clock.
"Asher said she was going to live alone with seven cats, I actually believe her too. I wish it weren't true and it doesn't happen, but I believe her. Though hopefully she picks an actual human being. Either one of you boys like her? I can hook you up... Just kidding. Asher would laugh at me until I hit my grave if I tried something like that."
"Asher is a pretty girl, yes." Kevin says and I lift an eyebrow and look at the clock. Nine thirty seven." Like her mother."
She gives him a small smile and says," Thank you, even though your complimenting her father more when you call her a pretty girl. What about you?" She looks at me and I lift an eyebrow." Would you like to be my son in law?"
"Will there be cake at the wedding?"

Okay guys! Here's the second chapter of the day. I really don't know what to say so I'm not going to say anything at all. Though I will ask you these questions..... On a scale of one to ten, where would you number this chapter? Did you all expect the wreck? How do you think things will happen for Asher? Who's your favorite ladies man? Xavier or Kevin? As always, please comment, vote m, and keep reading my lovely people and see you soon!

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