The Boy Who Changed

By HowlingWolf9

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All rights are to J.K. Rowling. She is owner of All names present in this story. Hermione never thought she c... More

Chapter 1-Trip To Hogwarts
Chapter 2- Hogwarts Is Here
Morning of Slytherin
Chapter 4- Mystery Dresser
Chapter 5-Down By The Lake
Chapter 6-Forgotten Friends
Chapter 8-Search
Chapter 9- The Mark
Chapter 10-Flour Fight
Chapter 11-Hogsmeade Treat
Chapter 12-Home Bitter Home
Chapter 13 Mudblood Malfoy
Chapter 14- The End Of Their Visit
Chapter 15- A Ball To Get Ready For
Chapter 16- Jealous Little Girls
Chapter 17- Infirmary
Chapter 18- Special Occasions
Chapter 19- Walk Of Shame
Chapter 20- Girl's Hogsmeade
Chapter 21- The Game
Chapter 22- Visiting Old Friends
Chapter 23- I Proposed
Chapter 24- Lucius The Evil
Chapter 25- Yellow!
Chapter 26-Luna the Good Returns
Chapter 27-Wedding Weasley
Chapter 28- The Weddding
I Am A Dork
Sequel Update

Chapter 7-Snack With Slytherin

6.3K 164 42
By HowlingWolf9

After potion there was free period. Draco took my hand and lead me down many different hallways. "Hello Salizar."

"Hello Draco my boy, how have you been?"


The green black painting stared at me. "A Mudblood? Why would you even-"

"This is the other Head Prefect. She has access to in here."

He rolls his eyes. "Yes of course."

The door opens and Draco leads me down stairs into the Slytherin Dungeon. "Hehe! Yeah right Baisly! He couldn't get that Granger gal into here if he tried."

"Hello guys? Baisly and Pansy."

Pansy glares at me. "You chose to save this book geek?"

Draco stiffens, "She's not just a book geek. She's more than that."

Baisly laughs, "He loves her! He even-"

Draco almost growls, "Shut up Baisly!"

Baisly laughs again. "Haven't said anything yet?"

"Said anything about what?" I inquire.

Baisly slaps his leg laughing. "Ya know, it's better than who you could've been with Draco. So..." Baisly grabs my hand and flips it to its palm. Then he kisses the center of my hand. "My name is Baisly. I was hoping to meet some of those Gryfindor hotties. Now you can introduce me."

Draco punches Baisly in the arm. "Come and introduce yourself Pansy. Don't be so rigid!"

Pansy slinks over to me. "My name is Pansy. I am Draco's discarded girlfriend."

"Shut up! You just imagined you were."

Pansy smiles and walks around Draco and me in a circle. "Mhm I didn't think you would ever be used as a boy toy Hermione Granger."

My mouth drops, is Draco using me? "How dare you Pansy! And to think I came for a friendly visit."

Pansy and Baisly laugh, "There is no such thing as a friendly visit, here Draco Malfoy. What's the real problem?"


They both nod and say it back. "What's Engarda mean?"

"It uh means to guard something."

"Something of value?"

"Dependent on how you look at it."
Draco's POV

I couldn't let her know the truth behind Engarda. It was too deep.

Engarda does mean to guard but it also means that Baisly, Pansy, and me have to talk...alone. I didn't like hidin stuff from Hermione. The truth is, it means that something is happening with our Marks.

Ever since Hermione and I became friends, mine has faded even more than since the Dark Lord was here. I had to see if theirs had too.

"Hermione, can you go to the lunch hall and get us a snack."

Hermione looks at me, really strange, "Of course. I'll just get food I guess."

Hermione leaves and I hear Salizar say "Got kicked out Mudblood?"

"Ya know Salizar, your almost as bad as Snape."

That shut him up. "Well she's feistier than she looks."

Pansy smiles at me. "Now what's the deal with Marks? Ours didn't do anything." Pansy said.

"But mine did. Ever since I became friends with Hermione, mine keeps fading, the closer I get."

Baisly smiles, "You love her don't you Draco?"

I can feel blush running to my cheeks. "Yes Baisly and I'm pretty sure she's the only one I love. Who I could ever love."

Pansy smiles wider, "You could've been with me Draco. But I can tell she changed you. She changed you into a better man Draco. You need to ask her out. And you need to tell her about the mark."

I sigh and run my hand through my hair. "I know I have to but that's all I needed to talk about. I'll go find her now."
Hermione's POV

I was curious as to why they even really cared about if they were hungry. I'm betting they just need to talk.

"Stop there Mudblood, don't move."

I felt a wand tip at the back of my neck. "What are you doing Triena?"

"Getting my man back. Now you'll do exactly as I say or else I'll kill you."

Salizar Slytherin was frowning upon us. I look up at him with pleading eyes and he gives a slight nod.

"Now let's go back into your room, now!"

I let her walk me back up to my room. Snape stares at me with a peculiar look. "Miss Triena, what might you be doing?"

"I am going to get Draco to myself Professor Snape. She's not right for him."

I whisper, "Polyjuice."

She comes up on my side as Snape swings open. We walk in and she brings me into my room. "Now you are going to sit on your bed and stay there. What'd Draco send you to do?"

"To get snacks."

"Now lay back and this won't hurt a bit."

She takes out a rope and...
Draco's POV

"Draco I'm baAack."

Hermione walks in carrying a bowl of...kiwis. She takes one out and bites into it.

"Finally Hermione! It took you forever!"

I look at my mark and it has turned darker. I wonder why.

"Draco I need to tell you something. I love you."

Hermione kisses me and loops her arms around my neck. She doesn't smell right though. The flower has been replaced with...snake?

"What happened to you Hermione? Did you get into the fizzy? I put that high so you cannot reach it."

"What do you mean Draco?"

Her hands wander around me and push her back. "This isn't the Hermione I know."

Baisly and Pansy grab Hermione. "Hermione...this isn't Hermione Draco! This has Polyjuice potion written all over it because even I know that Hermione is allergic to kiwi!" Pansy says.

I growl and grab 'Hermione.' I yell, "Professor McGonagall!!!"

She appears instantly. "This isn't Hermione, Professor."

"Oh my, how are you so sure?"

"She's eaten kiwi!"

"That does prove something. I have a little bit of the remedy on me. If it is Hermione though, she will be harmed and brought to the hospital wing."

"Yes professor but I'm sure it's not her."

Professor McGonagall takes out a small vial and pours it into a struggling girls mouth. Her face contorts and shapes into something different. Her hair even changes!

"TRIENA!" I yell.

"Miss Triena, will you tell me where Miss Granger is?" McGonagall asks.

"Never. She doesn't deserve Malfoy. For all you know, she could be dead."

I feel anger raise inside me. "WHAT DID YOU DO?"

Baisly grabs one of my arms and Pansy on the other. "Calm down Mr. Malfoy. She will tell us."

"But Hermione could be in pain Professor!"

I feel my jaw clench and Pansy puts a hand on my shoulder.

"We will find her. We will make sure she's okay."
Hermione's POV

It's dark. She probably is with Draco right now.

The cloth around my mouth keeps me from talking...or screaming...or casting spells.

The rope around my arms and legs keeps me from moving.

If they don't find me soon, I fear I may starve.

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