Their Obsession

By NQJqueen

973K 18.3K 2.2K

Have you ever wanted someone with such great passion? Every waking moment, all you can think of is them. To f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 14

35.3K 642 45
By NQJqueen

Chapter 14

Javier pulls me under him, barely giving me a chance to catch my breath.

"How do you feel?"
He looks deeply into my eyes, waiting for my answer.

I ache between my legs. But it's more from the feeling of emptiness than pain.

"A little sore," I tell him honestly.

"Do you want to stop?"
A small look of sadness passes over his face.

"Nope," I smile reassuring him.
This might be my one last chance to be wild. I am going to go all out.

I re-flip Javier under me so that he is on his back, and I am on top. I straddle his hips keeping him planted to the mattress.

"But I want to be on top this time," I tell him running my hand up and down his chest.

"As you wish," he places his hands behind his head while smiling up at me. "I am all yours, baby."

I kiss my way down his body until I reach his pants that are holding his straining. I reach for his belt, fumbling to get it off. He lifts his hips to help me. Then I get off the bed, to grab his pants legs and pull them down. They both chuckle as they watch my struggle to get them off him. His erection springs free from his pants, as he was going commando. When I am done, I crawl back up his body, straddling him again.

I grip his erection, moving my hands up and down it.

"Here you go," Damien says passing me a condom.

I unwrapped the foil package to pull outage condom. Javier let out a hiss when I slide the condom over his length. A big smile I cannot control is now plastered on my face because I finally did something smoothly today.

"Like a pro," Damien says. He is now behind me, massaging my shoulders, relaxing me.

When I am done making sure the condom is secure, I poise myself on top of him. After I few award attempt to try to mount him, he grips my hips, lifting me up, then slowly slides me down on his erection.

The feeling of me stretching to accommodate him still feels weird. Unlike before, the pain is not immense though I am still sore.

Once he is fully inside me, he grips my hips stopping any movement.

"Are you okay?" Javier asks. He has a worried look on his face.

"I'm great," I reassure him. He lets go of my hips once he is satisfied, bringing his hand back behind his head.

I slowly start going and down him. Damien grips my hips, helping me steady myself. Javier thrusts up as well, meeting me thrust for thrust. We are all synced together, moving as one, as we come to a slow release.


I wake up to being smothered between Damien and Javier. Damien is clinging to my back with his arms wrapped around my waist and a leg over mine. My head is resting on Javier's chest and I have an arm around his stomach, and he has an arm around me too.

As comfortable as I feel, Damien is practically on top of me, and he isn't the lightest person. I slowly unwrap myself from Javier's hold. I then slowly move Damien's limbs from me. When I am free, I slowly crawl over Javier, to get off the bed, careful not to wake them.

I look at them as they sleep.

They look so cute.

Damien looks so relaxed. He usually looks very stressed out, though he tries to hide it. And Javier looks so adorable; he stirs a little, but then settles back down.

We ended up in Damien's room, so I head to his bathroom to take a shower. After the exhausting sex session, Javier and Damien ran me a bath to help alleviate the pain. I ended up falling asleep from exhaustion, then woke up to Javier carrying me to bed.

I reached inside turning on the light. The light in the bathroom was bright, it's rays shining off the tile floor.

Yesterday, in my drowsy state, I didn't get a good look at the bathroom when I was brought in. But now I can see it in its full glory.

The vanities were of a dark wood and the counters were a brilliant white quartz. Walnut framed mirrors hung over the counters. Fluffy towels neatly arranged, hang next to the shower. To the right on the shower is the separate bathtub made of gleaming white marble. The walls are large format tiles of white honed travertine and the floor is made of white tiles.

I walk across the floor with under-floor heating, to the shower. On the floor, in front of the shower is a fluffy bath mat.

I hope into the shower; turning on the water. I let the cool water run through my hair and down my body. I grab the shampoo, squirting some into my hands, then rubbing if into my hair. The shampoo has a musky smell that reminds me of Damien.

As I wash my hair, my mind thinks back to the events that have happened.

It's amazing how only a couple of mounts ago I was all for saving myself for the one I love until I get married. But now that I look back on it. It was more my mom talking than me. I had always wanted to try sec but was two afraid because my mom had jammed it into my head that I had to wait.

But what if I get married when I'm fifty? Do people even wait that long? Well if they do, I won't be one of them.

It's crazy how things can change so quickly. Just a few hours ago I was the clueless little virgin. The less than 24 hours later, I have had sex with two people. Granted I am not in love, but I did have fun. And besides isn't that the whole point of sex; to have fun.

I know I did.

At first I thought that maybe I rushed into it and let the heat of the moment overtake me. But as I think about it more and more, I realize that I don't regret that it happened.

I snap out of my thoughts when they shower door opens and Javier walks in, followed by Damien.

"You're up early," Javier says massaging my still shampooed hair.

I'm too busy trying to keep the water from my eyes to respond.
Javier places my head over the shower head to wash the suds from my hair.
I hold onto his waist for support, as I can't see with the water rushing down my face.

Behind me, Damien has begun to wash me with a body wash lather loofa, running it up and down my back.

This morning we are going back to the U.S. Back to my regular life. I wish I could stay here forever, but nothing lasts forever, and that includes this week. The shower leads to another delicious round of passion.

After the shower, I am to pack, as I wasn't able to do it yesterday. After packing, I headed to the kitchen for some breakfast. Javier and Damien were alreadysitting on the dining table; Javier drinking a cup of coffee and Damien scrolling through his laptop. 

"Good morning guys. When do we leave?" I ask Damien, but Javier answers instead.

"Soon. We just have to finish somethings."

"You're coming to?" I pause from pouring my coffee.

"You can't get rid of me that easily," he smirks.


The inside of the plane looks amazing; like a small living room. Everything has a peach color to it. The seats are leather, with the carpet complementing it. A huge t.v sits on top of a shiny table facing the long sofa.

What did I just walk into?

"Have a seat," Damien says interrupting me gawking.

I sit on one of the the chairs and it feels as if it's molding into my body, sucking me into it. I'm only just short of moaning.
I stare out the window of the plane, looking at all I'm about to leave behind.

"We'll come back," Damien says, noticing my longing.

"And next time it will only be for pleasure," Javier adds.

I blush and turn back in my seat, settling in for the nine hour flight back to Florida.

"Please don't forget to fasten your seat belts. We will be taking off in five minutes," announces the flight attendant over the intercom.

Goodbye Paris


We left at around 8:40 am and when we got to Miami it was 12:20 pm.
We landed in Damien's private airstrip, where a black was there waiting for us.

Cary dressed in a two piece gray suit, holds the door for me when I reach the car.

"Wonderful to see you again Miss April," he smiles at me, the afternoon sun reflecting off his green irises.

"You too," I smile back at him before entering the car. Damien and Javier enter after me.
I hear the sound of the trunk being closed as Cary finishes packing our suitcases, and soon after we take off.

"How do you feel?" Javier asks.


"Is every okay down here," Damien slides his hand back and forth between my thighs.

Words can't come out, so I nod my head as conformation instead.

But then I am disappointed when I see them dropping me off at my house. I was hoping to spend some more time with them, but as they say "All good things must come to an end."

I guess this is the end.

The first thing I notice at the house is that my Toyota Corolla parked in the driveway. I had been walking to work after Mark got into an accident, hitting a fire hydrant, that damaged the driver's door.

Mark is not exactly the best driver.

I never felt home sick when I was in Paris, but now looking at what I left behind, makes me anxious.

I rummage through my purse for my keys, as we walk towards the front door. When I finally find them, I open the door to reveal my living room.

Mark is snuggled on the couch with Trinity wrapped around his arm. They look up confused for a second but then Mark screeches, jumping up fro the couch, running towards me. He wraps his arms around me, squeezing my tightly.

"You're back!" he shouts excitedly, doing a little jump as he does.
"I have missed you so much," he squeezes me tighter.

"April?" I hear Javier's questioning voice behind me.

Mark looks up to see Javier then pushes me aside.
"Hello there," he grabs Javier's hand to shake. "I see April has brought me back a present."

I can't help but giggle at the confused expression on Javier's face.


"Javier this is Mark, my roommate,"

I let them get familiar, and go greet Trinity. She's standing my the living room couch looking out of place, when I go give her a hug.

She holds me at arms length and looks me over.
"Damn girl! Paris did you good,"

They look so big and out of place in my small bedroom. The only other person that is ever in my bedroom is Mark, much less any other man... men.

"Your friend is... well he's very excentrique," Javier says as he toys with a candle on my dresser.

"Mark gets excitable at times. But don't worry he's harmless." 

"Good, because we, unfortunately, have to go, and I wouldn't have felt comfortable leaving you with him, " Javier says sadly.

"Really?" I tried not to be sad, but I could not keep the disappointment from my voice.

"We'll be back before you know it," Damien adds.

Damien and Javier both give me a kiss on the cheek before heading out the door.

"So how was it," Mark rushes to my room the minute they leave.

"It was great. I went sightseeing and visited restaurants. They also threw a ball to celebrate the investment. It's was so beautiful Mark-"

"Stop of right there," he puts a finger to my lips shushing me. "Not the trip silly. The sex! How was the sex."

"Mark!" I push his hand away so I can talk. "I didn't not! I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Baby girl, please. You practically ooze sex. I've known your virgin behind since forever. You think I wouldn't be able to tell when you have had sex. It's practically tattooed on your forehead."

He goes to sit on my bed hugging my pillow, waiting for me to tell him the juicy details of my trip.

"Tell me everything."
I bet if he could, he would pull out a bucket of popcorn.

"Come on. Spill the tea girl. I've been waiting all week for this," he encourages anxiously.

"You seem pretty comfortable having the apartment to yourself," I blush remembering the scene I walked into earlier. "Y'all didn't do anything in here did you?" I stop classing my clothes to look back to look at him, waiting for my answer.

"No... wait," he looks up as if in thought, "no. But you might not want to avoid the living room's window seat," he grits.

"Really? How did you even... you know what I don't want to know."

The last thing I need is those images in my head?

"Hey! It wasn't just me. Trinity is freaky."

"Ahhh! I don't want to hear."
I cover my ears blocking out the sordid details.

Mark will share stories of him going to the bathroom if he isn't stopped.

"Please. I bet it's nothing compared to what you were doing. Don't try to distract me."
He gives me that 'don't you dare look' reminding me of the same look on Damien's face when I tried to cover my breasts.

I quickly turn around, trying to hide that blush that is forming on my cheeks from his eyes.

"Oh, I saw that. You're blushing. So something did happen."

Nothing escapes him.

"I don't kiss and tell," I try to be coy.

I know that that answer isn't going to suffice Mark. He will follow me around all day until I give him detail.

"But if something did happen, and I did have something to tell you. I would say that they were amazing."

I keep my back turned to him so that he can't see my face. If there is one thing Mark is good at is staring into your soul and catching you in a lie.

Just like my mom.

"Oooh... wait. They! They! April what do you mean, 'they'!"

I quickly cover me mouth with my hand.

Great April! You have gone and spilled all the secrets.

"I- I meant," I stutter trying to cover my slip. But Mark isn't having any of it. He jumps from the bed, dropping some pillows in his wake, so he can stare me down. He grabs my shoulder turning me around to face him. Then he stares deep into my eyes, looking through my soul.

"April," he stretches out my name. "What do you mean by they?"

I'm too frozen to answer. So I just stare at him back, trying my best to hide the truth from my face.
But as always nothing gets past Mark.

"Oh, my precious, innocent, April. You had a threesome on your first time! Baby girl, you are my idol."
He pulls me into a hug squeezing the life out of me.

"Mark, I never said anything happened."

"But your eyes did."

He pulls to the bed so that we are both sitting on it. Then he looks at me patiently, waiting.

"Okay, Okay. I met Javier at the trip, he's one of Damien's investors. He asked me out and Damien got mad, so he trashed out date. I was so pissed off, they totally embarrassed me. Anyways, to make a long story short, they sort of bonded over my anger for some reason. Then things just kind of happened from there. The weird things, they were so in sync. It felt like... I don't know like they had done it before."

"Well I mean with a face like there's, it is hard to believe that they hadn't been in a threesome before."


But something else was ticking me off, especially with what Renée also said.

"So how many times?" Mark pulls me out of my thoughts.

"How many times?"

"Yes, how many times did y'all go at it?"

"Only once, well I guess twice really. I was too sore after that. I still am, actually."

The slight ache between my legs is very much present, even after hours later.

"Damn they tired you out," Marks laughs. "My little girl is growing up." He pulls on my cheek, shaking it back-and-forth while saying 'aw'.

"Stop it." I lightly push his hand away, embarrassed now. I'm about to say a smart remark when my phone starts ringing.

I pull it out of my back pocket, to see me mom calling.

"Who is it?" Mark asks.

"My mom." I press receive to let the call go through.

"Hey, mom."

"I gonna go check in Trinity," Mark tells me before he leaves the room.

"Hey, sweetie how are you? I'm so glad you're back from your trip."

"How did you-"

"Oh honey you can tell me all about your trip later," she cuts me off. "How about next Saturday. Keshan and I are throwing a barbecue at the house. All your old catholic school friends will be there. I think it would be good for you guys to catch up."

Keshan is still around!

I almost blurt that thought out, but I quickly catch myself. This is actually a new record for my mom. As she has unreasonable expectations for the people she dates. She literally has a list of what she looks for in a guy before she even considers dating them. They are sort of like a project for her also. She's always trying to fix men. But once she gets bored she drops them and moves to her next project.

I secretly think it's to stop her from thinking about my dad. But I never bring that up. Though it was a long time ago, before I was even able to walk. I think she is still affected by it, and her "projects" have been her way of coping through the years.

"Sure mom."

I didn't exactly have friends in my catholic school. My mom is friends with many of the moms who also had their kids going to the school. She sort of just assumes that I was friends with her friends' daughters.

"Plus, I can't wait to give you your present. I know you'll love it!"

She sounds so excited, that I'm actually starting to dread this present.

"What is it?" I ask her.

"It's a surprise. It starts at three, and don't forget to bring Mark with you."

"I thought you didn't like Mark?"
She has always made it clear that she thinks Mark is a bad influence on me. That he is the devil's helper in convincing me to commit sins.

"Oh honey, don't be silly," she brushes me off. "Well honey, I have to go. Dexter is tracking dirt in the house again."

"Okay. Tell Keshan I said 'hi'."

"Will do. Bye, sweetie."

I end the call, flopping down on my bed exhausted.

When did my life become so tiring?

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