14 Again (One Direction FanFi...

By xmad_dollx

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{Book 1} Everything happens for a reason. Right? Well how about being givin another chance to be young again... More

1. Hit The Lights
2. This Better Be A Dream.
3. Monday Morning (Harry and Niall's P.O.V)
4. Monday Morning (Zayn, Liam & Louis's P.O.V)
5. Figure Out
6. Too Young
7. F.O.O.D
8. Perrie's Hair
9. Kardashians
10. These boys will be the death of me.
11. Promises, Secrets, Questions, Crushes & Those Aonnying Ones
12. Just Great.
13. Little Things
Author Note:
14. Wow :]
15. Movies
16. Mean but brilliant (Part 1)
17. Mean but Brilliant (Part 2)
18. A Problem After Another
19. Explanation (Part 1)
20. Explanation (Part 2)
21. Creating Space & Understanding
22. Sh*t Just Got Real
23. Man Up
24. What just happened?
25. Build-A-Dani
26. Dedicated Fans
27. What Can You Do.
28. "We're screwed.''
29. WHAT?
30. It All Started...
31. Change Of Plans
Announcement !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
32. Bad Examples
33. Farewell
34. Waiting
35. Last Night
37.Getting Ready
Sequel Is Up!

38. Graduation/Goodbye

229 6 0
By xmad_dollx

There was screaming coming from the back doors and mostly everyone turned around. Suddenly two big guys, who were wearing black, came in the front door and people were moving out of the way.

Everyone was clueless of what was happening.

Suddenly five guys came in the door. There were gasps heard from everywhere. Those weren't ordinary guys, they were One Direction. Girls were screaming in stands and some where nearly fainting. The girls jaws dropped. It was real, everything was real, this whole time they thought they've gone mad but they were wrong.

The guys waved hi to the people who were screaming for them. They moved through and sat on the first row of the stands in the left side. Of course their gaurds were at every corner of them. Girls were screaming 'I love you', 'Marry me', 'You are amazing.'

Vanessa went completely red, when Harry laid his eyes on her. He smiled. She smiled back, containing her excitement. As for Jennifer contained her excitement by remembering that the boys had left them without telling them anything, leaving her and the girls hanging onto them. It contained her happiness to where she can control it. As for Jessica, she was laughing her ass off of everybody, because they once told her they don't like them or anything like that, but now they are freaking out for them.

"You lying cunts." She laughed.

Franki looked at Zayn and he had already laid his eyes on her smiling. Franki got really red and giggled like crazy.

Row by row the kids went on the stage to get their certificate of achievement for passing eighth grade. When each of the girls got on stage, the boys cheered for them as loud as they possibly can.


After the slideshow, the principal said congratulations to all the graduates and that they can go now. Everyone was getting out, but a crowd of girls stayed behind coming around the boys. Of course the boys were taking pictures and autographs, buy after a few minutes they had to get away from those girls, because the gym started getting more and more crowded not by only girls but a few mothers and boys were coming up to them too. The boys had enough of autographs and pictures, they wanted to see the girls before they leave. So they were roaming the halls, with people behind them.

(Mr.Wicks classroom)

"Where's your bag?" Silvia asked Jen.

"Over there." Silvia grabbed the bag and gave it to her.

"Take a big breath in you guys, cos it will probably be the last time we will be in this room altogether and yeah..." Franki's voice cracked a little.

"Franki if you start crying I will kill you." Vanessa said laughing a little.

"But you guys we are never going to see each other that much and it's sad." Franki said trying not to cry.

"Franki if you cry I will cry and then everyone might cry, well everyone except Vanessa, because she has a cold heart!"

"No I don't I love Harry, so that means I don't have a cold heart. You have a cold heart."

"Shut up."

"I'll be right back, I'm going to say bye to Kim." Silvia went out the door.

"Franki get a hold of yourself!" Said Jen grabbing her bag.

Franki started to cry and hugged Vanessa. Vanessa was awkwardly hugging her back, not crying.

Jen was tearing a little. "I hate you people." she laughed.


Something hit the door really hard getting the three girls attention.

"What is happening out there?" Jen asked them.

"Carol probably was jumping around and she hit her face on the door." Vanessa laughed.

"You're stupid."

"I hope I'm right though."

The door was shaking, like as someone was trying to open the door.

"I'm scared. Vanessa protect me!" Jen got behind Vanessa.

The door opened and five guys came in falling on top of each other.

"Stop touching my hair lads."

"My bum!"



"I can-t-t bre-eathe."

They all got up and were now standing on their feet.


"Am I in heaven?" Vanessa said in awe.

"Did I die with you?" Jennifer said in awe looking at five sex gods.

"I think I died too." Franki said looking at the boys.








"Harry-Liam-Louis-Niall-Zayn...." Vanessa stuttered.

"OH MY GLOB!"Franki jumped.

"This again, c'mon I thought you girls were passed this." Liam chuckled.

"HOLY SHIT HE TALKS! I TALK TOO. WE ARE BOTH ONE!" Jen said starstrucked.

"I guess not."

"Niall looks so hot in real life!" Jen said excitedly.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Vanessa screamed like she never screamed ever before in her life, which is partially true.

Jennifer laughed. "Jessica is totally missing out."

"Girls, it's just us." Said Louis.

"Yeah, I know that's why I am flipping out." Jennifer stated the obvious.

"I am dreaming this can't be true!" Franki said jumping up and down the whole time.

Vanessa was now speechless.

Jennifer was acting crazy.

"Hmmmm..." Louis said starting to think.


Louis lifted Jen up and slapped her across the face. Yes Louis Tomlinson had to stop her by slapping her face, if no one did it he would have to do it.

"Lou." She said calm.

"Sorry about that, I couldn't control your inner- what do you call that?"

"Call what?"

"When you freak out on a celebrity-"

"Ohh fangirl?"

"Yea that I couldn't control your inner fangirl, so it's best to slap you."

"Fuck you." Jennifer laughed.

"Gladly." Louis laughed.


"I know I am."

"Shut up."

"You shut up."


"You stop."

"You started it."

"No you started it."


"Actually you did."

"I hate you."

"Well then."

"Shut up both of you." Liam laughed.

"Liam! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Jen ran to Liam's arms. "Oh damn... You're much muscular than I remembered."

"Yeah I work out a little." He smirked.

"Hey you never gave me a hug!" Louis said hurt.

"Well maybe if you didn't slap me I would at least-"

"It was for a good cause." He interrupted her.

"Well that hurts."


"You are so lucky you are incredibly hot." Jen ran up to Lou and hugged him tight.

"I feel so unloved and uncared for right now." Niall said in a girlish way.

"Awe Niall." Zayn laughed and hugged Niall.

"Jealous Jennifer?" Niall teased.

"YES!" Jen pushed Zayn and hugged Niall. Then got Zayn back and hugged him too.

"Me?" Harry said looking mad.

"Harry." Jen cooed.

"Get out of my classroom." He said.

Jen laughed.

Franki was all jumpy and stuff still, while Vanessa was still speechless.

"Vanessa are you going to need a Tommo slap?" Jennifer said shaking Vanessa out of her day dreaming or whatever that girl was thinking.

"Oh my glob, you guys are here. I just can't-"

"Franki!" Zayn smiled.

"Oh my gosh you have a like sexy smile it's just not fair." Franki said freaking out a little still.

Zayn blushed. "Uh thanks." He laughed.

Franki ran up to Zayn and hugged him.

"Vanessa you little shit. Talk or something?"

"Um..." Is all she could say.

"Harry kiss her." Jen laughed.

"What?" Harry went red. "She's fourteen and I'm nineteen."

"Oh please."


"Zayn said that the only way of curing a one direction infection is if you get kissed by Harry."

"I never said that." Zayn defended himself.

"Someone is lying to us."

"I'll talk to her." Harry said moving Jennifer out of the way.


She was still silent.

"Vanessa it's me Harris remember?" Harry asked her.


"Vanessa, um... your favorite color is blue... your favorite band member from One Direction is Harry. You hate Taylor Swift, I know why, um you rejected when I asked you out long long time ago, because your cousins would tell on you. You mostly hate everyone in the school cos they are weird to you somehow-"

"Oh god dammit! MOVE HARRY!" Jennifer moved Harry and straight on slapped Vanessa across her face. "If someone is going to get slapped today, I ain't going to be the only one who feels the pain."

"Ow!" She said.

"I blame Harry."


Jennifer and Franki laughed.

"Just kidding Harry...not."

"So what brings you guys here? Aren't you all suppose to be on your European tour or something?" Franki asked them.

"We finished early which is good, cos we wanted to see you all... you know at least one more time." Answered Zayn.

"Awe." Said Jen. "You guys are so caring, it just melts my heart, cos you guys are so thoughtful, nice and normal, it's just all to much for me. I can't even-"

Franki started to cry.

"Frankers why are you crying?" Harry asked Franki.

"Because I love you all."

"It's not like we are going to die or anything like that." Vanessa said patting Franki on her back.

"No it's not that, it's just everything you know, I'm probably never going to see you again or you or you or you or you, everybody ever again maybe." Franki sniffed. "Plus I'm going to miss you all you guys."

"I knew this day was going to be emotional." Jen said trying not to cry.

There was a lot of banging at the door and girls screaming.

"Holy shit!" Jennifer said. "Does this always happen with you guys around?"

"Yeah, but never in a school." Louis answered.


"Franki do you want a Horan hug?" Niall asked Franki.

"Yeah." She said quietly and nodding.

"Awe she's so cute." Vanessa chuckled.

'Bang, Bang, Bang'

People were hitting the door.

"Okay I am scared." Louis said backing away from the door.

'Tick, Tick, Tick'

The noise came from the window.

Jennifer went to look. "JESSICA!" She said happily.

Jennifer opened the window.

"Are you guys stuck in there?" She asked her.

"Yes we are, well mainly because One Direction is in here with us."

"I think I am going to hyperventilate!"

"Been there, done that, helpbus get out of here."

"Yea okay, but the windows are really hard though."

"I'll get back to you." Jen jumped off the chair to the floor. "Ow, fuck that hurts, so much for wearing high heels today."

Niall laughed.

"Shut it! You guys we need to get out of here, we would go through the windows but as you can see it's like bulletproof."

"Who is the skinniest person in this room?" Harry thought.

"Franki!" Everyone said at the same time.

"Oh poo."

"Liam & Lou since you two are the strongest, lift Franki up there and Jessica will try to get her. Franki will then say that One Direction are like outside, causing the large crowd to get out and we could get out through the door and yeah that's pretty much." Said Jen.

"Hey are you calling me weak." Harry said pretending to be mad.

"When you put it that way than yeah." Jen smiled.

Harry got Franki with one arm and lifted her up to the top of the window. "Jessica grabbed her!" He yelled out to Jess.

"Got her." Jessica replied.

"You guys she might be able to are under my skirt how embarrassing!" Franki laughed.

Harry let go of her and she landed swiftly to the other side.

"Okay Jessica, lets go to the other entrance and scream One Direction. When the people ask where point to that Elementary school Lincoln Park."


"1... 2 ... 3."

The both girls ran inside and saw the crowd around that entrance.

"Poor Paul he's being squished!" Franki pointed out.

"OH MY GOSH ONE DIRECTION RAN TO LINCOLN PARK LET'S GO!" Both girls screamed pretending to run behind the school.

Thank god it worked, people were getting off of poor Paul and ran to that elementary school.

"Paul are you okay?" Franki asked him.

"Yeah I'm alright, the lads actually ran over there?"

"No they are still in there." Franki opened the door and they all came out.

"Boys let's get going now." Paul commanded.

"Yeah can you give us a few minutes to say goodbye to our friends here?" Harry asked.

"Yeah sure, make it quick."

"So this is it." Said Zayn.

"Yeah." All the girls replied quietly.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I love you all very much and we are all going to miss you girls so much." Niall said, "I know for a fact that this maybe the last we will see you girls, we have a busy schedule coming up this year and next year."

"With tour and stuff like that, we hope we will meet you girls again sometime in the future." Zayn added.

"With all the things that has happened, we learned a lot that maybe life isn't so perfect for most people out there and that sometimes friends fight too as much as me and the boys are so close, we can fall apart easily as any other friendships." Said Louis so seriously and caring.

"We know that you girls will do great things in the future and like he said I hope we will see you girls anytime soon. You girls have been with us the whole time knowing the fact that we're One Direction that famous band, you seen past that and act like if were normal everyday boys from school so thank you. Even though at first you freaked a little, but what can you expect when you get starstrucked from your favorite celeb, trust me Niall was like that with Justin." Liam chuckled and Niall laughed.

"Yeah we all know that already." Said Jen laughing.

"Anyways the point is we will miss you all very much and you should give us a call in the future to catch up," Harry smiled, "Congratulations on graduating eighth grade, we are very proud of you all... and we will..." Harry's eyes began to get glossy. "Miss you."

Admittedly Franki and Jennifer began to cry with Harry, while Vanessa and Jessica looked sad as ever.

The boys hugged each of the girls and soon went off. They walked away into the distance and the girls couldn't see them anymore.

"Well that was pretty emotional for all of us." Jen said breaking the silence.

"Emotional, just like you're emo." Vanessa replied.

"Fuck you then."

Vanessa chuckled.

"I'm hungry." Said Jessica.

"Me too." Said Franki.

"Do you guys want to go to McDonalds?" Jen asked them.

"Yeah." They all replied.

"Okay I'll pay, but get something cheap."

"That whole place is cheap." Franki laughed a little.

"Yeah right."

"It is."



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