Video Vixen. (Laurinah Fic) [...

By _KayParrilla

102K 3.8K 4.2K

Meet Dinah Jane Hansen, a well known video and music producer who got into the business at the age of 19. She... More



3.4K 106 203
By _KayParrilla

Above is Amber (Masika Kalysha) thanks MK_BABES for the suggestion 👌🏽☺️

Dinah Jane:

The day that we talked about the pregnancy was the day that I scheduled an appointment to have an ultrasound done. The appointment is today and I told Lauren that I'd pick her up from her job. I'm so excited to see the baby but at the same time I'm so nervous. The appointment Isn't until 2 so I've got a little time before I'd have to head out to get her.


Currently, I'm taking Gabby to spend time with Normani and Camila for a few hours and she's been clinging onto me since this morning. She's never really done this but I don't think she's feeling too well, she's not her usual playful self and I'm starting to worry. I'd definitely have to have Normani and Camila keep an eye on her.

"No leave me." Gabby whined as I unstrapped her from her car seat.

"I'll only be gone for a few hours Gabreyella. Mama's gonna come back later. Besides you love hanging with Auntie Mani and Camz."

She shook her head and laid her head on my chest. "Want stay wif' you and Lolo mama."

I kissed her forehead. "I'm coming back babe...are you feeling okay?"

She shook her head. "Head hurts." She mumbled.

I took my hand to feel her forehead but she wasn't warm or anything. "What else hurts?"


"Maybe Mani has come soup. You wanna knock on the door?" I asked as I walked up to the front door of Camila and Normani's Condo.

Gabby balled up her tiny fist and knocked on the door.

Shortly after it opened, revealing Normani. She wasn't wearing any makeup, her hair was in it's natural curls and she was wearing yoga pants and a sweat shirt with a banana on it. Obviously Camila's.

"Ewe, where's Normani?" I joked.

She rolled her eyes before she took Gabby into her arms. "Awe baby girl what's wrong? Did Dinah  do it?"

Gabby nodded and Normani playfully hit me causing  Gabby to smile a little. "I don't think she's feeling well Mani, she said that her head and her stomach hurts. Could you keep an eye on her?"

Normani nodded. "Of course, we were gonna go out today but since she's not feeling well we'll just hang out here. Babe, Gabby is here."

I looked behind Normani to Camila slowly walking into the kitchen. Her hair was a mess and she looked so damn pale. "Alright." She groaned.

I smirked. "Awe, Mani you two are so perfect for one another."

Mani glared at me. "Dinah don't say anything dumb. It's too early."

I shrugged. "Relax. I was just going to compliment you and say that you both are so damn ugly in the morning. You know it's tough finding someone to look like shit with but you"

Camila walked out of the kitchen and glared at me. "Excuse me Amazon Eve but would you mind speaking up, I could hardly hear you. Your words are muffled because of my metaphorical dick that you can't seem to keep out of your mouth."

Normani busted out laughing. "Babe...go back to sleep."

I rolled my eyes. "Bye Camila."

Camila gave me the finger and headed upstairs.

"Dinah seriously? Why do you like picking on her so much?"

"It's fun...I'm going to ignore the fact that she just called me Amazon Eve...she's so rude."

Normani sighed. "Well you just called her ugly so yeah, anyways are you guys going to tell her about the b-a-b-y?" She asked pointing at Gabby who was fast asleep and snoring.

I shrugged. "Eventually, but she's two will she really understand it?"

"Maybe not so much but she's really smart and aware of a lot of things so who knows. I was two when I found out about Ashley...But I cried and tried to run away from home."

I chuckled. "You were two? Where were you trying to go?"

She shrugged. "Hell if I know probably Jeepers or something. I just know that I didn't like the idea of being a big sister...hopefully Gabs isn't mean to her brother or sister."

"I hope not either."

"Girl, you have two baby mamas. I'm surprised that Amber hasn't found out about Lauren."

"Well Lauren ran into Zendaya at Footlocker a few months back and Lo told me that Zendaya tried to talk to Gabby but Gabs wasn't feeling I wouldn't be surprised if Amber knows about her."

"Hmm, you sound a little too calm Dinah. First of all Amber is a bitch and she's crazy, then Lauren is know what they say about Cuban women. She's automatically bat shit crazy."

I rolled my eyes. "They also say that Cubans are poor, lazy, and uneducated but my woman is neither of those things Normani...and since when do you two twerk together?"

"Relax Dinah gees, and a few months now. She's so fun to be around and we have so much in common. She's my spirit animal."

"Yeah well tell me something. By any chance did she tell you about this?"

She nodded. "I was the first person that she told right before she told you. Camila doesn't even know."

"Know what Mani?"

Mani turned to look at her girlfriend-fiancé? One of those. "Lauren's pregnant."

Camila smiled. "Awe, she's having a baby?"

I groaned loudly. "No Camila she's just carrying my child."

Camila hissed at me and I jumped back. This girl is crazy. "Get hit bitch."

Normani shook her head. "Baby, take Gabby with you and go to sleep. You're tired."

"Mani, I think your cat needs to be taken to the vet." I said with a smirk.

"Dinah! Shut up. Camila baby ignore her."

Camila rolled her eyes at me before turning and taking Gabby and walking off.

Mani glared at me before punching my chest. "Knock it off."

"Ouch. Normani you hit like a dude. She knows that I'm just kidding. I love you Cabello!"

"I love you too Hansen!"

"You should get going Dinah, you're never on time for anything. Don't forget that you're helping me put together this engagement party."

I nodded and gave Normani a hug before saying goodbye and leaving.



My appointment is in an hour and I'm so nervous. I stayed up late last night talking to Sasha and Taylor and they're happy for me and want to meet Dinah and Gabby. Hopefully soon, but I plan on telling Dinah about my past today. I figured that waiting won't help anything especially since I know so much about her past but she doesn't know about mine, she deserves to know.

As I was changing, Amber walked into the dressing room with a fake smile on her face. "You were great out there Lauren."

Bitch kill yourself. "Thanks." I mumbled.

I caught her checking me out and then her eyes landed on my stomach and a devious smile spread across her face. "Oh girl. Either you're eating good or you're expecting."

I ignored her and pulled a black t-shirt over my head before pulling on a pair of grey leggings. "Both."

She chuckled. "I thought you liked girls?"

Please stop talking to me. "Yeah...I do-what are you doing?" I asked as she walked up to me and traced her hand across my arm.

"Oh nothing...just admiring true beauty when I see know you never talk about whoever you're with so as far as I know you're single and I still have a chance." She said as she winked at me.

"Um...could you back up?" I was starting to become uncomfortable.

She smirked at me and her hand landed on my ass. "Don't trip boo...I could definitely treat you right."

"Amber. I asked you nicely. Back up."

With a sigh she finally backed up. "Fine, but just know that you're definitely missing out."

"She's not missing out on anything. Is there a problem here?"

She and I turned around to see Dinah leaning against the doorway. She didn't look too happy and neither did Amber.

"D-Dinah?" Amber stammered.

Dinah glared at her before coming over and pulling me into her arms. "In the flesh."

Wait...oh hell no! How didn't I realized that Amber is Dinah's ex?! No wonder why this big headed bitch kept trying to be my friend. She knew who I was from the moment that she walked in here.

Amber looked hurt. As if she were about to cry. "You look amazing DJ. What are you doing here?"

Dinah wrapped her arms around me protectively. "Picking up my girlfriend...trying to figure out why you had your filthy, lying, hands on her."

Amber glared at me. "So this is who you have my child around?" She asked.

Dinah sighed. "Well you left her at my doorstep and you obviously didn't mind that I gained custody of I don't see why it matters."

It matters because she's nothing but a video hoe. Gabby doesn't need a hoe as a role model."

I rolled my eyes. "Well it's great that she isn't with you anymore. That was a bitch move on your part anyways Amber. Abandoning your child like that."

"Yeah why did you leave her anyways?" Dinah asked.

Amber scoffed and rolled her eyes at me before turning her attention to Dinah. "I told you why. She's too much to handle Dinah. Plus I'm too busy."

"Seriously?! She's two years old Amber. You're fucking selfish but it's cool though because my child won't ever have to worry about anything so thank you for bringing her to me. She's the best thing that's happened to me. Oh and tell Zendaya that until she figures out who the father of her son is she has no business worrying about what I'm doing." Dinah snapped.

Amber's eyes began to water as she clenched her jaws together. "Fuck you Dinah! And good luck with this hoe. If she's smart she'll leave your ass and make you pay child support you stupid bitch. Lauren watch your back." She said before storming out of the room.

What did I do? Not a damn thing.

Dinah groaned. "Unbelievable...are you ready?" She asked.

I nodded. " um Zendaya? Who is she?"

"The woman that you saw at Footlocker. My cousin."

"Oh." I dryly responded as I grabbed my bags and headed towards the exit.


Dinah and I had been sitting in the waiting room for about 20 minutes sitting in silence. I had been extremely quiet for the whole ride here. It's already bad enough that I already have a short temper but Amber just really pissed me off today. Every time that I think of how she left Gabby behind the more I want to punch her in the face. Not only that but she treated Dinah like shit, was obviously upset when she saw Dinah with me, and now she's probably going to do everything in her power to get under my skin and I don't have the time for that shit.

"Lauren, are you seriously going to ignore me?" Dinah whispered into my ear.

I glanced at her and sighed. "I've just got a lot on my mind Dinah...I'm sorry it's just that she tried to hit on me...then no telling if she got modeling job only because she knew I'd be there. Most importantly though Dinah I hate her for what she did to Gabby."

Dinah wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek. "Well...Lauren you can always hit her if she tries anything."

I smirked and turned my head to look into her eyes. "Be serious please."

She smirked. "Dead ass serious babe. I don't necessarily condone violence but Lauren...knock that bitch out if she tries anything."

I chuckled and leaned forward to kiss her. "Yes Daddy. Oh um my sister and my mom want to meet you and Gabby."

She nodded. "I thought your mom died?"

Shit. Forgot that I told her that. "My adopted mother. So will you come to Florida with me?"

"Oh, yeah sure. Let me know."

"I will,"

There was a comfortable silence as we sat there holding hands.


"Hm?" She hummed as she ran her thumb across the back of my hand.

"Mani said that you had a full ride scholarship to Yale...but you didn't go. Why not?"

Dinah sighed. "That girl has the biggest mouth I swear. I didn't go because I didn't want to. My parents were pissed but the scholarship didn't go to waste."

"What happened to it?" I asked.

"My sister Kamila...I wrote to the school asking if they could put it in her dad was already long gone by the time it was time for her to go to school and at the time my mom...she had my other 5 siblings to worry about, money was tight for her. Sure I could have just told my sister to go and that I'd worry about her loans and whatever else had to be paid for but then I remembered the scholarship. It was still good to use when I wanted but I wanted her to have it instead."

I smiled and gave her hand a light squeeze. Dinah is the true definition of a woman with a heart of gold. I'm lucky as fuck to have her as the other mother of my child because I know that she's a great mother and she'd do anything to see that her kids are happy.

"Lauren...what are you thinking about over there?"

I looked up to see her looking down at me. "Can I do this?"

She nodded and pecked my lips. "Or else I'd be hella scared about you carrying my child. You already do so much for Gabby and she absolutely adores you. You'll make a great mommy Lauren. Our baby is going to love you so much and oh gosh I hope he has your eyes."

I smiled. "He?"

"Well I'd like to have a son but a girl is okay too I guess."

"Lauren Oregon?!" I looked up to see an elderly woman standing near an open door.

Dinah laughed at the look on my face. "Who? Damn she didn't even try."

I playfully rolled my eyes and stood, pulling her up behind her. "Let's go."


"Okay, parents are you ready to see your baby?" The doctor asked after placing the cold jelly onto my stomach.

Dinah and I nodded.

The doctor kindly smiled and cut off the lights before turning on a monitor.

We set in silence watching the screen. As soon as the doctor saw something on the screen she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Dinah and I.

"Ms. Jauregui is this your first ultrasound?"

I nodded. "Yes...why?"

"Because honey, you're nearly 3 months pregnant."

"Well shit." Dinah mumbled causing the doctor to smirk.

"Are you a friend of hers?"

Dinah shook her head. "No, we're in a relationship she's carrying my child."

"Oh well congratulations on your insemination."

Dinah raised her eyebrows. "Thank you. It took no time at all obviously."

I pressed my lips together to suppress a laugh but gasped when a loud thumping noice filled the room. "I-is that the heartbeat?" I asked.

"Yes, your have a very healthy baby Ms. Jauregui."

I looked over at Dinah who had tears flowing and a smile on her face. "W-when will she find out the sex of the baby, doc?"

"In about a month. We'll set an appointment, until I'll leave you both alone while I go get photos made for you. Congratulations again." She responded before existing the room.

As soon as she left Dinah cleaned off my stomach and planted a kiss just above my belly button. "Hi in there little one...I can't wait to meet you so that you can meet your big sister, your many uncles and aunts, and most importantly your mommy. She's the best and I know that you'll love her...because I sure as hell do." She said softly before standing up straight to kiss me.

Could she not be so damn cute? "Oh gosh..." I mumbled before crying hysterically.

Dinah panic and tried her best to comfort me but I gently pushed her away. "No. Dinah I'm fine...just thinking. My baby is healthy and I-that's great. It's great knowing that I have a healthy baby growing inside of me. All of this just reminds me of my sister and I." I mumbled.

"Why?" She asked.

Here goes nothing. "We were both born suffering from withdrawal."

She didn't say anything at first, instead she just reached her hands out to wipe away my tears.

"Your birth mother...she's alive isn't she?" She asked.

I nodded and avoided eye contact. "I was afraid to tell you because I didn't think you'd see me the same way anymore if you knew that my mother sold me for a bad batch of coke."

Her eyes went wide and she shook her head. "Shit. Lauren."

I scoffed. "Yeah..."

"I wouldn't have treated you any differently Lauren. I was a boy for 12 years did you forget?"

I smirked. "We both had it kind of rough huh?"

"Kind of? Lauren if we wrote a book I'm sure that it would be a best seller."

Silence fell over the room and suddenly the doctor came back with three ultrasound photos. She handed them to me and wished us the best of luck before leaving the room again.

"You ready to go?" Dinah asked.

I nodded. "Carry me out please?"

She groaned dramatically and let me climb onto her back. "Fine."


When we got to her house we stripped down to our underwear and cuddled in bed, mostly just talking. I did majority of the talking though and she listened as I told her every bit and piece of my childhood. Not once did she judge me, instead she just held me close when she sensed that a topic was too touchy for me to discuss. In the end she offered kind words and kisses every now and then. These moments were what I enjoyed, just being in Dinah's arms. We didn't have to be doing anything special I just enjoyed her company and the more I had her around the more excited I grew to give birth to her child.

We were both drifting off to sleep until her phone rang. Groaning she removed her arm from under me and reached over me to grab her phone.

"What is it Normani?" She mumbled as she placed the phone up to her ear.

Dinah quickly sat up causing me to do the same. "W-what...okay I'll um...I'm on my way!" Dinah shouted as she hung up the phone and shot out of bed, frantically putting on her pants, shoes and shirt.

"Babe...what's wrong?" I asked.

Dinah let out a shaky breath before turning to look at me. The look on her face automatically told me that something wasn't right.

"They had to rush Gabby to the hospital Lauren...she had a seizure." She said just above a whisper.


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