By clumsylouhaz

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Its started with a short of introduced self in a letter and Louis find the letter by faith , then started to... More

20 (part 1)
20 ( part 2 )
25 ( part 2 )
epilogue ?
The End
Alternate Ending


91 7 0
By clumsylouhaz

3 month ( 01/06/2014)

Louis Pov

It's been 3 month I've been attend to this therapy.  I can walks now but I'm not fully recovered yet . Slow walker . The doctor said it's normal . " Hi Lou ! " harry come to me and kissed my lips . We are officially together now . " how are you doing ? Good ? " I asked harry about the rehab that he attend for his wrist " it's good . I think I will get to use this hand sooner . Can't wait for that cause this hand is important after all ! " he said while smiling . " that's great to hear that you getting better ! " I replied and smiled

" you alright there ? You look tired boo . Let's go home alright ! " harry said when he saw the tiredness look on my face . " yea Louis , you can go home now . And I think you don't have to come here everyday like you used to , but just come here once a week , cause I think you can walk perfectly fine now . Alright ! Good job Louis !" The doctors tapped my back and I said thank you aand with that he leave .

Harry still smiling like an idiot . He is such a dork ! I got up from my seat but then I was lifted by Harry .  " what are you doing ? Put me down ! " I said whimpering.  I could tell harry was smirking right now ! " nah . You are tired . Looks like you will fall the minutes you stood up . Thanks me later for doing this alright ! Let's go ! " I rolled my eyes but smile . He is adorable.  I held his neck strongly and put my head on his shoulder. I yawned so I let myself fall asleep on harry shoulder .

Harry Pov

As soon as we arrived at Louis' house , I carry Louis to his bed . He looks soooo tired . I admit it. And he also lose weight in this past 3 months.  He getting smaller . The dark circles under his eyes never fade even tho he got a plenty of sleeping.  That's worry me a lot . " hazza!  Come to bed ! I want to cuddle ! " Louis said adorably.  I go to his side and let him cuddle me.  He put his ear on my heartbeat so that he can sleep peacefully.  That's what he said when we slept together for the past 3 months .

I start to live with Louis 3 months ago , after he got discharged from the hospital . At first , I don't want to but after Louis begged me to stay with him because he feels lonely after his mom died , I begin to agree to stay with him . I stayed by his side all the time . Where he is crying that he missed his family ,where that he got a fever afterwards from crying the whole days , and everything we face the problems together. 

About my mom , we both okay now . She accepted me being gay.  She want me to stay with her but I said Louis needs me the most and she kind of sad but I told her that she can go live with her fiance.  Yes fiance . Soon to be my stepfather.  Sigh . He propose her 2 month ago . And they planning on married soon . So , I'd hope she won't be lonely when I spent my life towards my Louis .

Niam is doing just fine . They are happy as always . Our assignment is also almost finished.  We know it too early to be done but Louis insisted that it's good to finish early so that we have time to adding things that we want in there . Like some memories or some nice things that we want to adds . Louis artworks really good.  He can draw soo well .

About zayn. He won't stop sending me a text . Even tho I blocked him , he still got his ways to text me . Most of the time I ignore his text . It is because he will be the reason why Louis and I will be fighting . I'm sure that will happen if he keeps bothering me and if I didn't tell Louis sooner about my past , I'm sure he will find out soon by someone else and that is the least things I want that happen ..

I sigh and close my eyes and begin to sleep. .

The next day

"Hazza.  Wake up ! " Louis said while tapping my chest . I slowly open my eyes and look at my phone for looking the time . It's showed that 5:25 am . " lou, what are you doing up at this time ? Do you need something?  " I said lazily, closing my eyes again . " never mind then . Go back to sleep . " Louis said while I felt him sit up and kiss my cheeks . He got up and slowly open the door and close it slowly . I just let him be for 5 minutes.  Because I need 5 minutes more to rest .

Tic Tic Tic Tic Tic

Now , I'm fully awake as I could hear a small noise that I thought  Louis whisking the eggs . Because he is bad at it . I got up and stretch myself a bit and then go straight to the kitchen.  My thought is correct when Louis groans about the egg yolk fly everywhere when he whisk . " can I help you?  " I said suddenly. 

He jumped and said " oh god Hazza !! You scared me . Yes yes I need your help to cook me something.  I'm hungry . Beside we missed dinner . It's your fault making me sleep at 5 pm! " he said wiping his hand on the apron that he wears . " it's not my fault . You're the one who is sleeping and make me sleep with you ! Don't ever deny that ! " I said smirking . He pouts and said " yea yea whatever.  Just makes something,  I'm hungry !" He passed me his apron and I took it . He begin to sit on the counter carefully as his legs keep shaking like a mad .
" Have you tried eggs kungfu?  " I asked Louis and he shook his head .

" no I haven't ! How does it taste like ? Does it make us do kungfu when we make them ? Or does we eat them while we are doing kungfu ? I have no idea . So you going to explain to me Harold ! " he said rambling . I chuckle at his answer . I was just like him when someone ordered those food at thai-restaurant.  " nah . It's taste like eggs obviously but crunchy.  I will make them for you alright . Let's eat thai food this morning . I know it's heavy food but we skipped dinner besides I noticed that you lose some weight too . Do you notice that ? " I asked Louis again while pouring rice on the rice cooker. 

" err yes I noticed it too ... " he said in small voice and I think he said something under his breath " pardon ? " I asked with confused look " nothing ! Just cook something Hazza !! I'm hungryy here ! " he whines and I chuckle " go eat some bread first . This things will took longer of time to make since you didn't help me so you have to be patients!  " I said teasingly . He pouts and said " alright . I will help you cutting things . I will get the chicken , vegetables and what food you want to do anyway ? " " Tom yam Kung , eggs kungfu and thai shrimp fried rice ! " I smiled proudly because remembered all the recipes that my mom teach me . Louis mouth hangs open and said " does we even have the .... " " yes.  I did the groceries yesterday.  So don't worry . Let's start ! "

An hour and 30 minutes later

I set all the food on the table and Louis start to do a weird face " are you sure this will taste good ? " Louis said curiously.  I smiled and said " I don't know '' I know I cooked well but I'm a bit of worry about Louis don't like it . This is the biggest meal that I've ever done by myself .  . But this is also because Louis was there and he is distracting me doing my cooking.  How is that possible?  He took my eyes away from cooking cause he is tooo adorable for not looking just a seconds of time .

Louis took the first bite and I know he is about to spilled it out but he swallow it and smiled . " this taste soo good Hazza ! " he then took the second bites and his reaction same as before and I sighed " stop eating those if it doesn't taste good alright  ! " I don't know why I suddenly got overwhelmed.  I get up and rushed to the guest room and lock it . " Hazzaaaa !! " I heard Louis calling but I ignored him .

Louis pov

I have a habit to appreciate what someone do something for us. Harry cooking isn't that bad . Everything  is good . I mean , I know he saw my expression when I took the first bite.  But that's because my throat never taste of those food . I'm not used to it . Like I never taste a thai food before so it's took me a moment to feel it . I stand up from my sit and slowly walking towards the door that harry's in .

But of course my walking isn't really improving to me , I fall down with my face in front of the floor . "Ouch ! Grr " whimper because it's damn hurt . " hazzaaa !! " I called him . He doesn't reply which means he is really mad at me . I make myself sit up and put my back onto the wall . Too tired to stand anymore.  " hazza , I'm sorry . Your cooking aren't real bad . Trust me . The reason why my expression when I took my first bite was that I never had a thai food in my life . So its took me a moment to adjust the taste on my throat . Please forgive me ! " I don't know if he hears me or not but he's not responding . I sighed . My eyes lid begin to heavy , without I know , the darkness slowly in my vision.  Great ..just Great .

Harry pov

I heard everything that Louis said.  But why it's seem getting slower and slower.  I means his voice . I sighed knowing that I should not have been mad at him . It's my fault after all to cook something like that . I stand up from the bed and go outside . The first things I saw was Louis leaning on the walls with his eyes closed. I chuckle cause how can he sleep in the position like that . I slowly walk to him and nudge his shoulder . He didn't respond . " lou, wake up.  This isn't funny ! " I said to him and shook his body roughly.  He still didn't wake up .

If this is the ways he want me to forgive him then I will let him continues his acting.  I leave him with an annoyed face on my face and stormed into the bedroom and slumped my body on the bed and begin to close my eyes cause I wanted to cool down my anger . He always acting like that when he want a forgiving from me . Huh such a drama queen!

30 minutes later

Once I cool down a bit , I go out of the room and again Louis still against the wall.  I sighed. " Lou , I forgive you now so please wake up ! '' I said while kneeling beside him.  But then when I look closer to his face , he looks pale and there is small bubbly in both of Louis arms  . Damn, did he fainted or what ? " Louis ? Lou !! Wake upp! ! " his body fell onto my grips. Shit Shit Shit  . What should I do ?  I lay Louis on the floor and ran towards the nearest phone . I quickly dialed the ambulance number and tell the details. 

Took me long enough to update . I'm sorry guys . I don't know if there is a even a person would read this.  Lol . This story is shit anyways so no wonder why no ones want to read this lol ! But if you are reading this story , thank you sooooooo much . I appreciate it xx love you xx -A.Z-

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