I Love You, You Crazy Hothead

By myliealexis7

420K 8.5K 303

Moved from Quotev!! This is my very first official story that I ever wrote! I felt like it was being neglecte... More

Scarlett Marie Cameron
Way to throw it all away...
I've Missed You Guys!
Bonding With My Boys!
Twin Bonding Day!
This is Just Great
Memory Lane...With Paul?
Explanations and Apologies
Managed to Piss Off A Wolf...Awesome.
Scars and Bruises
I Really Do Need My Brother..
I Can Heal Fast?
I Got My JareBear Back!
I'm an Elemental? Sweet!
Time to Prepare
Training and Mindreading?
Battles and Broken Bones
Wait He's Gone?
This Is All Her Fault
The Wedding and Teases
You Have Some Nerve
Everything's Getting Better
Date Night
More Drama...Great
Liars and Understandings
Girls Day!
Holy Emotions
More Teases and Damn Buzzing
Cliff Diving
My Conversation with Jake
Halloween Movie Marathon
Best. Day. Ever!
Just Great
I Need Time...
Quick Question
I Need You. More Than Air.
I Hate Being Sick...
Oh. My. God.
This Might Be A Good Thing
Shopping With Emily
Family Talk
First Appointment.. I'm Nervous
Merry Christmas!
The End and Our Beginning
I Can't Wait To Meet You!
Welcome To The Family
Plans, Plans, and Plans
Little One's Bedroom
Is That? Yes It Is!
Welcome To The Family
Forever and Always
I Love You, You Crazy Hothead
Bonus: Ashton's Third Birthday
Exciting news!!
The Originals-Preview

Its Just One Thing After Another

5.1K 114 2
By myliealexis7

"We're engaged!" He says and we both smile and wait for the guys' reaction. And so far it's just a bunch of shocked faces and jaws on the floor.

"Close your mouths, idiots. You'll catch flys."

I say and all at the same time four jaws closed, and suddenly Jared stood up. I sqeezed Paul's hand thinking Jared was gonna start a fight again when a giant smile broke across his face.

"Congrats you guys." He says while wrapping me in his famous JarBear hug. "I'm happy for you sis, really." He whispers in my ear and I pull back from the hug to look at him, and see him still smiling and I can't help but hug him again.

"Thank you JarBear. It means a lot. Would...would you walk me down?" I ask in a whisper so the others wouldn't hear.

I want Jared to walk me down the aisle because well we don't really have our dad present and I wouldn't want to pressure Billy into it, so who best than someone who's been by my side all this time.

"I would love to Scarlett." He says with a smile as we all sit back down at table.

"Who would've guessed that Paul would be the second person out of all the imprints to get married first-" I cut Quil off when he made imprints pleural.

"Wait who else imprinted?!" The boys all looked at me with shocked faces, other than Paul, he looked lost too.

"You didn't tell her?" Embry says while looking towards Jared. Wait a second....

"You imprinted Jared?! Who is she? When did this happen?!"

"Wait you aren't mad?" He asked slightly surprised and relieved.

"No dummie" I say as I slap him upside the head.

"Hey! What was that for?" He says rubbing his head while I giggle.

"For not telling me!"

"Well her name is Kim. She graduated with us, I ran into her the other day and well it happened." Emily and I 'awwed' causing Jared to blush.

"At least he isn't as bad as Paul." Seth said and I tilted my head slightly at him urging the boys to explain. "When he first imprinted on you, no one wanted to run patrols with him."

"Oh yeah!" Quil shouted, "it was bad even before he imprinted. 'I wonder if Scar still hates me?'" He says and the boys snigger.

"'I hope she can one day forgive me, I still love her." Jared chimes in and Paul's grip on my waist tightens so I rub my hand on his and he calms a bit.

"Oh and the newest one! 'I wonder when Scar and I can finally sleep-'"

"Okay! We don't need to worry about that." I cut Embry off, but if course Embry being himself must keep going.

"But it looks like you two have already accomplished that last one!" He says while rubbing his hand on his neck, and the boys all howl in laughter as my eye widen in horror.

Oh good god how did I not see any love bites before coming over here..

"Oh shut up! At least I have a sex life and it's not all my imagination." Paul snorts a laugh, but before any of them can retort the door bursts open and there stands a disheveled Jake.

"What's going on Jake?" He looks at me, but is the only one to notice my ring on the first glance and his eyes widen slightly.

"Surprise!" I say weakly.

"When did that happen?" He asks as he's now standing right in front of me.

"Last night on the beach. He kept it a secret so Blabber–mouth Quil wouldn't spoil it."

I say and Jake finally looks me in the eye and his face is lit up with one of his famous smiles and grabs me in a hug and twirls me around making me giggle.

"I'm happy for you Scar. For both of you." We both smile, it's nice having my best friend back.

"Thanks Jake. I want you there. You'll come won't you?" He gave me a look like a was the most stupidest person. Well with this whole separate pack thing I wasn't sure...

"Of course dummie. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"So wait why did you come running in here like you'd seen a ghost?" Paul asks since I had kinda forgot.

"Oh. Right. Well two things, first we need your help. Apparently, the Volturi—they're kinda like vampire royalty, but they control the laws over all vampires. They found out about Nessie and they think she's an immortal child which is illegal in their books. Therefore they think the Cullen's have broken the law, which they haven't. And well these vamps will be headed this way, and the Cullen's are worried it might turn to war-"

"Where do we come in?" Paul asks impatiently.

"Getting there. We don't want war-obviously, so they want to get as many witnesses as possible to know the truth about Ness, that she's a hybrid, not an immortal child. So my question is if you guys are willing to at least stand with us if it does come to war?"

The room was dead silent as everyone processed what Jake had just spit out. I was first to break the tense silence.

"I'll help you Jake."

"No." Paul says almost immediately so I turn in his grip to look him straight in the face.

"And why not? Jakes imprint is in danger I thought we protected each others imprints?"

"We do it's just-"

"Don't you dare say it's too dangerous Paul Lahote. We all know it's dangerous, but like Jake said it might not even turn to a war they just need people on their side. Think about it, wouldn't you guys want them on our side if some band of leeches were threatening your imprint?" Most of the guys nodded their heads at this.

"Yes but their imprints wouldn't be fighting along side." Paul says with worry clouding his eyes and I know he's thinking about the last war and my close call...

I hear Sam in the background discussing things with Jake while I place my left hand on Paul's cheek and he leans into it, cupping my hand with his.

"Like I've said before Babe. I'm in more control with my powers, I can focus better. That won't happen. If it helps you, I will stay by your side through the entire thing?" He finally lets out a long sigh and opens his eyes into mine.

"Fine. But you're not leaving my side." I can't help but smile.

"Never." And I give him a peck on the lips before turning back to Jake and nodding my head. He smiles and is about to leave when I remember he had a second problem.

"Wait, Jake. Didn't you say you had a second issue?" He turned around, but wouldn't meet my eyes we looked nervous and almost guilty about whatever it is.

"Uh... Rachel's back.."

Well fuck. 

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