Little Miss Awkward

By Ammxeee

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The first time I walked into a bank I had a cold and I sneezed, I mumbled something about slobber coming from... More

Chapter 2 - Being the Perfect Student is Overrated
Chapter 3 - I'm Not Like Most Girls
Chapter 4 - Blown Cover
Chapter 5 - Sharing is Caring
Chapter 6 - I'm Not Short, I'm Fun Sized
Chapter 7 - Watching Disney Movies Should be a Religion
Chapter 8 - I Volunteer as Tribute
Chapter 9 - It's Over
Chapter 10 - Trial and Error

Chapter 1 - The Right Day to Pick the Wrong Classroom

5.4K 170 31
By Ammxeee

Chapter 1 – The Right Day to Pick the Wrong Classroom

Class had just finished and the many students of Morten College poured from the classrooms into the hallways. The steady stream of people pushed and shoved their ways to their destinations effectively swarming me into the sea of bodies.

Trying my best to stay upstanding I pushed along with the crowd to get to my next class.

The next lesson would be starting in minutes and my mind began to go into overdrive. Sure I was a bit of a nerd, I had the brains for it but I didn't live by the book and well - being late was something I was good at, but over the year I'd been trying to knuckle down a bit and at least try to get to classes on time. In high school I had a bit of a reputation as a 'rebel' some would say, but the thing is I got probably the best grades in the school and I never did anything that would get me in trouble. Yes, I liked to have fun but people took one look at my appearance and I was instantly labeled an outcast and rebellious teenager.

Pushing past a particularly close and cozy couple, I barged through the door. 50 sets of eyes landed on me awkwardly stumbling into the classroom. 
"You'd think people knew better than to make out in front of a door!" I shouted the last bit at the now broken apart couple

Turning back to the class I met their blank stares and realized that I'd walked into the wrong classroom. Running a hand through my blue hair I gave the people a sheepish smile, "My bad. Sorry, wrong classroom..." I gave them all a little wave and twisted back to face the door, the couple had now disappeared and the walkway was empty – so much for not being late to class. A smirk slipped onto my lips as I called over my should before disappearing out the door, "Remember, hugs not drugs!"

Slipping out of the room filled with both shocked and confused people a small smile crossed my face; something about leaving people guessing gave me a thrill. Sure my appearance was a bit out there, blue hair was definitely an eye catcher.

Other than my hair everything else to do with me was pretty ordinary, I was reasonably tall and thin with a athletic build – doing gymnastics from the ages of 6 to 16 had it advantages... My eyes were a bright blue – just like my hair and I had a bit of a tan.

Walking along the hallway I kept an eye out for my classroom, sure I'd been going to this college for a couple of months but it was huge. The place was like a maze most of the time and it was easy to get caught up in the crowds.

My black combat boots thumped against the white tiled floors in the empty hallway as I walked along humming to myself with my hands stuffed in my light blue jeans short pockets. Today I'd woken up a little later than usual so my morning had been a bit rushed so I'd thrown on the first pair of clothes I'd grabbed, paired with my shorts I was wearing a plain white shirt with the sleeves folded up.

Looking down at my arms I readjusted my notebook and the thick chemistry book that I'd been carrying around trying to the right classroom. Suddenly my body made contact with a wall making me drop my books and fall backwards and land on my butt.

Letting out a groan I closed my eyes and rubbed the side of my forehead where it hit the wall. Then something surprised me a second groan came after mine, my eyes shot open and I looked up. There was a guy about my age standing there rubbing his jaw, his chocolate brown hair was effortlessly messy 'I don't care' style. His eyes matched his hair, as they were a dark warm brown with flecks of gold around the center of the irises. His mouth twisted into a smile and he let out a little laugh showing off a pair of pearly white teeth, "You've got a hard head, but are you okay?" He asked extending his hand down to me

Grabbing my scatted books I took his hand and pulled myself up trying my best to ignore to warm tingling feeling running up my arm, "Ha, that's not the first time I've been told I have a hard head. I head butted my brother a couple of years ago and he was on the verge of having a minor concussion..." I admitted sheepishly running a hand through my hair

The guy's eyes twinkled with amusement at my admission following my movements and studied my hair for a moment taking before taking in the rest of my appearance, "I like the hair, not many people can pull off blue hair" He stated with a chuckle

I shrugged, "One of my many qualities, and uh- Sorry about running into you..." I trailed off looking down at my watch that was mixed in a handful of bracelets tied around my wrist.

"Oh fudge! I gotta' go, I'm super late and the lesson will be over before I even get there" I babbled side stepping the guy and jogging down the hallway, throwing my hand up I waved behind me and called over my shoulder, "It was nice meeting you and sorry again!" And with that I turned the corner and emerged right in front of my classroom, frowning I realized that I'd taken a turn to early this morning.

Taking a calming breath I adjusted my shirt and hair before walking into the classroom. The lecturer's gaze turned to me and he frowned, smiling lightly I offered him a little wave, "Sorry I'm late, took a turn to early and got lost..."

He nodded with a blank face, "Apology accepted miss..." He trailed in a monotone voice leaving the statement hanging like a question

"Sterling, Max Sterling"

"Well Miss Sterling, I'm glad you could grace us with your presence. Take and seat"

Nodding I took a seat in the first available one that I saw, plunking the large textbook onto the desk I pried it open to the page written on the board and smirked, I'd already learnt this.

"Miss Steel!" The teacher's grouchy voice rung out, "Miss Steel!"

I could feel gazes burning into me so I looked up, the teacher was looking at me expectantly, "It's Sterling" I deadpanned

With a wave of his hand the teacher walked towards the desk I was sitting at. "Whatever, Sterling then. Seeing as yours is the only name I know, answer the question written on the board. No one else was able to get it so why don't you give it a shot?" He asked with his hands on his hips

Narrowing my eyes at him slightly he glared back, this was punishment for being late.

Getting up from my desk I walked towards the white board with a seemingly complicated chemistry equation written across it, taking the pen from the teacher as I walked past him I stopped just in front of the board.

Studying the equation slowly I heard a snicker behind me, ha the teacher thought he got me. Taking another step toward the board I uncapped the pen and began to work on the sum, within a minute I was done.

Taking a step backwards I let a small smirk slip onto my face, everyone's shocked faces met me but one in particular surprised me. It was the guy from the hallway, how did he? My gaze landed at the door at the back of the room, there was another door? Mentally face palming myself I made a mental note to remember that for the future.

The teacher looked like he was fuming, walking back to my desk I passed him the pen before whispering to him, "Next time don't forget to add in the variables, not everyone is as sharp as you and me" with that I took my seat and the bell rang signaling the end of this class session. Letting out a breath I smiled, when I mentioned before that I had probably gotten the best grades in the high school I went to I wasn't kidding. A couple of highly regarded schools had offered me scholarships but I didn't really want to be part of that crowd and they also said I had to get rid of the coloured hair if I wanted to 'become one of them' – so it was an instant no. My coloured hair was a part of who I am so I'm not going to change that. Among the subjects I did in high school, chemistry and physics were two of my favourites, for some reason I enjoyed them and they also came easily to me so that was an added bonus.

Letting out a sigh I braced myself for a long day of classes, one thing that nagged my brain was the mysterious guy I ran into in the hallway. Sure he was shocked like everyone else but his gaze had been constantly trained to the teacher, not like a student paying attention way but a in depth studying of him... Huh, weird...


Thankfully the rest of the day passed by quickly and before I knew it I was standing in front of my apartment door. My father was somewhat of a famous architect, meaning that our family was pretty well off – considering I was only nineteen and already had my own apartment. My father had designed a couple of really big buildings in New York where he was currently living. At first he'd started out small here in Phoenix but then when the name got out there his designs took off and he started his own business. My mother had been a paramedic, she loved to help people and was always full of life – I missed her...

With my thoughts suddenly dampened by my mini inside conversation, I pulled the keys out of my pocket and slipped them into the keyhole. After hearing the click I twisted the knob and stepped into my apartment, immediately I was tackled by a blur of grey fur.

Letting out a laugh I began to pet the dog, "Zeus, I thought we talked about you not attacking me every time I walked in the door" I scolded the dog playfully

He lowered his head to rest on his paws in shame and I couldn't but smile, Zeus was a four year old pure bread husky – the thing is though he still acted like a puppy.

He raised his head took look at me a pulled his 'puppy dog' face and I was a goner, sighing dramatically I threw a hand to my head and looked back at he dog, "How could I ever resist you! How about you go get your leash hey boy?" I asked scratching under his chin

He barked happily and climbed off my legs to retrieve his lead. Apart from my dad and Zeus there was only one other man in my life, my older brother Brian. Shortly after my mother departed from our lives he enlisted in the army and was currently fighting in Afghanistan, I missed him but somehow I knew he was safe. We wrote to each other whenever we could and he told me all about the mates he'd made, one in particular his now best friend Nate was Australian. The way they became friends was actually pretty funny, they were paying him out because of his accent and so to get revenge he played a prank on them – only instead of targeting the guys that were messing with him he got my brother, and since then they'd become inseparable. It was comforting to know that someone else was looking after my brother.

Suddenly Zeus trotted back into the room with his leash clamped firmly in his mouth, his bright blue eyes danced with excitement and I couldn't help but smile.

Together we took off over the hill and towards the park, it was still pretty early in the evening and I had a feeling that Zeus had been holding in a lot of energy. It was going to be a long night...


New Story! Hope you enjoyed this, the picture on the side is what I imagine Max to look like - Blue hair and all!

Dedicated to @Deansamaster because they were the first to comment and vote... that kinda stuff but they're all round a nice person :) Thank you!

Now about the picture, I do not own it. Therefore I do not take any credit for the image, all credit goes to the artist. Original image can be found at this link:

Same goes for the image used for the cover, original image can be found here:

Now if you did like this and would like me to post the next chapter... Show me some love? Maybe vote or comment or both?

Thanks for reading!

Emma xoxo

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