
By BailyNorton

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When the love of Anna's life, the campus Prince- Blake Rendell dates her sister, Anna decided it's about time... More

Chapter 21


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By BailyNorton

A: -feeling down already. They'll call me down any minute.

Anna stared at the screen hoping he'll reply soon.

H: Aww babe. Want me to go down on you?

Anna stopped breathing as she reread the text. She was absolutely speechless and her heart was thumping wildly. Then, the next text came.

H: *with you. Damn autocorrect;)

"Oh." Anna whispered before she realised who she was talking to. She could not help but laugh out loud at that.

A: You dirty boy. You did that on purpose.

H: Hmm. TTYL?

A: Sure. I hear the doorbell.

Anna couldn't stop smiling as she read Hunter's texts. They texted from time to time. She missed school as it was an easy way to see him.

"Anna, the guests have arrived." Ella exclaimed from her doorway.

Mel had invited her friends over for New year's eve. She didn't even like them but they sure were 'profitable' for her.

As she entered the dining room, she saw the table filled, both with food and people. Blake was also here. It didn't surprise her. Weirdly, the excitement she felt whenever she saw Blake...was mild.

It was Hunter's fault. He had said weird things to her on Christmas eve.

But for some reason, her annoyance was accompanied by a smile.

"Look at you darling." Angela, one of her mom's friend, talked to her first as she sat, "Love the dress."

Dress only, huh.

"So how was your first semester?" Rosy asked, her daughter was smart so this was the way she normally start a conversation that will eventually end about her daughter.

"It was okay." she shrugged. No way she was going to tell braggy Rosy her actual score.

"Well my daughter made it to one of the top 3 in her grade!"

"That's cool" Anna said flatly.

"Well my Ella got all A." Mel interrupted, "She's a senior!"

"Wow, that's amazing!" the compliments passed around.

But Mel didn't stop there, "Blake, Ella told me you did pretty well too."

Blake chuckles before he winked at Ella "Not as much as this geek here."

Ella playfully elbowed him also adding her radiant smile.

"Our Ella is perfect, don't you think?" Mel continued. Ella didn't look comfortable then, "She's definitely a copy of young me. She's smart and pretty. No wonder people mistaken her as my real daughter! The similarity is just too much!"

Everybody faked a smile by then. Great! Now she liked Ella more than her own daughter because Ella is perfect. She should have gone somewhere else like Isa. But Isa was invited by her friends while she was not.

"How about Anna?" Angel, as she liked to be called, asked Mel. That made Anna stiffened. Angela didn't deserve her name , she loved to hear people getting criticized, "I have no idea what I did wrong. She's totally the opposite of me!" Mel laughed.

The table turned silent as Mel was the only one smiling. They all know what she meant. Mel was indirectly calling her imperfect. Anna hadn't even taken 5 bites of her food and this happened.

"Are you kidding me?" Anna asked, monotonously.

"What?" Mel asked.

" Don't f*ck with me! Stop talking like I'm not here and stop comparing me to Ella. I'm not her!" Anna snapped.

"Shut up." Mel slurred, "Calm your jealous ass down."

"This is not about jealousy. God! You are my fu*king mother! If you don't think I'm perfect then you shut it. You don't have to talk about it!"

"What's up with you all of a sudden? Got into a fight with Hunter? Why don't you get out and see him?" Mel narrowed her eyes.

Anna gasped. How did she know about Hunter? And how did she know that she had gone out to meet him. Then something clicked.

"You went through my text messages, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did. And I am ashamed of! I didn't raise you to be a slut!"

"You have no fucking right to do that!"

"I am your mother. It's my right. I fed you, I gave you a shelter and clothes."

"oh my god. That's because you are a mom. That's your responsibility! If you can't handle that you should not have given birth to me!"

"When I was pregnant, I didn't ask for YOU in particular."

Anna gasped. She was speechless.

"I wanted a daughter like Ella. She always did well in exams, she never answer me back-"



Anna gritted her teeth. Mel had hit the perfect spot. She could not argue back because it was true, no one liked her.

Mel didn't stop there she continued. "You were the reason your dad and I didn't get along."

''Omg. Don't you dare blame me! You blackmailed a fu*king five year old to spy on her dad! What were you expecting when you were threatening a child, telling her you wouldn't love her any more if she didn't do as you said?!"

She heard Angela and Rosy gasped, reminding her that they were there. Mel was flushing red in embarrassment and anger.

Anna turned to them, "Yeah, this is what our family really looks like. We're fu*ked up so don't be too surprised."

"Anna" Ella whispered.

She turned her head to Ella and Blake. She never intended for Blake to see or hear all of that but now her true self is exposed and she did not care.

"And you," Anna said to Ella, "You think you are better than me? Why don't you tell everyone what a liar you are. You are not even that girl with socks."

Ella looks like she's going to cry as her eyes fell with guilt. Blake hug Ella instantly.

"Yeah Blake I'm the girl you searched for. The stupid girl who used socks to puff up her chest." she said bitterly to Blake who kept up a poker face. "Disappointed?"

That's when she felt a sting on her cheek. Mel had slapped her. Anna stilled before she laughed at that.

She had already embarrassed herself so what's the use of trying to keep her modesty in check.

Anna turned back to Mel, "For your information, those dirty messages I sent to a guy making look like a slut? He likes me, so you are wrong."

With that Anna stormed out of the house. She took her phone out to call the only person that's on her mind. Asking him to pick her up.

"Are we there yet?" Anna groaned, as Hunter lead her to the forests. She wondered where he'll take her.

"Almost there." he smiled

"I hope walking through these trees is worth wherever you are taking me?"

"Did I forget to mention that there's a shortcut?"

Anna stopped dead on her tracks before she growled "Seriously!"

Hunter replied her with a chuckle before he said "You'll like it."

A minute later...

"Hunter, what the hell?" Anna hissed as she stared at the infamous haunted house.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"I followed you, thinking you were taking me to a clearings with a lake and beautiful trees."

Hunter burst out laughing, "You are overreacting. This is my house."

"Yeah right."

"Come on."

"Wait, you are serious!?"

"Not haunted. Just a rumour. I bought this place since it's cheap because of that rumour. So far no ghosts." he said as he led her in. The house was pretty big so Hunter was smart to buy it while it was cheap.

Anna looked around the interior. It was pretty clean and the decoration was also simple. Anna realised that he took her to his home! They were both alone. In the middle of nowhere.

"Go take a seat. I'll get you something to drink."

Anna slumped with a sigh on his couch in front of the television.

Seconds later, Hunter came back with a bottle of water and two cans of soda. He handed them before he turned on the television.

Anna expected him to sit beside her but to her surprise, Hunter sat in front of her on the ground, shuffling back between her legs!

That somehow made her squirm.

No no no. Think of other things. Like what? My family?

That pushed all the happiness out of her. She bet they were having lots of fun without her. They wouldn't even remember that she went out.

Hunter must have felt the darkness swarming all over her head.

"Hey, talk to me." he said turning his head towards her.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Have you ever?"


"So come out. Tell me what's running up in that head." He said pressing a kiss at her inner thigh, just above her knee leaving a tingling sensation there. Why did she wear a dress!

"We had a fight."

"Your mom?"

"I don't know if she's my mom. She told me that she didn't wish for me in particular."

"She don't fu*king know what she's missing."

Anna smiled, "And I hate that she's always comparing me to Ella. I know she's perfect and I'm not but she doesn't need to compare me, you know?"

"Why do you listen to her then?"

Anna growled, "You don't get it! I was there okay. How can I not listen when she said in front of her guests that there's something wrong with her daughter! It makes me just so mad. I can't even prove that I am better in different ways."

"You don't like her so why trying to prove anything to her?"

"I-I don't know."

"Your pride forced you to do that. I think we both know that you are a lot more than she thinks."

"A lot more huh. Really? What do I have? I live off Ella's dad's money."

"If you hate your mom so much why don't you just move out?"

"How do you expect me to provide for myself!?"

"There's part time jobs. She's still going to pay for your fees no matter what."

"But I have other things I need you know."

"Cloths?" Hunter laughed, "Darling, you have enough to last a lifetime. I can't even remember seeing you wear the same dress."


"Remember what we talked about? You want someone to take you away, it doesn't mean you need a guy to do that. You can save yourself. You are one tough nut." Anna noticed that Hunter had turned his whole body to her and was resting his cheek on her knee.

"Well yeah, maybe it's time. If I wait for a guy I won't ever get out of that house."


"I don't think I have luck with men. I caught my first boyfriend fucking another girl. You know the first thing he said when I caught him, 'It's not what it looks like'"

Hunter raised his brow, "You are kidding, right?"

"Nope. And he was still inside her. I had given him real chance to explain later, you know what he said?"

"He had tripped and stuck his di*k right into her c*nt."

Anna blinked, "Well...that's one way to put it but close. He did say he tripped."

Hunter burst out laughing. Anna got distracted. He look so good when he was laughing. Anna couldn't stop staring at him. When he had finally stopped, she realised he was waiting for her to continue.

"Then the second guy I dated, he was filthy rich, after a month he was always flirting with other girls so I got sick of it and broke up with him. Wanna know what he did? He stood out when it was raining below my window."

Hunter scowled, "But I thought girls like those shit."

"I'm not finished. He stood under the rain comfortably with rain boots and full coats and a big umbrella held above him by his bodyguard. Let's just say, he's comfortable."

Hunter laughed again, "Where do you find these guys?"

Anna scowled, "Exactly. Now your turn. How did you and Pika- I mean Courtney broke up?" She had almost slip. Thankfully he didn't catch it, "You seemed to be...fond of her and it's obvious she's still in love with you."

"It isn't as...eventful as yours." he teased before he continued, "My dad died in my junior year. I was pissed at everything after that. I was close to him you know, I can't blame Courtney for leaving."

It's worse than she thought! He didn't break up with her! It was her who left! But Courtney still loved him. Anna wondered if he still had feelings for her. That made her sad. On the other hand, Courtney is dumber than she seemed though. How could she leave this guy? It's Hunter after all!

"So what's those pussies have to do with you not getting rescued by a guy?"

"After that I learned something, When you look at girls like Ella, guys wants to settle down with her. When guys would look at me, they only want to fu*k me."

"I can't blame them."

Anna couldn't believe what she heard, "FU*K YOU HUNTER!" She tried to stand only to be pulled down by the back of her knee, she was now straddling Hunter's thigh. His arms locked around her when she tried to stand up again.

"Hey, hear me out."

"Don't fu*king tell me it's a compliment." Anna's voice croaked a little bit. Of all the people, she didn't want Hunter saying that she was a fuck object.

"Hear. Me. The. Fuck. Out." he growled getting on her face.

Anna glared at him.

"I'm saying that because I'm not surprised. You are confident, classy and are not afraid to express yourself. And when you throw your sass around" he shook his head with a groan, "Sexy as fuc.k"

Anna mouth gaped open.

"The difference- no , those guys, only expect a fu*k from you cause they didn't think they'll be able to tame you. Those pussies know that they can't handle a girl as classy as you."

It sounded nice hearing that way.

"What do you do when guys hit on you?"

"Well, I..." She always told them to fuck off.

"You push them away because you think that guys want only girls like Ella to settle down with."

"Well, it's true."

"Cupcake, I'm a guy and I certainly know that it's not what all guys want."

"Wait, you think I'm sexy?"

"Of all the things, you want me to repeat that?"


Hunters hands were having to much fun, running up her spine then all over her side.

"As fuck." he repeated before he leant down to kiss her!

Anna didn't have time to think because she thought there should be some signs first. But this is Hunter. He's doesn't ask, fumble or hesitate like other boys do, he takes what he wants. Now she understood why girls were so attracted to him even though he didn't have a pretty face. Hunter is sexy. So sexy.

Anna ran her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer. That's when he pulled away making her frown.

He leaned down again giving her lower lip a nip. Anna heart was beating so wildly, she felt hot and her body shifted closer then he pulled away.

How dare he! Anna growled and tugged his hair, leading his mouth to hers, she felt him laugh before he took control. Boy, Hunter knew how to kiss. He tasted amazing too.

The air was starting to warm up real fast so before anything else happened he pulled away, "We need to stop now." he whispered though his eyes were saying another thing.

Anna liked the way his knuckles grazed the skin just below the edge of her bra. His other hand was feeling up her naked thigh.

Anna wanted to whine but she remembered they were only friends. And she's doing this when she claimed to love Blake! Maybe he think that she still love Blake.

"You better get off my lap." he said "I'm getting too excited."

"Oh." Anna could only manage to say that when she got what he meant. He stole one last kiss before she got up. Then she sat beside him on the floor while they watched movies. Anna wondered what the kiss meant. It sure didn't feel like a casual one.

She was grateful that he was playing with her hair because she love him touching her. Small or big. She appreciated it.


AN- Sorry for slow updates. I write it on last minute but I want to update the edited chapter that's why it took long.

Hope you enjoy:)

PS. My next book and Kane's book revolves around college. The system in America and here is VERY different so I'm hoping if anyone can help me out while I'm writing it, someone to give me information when I ask. PM me if you wanna help. But, please if you are willing to COMMIT and have free time for it because my writing routine is unpredictable.

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