Emison: The New Girl

By emison_18

175K 2.9K 473

Emily Fields starting her junior year at Rosewood Day High School. On her first day she runs into the queen b... More

First Day
Alison's House
Morning After
The Results
Honey, I'm home.
Not an update
Making Amends
Date Night
Date Night Cont...
Anniversery Set Up
Anniversary Day Pt: 1
Anniversary Day Pt: 2
Back To Reality
Where's Em?
Coming Home
The After Math
Ultra Sound Day
Not an Update
Back To School
Boy? Or Girl?
It Is Time
The Ring
First Day Home
Wedding Day

Picking Names

2.9K 61 3
By emison_18

Emily's POV:
Ali suggested it was time to pick out baby names for boys and girls just in case. "What about Aiden for a boy or Ethan?" I said. Ali smiled and wrote them down. Then she spoke "Hmm. Alexis and Emma." She looked at me and I nodded as she wrote them. We both came up with more names and she wrote them down. Ali then cut them out and folded them in half. We put them in one my hats and she shook it up. We each picked out one piece of paper. If we both got the same gender names, one of us picked again. We finally came to two names. "Aiden." I read aloud. Then Ali spoke too. "Taylor." I smiled and grabbed the paper from her. I put them on my dresser. I walked to my full body mirror and lifted up my shirt and rubbed my belly. I'm starting to show a little. I can see the difference in my body before and now. Ali walked up behind me and laid her hands on my stomach, hugging me from behind. Ali's shorter than me so she stood on her tip toes a little. "I can't wait for our baby Em." I smiled at her words. "You really sure about mothering the baby with me?" She nodded. "Of course I am babe. I know we are rushing this a little bit. But we are still great friends. And no matter what happens, even if we break up. I'll still be the mother to our baby. I promise you that Em." I smiled at her. I turned around and held her in my arms. I kissed her forehead and stroked her back. I'm so happy and lucky to have her in my life. I don't understand what I did to deserve her. I soon drifted to sleep holding my girlfriend in my arms.

Short chapter I know. Sorry. Updating right now. Thank you all so much for reading and voting. I'm at 1.44k reads. The most I've ever gotten.

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