Faking It || l.r.h

By Hemmocliffoodirwin

407K 9.2K 8.5K

⚠️TW: Mention of abuse, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts. Read at your own risk.⚠️ - He needed someone to mak... More

1. The Break-up
2. Crush
3. Party
4. Later
5. Monday
7. Practice
8. Kissing Act
9. Try
10. Burn
11. Fake Date
12. Fight
13. Move On
14. Eye
15. Video
16. Bowling
17. Dinner
18. Mistake
19. Flirt
20. Tutor
21. Better
22. Forgive and Forget
23. Or Not
24. Mall
25. Trust Me
26. Movie
27. Amusement Park
28. Home
29. Gift
30. Over
31. Here We Go Again
32. Wishing We Could Start Again
33. Cookies
34. Eve
35. Christmas
36. Advice
37. Second Chances
38. Band
39. The Beach
40. Detention
41. Doubt
42. Confusion
43. Guilt
44. Truth
45. In Denial
46. Done
47. Independence Day
48. Midnight Memories
49. Netflix and Chill
50. Runaways
BONUS CHAPTER: The Reactions
The End + Thanks

6. Plan

9.6K 217 187
By Hemmocliffoodirwin

*Avery's POV*

Like I usually do, I waited for the halls to clear a bit before leaving. Before I left the building, I went to the bathroom on the opposite end of the hall since the one closest to me was getting cleaned.

After I did my business, I walked out and heard voices. Being the curious girl I was, I went to check them out because whoever it was, they obviously didn't want to be found. They weren't too far away and sure enough around the corner was Ashton and Brooke. They were too involved in each other to pay any attention to me so I was able to quickly and quietly slip away.

As I approached my bike, I could feel a few tears build up and threaten to fall. I quickly blinked them back and took a deep breath. I'm not gonna cry, I can't cry. I already knew I'd never have a chance with him so this shouldn't be a shock to me. I already knew they were together but seeing them still hurt.

I've got to suck it up and move on. It's not like we have any history together so there's nothing for me to hold on to. Just my pathetic self having feeling for him for so long.

I mounted my bike and started riding home.

It's better this way. I can stop wasting my time holding on to something that's obviously out of reach and focus on my important things like...well I'll have to find something but it's better this way, I know it.


I arrived to school the next day and chained up my bike as usual and went to my locker. After that, I met up with Dylan and told him all about my little issue.

"Well I'm proud of you for moving on." He said. "Now you can open yourself up to other guys out there."

"Sure." I sighed. "But how am I gonna find another cute, funny, smart guy that isn't a huge fuckboy?"

"I know I'm perfect, Avery, but you're not my type." He laughed. "Besides, Ashton wasn't that cute anyway."

I gave him a look.

"Okay I take it back."

"Exactly." I chuckled. "But I'll be fine. Thanks, Dylan."

"No problem." He smiled and checked his watch. "I've got to go meet Nick before class." He winked.

I chuckled. "Okay, I'll see you later then."

He walked off and I went the opposite way to my first class. I rounded a corner when an arm slung around my shoulders.

"Morning, babe." I looked to see Luke smiling at me.

I was beyond confused and disgusted. "Get off of me." I pushed his arm away. "And don't call me babe. What the hell is wrong with you?"

Instead of answering my question, he took my arm and pulled me into an empty classroom and closed the door behind us.

"What are you doing?" I tried to leave but he blocked my path. "Let me out."

"Just hear me out first." He said.

I huffed and crossed my arms. "Make it quick."

"Okay, so yesterday after school, I found out you were right about Brooke being with someone else, a friend to be more specific."

"Oh." Now this is getting interesting.


"What does this have to do with me? Don't get me wrong, I like hearing you saying I'm right and the fact that you're probably hurting and all is great, but I've got nothing to do with this."

"You do. You knew about it and told me so now you're involved." He said.

"Involved in what?" I asked.

"I've got a plan."

"Oh my God." I rolled my eyes.

"Just listen. Ashton has always liked every girl I've been with and obviously Brooke is no exception. So, I need a pretend girlfriend that Ashton will try to go after and I'll be able to convince Brooke to give me another chance and we're all happy." He finished.

"So what do I have to do with all of this?" I asked.

"You're gonna be my pretend girlfriend." He stated.

"What? Oh no no no. You've got to be kidding me."

"Nope." He shook his head. "Just think about it. We'll go on a few fake dates to keep up the act around everyone, the entire time I'll be talking to Brooke to convince her to leave Ashton and you'll be flirting with Ashton to convince him to leave Brooke and be with you."

"Why would I want Ashton to be with me?"

"It's so obvious you like him, I saw how you were with him in chemistry. Tell me I'm wrong."

I sighed. "No..." I looked down. "But I've liked him for a long time, he's not gonna suddenly take interest in me." I said.

"He's liked every girl I've ever been with, he'll do you just the same. And you're not totally ugly so you've got a chance."

"You want me to help but saying shit like that isn't gonna get you anywhere." I glared at him.

"Okay okay I'm sorry. But c'mon, this plan is perfect. If everything works out, I'll be with Brooke and you'll be with Ashton."

I shook my head. "I don't know..."

Am I really considering this?

"Please, Avery. If I wasn't desperate I wouldn't be coming to you. This could be my only shot."

"Okay, fine." I sighed and crossed my arms. "Just how long would be have to keep this up?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. "However long it takes, but I plan on this being short lived. And one more thing: neither of us can fall for each other."

"Believe me, that's the last thing I'll do." I said.

"Alrighty then. You do know how a relationship works, right? I need this to seem as real as possible so they'll buy it. I don't need an amateur."

"I've been in a relationship before thank you." I rolled my eyes. "Can I go now?"

He moved towards the door to open it and we walked out together.

"You can't have the bitchy attitude if you're gonna be my girlfriend." He whispered in my ear.

"And you can't be a dick if you're gonna be my boyfriend." I retorted.

"Looks like we're gonna have to set some ground rules."

I nodded. "Definitely."

"We'll set ground rules later then." He said as I stopped in front of my class. "See you later, babe." He smirked.

"Yeah, sure." I tried not to cringe and walked inside to take my seat.

What did I just get myself into? I agreed to fake date a guy I despise. And I'm supposed to be getting over Ashton, not trying to lure him in and get him to like me. I know I've wanted him to notice me for a long time now but not like this. I want him to like me for me and not this inevitable cycle Luke was talking about. Us being together will be as real as me and Luke's current 'relationship'.

And then what happens afterwards? If this ridiculous plan does work and I end up with Ashton, who's to say we'll last? Since he's apparently something like Luke, he'll be looking at other girls in no time.

I gave up trying to listen to what the teacher was saying and let my thoughts consume me.

I know this is bad on so many levels. I knew many things could go wrong yet I still accepted his offer. I must really have it bad. I'm so desperate for someone to like me that I agreed to fake date someone so that that person will fall for me.

I continued to dwell on the subject until the bell rang. I packed up, sling my bag over my shoulder, and left the room.

As I went to second period, which I share with Dylan, I thought about what he would think of all this. Would he agree with me in thinking this is a bad idea or would he agree with me in thinking this crazy plan could actually work and I'll finally be with a guy I've liked for so long? I'm so indecisive I don't even know if I think it's bad or if it's good.

As I continued my walk to class, I felt Luke come up beside me. I knew it was him because he put his arm around me like earlier.

"Are you always gonna be doing this?" I asked a little annoyed. Just because I agreed with this doesn't mean I hate him any less.

"This is what couples do, they're all over each other." He said. "You say you were in a relationship but I find that hard to believe, you seem to not like PDA."

"I like it, I just don't like you."

"I thought we agreed you wouldn't be such a bitch." He said.

"It's a work in progress." I shrugged.

As we came closer to my class, I could see Ashton and Brooke up ahead. This was it, the first of many tests of this "relationship".

"Hey guys." Luke said as if seeing the two of them together didn't upset him at all. But I knew he was screaming on the inside.

"Oh, h-hey Luke." Ashton said. He obviously wasn't expecting Luke to be over this way. Or he didn't want Luke to see him and Brooke together until he had the chance to tell him.

Brooke didn't even look at either of us. She kept her eyes between her phone and Ashton.

"I thought your class was on another hall." Ashton said.

"Oh it is. I just had to walk my girlfriend to her next period first."

"Since when were you and Avery a thing? Just last class you guys were going at it like cats and dogs."

Looks like the great Luke didn't think about that part.

"Oh, we weren't actually fighting. We play like that a lot, that's how we get along. A little weird, yeah, but she's special." He pulled me closer and I forced a smile.

I hope he didn't believe that bullshit.

"Okay." He nodded. "Well I've got to get going, Brooke's class is down the hall and mine is a little ways away. I'll see you both in chemistry."

"See you then." Luke said.

"Later." I added. I don't know why I finally decided to chime in, it felt kind of lame.

They walked passed us and Luke took his arm from around me.

"That was real smooth." I said.

"I panicked okay? It looks like he bought it anyway so we've just got to keep it up."

I nodded and went into my class to take my usual seat next to Dylan.

"Hey again." He smiled.

"Hey." I breathed.

I decided not to tell him, at least not yet. If this grand scheme of Luke's doesn't last that long, which hopefully it doesn't, it'll be over and done with and there'd be no need for him to know. And I don't want him to shame me. I know he's my friend and all and it's his job to care for me and tell me when I'm doing something stupid but I don't need that right now. I know what I'm doing is stupid and I don't really need to hear it from someone else.

We spent the period talking, me avoiding a certain topic, and doing our work. When the bell rang for lunch, we gathered our things and left the room.

"Nick wanted me to sit with him at lunch today. I could not and we can sit at our regular table or you can come sit with us." He said.

"Uh..." I saw Luke not too far away from us. "It's okay, you go sit with him. I've got something to do."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "Go sit with your boyfriend." I chuckled.

"He's not my boyfriend...yet." He winked and went into the cafeteria.

I chuckled and waited for Luke to approach me.

"This should be simple." He said. "We'll sit with my friends Calum and Michael so they'll know about you."

"Why is it important if they know about me?" I asked.

"Don't you think it'll be a little weird that Ashton is the only one to know about you? We've got to make this seem as real as possible, remember that."

"Okay." I nodded.

"Give me your hand." He instructed, holding out his own.

I sighed and put my hand in his. Thank God he didn't intertwine our fingers together. We walked in and headed for a table where I saw the backs of two heads.

"Sup guys." Luke said as he sat down. I sat in the seat next to him pulled my chair closer.

"Hey." The one with dark hair nodded.

"Are you gonna explain this?" The colored haired one chuckled, motioning between the two of us.

"This is my girlfriend, Avery. Avery, these are my friends Calum," he pointed to the dark haired guy, "and Michael." He pointed to the colored haired boy.

"Hi." I managed a small smile. For some reason, being surrounded by all of this testosterone made me nervous.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get lunch." Luke announced, standing up.

"I want pepperoni pizza and a cup of fruit. Oh, and a bottle of juice, please." I smiled. If I was gonna do this, I might as well get free food out of it.

"Of course." He nods and walks off. I could detect a little bite in his voice but I'm doing him a favor so he's just gonna have to suck it up.

"So how did you and Luke meet?" Calum asked.

"Oh, uh, we have chemistry together, well we're partners, and I guess something just clicked." I said. I could taste the bile rise in my throat but I swallowed it.

"So how he was with girls doesn't bother you?" Michael asked and Calum nudged him.

"I choose not to judge him from his past. He's different and I like him." If I have to keep saying shit like this I'm going to be sick.

Luckily Luke returned with his lunch and mine.

"Thank you." I smiled and started eating.

I stayed out of their conversation, only laughing and nodding at the appropriate times. After lunch, we got up, threw our trash away, and left the cafeteria. Hand in hand, Luke walked me to my third period.

"I'm surprised you didn't mess anything up." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "You're not supposed to be a jerk, remember?"

"Oh, and don't pull shit like that again. Buy your own damn lunch or bring it."

"C'mon now, aren't you supposed to keep your girlfriend happy?" I teased.

"You're already making me regret this."

"Too bad. They all know now so it's too late to find someone else."

We arrived at my class and Ashton and Brooke were across the hall.

"Quick," he said, "we've got to do something, they're right there."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Kiss me." He ordered.

"What? Ew, no."

"What do you mean no? You're supposed to be playing along and this is what comes with it."

"I'm not kissing you." I said.

"Why do you have to be so difficult?" He groaned.

I could see Ashton look our way out of the corner of my eye and at that same moment, Luke quickly leaned down to kiss my cheek.

"That's all you had to do." He whispered and then smiled as if everything was okay. He left and I went into my class.


By the time chemistry rolled around, I was already over this whole 'couple' thing. I already had to deal with him earlier more than I needed to and now we're in here together.

I was texting Dylan as I sat at our table waiting for class to start.

"Hey, Avery." I looked up to see Ashton turned around in his chair and smiling at me.

"H-hey Ashton." I stuttered like an idiot and mentally slapped myself. But I could see why, he's never just came out and talked to me like that.

"Luke's not here yet?"

"No." I shook my head. "But it shouldn't take him long to get here."

Speak of the devil, there he was, walking towards the table.

He scooted his chair closer to me than usual. "Hey babe." He wrapped his arm around me.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Oh Ash," he turned away from me, "Cal and Mike said they wanted to meet at your place. Is that cool?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure." He nodded.

Mr. Hilton called the class to order and started explaining the task for the day.

"Alright, get going." He said. "You have until the end of class."

We got up to get our materials and then returned to our seats to get started.

"I'm not gonna do all the work this time." I whispered. "We've just got to manage to work together and get a good grade."

"Just tell me what to do." He said.

I explained everything to him and he followed my directions. This is surprisingly the best we've gotten along all day. I let him take care of the being cute together parts because to be honest, I really didn't have that much experience. I told him I had been in a relationship before and it wasn't a complete lie. There was this guy I kind of liked back in my freshman year, along with Ashton, and I was totally surprised when he asked me out. I remember him like it was yesterday. His name is Evan and he had the nicest green eyes you've ever seen. He even still goes here, I just don't have classes with him. I was so happy and excited but all of that went down the drain when he only went out with me to get his girlfriend back. I know that's kind of what I'm doing to myself right now but this is much different, it's on my terms. And I never even got to kiss the guy so that's part of the reason I didn't want to kiss Luke. I don't like him and I don't have the experience.

"Done." He stated.

"Great." I nodded. "You did a lot better than I thought you would."

"Thank you."

We cleaned up our mess and turned our work in and still had a few minutes to kill.

"So what now?" I asked quietly enough for only him to hear.

"Just carry out the rest of the day as normal. We don't want it to seem we're trying too hard."

I nodded. After a bit of sitting around and having a surprisingly civil conversation, the final bell of the day rang. Luke stood and took his hand in mine and led me out. He made sure Ashton was close to us as we left the room and he went the other way, I'm assuming to Brooke's class.

It wasn't too far away from chemistry class 'cause we were soon at my locker.

"You did good, do the same thing tomorrow." He said.


He walked off and I grabbed the things I needed before shutting my locker door and heading out towards my bike.

Today definitely didn't go as planned, but it didn't end terribly either.

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