Psalms In My Palms - Book 1...

By elizabethaudet

715 36 1

Studies on the Psalms of Wisdom contained in the Book of Psalms. More

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Who May Worship God?
Trust and Obey
Can You Hear Me Now?
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Make Up Your Mind!

51 3 0
By elizabethaudet

Psalms 36:1-12

Within the realm of wisdom we find mercy and grace extended. Verses 1-4 reveals the nature of sin but in later verses we are given high exaltation of God's unfailing love. "Sin speaks to the wicked man deep in his heart; he rejects God."-(TEV). David, who wrote this Psalm, received a prophetic revelation concerning this topic of wickedness. He lists their problems which include five major obstacles that turn them away from Righteousness.

First, the wicked man "does not fear Him(God)." This is a dangerous move as he condemns himself to judgment by the greatest existing power of the universe. The fear the wicked will feel will be equal to terror at the final judgment. Psalms 14:5 says, "But they will become terrified, because God is with those who obey Him."(TEV); "count on it: they will be in utter panic because God is with the righteous generation."(NEB)

Second, the wicked flatters himself with "such high opinions of himself." He is egotistical! He honors his own words above God's. "He thinks that God will not discover and condemn his sin."

Third, "His speech is evil and full of lies." An "honest man can no longer be found. All men lie to one another, and deceive each other with flattery." -Psalms 12:1b-2 (TEV). NEB says, "they talk with slick speech and divided hearts." It also says, "The Lord will cut off all slick-talking lips and every tongue that brags and brags." The end is not worth the praise they receive by their deceit.

Fourth, they cease to be wise. (TEV) "He is no longer wise enough to do good." Useless human beings!

Fifth, and Last of all, he becomes crooked, and perverse. (TEV) "He makes evil plans as he lies in bed; his conduct is not good, and he does not reject what is evil." They plot more evil while they rest. Nothing is too wrong for them. They seek every opportunity to carry out wickedness. Jesus said to the Pharisees, "You are the ones who justify yourselves before other people but God knows your hearts. What is highly valued by people is deeply offensive to God." What a sad story with a sad ending! But as we read on we find a pleasant contrast due to God's mercy and grace.

Psalms 36:5-9 gives us, "But your loyal love, Lord extends to the skies; your faithfulness reaches the clouds. Your righteousness is like the strongest mountains; your justice is like the deepest sea. Lord, you save both humans and animals." The sky, mountains, and clouds testify how high and authoritative God's love is! Highest points represent the Great Supreme God who is over all. No one else is higher in power or control. The depth of the sea shows how deep and mysterious God's inaccessible ways are. We will never fully understand God's great love for us! (Genesis 1:2c-(KJV)-"And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

In verse 7 we find where David's trust was. Ours should be there too! He says, "Men find protection under the shadow of your wings". Like a nestling we seek refuge under His great wings of love. A mother bird protects her young from eggs to nestlings by covering them with her wings. Anything trying to get to her babies must pass by her protection. (Psalms 16:1-(KJV) "Protect me God, because I take refuge in you."; 31:1-"I take refuge in You, Lord. Please never let me be put to shame. Rescue me by Your righteousness.")

The next thing David relates to is God is his provider. Proverbs 27:20 tells us, the wicked are never satisfied but those who trust get ample satisfaction. "They feast on the abundant food from your goodness. You give them to drink from the river of Your goodness." This is an interesting comparison to the life giving water we receive when we come to Christ. (Isaiah 12:3-(KJV) "Therefore with joy shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation." Be sure you are drawing from His well not your own sources. Jeremiah 2:13-(NEB) "My people have committed two crimes: They have forsaken Me, the Spring of Living Water. And they have dug wells, broken wells that can't hold water." We take on responsibilities that are not our, forgetting who is really in charge. Never try in your own strength to gain God's care, it is yours by faith in the source of your supply.

In order to better understand God's love and mercy we need to study the background of David, the Psalmist. David proved the love of God and His graciousness when he befriended Jonathan, the son of his worst enemy, King Saul. After Saul's and Jonathan's death, David sought out anyone left of Jonathan's family. He found Mephibosheth, Jonathan's son. He had survived the murders of the royal family by being carried away by his nurse who cared for him. Though he had fallen as a baby and remained lame, David brought him to his own Palace and treated him mercifully. He even ate at King David's table placing his lame feet beneath it.

There are eight things which connect The story of Mephibosheth to us as sinners saved by grace:

1. Mephibosheth had fellowship with his father, just as Adam did with the Heavenly Father in the Garden of Eden.

2. Mephibosheth was crippled by a fall leaving him with a permanent damage, as Adam suffered from a fall from perfection a curse upon mankind.

3. David sought out Mephibosheth and showed him mercy and Mephibosheth accepted, as God sought mankind and showed His mercy to all who accepted it.

4. Mephibosheth was undeserving to be part of the new king's household, but David's grace overlooked that just as we were undeserving of God's grace but He extended His mercy anyway.

5. Mephibosheth was seated at David's table, as we are welcomed to the King of King's table.

6. David adopted him into his royal family, as God has invited us to be His children.

7. Mephibosheth 's limp was a constant reminder of the grace given him, as we are assured where sin abounds grace does much more abound.

8. He was treated with love and respect because of his relationship with his father, as we are allowed the love and respect God has for His own Son, Jesus Christ, because of our relationship to His life and death for us.

The book of Luke tells us that a man invited many guests to his home for a Great feast but each gave excuses for not coming, so the master determined to send out his servant to obtain last minute guests. (Luke 14:21 & 23c- says "the master of the house being angry said to his servant, ' Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind...that my house may be filled.") This is the story of the rejection of the wicked and the opening for those who accept regardless of condition.

The closing verses remind us to "Continue to love those who know you and to do good to those who are righteous." Then David asks for mercy among those who attack him. Remember he was being pursued by Saul for a long time! He ends by saying, "See where the evil men have fallen! There they lie, unable to rise." This is the results of their wicked ways. God is the Judge but also our loving Father to all who believe!

Next time...         

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