The Bad Boy Isn't My Type

By happydayshere1

13.2K 498 92

It all started with six words, "bad boy isn't my type, sorry" Amelia and her family move to a small town call... More

(2) The hunger games at its best
Whoops was that your bike?
(4) friday!
Let loose!
Should i run orrr?
Holy crap was that hulk?!
My own protective service ;)
Story Time
Does anyone have a rope?
Like The Snake I Am.
You got muscle? Or is that fat?
Hmm, I wonder how that mat tasted?

(1) Hows your burger?

2.5K 66 9
By happydayshere1

Word count- 1811
It is my first day at a new school, I'm almost ready, I look in the mirror and smile everything looks- wait! I grab the small lipstick on my table and smear it perfectly on my lips. It's my favorite lipstick, bright red. It's basically my signature look. I grab my book bag off of the chair and sprint down the stairs I yell, "I'm leaving for school!"

My mom was in the kitchen she yells, "Amelia Jacobsen! Your gonna be late!" I don't answer as I push the door open quickly, sorry mom no time! I'm kinda always late I can't help it, it's a curse! I slide into my car and pull out quickly from my driveway, late on my first day. Great first impression.


I pull into the students parking section and park kinda sloppily in an open space. I swing my bag over my shoulder and start sprinting towards the school doors. My heels clicking loudly as my heavy feet pound the ground. I get close and see the principal standing on the other side of the doors. I stop my run, and straighten out my outfit, keep it classy.

I push open the doors, good thing my mom and me already toured the school so I know where I'm going. The principal was an older man with a scruffy gray beard, and round glasses. He needs to shave, someone could lose their keys in his beard! He looks at me and gives me a welcoming smile he says, "hello Amelia, it's nice to see you again." Me being the awkward person I am I say, "right back at you dude- I mean sir!"

He chuckles deeply, honestly it was kinda creepy. He says, "seems your a little late, do you know what time school starts?" I thought he was being sarcastic but the stone look on his face made me think other wise. I say, "ya um, Sorry I over slept." He nods and says, "today won't count, but if you get 3 I excused tardy's you will have detention."

I say, "duly noted." He gives me a skeptical look and says, "well you know your way I hope, I just came to greet you." I nod at him not trusting my mouth to not say something sarcastic. He gives me a short nod and says, "yes well, welcome to Chilean High. We are glad to have you." I say, "ya I'm glad to be here." Lies, lies, lies!

He turns and walk the other direction and I say, "room 214 here I come."

I walk down the hall towards the room I remembered as biology. I hurry so I won't be any later than I already am. I arrive at the plain brown door and swing it open. The lady in maybe her mid 40's stops talking and looks at me quickly. She wore a tight pink dress, but her being a little on the heavy side made her look like a chewed up piece of bubblegum.

I look down at my schedule to figure out her name. I say, "um hi Mrs. Thumbtack, I'm Amelia the new student." Seriously if I had the last name thumbtack I would get it changed! She clears her throat and says, "yes, you can take a seat next to Milly. Milly raise your hand." A blonde girl raises her hand. I walk over to her, I felt everyone watching me. It was freaking me out.

Mrs. Thumbtack says, "well Milly, introduce yourself!" Milly had pretty blue eyes, and very long and beautiful eyelashes. She was very pretty, but also seemed kinda shy. She says, "hi I'm Milly." I smile at her and say, "the names Amelia, But friends call me Mia." She says, "cool." She looks at the mysterious liquid sitting in front of us. The teacher says, "now Milly please fill her in on the experiment we have today!"

Mrs. Thumbtack goes back to teaching the rest do the students, and Milly starts very thoroughly explaining the experiment. I wasn't really listening to her though, I reach my finger into the tube ready to touch the liquid. But Milly gasps and snatches my hand away she says, "did you not hear me?! That's acid! Do you want to burn a hole through your finger?!"

I feel like a child getting a scolded by her mother, I reply "no... It was just a pretty shade of blue so I wanted to touch it." She shakes her head at me, but I don't miss the small smile playing on her lips.


It was lunch time and let me tell you, it's very stressful deciding where to sit. I let my eyes scan the room looking for someone I had met today. My eyes land on Milly and I smile, maybe I can sit with her! I speed walk over to her and say, "hey Milly can I sit by you?" She gives me a guilty look and says, "both seats by me are taken, but you can still sit at our table! Here sit by Lacy!"

The blonde girl I presume is lacy looks up at me with a glare. Um ok? I sit next to her and she says, "who's she?" Before Milly could answer I say, "I'm Amelia, but you can call me Mia." She gives me a mean look while chewing her cheese burger, she says "Amelia it is." I was confused for a second, suddenly a boy with black hair sits next to Milly. She leans over and gives him a kiss on the lips. That must be her boyfriend! His eyes land on me and he says, "who's that girl?" Milly says, "Shawn this is Amelia. She wants to be called Mia though." Milly shoots lacy a glare.

Shawn nods at me, "nice to meet you, I'm Shawn." I say, "nice to meet you to." Some more people fill into the table, they all seem nice except for lacy. Who continued to shoot glares at me, what's with this chick!? Suddenly one do the boys at our table, I think his name was chase says, "oh shit! He's coming to our table!" As if everyone knew who they were talking about they scatter from the table.

I look around confused everyone but Shawn was gone. I look around confused, suddenly someone taps my shoulder I turn my head to see the most amazingly hot guy on this planet! He looks like a Greek god! But when a guy holds himself with this much confidence and good looks, it normally means one thing.

He's a bad boy.

I ignore his existence and turn my head back around. The guy slides into the bench next to me. I noticed that everyone was watching me with a guilty look. He says, "you must be new, I'm pretty sure I would have noticed a hot thing like you if is seen you before." I huff and continue ignoring him.

He says, "so what's your name?" I ignore him again, he will go away if I don't answer him. He says, "what's wrong babe? Did my hotness stun you silent?" His cocky smirk is obvious I on his face. He will go away Amelia.

He says, "come on sweetheart, don't ignore me." I stay silent, this guy is very persistent and annoying! He sighs, "just tell me your name" he pokes me in the cheek and I was working up a temper. I tend to get quite the temper.

I stand up as he continues to poke my cheek. I walk towards the trash can, everyone's eyes were on me. I hold my tray tightly in my hands, the annoying boy steps in front of my path. I try to side step him but he stays put. What the hells up with this guy?! He smirks at me, "are you a mute?" He laughs a little then adds, "gotta be the hottest mute I've ever seen!"

I take a deep breath stay calm Amelia! Collect yourself! Try to step the other way but he steps in front me again. He says, "come on babe what's it gonna take to get you to talk?" That was it, I snapped.

I say, "do I need to drawl you a map on how to get the fuck out of my face?!" Everyone gasps, whoops? The boy in front of me looks at me with wide eyes.

His mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water I step around him and go back on my way to the trash can. He grabs my shoulder and says, "hey what's your problem?" I say, "if I were you, I'd let go of me." I could hear the smirk in his voice, "or what?" I turn quickly on my heel as smash my lunch plate in his face. Everyone gasps again, only then did I realize what I just did.

The uneaten cheese burger with lots of ketchup slides off of his face and on to the floor. Once again whoops? Suddenly someone grabs my arm and starts dragging me quickly out of the lunch room. Milly drags me into the girls bathroom and says, "oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god! OH MY FREAKING GOD!" I say, "what?!" She stops hyperventilating and says, "your so dead!"

I say, "care to elaborate?" She gives me a hopeless look and says, "you just denied and smashed a cheese burger in the Devils face!" I say, "you mean that guy?" She says, "yes THAT GUY! That guy isn't just any guy! He's River Atwood... Otherwise known as the devil!" I say, "why do you call him the devil?"

She says, "because that's his nickname. He's earned it after 16 years of terrible deeds!" I roll my eyes, "your over exaggerating." She was about to say something when I hear loud feet stomping down the hallway. She slaps her hand over my mouth and pulls me into a bathroom stall. I hear, "dude calm down-" then a booming voice say, "they'll have to find a new nickname for me after what I'm gonna do to that girl!"

Milly gives me a extremely pointed look, then someone else says, "river bro, it's ok-" suddenly a loud bang rings through the hallway, I'm guessing that was the sound of river throwing the guy against the locker. Rivers voice was vicious he says, "don't tell me it's ok. That little bitch just embarrassed me in front of everyone! There's going to be videos all over the Internet of that dumb chick smashing a burger in my face!"

The other guy stutters out, "s-sorry river! I-I'll help you f-find her!" Then the footsteps go further down the hallway. Milly gives me an urgent look, "Amelia, you have royally screwed yourself."

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