Holy crap was that hulk?!

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I groan, and throw the stupid torture device at the wall. Ugh.

I throw my legs over the bed, and get up. I grab a pair of leggings, and a random shirt that says "Can you not?" I throw the outfit on, go to my dresser slap on some mascara. Then apply my bright red lipstick. Always.


I get to school, and I hurry inside. It feels as if everyone is watching me... Someone runs up, and loops their arm in mine pulling me into the girls restroom.

I look up to see Milly looking at me nervously. She bites her nails letting me go, she paces back and forth. "What's wrong Milly?" She says, "Don't go to your locker today ok?"

"Why?" She sighs heavily, "OK so you know how you fought Lacy yesterday?" I nod.

"Well, she didn't tell the principle or anyone for that matter. But some kid saw the whole thing, and told everyone! So Lacy said instead of snitching she would get revenge. And then River mother-f-ing Kade said he would help her!"

Didn't he just help me yesterday?! I sigh raking my fingers through my hair, "So why my locker?" She says, "I don't know! But a bunch of people are crowded around it waiting for you!"

"Great. Just great. Now I have to go to my locker." She gives me an exasperated look and says, "Did you not hear me?!" I say, "I am not afraid of whatever is going to pour on me when I open my locker. I am not going to let them put me down. So yeah, I'm going to my locker." I turn and walk out of the bathroom. Milly joins my side, and says "I can't let you get publicly humiliated alone, that would make me a terrible friend." I smile at her, and walk to my locker.

She was right, everyone crowded around the hall in front of my locker with phones ready to record. I say, "I just want you all to know, you're a bunch of idiots for letting people get treated like trash and recording it!" I put in my combination preparing myself for whatever liquid is going to fall on me.

I pull it open, and close my eyes. Rustling of papers makes me open them, where is the liquid? Why are papers falling out of my locker? They spill onto the ground, and I reach down picking one up.

All color drains from my face as I see what is on it.

A mug shot.

Of me.



My heart beat increases, I turn around and people are picking them up off of the ground. Gasps sound around the room. Laughter breaks out as they see the girl in the picture.

I had a large gash across my face, bags under my eyes, and a stoical look on my face.

"You went to Juvie!" "She's a criminal!" "What the hell is wrong with her?!" "No wonder she thinks she's so tough!"

My breathing tunes out the insults thrown at me. It felt like the room was caving in on me. Milly holds a picture in her hand, and looks up at me confused. Say something! Pretend it doesn't bother you! Yell at them! Tell them! Move! Speak! Do something!


"Hold it up, and look at the camera."

I do as told, they take the picture. I was barely holding. How could he do this to me? How could he?!

I hold back the tears, betrayal, and deceit. I was so innocent, and vulnerable! How could he take advantage of my innocence?

I will never let this happen again. I will never be weak again. I will do his time for him, and when I get out. I will be a new person.

I look up to see my father talking to the other officer. That dirty piece of shit.

End of Flashback.

I open my eyes to see Milly shaking me. "Amelia! Amelia its ok just breath!"

I turn my head to the side my breathing slowing. I see River standing next to Lacy with his arms folded across his chest, and a guilty look on his face. I then snap back to reality. I hear Christians voice, "Who did this?! Who the fuck did this?!" He waves the paper around with rage. People point at River.

Next thing I know Christian bursts into a sprint. He launches himself at River Kade. River could not even defend himself, Christian was like a raged animal.

Throwing punch after punch at Rivers head. He did that as many people recorded it. River tried to throw a punch back but Christian's assault came faster. Until the teachers pull him off of River.

Rivers face was covered in blood, it took 5 teachers to hold Christian to the ground. 3 to hold Rivers barely standing body up. Milly helps me off of the ground, and pulls me into the bathroom once again.

I say, "W-What happened?" She says, "You had a panic attack, then fainted. Then that guy busted through the crowd and beat the living shit out of River Kade!"

I say, "I-I...-"

She cuts me off by hugging me tightly, "Don't. It's fine. We've all done stuff we aren't proud of Mia." I sob on her shoulder, "I-It wasn't my fault... I-It wasn't my fault!" She nods, "You don't have to talk now ok."

Suddenly the principle walks in the bathroom with the mug shot in hand. "Amelia. I need to speak with you."

I nod and follow him to his office.

He made me sit in the middle of River and Christian. River had gotten the blood wiped off his face, but that did not hide the cut on his cheek, the black eye, or the slightly crooked nose.

"What the hell happened here?!"

River says, "I found a picture of Amelia in a mug shot, printed it out, and stuffed 100 in her locker. So when she opened it, it would fall out and everyone would see." The principle looked astonished.

He says, "Why in god's name would you do that Mr. Kade?!"

"Because she embarrassed me."

Christian scoffs, "So that give you the right to fucking-"

The principle cuts him off. "That's enough Mr. Adams!"

River says, "I think it was just a misunderstanding. Give us detention or something." I raise an eyebrow as he says this. Does he actually think he will only get detention after the stunt he pulled?! "Alright. Detention for a week. All of you."

Christian says, "What?! Amelia didn't do anything!" He shrugs looking at River, "As far as I can tell she started this whole mess. So detention! Now get out of my office, and go back to class!"

Did that seriously just happen?

 (Hey guys! Hope you loved it!  A picture of Christian will be on the next chapter! comment your opinions and don't forget to vote!)

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