Video Vixen. (Laurinah Fic) [...

由 _KayParrilla

102K 3.8K 4.2K

Meet Dinah Jane Hansen, a well known video and music producer who got into the business at the age of 19. She... 更多



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由 _KayParrilla

Dinah Jane:

"Dinah! P-please I'm going to be late f-for work." Lauren managed to say as she laid above me with her hands tangled in my hair.

I was too busy pleasuring her to even care.

"Don't care." I mumbled before letting my tongue slowly move upwards between her wet folds.

She moaned loudly and pushed my head farther into her center. "Fuck! Dinah y-you have a meeting in an hour. S-stop." She whined as her body lifted slightly off of the bed.

I chuckled and lifted my head to look at her. Her face was flushed, her eyes were slightly opened, and her breathing was shaky. "Lauren...after I've finished eating my breakfast I'll get ready. Until then let me do my's been a minute." I winked at her before returning my attention to the pink flesh that I've been craving for weeks.


I sat and watched as she scurried across her apartment, hurrying to get ready to leave. She was already an hour late and so was I but unlike her I didn't give a shit. Normani had been blowing up my phone but she can wait, the meeting can't start without me anyways.

"Dinah have you seen my flats?" Lauren shouted from the bathroom.

Her shoes were sitting neatly by the front door. I looked over at them and smirked. "Nope."

She ran into the living room and glared at me. "They're right're literally sitting a few feet away from them." She fussed as she hurried over to put them on.

I chuckled as I stood from the sofa and walked over to her. "Babe, relax."

With a sigh she turned and looked up at me. "I told you that I had an important photo shoot today Dinah but you decided to help yourself anyways."

I looked into those mesmerizing green eyes of hers before leaning down to kiss her. "Shut up you liked it. Alright let's get going. Are we coming back to your place tonight?" I asked as I picked up my keys and phone from the counter.

"If you want, maybe we can meet up later. Will Gabby be with you?"

Gabby has been with my mother since yesterday and whenever she gets over there she acts brand new and cries when it's time to leave.

"I'll ask my mom if she wants her for another night if not then yes. Alright babe have fun."

"Okay. I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too."

We kissed once more before parting ways.


"Dinah Jane Hansen!"

I came to a halt as I stepped off of the elevator on the lower floor.

Shit. My eyes widened as an older version of Normani came storming over to me. Andrea Hamilton.

Andrea Hamilton was no one to be played with. Just like my mother she didn't take shit from anyone which was why they got along so well.

"H-hey Mama." I said nervously after seeing the annoyed look on her face.

Once she was standing face to face she started swatting me with a rolled up magazine. I'm too old for this shit.

"What did I do?!" I shouted as I tried to dodge the hits.

"Showed up an hour late to your own meeting! Get your ass over there girl!" She shouted at me.

I took off running into my office where Normani, and Ally were waiting.

"It's not funny." I groaned as I took a seat on the sofa in between Ally and Normani.

Normani smirked at me. "It is...thanks Mommy."

Andrea smiled and nodded. "No problem Mani, it was great seeing you all. Ally, sweetheart we're due for lunch soon we've got to have a talk. Dinah Jane I'd like to see my grand baby soon." She said as she started walking towards the elevator.

"Yes ma'am." Ally and I said in unison

"Love you ladies." She called out to us as she stepped onto the elevator.

"Love you too!" The three of us called back to her before she disappeared behind the elevator door.

I turned to glare at the dark skinned girl sitting to my left. "You called her here just to beat me with a magazine?" I asked.

She smirked. "Dinah. You're already an hour late. Let's get this meeting started I've got somewhere to be later on."

"So do I. So if you'd please? I've got a date with Lance later." Ally said with a smile.

"By date, she means they fucking." Normani said aloud

I snickered. "Leave her alone Mani. Alright so Ally anything new?"

She nodded. "You have a request to DJ at a strip club. The Hot Spot...the last DJ got shot."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Ally..."

"I'm not kidding. You're not going because I'm telling you that you're not but the owner knows how good you are and he sounded desperate so I told him I'd run it by you."

Normani scuffed. "Yeah, that's definitely not happening...hey can I ask you guys something?"

Ally and I turned to look at Normani. "Of course. What is it?" I asked.

She sighed. "Am I crazy for asking Camila to marry me?"

"No! Goodness Mani that's great. When?" Ally said with a smile.

"Yeah when?" I asked.

Normani shrugged. "Well I already have a ring I thought of asking where she and I met."

I rolled my eyes. "At Starbucks? Goodness I swear you are so basic."

"Fuck you Dinah. That's why Ally is my favorite person."

"She's everyone's favorite person. Look at her she's filled with sunshine, smiles and-"

"Sin. Let's not forget about know I still can't believe that you're sleeping with Lance. My cousin Ally? Really?"

"You slept with Dinah's cousin for a whole year even though you knew that the whole football, basketball, and chess club ran through her...maybe even a few of the teachers. But that's none of my business right?"

I busted out laughing at the look on Normani's face. "Damn. Mani you're just going to let little Miss Sunshine destroy you like that?"

"Run through traffic Gordon Jr. Okay Ally, you didn't have to go there. Please don't be one of those bitchy pregnant women because I will ignore your ass until the baby is born."

Ally smirked. "Zendaya and Normani sitting in a tree...F-U-C-"

"Alright! I'm sorry gees. I know that Lance is a great guy. Plus you guys are cute together but people change and if he hurts you I'm killing him." Normani warned.

"Mani relax she might be small but she's capable of doing that herself." I butted in.

"Thank you Dinah. Normani I'll be fine."

"I know you will be, so will you Dinah." Normani said sincerely as she smiled at the both of us.

The three of us sat discussing business and personal matters for a few hours until I decided to head to the gym to work out since I hadn't in a while. While I was there I discovered that Lauren and I accidentally swapped phones after I had turned on the music and realized that there were absolutely no Beyoncé songs. She and I need to talk about that. Of course she didn't answer the phone when I called to tell her about the mix up. She'll just figure it out on her own.


Finally. A two hour photo shoot is complete and I'm so tired and hungry. I'm supposed to meet Normani for lunch in a few so I had to hurry to go and get changed.

When I walked into the dressing room where about 5 other girls were, I spotted a girl sitting at my station, using my make up brushes. Furrowing my eyebrows I quietly walked over to her.

"Hi, um excuse me?" I said politely causing her to look at me through the mirror. She smiled before turning to face me.

"Yes? Can I help you?" She asked.

"Um, yeah...those are my things that you're using." I said nodding towards the mess of makeup supplies in front of her.

She looked down briefly before gasping. "Oh. I'm so sorry. I didn't think they belonged to anyone...I'm new here so I didn't know." She said apologetically.

I nodded slightly. "It's okay...what's your name?"

"Amber. Oh my gosh. You're Lauren Jauregui right?" She asked.

I nodded again. "I you've heard of me?"

"Who hasn't? Girl you're so beautiful...I doubt if you're single but if you"

I smiled. "Thanks." There was an awkward silence. There was something about this girl that didn't sit right with me. "Well I have to can keep the brushes. Nice meeting you."

She gave a closed mouth smile and nodded before turning back towards the mirror.

Taking one last glance at her I grabbed my things and quickly hurried off to change back into the outfit that I had arrived in.


I sat patiently inside of Panda Express waiting for Normani to show up for lunch. I'll admit that I'm a little nervous to be here alone with her on account of me still feeling a little shitty for the way that I treated her when Camila first introduced us. I'm just glad that she was able to forgive me and that we're able to start over and actually get to know one another better.

A few minutes had gone by and I was starting to get bored so I pulled out my phone and unlocked it, furrowing my eyebrows when I saw the photo of Gabby and I fast asleep on Gabby's tiny bed.

Shit. I sighed and opened the photo roll and smirked when I saw selfies of me and candid photos of my ass. I accidentally grabbed Dinah's phone. Oh well.

Deciding to be nosey I started going through her phone. I didn't have a reason to but I have nothing else to do. I'll just leave the texts alone because I wouldn't want anyone going through mine even though I have nothing to hide.

"Lauren, hey sorry I'm late."

I looked up to see Normani walking over to me. I locked the phone and placed it face down onto the table before standing and hugging her. She hugged back and we pulled away from one another so that we could sit down.

"It's okay. How are you?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded as she settled into her seat across from me. "I'm fine. How are you?"

"Fine as well. I hope you don't mind but I ordered for you already. I hope chicken stir fry and Sprite is okay."

"Perfect. Girl you look tired we could have rescheduled if you wanted to."

I shook my head. "No it's fine Normani,"

There was an awkward silence briefly before she decided to speak. "So how are things with you and doofus?" She asked with a grin.

I chuckled. "Great, she's annoying though but I can deal with it. I like Gabby more but don't tell Dinah."

"I think we all like Gabby a little more than we like Dinah so your secret is safe with me."

We laughed lightly. "How are things with you and Camila?"

Normani smiled wide. "Great...I miss her though."

"Oh that's right she's in Cuba until tomorrow. Why didn't you go with her?"

She sighed. "I had to take my bar exam...but I failed for the second time and honestly I'm scared as shit because she helped me study for it and she'll kick my ass when she finds out."

"Who Camila? Just hold your hand out when she swings at you it'll tire her out."

She chuckled. "True, but girl your best friend is crazy. You know she cursed me out in Spanish because I ate all of the banana nut muffins."

"Yeah,  that sounds like her, just good luck to you both when you have kids."

Normani groaned. "Oh gosh. Oh since we're um-on the topic of Camila...I um-I really love her...I'm in love with her in fact and since you're her best friend I figured that I'd ask you if-"

I smiled, knowing what she was going to ask. "Yes Mani. Marry her."

She returned the smile and playfully rolled her eyes at me. "Well damn can I finish?"

I chuckled. "Sorry, but I really want to thank you for being there for her and showing her that not everyone is bad. She's been through having her heartbroken as you know and she kept telling herself that she'd never find the one but then you come along and you're all that she talks about. So thank you." I said sincerely.

She reached out and took my hands into hers. "Of course and thank you for being there for Dinah. I'll admit that I was a little iffy about you because she's already been through so much. Not with just relationships but with life...I'm um sure that she told you about New York..."

I nodded slightly and sighed at the thought of it. "Yes."

"She's just never had it easy...lots of people don't usually but seriously Lauren there's just something about you that makes her smile; aside from Gabby, you truly do make her happy and I appreciate you for being there. We got off on the wrong foot and I'd like for you and I to bond you know? Because let's face it we're bad bitches and a bad bitch always needs another bad bitch by her side." She said with a grin.

"True. So very true." I said as I gave her hands a gentle squeeze before pulling away.


We chatted and laughed about nothing as we ate lunch. Normani is really cool and we actually like some of the same things. About an hour or so later she and I parted ways; promising to hang out soon.

When I got home I went to go shower and change clothes so that I could prepare for a much needed nap. Just before I got into bed, Dinah's phone vibrated. I picked up from the nightstand to see a text from her mother. I wasn't going to read it at first but I grew a little curious so I opened it and read it.

Mother💕: DJ did you get your test results back?

I furrowed my eyebrows. Test results? Maybe I should just leave it but now I wanted to know what she meant.

Me: What?

I sat the phone on the bed next to me and eyed it; waiting impatiently for her to respond. Once the phone vibrated I quickly picked it up and looked at the screen.

Mother💕: Dinah do not play with me. From the day that you and Lauren had unprotected sex. I suggested that you go and get yourself tested. I hope you were smart, and actually did it. No telling who that girl has screwed around with.

Oh hell no!

Out of anger I threw her phone and it shattered against the wall.

"FUCKING BITCH!" I shouted as tears suddenly fell from my eyes.

How could she go and do that behind my back?! Does she not trust me enough? She obviously doesn't. I should have fucking known. How couldn't I have known?


Update from work.



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