Trouble In Paradise - Stelena

By ilysmseries

12.1K 397 68

[you have to read book 1: my girlfriends best friend, first!!] Someone important from Stefan's past comes to... More

Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Alternative ending, chapter fifteen.

Chapter one

1.8K 37 15
By ilysmseries

[Stefan's P.O.V]
Things with Elena have been going really great, it's been a year since we've officially been dating.

Well a year tomorrow.

I've already done the sappy re-create the first date thing with the rose.

So I've got to come up with something super romantic and special.

Ooo I've got it a romantic get away.

First I'll make a nice dinner for us, I'll surprise her with our bags packed.

I'll swoop her off her feet and we will head to where ever we want.

My family has a lake house, we can go there.

Why haven't I thought of this before I mean it's been a year.

A lot has happened over the year; Caroline found a new guy, um I think his name is klaus I can't really remember.

They're happy.

And Elena's aunt found someone too his name is Alaric from what I hear, Elena likes him.

Well last thing that is kind of important, Damon emailed. I saw him the a year in a half ago when he came back from New York but than he mysteriously disappeared again.

His message was odd;

Dear Stefan,
I hope life is doing you well, I have left because I simply don't care whether or not your face catches my vision.

A little birdie told me that you and Elena finally got together. Just so you know that birdie was Caroline.

She told me when you two broke it off.

Don't be mad at her be mad at me or better yet Elena.

Okay, okay, I admit it at the first of this letter I lied, I hope life is doing you terrible.

From what I've heard it's not going exactly how I've hoped.

You may think this is all coming out of the blue, but if you think about it it's not.

It's all about momentum my friend. At least that's what a guy named Kai told me.

Well I gots' to go.


I mean we were great friends when he lived here, why all of a sudden does he not want to be friends anymore.

I'm choosing not to think about it unless he comes back than I will talk to him.

I've got to sleep, give my mind a rest.

*the next morning*

"Ah hello, my gorgeous boyfriend, get up!" Elena yelled at me.

"Mm no." I played.

"We have like 5 minutes before the mall opens with big sales and crazy people and you need something to wear to your uncles wedding Tomorrow!"

"How about you get in bed and we can shop later." I said as I tugged her arm to pull her into bed.

I sent her soft kisses on her cheeks up and down her neck, until our lips meant.

She was laughing. I loved that laugh.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I'm sorry I didn't quite get that." I smiled.

"I said, I love you." She smiled back.

"Mm one more time." My smile grew bigger.

"I." She moved her face a little closer to mine. "Love." She moved closer again. "You." She said as she kissed me.

She played around with her fingers in my hair, as she was kissing me.

When I knew she was enjoying the moment, I got up and walked to the mirror.

"See not so fun somebody ruining a perfect moment?" I dipped my brows in towards my nose.

"That was your perfect moment, laying in bed? Wow you need to get out of the house." She giggled.

"Isn't this the point of me not going to college? The privilege of being able to be wherever whenever without having someone nagging me to do something with my life." I told her.

"We just graduated high school." She sighed. "I don't expect you to not take a break from the whole school thing, but sooner or later you have to face the real world."

"Are we really about to have a fight about my life, on our one year anniversary?" I shouted.

"No, I'm sorry." She ran over and gave me a hug.

"It's okay, if you want to go get my outfit we will. It's not that I don't want it, I do. I'm the person who likes to have control." I said.

"I understand." She reached up and pecked my lips. "So, I'm thinking tie not bow." She said as she walked out of my bedroom door.

*7 hours later*

After the mall Elena went back to her place for a few hours to see Jenna and Jeremy.

Oh, and of course to get ready for our anniversary date later this evening.

I've put the delicious dinner for me and Elena on the dining table.

I had romantic music playing in the background, she'll love it.

I heard a knock on the door, when I opened it, there stood Elena.

She was wearing a very beautiful white dress that made her slim body stand out perfectly.

It was strapless.

Her hair was curled like springs.

And her she was wearing red lipstick that was almost known as the 'sexy' colour.

She was the most beautiful girl I had ever met in my entire life.

"Woah, um hello." I said in shock, well not in shock I mean I've always known she was gorgeous but tonight she looked extra stunning.

"Do you have a tissue?" She asked.

"Um yea for what?" I replied confused.

"For your drool. Seriously, stop drooling." She laughed.

"I wasn't.." I stared into her eyes.

She caught me. In return for that I crashed my lips onto hers and pulled into a tight embrace.

"Oh and hello to you too." She smiled.

We made our way to the perfectly set up dinner table where our freshly made food lies.

"Here is your seat." My hands gestured the way to her seat.

"Thanks, uh so what does Stefan Salvatore make for his one year anniversary?" She questioned.

"You haven't talked to Caroline about that kind of stuff?" I asked her.

"We tend to stay off the 'I'm dating your ex boyfriend' topic." She told me.

"Oh well, you'll just have to wait and see." I said.

She pulled the lid off of the dish and feasted her eyes on the lobster and salad.

"Lobster?! That's pretty special." She looked happy, that's what I was going for too.

"Special food for a special girl." I told her, we smiled.

"I've got a special boy too." She said.

"How's this for special, my family has an old lake house, still in perfect condition despite its age. What do you say we go have a romantic weekend?" I proposed.

"I'd say that does sound pretty special." She kissed me.

"Well you love birds aren't going anywhere?" A voice said, a voice I recognized.

"Damon." I realized.


K so first, when I started I never expected to have enough views on a book to want to write a sequel to it.

I know 586 isn't a lot but to me it is.

Also in the last book Damon was all over the place in the first two chapters specifically, so just to clear this up;

Damon is Stefan's brother, he went to New York for 2-3 years before I wrote the first book, he came back for two days, then mysteriously left again.

Now here he is.

K so hope you enjoy this book:)

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