Captain Swan One Shots

By slee-belle

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"Love is worth it." A collection of short stories based on Once Upon a Time characters name Emma Swan and Ki... More

Trust-Part One
Trust-Part Two
Leaving You Behind
Let Me Sleep Peacefully
A Chance
The Princess and The Pirate
Needing You
Night Before New Years
Can't Lose Each Other
Mental Hospital
The Past
I'm Sorry
Saving A Life
Dark Side Sneak Peek
Dark Side (Part One)
Dark Side (Part Two)
Dark Side (Part Three)
Missing Her
Best Laid Plans
No Rest For The Wicked
Darkness in Me
Always Mine
The Power of Love
An Early Morning
Long Stares, Small Talks
Abandoned and Lonely
Letting It Go
Lost and Silent
A Cold Night, A Warm Evening
A Late Midnight
Dear Daddy
Leave Me or Your Future?
Moving On
Our Quiet Moment
New and Unfamiliar Things
Thy Will Be Done
The Lighthouse Tale
Some News For Y'all...

No Failures

1.2K 47 9
By slee-belle

David, Mary M., Regina, Zelena, Emma, and Hook were all at Granny's dinner that evening. Henry was on a date with Violet that evening. They all just gotten back from going into New York. Their magic was saved, and there wasn't anymore crisis, for now.

The six of them were sitting all on one table. They were all smiling, having a great time with each other. There was some burst of laughter from all of them. Emma and Killian were sitting side by side with each other, Zelena, Regina, Mary Margaret and David across from them two. They were all eating their grill cheese sandwiches or cheeseburgers that was on their plates. Having an amazing dinner with friends and family.

The doorbell rings right beside of them. A woman, along with her two small children, walks into the dinner, straight into a booth. The two children sits with their backs facing the group, the mother facing the group. After a waitress comes and orders the food, that's when the woman hears laughter in front of her.

"Mommy why does a man have a hook in his hand?" Her daughter asks her, looking at the group as well.

The woman looks at Killian closely. The hook, the black leather, the hair. She goes into shock. She knows who he is. She knows what he has done to her and her family. She felt her blood boiling inside of her, but she never one time show it to her kids.

"I'll be right back. Stay right here." She orders her kids softly as she gets up from the booth. Her son and her daughter put their knees onto the seat, looking on as to see what the mother was going to do.

The woman got onto the table where the heroes were. David looks at her immediately and gives her a warm smile. "Hello, ma'am, what can I do for you?" He asks her.

The woman didn't do anything. She sees a waitress passing by her with a large cup of drink on her tray. The woman grabs it from the tray and throws the drink towards Killian's face. Killian gets up, immediately wiping the drink off of his face.

Emma immediately stands up, looking at the woman in anger. "What the hell? What was that for?"

"This man ruin my life!" The woman screams out at her.

Everyone in the diner stop eating or talking and looks at the action coming from the heroes and the woman.

Regina, Mary M., David, and Zelena all sat up on their seats, looking on with the three of them. Some had confusion. Some we're ready to get either Emma or the woman jump on each other. The two children look on in shock.

Emma looks at the woman in confusion, but also anger in her tone. She immediately stands by Killian side, seeing him blinking away the drink that landed in his eyes. "When?" She asks the woman.

"Not too long ago. Like a month ago before you and your pity heroes decided to go to the underworld and save his sorry ass." The woman saids, anger still in her tone.

Emma glares daggers at the woman. She is so close to slap the woman straight to her face. Instead of slapping her, she shoves her hard, making her fall on the ground.

"Mommy!" The daughter screams out in horror.

"Emma stop!" David yells, grabbing Emma's forearm from behind, so she wouldn't do anymore.

The woman immediately gets up from her fall and turns back, looking at her two children. "It's okay, your mommy is fine." She saids softly, with a smile on her face. The two children nods their head, but still looks on in horror.

She turns her head, her look quickly change from soft to anger. Emma's look was still the same ever since this whole thing started. She walks closer to her, only a couple inches from her face.

"Yeah, your boyfriend ruin my perfect life. My perfect family! He ruined it all! I won't be surprised if someone would kill him and let him rot in hell."

That's when Emma decides to slap her across the face.

David grabs Emma's waist and pulls her away from the woman. Emma tries to let go of his grip, but he was stronger than she was. "Let me go, David." She whispers harshly at him.


Emma stops moving and looks directly into the eyes of Killian Jones. She can see guilt and sadness in his eyes. That immediately made her anger go away. Killian was actually refusing to look at anyone. He was looking anywhere, BUT Emma.

"You need to hear this."

The woman, who was recover from the slap, she smiles at the two. "Gladly, I'll tell the story.

"As you guys know, Killian Jones was Captain Hook down in the enchanted forest blah blah. So, my husband wanted to become a sailor and he worked with Killian along with his brother Liam Jones. Everything was going fine, until Liam passes away from the dream shade. That's when Killian turns into a pirate."

"Sorry miss, but we all know that part. You didn't have to tell anyone twice." Regina saids, already annoyed with the woman.

The woman chuckles and looks over at Regina. "Relax sunshine, there is more to this story."

Zelena leans over to Regina's ear and whispers "She'll see some sunshine in a moment if she doesn't get to the point."

"I absolutely agree." Regina whispers back, still looking at the woman.

"Now, my husband thought it would be fine if he can see how Killian would run the ship. He was wrong. Killian did a lot of bad stuff. Having sex with a ton of woman, giving threats to his crew...."

"Get to the point!" Zelena saids, already having enough with the woman.

The woman smiles at Zelena and saids, "Gladly. Anyways, my husband decides to do the right thing one day, cause he didn't like how Killian was running. He decides buried treasure somewhere where Killian couldn't find it. This made Killian upset, and when he find out that he did it, Killian made threats to kill him and his family, which happen to be our family! So my husband ran away from him. Years later, down here in Storybrooke, Killian came by our doorstep to our house and told us the threats were still on the line."

The woman stops talking and walks straight towards Emma. "You want to know what he did that night. He beats up both my oldest daughter, who was only 15 years old and my husband and then decides to stab them, right in front of me and my kids!"

The whole diner gasps at the confession. Everyone, except Killian and the woman was in shock of what he did. Killian looks away, feeling tears coming out of his eyes. He turns around, his back facing the group.

"Look what a coward he is, Emma! I know he would never told you this! He will never told you what he has done in his pirate years. He has never change. Look at your eyes, Emma! All he wants to do is have sex with you, just like he did with all of those other innocent women. Then he is going to go onto his ship and sail away. Good luck with him that's all I can say. He never loved you Emma.  Never have. Never will."

That's when the woman felt someone choking her, but it wasn't Emma choking her. It was the man who murder her family.

"Say those words again, and I wouldn't mind slashing your throat with my hook." He threatens her, giving her the dagger look. He ends up choking her even more.

"Killian, let go of her!"

David, along with a few other men, grabs Killian from behind and pulls him away from the woman. The two children run towards their mother, who is now laying on the floor, coughing to try to regain her breathing. Killian looks on, his anger softens. It was turn into shock and horror.

What is he doing? Why did he do that? He told himself he would never hurt a woman. He promised himself he wouldn't ever since his mother taught him, and now look what he did. He almost killed a woman, in front of everyone.

Killian decides to run out of there quickly before anyone could stop him. Emma tries to grab his wrist, but he jerks it away as he runs out of Granny's diner. Emma looks at the door in worry. She needs to speak to Killian. This wasn't like him. He wouldn't harm anyone, but now he did and it was a woman.

She walks over to the woman, which her children are with another people from the dinner, bends down to her level, and grabs the front of her shirt, pulling her closer. She made an angry look with her. "You listen to me. You don't even know a damn thing about Killian. Maybe what he did was wrong, but guess what? That was when he was a dark one. Not the Killian Jones that I love so much. He have told me stories about his past with him being the pirate, and look, it's the past. He has changed, and he has work his ass off working on it. So you don't just come up here, telling me all these freaking words that ain't even true. I got a favor for you before I go. Leave. Us. Alone."

In result, Emma shoves the woman back onto the ground before she gets back up and walks towards the door. Before she was completely out of the dinner, the woman speaks behind of her. "Good luck with him! You're gonna need it especially from him."

Emma quickly turns around and runs towards the woman before she punches her right in the nose. The woman holds her nose, feeling the blood running down her nose. Emma felt David jerking her away from the woman. His hand on her tricep squeezing her hard as he pulls her away from the woman.

"You shouldn't have brought your children here if you were going to start this whole crap." Emma saids out loud in anger before she gets out of David's grip and walks out of the diner. She doesn't have time to deal with her or anyone right now. The only person she has on her mind was her true love.


Emma makes it back to her and Killian's house in less than 10 minutes. It was nighttime and the house look dark, except for the moon illuminated the whole first floor.

"Killian!" She calls out into the house. She looks around the living room, and the kitchen. Nothing. She had a worry look on her face. "Killian!" She repeats. She hears nothing in response. She runs upstairs into their bedroom, hoping he was there. She stops on her tracks at the doorway and gives out a sigh of relief.

She sees Killian standing in their bedroom, his back facing towards Emma. His head was low, looking at the ground. Emma can tell tonight really upset him. The words that the woman blurts out and his actions that caused this whole thing. That made Emma's heart feel heavy.

She walks up to Killian and wraps her arms around his waist. She rests her head on his back, closing her eyes in result. This made Killian tense up for a bit, but he relaxes after realizing who it was.

"Please, Emma...." He whispers out to her, choking on his words.

"Killian, no matter what happens, I'll always be by your side." She whispers back soothing words, hoping that can comfort him.

What surprises Emma was when Killian pull Emma's arms away from his waist and drops them down onto her waist. He turns around, letting Emma see tears going down his face. She felt her heart dropping to her stomach. He was in so much pained.

She cups his cheeks with her hands, wiping away his tears with her thumbs. She gives him a warm smile. "Killian, remember what I told you that whatever you did in your past, you're not that person anymore?"

Killian slowly nods in response. He looks down at Emma with so much pain.

"What you did to that family, you were the dark one. I know Killian Jones wouldn't go on revenge and hurt people that hurt his past. You moved on from this whole pirate life you had. You work your ass off to change, and I couldn't be so proud of you. I love you so much Killian. I have yet see you fail." She saids to him softly, smiling at the thought of the last sentence.

Killian dryly chuckles at that. He smiles down at his girlfriend, wrapping his arms around her waist.  "Thank you so much, for having faith in me all this time, even if you didn't show it a lot." He saids softly.

"I always got your back, besides we're true love. We will always have each other's back." She saids.

Killian leans down and kisses Emma's lips. Emma smiles onto the kiss, moving her hands down to his neck. The kiss kept going for a little while. It was a lovely, but also a passionate kiss. Emma absolutely love his kisses. She can kiss him all day and not get bother by it.

The two pulls away, putting their foreheads together. The two were looking at each other with love and care. They were smiling at each other like teenagers falling in love. Looking at each other causes Emma to giggle. Her giggle made Killian laugh. Somehow, the two were laughing at each other. Holding onto each other so they don't fall over, they kept laughing. Emma's head touching his collarbone as they were laughing at each other. After a minute two started to calm down.

"Why are we laughing?" Killian asks.

"I don't know." Emma answers before she gives out a big sigh. The two had their laughing gone and now just staring at each other.

"Love, you know we have to apologize to that woman for hurting her in front of her kids." Killian said, giving her that grin she absolutely loves, but also hates at the same time.

Emma lets go of Killian before plopping down on the bed. She lets out a groan as Killian sits on the bed with her. "I'm not apologizing to her. She absolutely deserves everything she got. Including that punch I gave her."

Killian knits his eyebrows and looks down at Emma. "You punch her?"

"She deserves it for saying all those fake things about us. I'm not letting anyone interfere in our relationship. I hope that bloody nose can teach her a lesson." She saids, looking up at the ceiling.

He gives out a big sigh before he shrugs his shoulders. "You're father is going to force you to apologize to her when you see your family tomorrow, you know this right?"

After a moment of silence, Emma let's out another groan. "Fine. We'll do it tomorrow. I'm tired, and I want to go to bed."

The two gets up from the bed, changes out of their clothing into their pajamas, and goes straight onto their bed. After she sees Killian comfortable, she puts her head on his chest as he wraps her arms around her waist. Emma looks up at Killian before she gives him a peck on the lips.

"Goodnight, Jones. I love you." She saids lowly.

"Love you too, Swan." He responds back with a smile on his face. Before the two can know it, Emma and Killian already falls into a deep sleep. 

Hey you guys. Its late and I tried to do my very best at this one shot. I hope you like it.

I'll try to upload, but I got a crazy load of things going on. School starts back Monday, having difficult classes along the way plus marching band season. So if I don't update for a while, here are reasons why.

We got 30 more days until OUAT Season 06 comes on television. Under a month away! I can't wait. Love y'all and enjoy your summer break. 😘💓

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