Eternal Loss (Book #2)

By immortalseries

144K 11.8K 551

[COMPLETED] Everything is changing, after the events of Tortured Awakening. With Cordelia being forced i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty- One
Chapter Twenty- Two
Chapter Twenty- Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Regarding The Third Book...

Chapter Thirty-Two

3.1K 283 8
By immortalseries

Heath and I were returning from the woods, both more frustrated than before.

"We will be entering a blood bath if we approach them during the day time" Heath said, annoyed.

I shook my head "Not entirely. We would not be going in unless Gabriel knew we could manage the situation"

"What part of this situation are we even managing? Agnes has gone insane, Henry seems like he is constantly paranoid, Elsie is probably dead and Ruby is missing!" he yelled, making me jump.

I moved in front of him, stopping him "I understand that you are terrified of what is happening to Ruby, but so am I" my eyes started watering "Ruby does not deserve any of this and she reminded me of my little sister, so I feel like my own family has been ripped from me as well"

His eyes softened "I know that you are close with her"

"I know you hate vampires, but I care very deeply for her. The last thing that I wanted was for any harm to come to her and I feel responsible for not protecting her enough" I wiped my eyes and looked away "If I hadn't left the room to speak with Gabriel, if I had told someone to stay with her" I looked down, crying, feeling the guilt fill me.

I felt Heath's hand on my shoulder, making me flinch "I may be upset and I know that I am taking this out on all of the wrong people, but that does not mean this is your fault. We cannot assume what would have happened, because you could have been taken with her or you could have died trying to protect her"

I looked at him "I still feel like if I had been there then nothing bad would have happened to her"

Heath looked down at me "Clearly what I am saying is not getting through to you, so listen closely. I do not blame you for what happened, in fact, you are the only other person here that I trust alone with her"

I looked down "We have to find her"

"I know, but even if the worst happens, I want to make sure she is brought back here" he whispered.

I then saw that he knew there was a chance that something bad could happen, something that even he could not prevent in the end.

"Cordelia! Heath!" Florence yelled, running towards us.

Heath tensed up "What's wrong now?"

"Something is not right, everyone is acting strange and I'm scared that something is about to happen" she said, panic clear in her eyes.

"Let's just go inside and see what Gabriel has to say" I said, immediately walking towards the house.

Florence and Heath followed behind me and I could tell there was a change in tone as soon as I set foot in the manor.

For some odd reason, things seemed cold inside, as though I actually felt safer outside.

"Somebody pull him off!" Leo cried, standing near the entrance to the parlor.

We all rushed in and saw Archibald feeding on Issac, who was screaming in pain.

Josephine pulled Archibald off of Leo, while Phoebe and Montgomery rushed to Leo, trying to assist him.

I ran to Archibald, looking him in the eyes, but let out a gasp.

He appeared so animalistic, ready to pillage anything in sight, as he hissed, with blood dripping from him mouth.

"What happened to him?" I asked, reaching out to him, but quickly pulled away as he hissed once again.

Josephine and Lionel each held one of his arms, keeping him from attacking.

"I have never seen him act this way. He is always so calm and composed" Florence said, covering her mouth.

Phoebe placed a cold towel on Leo's forehead, trying to calm him down.

"I stopped his bleeding and he will be fine, once he rehydrates himself" Montgomery said, walking to Gabriel.

Gabriel put his hand to his head "I want Archibald placed in the cell next to Samuel and Annabeth's"

"Samuel?" Florence said, panicking.

Montgomery nodded "Samuel took what was left of our blood supply, leaving just the humans. He was deranged, so we had to place him in the cell, making sure he wouldn't hurt anyone else"

"And Annabeth?" I asked.

Gabriel shook his head "She went crazy and began tearing up one of the rooms. It was as though there was no soul inside of her"

I watched as Lionel and Josephine began to take Archibald to the dungeon, feeling sad as I saw Archibald putting up a fight.

"I want to see my brother" Florence said, getting emotional.

Gabriel shook his head "No, seeing him this way is something that will on distract you"

Phoebe walked over to us "Leo is doing much better"

Henry ran up the stairs "I had to chain Samuel up in the cell"

"What has he done now?" Gabriel asked.

"Well, I went down to the dungeon to check on them, as you requested and Samuel was running into the bars back and forth, trying to break open the door with his head"

Florence let out a whimper "Is he alright?"

"No one is alright, Florence. He will heal from his injuries, but for now, he has beaten himself up Henry said, shaking his head.

"Cordelia, I need to speak with you" Gabriel said, motioning for me to follow him.

I walked behind him, going into the library, where he closed the double doors, before turning to face me.

"I want you to know that I told Henry about your power recently" he said, staring me down.

My eyes widened "What?"

He nodded "Yes, I know we planned on keeping this a secret, but with everything that is happening I just want to make sure you have some extra security" he looked down "With Samuel the way he is, I just wanted you to know that you have extra protection, outside of Phoebe and I"

"I suppose I understand, but I'm just hesitant to trust him, but I assume that is because I do not know him" I said, trying to show that I wasn't bothered by all of this new information.

"Yes, I am well aware that he seems off at times, but that is all because he isn't great with others at first. Annabeth doesn't trust him either, but everyone else knows that I wouldn't have him as my second unless I could trust him" he explained.

I nodded, even though I didn't really feel all that better.

"On another note, what possessed you into thinking that you could run after Heath, outside like that?" he asked, with a new anger filling his voice.

I looked "I know it was reckless of me, but I didn't want Heath to go off and try to find Ruby himself. That was his intention and luckily I talked him out of going and to come back"

"I understand that your mind was in the right place, but if something had happened to you, I could never forgive myself" he said, putting his hand against my cheek "You remind me so much of my daughter, as you know and I just do not want to lose you as well"

"I do not plan on going anywhere" I said, knowing that losing him would hurt me as well because he has become more of a father figure to me than my own father.

"Good, now let us join the others" he said, leaving the library.

I followed him once again, seeing the stress in everyone's face.

"Henry, Montgomery, Phoebe, go to my office now, we need to hold a meeting" Gabriel demanded.

They followed his order and began making their way up the staircase, while Gabriel turned to the rest of us.

"Leo, are you feeling better?" he asked.

Leo nodded "Yes, much better now that I have drank some fluids"

"Good, I want you to join Josephine and go check on Agnes. We are all going to stay in groups, so none of you may leave the rooms you are required to go to" Gabriel explained.

Josephine and Leo nodded, both going upstairs as well.

Gabriel looked at Lionel "Lionel, I want you and Odette to stay in the kitchen, where you will wait for Rosemary. Now that she is feeling better, she has been continuing to guard the outdoors, but only going around the house once"

"Why are we waiting for her?" Lionel asked.

"Because we have enough people missing, this way, I know that one of our humans are safe and if you need strength, she will assist you" Gabriel said.

"Yes, Gabriel" Odette said, following Lionel into the kitchen.

Gabriel turned to me "Cordelia, you are staying with Heath and Florence, where you will stay inside and keep watch on the entrance"

Florence and I both nodded, while Heath looked away.

Gabriel then quickly ran up the stairs, trying to get his meeting starting.

"I have had enough of this" Heath said, leaving through the front door.

Florence looked at me "Don't do it, Cordelia"

I groaned "We have to make sure he is alright"

"But Gabriel said we needed to stay indoors" she said more worried about what Gabriel would say, rather than what would happen to Heath.

"What if something happens to him?" I asked.

"Of course I care if something happens, but if Gabriel finds out then he may absolutely loose it," she explained.

I rolled my eyes and ran outside, quickly getting to Heath, while catching him off guard.

"Stop doing that!" he yelled.

Florence was soon behind me "Can we get back inside now?"

"I cannot go back in there, after what just happened, I feel like I have been locked up!" he vented.

"You could die out here," I said, hoping he would come to his senses.

Heath quickly faced me "What is the difference? Either way I am surrounded by murderous monsters!"
Florence and I both looked like we had been stung as his words hit us.

"If I had never agreed to enter this mad house, then my sister would still be with me!" he cried out, punching the tree next to him.

Before I could respond a scream was heard, making all of us freeze.

We all turned and saw that a light was coming from the old stables that I'm sure hadn't been used in years.

"No one here has ever used those stables" Florence whispered, stepping forward.

We all cautiously walked towards the light, ready to attack if needed.

Another scream was heard and we saw a body fall in front of the entrance.

"It's Rosemary," I said, running to her.

We all kneeled down in front of her and saw that she had been knocked out, but was still breathing.

"Is she alive?" Heath asked.

I nodded "Yes, but she isn't conscious"

Another scream was heard, making us jump.

Heath quickly stood up and ran into the stable, with us rushing to follow him.

"Be quiet!" a voice yelled, telling whoever was screaming to stop.

As we went into one of the empty stables towards the back, we all stopped, shocked at what we were seeing.

"Ruby" Heath said, his voice cracking.

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