Loving My Murderous Mate

By GlaciaGirl

232K 6.5K 472

FORGIVENESS is the best form of love... it takes a strong person to say SORRY and an even stronger person to... More

New beginning
I'm sorry
The threat
Alone with a monster
I get it from my Dad
I get it from my Dad (Kayden's POV)
The truth
I want you
I love you
Our Daughter
Hold me
A child is born
Home bound
Someone who understands
His blood
Something worth dying for
One problem after another
Sequal sneak peek!!!!!

Promise me

10.6K 343 30
By GlaciaGirl

My hair is in my face from the wind. I shake my head to try to get the hair out of my face. That was a failure. Kayden chuckles and turns to me. His hands glide over my face to pull the stupid hair out of my face.

Unfortunately my hair flew back into my face!! I growl. Stupid hair!! He shakes his head and smiles at me.

"Turn around Tara." He says softly.

I hesitantly turn around. His hands once again glide over my face to grab all of the irritating hairs. He runs his fingers through my hair to smooth it. My whole scalp is tingling because of this. I close my eyes and smile at the feeling.

I don't know how much time went by until he turned me back around.

"That should help." He motions me to keep moving forward.

As we walk I lift my hand to my hair, and feel a long French braid going down my back. I gasp, surprised he actually knew how to do a French braid. Or a braid for that matter! He turns to me to see what I gasped about.

"What?" He asks innocently.

"You can braid!" I say with astonishment.

He chuckles, "well, when you have three little sisters, it is 'mandatory' to learn to braid. So my mother says. Though she has no clue how to braid. Guess that's why it was 'mandatory'."

I giggle,"so how did you learn to braid then?"

"I asked my aunt to teach me. She's amazing at braiding." He rubs the back of his neck.

I smile at the thought of him as a little boy trying to learn to braid. I then recall my mom teaching me. My smile fades as I remember my mom.

"Yeah, my mom was too." I look to the ground, trying to hide my tears. I can't let him see me cry.

I feel a hand under my chin lifting my face. I pull away from his grasp. But he grabs my chin harder, forcing me to look at him. His icy blue eyes are filled with confusion. I can't believe he doesn't have a clue about what I'm so upset about!!! He killed my mom! My Dad! My brother! And my pack!! I swipe his hand away from my chin. He stands there, waiting for an answer. An angry tear slides down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away.

"What'd I say?"He asks innocently.

My anger bubbles up. How can he act so innocent?!? He destroyed my life and he acts like it never happened!! I try to calm myself but there's no stopping me now...

"You didn't SAY anything!! But what you DID was kill my mom and the rest of my family!!" I growl.

He growls back and steps forward,"No one uses that tone with me!Not even the Luna! I am your alpha!!"

All fear of him vanishes as it is replaced with hatred. I take a step toward him so that our faces were inches apart. I show my canines and snarl at him.

"I have no alpha!!"

Once those words left my mouth, I knew what was coming next. Pain.

Kayden grabs me by the throat and lifts me a foot off the ground. His claws puncture my skin and my blood trickles down his arm. He glares at me with his glowing, red eyes. He brings his mouth to my ear and whispers,

"You do now."

He throws me to the ground and gets on top of me. I cry out in pain.

"Submit!" He growls.

I snap at him with my white canines. He snarls at me.


I decide there is only one way to anger him more. Well, only one way I want to anger him more. I gather all the saliva in my mouth and spit it directly into his eye. He roars then uses his claws to leave five long gashes on my left cheek.I let out a whimper of pain.

Ok maybe this wasn't the best idea...

My fear starts to reappear as I feel the blood trickle into a small pool beside my head. I feel salty tears start to run down my cheeks, burning my gashes.
I'm gonna die like my family did. At the hands of the Blood Moon pack. I don't block my thoughts from him, not knowing(or caring) if he can even hear me past the rage overtaking his entire being.

His eyes suddenly change back to their usual icy blue.He jumps off me and crawls away from my bloody body. Pure shock covers his face. I try to pull myself away from him with my arms but don't make it very far.

He rushes to me and tries to help me but I quickly throw my hand up to tell him not to come closer. He stops.

"Tara! Are you alright?!? I'm so sorry Tara, my wolf took over... I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, you gotta trust me Tara! I promise I won't hurt you ever again!please forgive me."He pleads.

I curl up in a ball and pull my knees up to my chest. I start sobbing uncontrollably. He broke his promise and now he expects me to trust him? My sobs calm to hiccups and I lift my head to look into his eyes.

"Y-You expect me t-to t-trust you? When y-you broke your p-promise?!" I cry.

I bury my face in my hands as I start to sob once more. Tears start to pool in my hands and my gashes are on fire because of the salty tears.

"I'm sorry Tara." Kayden's husky voice rings in my ears.

My wolf whines for his touch. She wants to comfort him because he's in pain. I push her back, to scared to go to him. Why am I scared of everything? I'm so weak!

"No you're  not." He whispers.

Crap! I forgot to block him!! He takes a step towards me. I flinch when I hear him step closer. I look at him through blurry vision.

"P-please l-leave me a-alone." I whimper.

I hear him sigh then take a step back, "Just follow my scent when your ready to come back." He says.

I don't look at him, I can't. His red eyes that are forever imprinted in my mind scare me too much. I just nod and wipe my tears from my eyes. I wince when I come to the gashes.

I listen to his foot steps grow fainter until I could no longer hear them. I look around to see if he is gone. Very cautiously, I stand up and sniff the hair. He's gone.

I limp in the other direction of where Kayden went. When he jumped on me he snapped my ankle in the process. Luckily,being a werewolf, I heal extraordinarily fast. But I won't fully heal for a few more hours.

I find a small clearing and lay down beside of a large rock. The cold nips at my body. I start to shiver. Quickly, I curl up in a ball at close my eyes.

"You're okay. You're okay Tara." I whisper to myself.

"You've gone t-through w-worse. It's g-gonna b-be a-alright Tara." I sob.

My sobs start and don't let up. I lay there gasping for breath as I cry my eyes out. Not wanting to go on, I stand up and limp towards the large creek. Im not gonna be a part if the pack the killed my family.

I find the creek, " I'm s-sorry Daddy , I tried. I tried so h-hard. But I-I can't love the t-thing that t-took you away f-from m-me." I cry.

"I love you."then I jump.

The sudden cold makes me flinch. I feel myself sinking deeper and deeper by the second. I let myself breathe in a gulp of water then another. Darkness then takes over.

I'm in my old territory with my pack waiting for me at my house. I see my father at the door waving to me. I wave back and smile. I'm home!! I start running towards them, longing to be held by my Daddy again and to joke with my brother. I see my mother appear beside of my Dad, her apron on as she hugs Ty.

I run faster.which makes My lungs burn, "Mom! Dad! I'm here! I'm here!" I yell.

Suddenly the ground I am running on falls out from under me. I plummet into darkness. My skin feels icy cold and my chest is throbbing.

"Tara! Breathe Tara! Breathe!" A male voice pleads. I ignore it, trying to find a way back to my family.

His voice becomes clearer and then I notice my lungs feel like they are on fire!!!! My eyes shoot open and I cough up all the water I inhaled a little while ago. I suck in as much air as I possibly could. Air is the best!!

"Tara... It's okay... Just breathe." The husky voice says. I look at the tall figure before me. His icy blue eyes says it all...


I sit up and cough more water out of my lungs. Whoever said drowning was the most peaceful way to go, they were wrong!!! I'm going to kill whoever came up with that theory!!! I suddenly feel two strong arms wrap around me. Instead of fighting them, I fall into them.

"I thought I lost you." Kayden whispers.

I could tell he was crying by his stuffy nose and hoarse voice. The thought of a strong alpha like Kayden crying seems impossible. I bury my face in his chest to get warmer.

"I'm sorry." I croak.

I holds me tighter and kisses my forehead. My body shivers from the kiss he innocently placed on my forehead.

"Don't you ever do anything like that again!" I yells.

I flinch at his angry words. A stray tear runs down my cheek as I look up at his icy blue eyes. He stares back at me and wipes the tear away from my cheek,

"Promise me you won't do anything like that again. Promise me." He pleads.

"I promise." I say.

I snuggle up to his chest as he lifts me from the ground. The beating of his heart soon puts me to sleep. Sleeping in his arms feels safe, like nothing in this world could ever hurt me. The only other time I felt like this was with my Dad.

I can almost smell my Dad's scent up against me, cradling me tightly. I can almost feel his warm breath on my face, making me feel safe. I can almost hear his soothing words in my ear, telling me it will be alright.

Key word, almost...


Like the story so far? Please comment and tell me how I did! I would appreciate no hate comments thought...

Ill try to update every Friday or Saturday.

Please vote!!!

Thanks for reading!!! Love ya!!!

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