Salubrious (Jason McCann)

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

1.7M 50.3K 46K

*Book Two of the Neurotic Series.* Salubrious [suh-loo-bree-uh s] : favorable to or promoting health; healthf... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 51

19.9K 605 470
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Jason's POV

"Jason where are you taking us?" Mal looks nervously out of the plane's window, watching the darken sky light up by the stars shining brightly. "Just sit back and relax, we are going to be on here for a while." I mumble sleepily, laying my head on her shoulder.

"No, I want to know where you are taking us, babe," she stubbornly refuses, lifting my head off her shoulder to look at me. "I want to know where we are going for our honeymoon; a honeymoon I would've enjoyed at home." She chuckles, with me scoffing at her wanting to stay home.

Oh hell no! I love our kids and family with all of me, but to stay home instead of going on a honeymoon would have made me extremely grumpy. Too many people interrupting our sexy time; getting it in. No privacy to be as loud as we possibly can; Malarie screaming my name at top of her lungs. But most importantly, no time to spend with just the two of us. To learn each other all over again. To share secrets and memories with each other. Just us two together; alone.

"Where can we possibly go when winter is basically about to start," Mal questions, probably giving herself a migraine with her worrying so much. "If you want to be technical, December will be here in two days, seeing that it's already the day after our wedding." She points down at the date on her phone, yawning sleepily.

She's right, it is technically the day after our wedding. That damn wedding. After Mal and I returned to the after party, it was like my little outburst didn't happen at all. Cal was leading a Congo line with all of our guest, Za was at the Dj stand playing a couple of his mixes. Alex was going around giving out 'Thank you' bags filled with sweet goodies... with a golden thong inside–all my idea. Alex had bad ass Jacob and Joel, to help him pass the around. Natasha occupied herself by introducing Grustin–I mean Justin, to everyone at party. I'm almost for certain she didn't even know half the people herself, but being her she introduced herself too.

When Alex was done passing around the goody bags, he sat at the same table with our mom; grilling Peter with questions. I knew they weren't having a regular conversation... Alex's wild hand gestures gave it away quickly. Ryan was nowhere in sight, but that's probably because he was feeling some type of way about my and Malarie's marriage. If he thought I wasn't going to marry this girl someday, he is and was sadly mistaken. I didn't go through all of the things I went through, just for her to be my girlfriend forever. Hell to the no, she's going to be Mrs. McCann.

The rest of the gang made it their duties to guard all type of entrances and exits; a slight precaution against anyone and anything that could've came in our way. Luckily, nothing or anyone ever step foot through the double doors to harm people. I thank my lucky stars so much for that. I didn't have any type of weapon of any kind on me. I promised myself I wouldn't carry anything, yet the others were equipped with weapons in all throughout their suits... yes, Kim wore a suit.

Other than Ryan's disappearance of the night, the party went on smooth sailing. Peter still felt the need to stay when the gang and I politely asked him to leave, yet I didn't let him or anyone else get to me. If I did, Mal was right there to calm me down, and caress my chest with her arms securely wrapped around me. I am not sure how many times I got a tad bit upset, but by the end of the night I began to call her my little security blanket. She clung to me like a blanket. I'm happy she did; I would have beaten up so many people. Including children, old people, and some ladies. Old people are so rude, children who aren't mine... are definitely rude, and do not listen for shit. Women flirt too damn much; yes, at my damn wedding they did. Men are... just men.

"If you aren't going to tell me where we are going, then at least tell me how long we will be on the plane for." My little security blanket sighs in defeat, resting her head on my chest. "About um, 24 hours and 41 minutes." I mumble under my breath, before clearing my throat.

Her loud gasp, and the pulling away from me with wide eyes made me chuckle. Several seconds pass by and she still doesn't close her mouth, so I close it for her. I had to laugh loudly when her teeth chomped together, when I closed her mouth shut.

"Jason, where in the hell are we going? We are going to be on a plane for a day almost?" She doesn't sound mad at all, she sounds a little apprehensive about it all. "Baby if I tell you, it will ruin the surprise." I lean over to her, kissing her lips, then her chin.

"No, don't try to seduce." she whines, though it turns into a moan when I begin to suck on her neck. "Why not? I kind of like when you pant like a kitten in heat." I continue to suck on her neck, leaving a nice little mark on her neck. Mmm, she is all mine.

She continues to moan, and I continue to leave sweet kisses on her neck. She giggles every time I blow little farts against it, being the ticklish woman she is. She thinks squirming around will help her, yet it's only making it worse for her. I will kiss, suck, lick, and bite whatever comes close to my lips.

"Jason stop, I have nowhere to go." Her attempt to move away from me is funny; this plane window is my best friend at the moment. "That's how I like it." I deepen my voice, just like how I did at our wedding.

She burst out laughing, head butting me in the process. She holds her head; I do too... and then we both burst into fits of loud laughter. Damn, I fucking love this woman so much. She clutches her chest, laughing more raucously. She sounds ridiculous, but I like it.

"Shut up." I continue to laugh, placing my laughing mouth on top of hers. "I can't." She settles down a bit, giggling into my mouth.

"Yes, you can." I calm down enough to kiss her tenderly. "Mmm." She moans against my lips, pushing me away to straddle me.

"Ooh, don't start something you can't finish, Mrs. McCann." I mumble between our passionate kissing. "The very same to you, Mr. McCann." Sassy; I like it.

We continue our slow passionate kisses; her still straddling my lap, with her arms lightly wrapped around my neck. This has to be one of the best positions to kiss in. Not only for a guy, but for a girl too. Mainly for the guy though; my hands stay glued to her ass and hips. All while she sits right on top of my bulge.

"We better stop, before it turns into Mile High Club," I pull my lips away from Mal's, instantly being attacked by her again. "I'm serious, baby, we have to stop." I slowly pull away, holding her arms to her side. She needs to be contained a bit.

"But I like kissing you." She pouts as if I just told her not to eat chocolate chip cookies. "I know you do." I run my thumb over her slightly swollen bottom lip.

"What is this Mile High Club you're talking about? Is it like marijuana? You know if it is, I don't want you messing with that's stuff." She sternly points a finger at me, looking very mother like at the moment. "Don't scold me like I'm some child, Sugar Baby. Look it up, and then tell the answer." I hand over her phone, watching her search the term and definition.

In one... two... three... a gasp emits from her mouth, with a smack to my chest, followed by rounds of giggles from that crazy lady.

"You are so disgusting." She chuckles, standing up and grabbing my hand. "Where are we going, you cute, little, apricot girl." I ask confused, following behind her.

"We are going to join the Mile High Club." She laughs at my face; I'm guessing. "Wait what? No, not now. I want to make indisputable love to you... in the elegant hotel bed I have waiting for us. There's supposed to be rose petals everywhere!" I protest, stopping us mid step to the private room of our jet.

"Oh come on, you can make indisputable love to me in a jet plane's bed, too. A bed that's very clean, comfortable, warm, and brand spanking new. Aww, there's rose petals waiting for me? That's so sweet. But, we have the rest of our lives to make love to each other. But, there's only certain times we can actually make love on the plane... alone. Last time we had to get a quickie in, because we had the kids with us. It's only us now, Jason" She hugs me, sniffing in my cologne on my shirt. She is always doing that, and she's rubbing off on Natasha.

"Come on." She keeps hugging me, while she walks backwards into the bedroom. I quickly lock the door, and turn on the lights. "I feel so bad-" she attacks me like some crazy woman, sucking my lips into hers.

In a matter of milliseconds both of our clothing is discarded around the room, by my wild beast of a wife. Just as fast as she took off her clothes and my own, she is kneeling down in front of all of my extended glory, biting her bottom lip in pure adoration. Until she sees my unshaven forest; which makes her scream in fright... maybe even shock, I'm not sure.

"What in the hell is that?" She points to the light brown bush that's surrounding my erection. "It's my penis, duh." I chuckle nervously, holding my manhood in my hands.

"Very funny. But I'm talking about the damn beard that's on your junk, dude." She laughs, instantly making me go limp. "It's not that bad." I look down at myself, shifting uncomfortably on my feet.

"The hell it is! I can practically braid your pubes in like four little braids, Jase!" She lightly tugs on the hairs, making me pop her hands to stop. "I know you aren't used to uh... this," I point to the unkemptness of my area, then back to her. "But we haven't had sex in a while, so I didn't think of shaving it off." I awkwardly scratch my head, immediately looking down to catch Mal trying to braid it!

"Stop! What do you think you're doing?" I shout, hiding my slight amusement with fake annoyance. "I am trying to see if I really can braid it." To anyone else she would appear as innocent; her hands in her lap, looking up at me with curiousness. Although, the sex in her eyes, and the nakedness of her body tells me otherwise.

"Malarie you are making me feel very insecure about my body." I go ahead and admit, sighing sadly. I would forget to maintain my jungle today, out of all the damn days in this month. "Jason, baby, I am sorry," I hear her shuffle to her feet, standing up. "I didn't mean to make you feel as if you are unattractive to me. I'm just joking around with you. I won't kid with you, if you don't want me to. I know you are feeling sad, angry, or serious whenever you say my first name." She looks up at me with guilt in her eyes.

"No, I want you to play around and kid with me. I'm just in my feelings right now; don't mind me." I jokingly wave her off, looking down at my situation down below. "If you think I'm buying that, you must not know me very well. Let's go, you are lucky I brought extra razors for my legs. Although, for your problem, I'll probably have to use the electric clippers." She pulls me to the ensuite bathroom, doing the honors of helping a man's bush out... in major need of clipping.


"You look good, so stop covering yourself, Jason." Mal takes position on her knees again, waiting for me to uncover myself. "I don't know, it looks extra clean now." I cup both of my hands around myself, only giving me the view of seeing it.

I have to admit she did a wonderful job at shaving off all of my pubic hairs. I'm as bald and smooth as a baby's butt. She didn't make any type of jokes, insults, or any type of displeased remarks, when she was shaving the hairs away. Instead, she displayed a look of concentration on her face. She sure was focused; her and her glasses! Something about her needing to see where to get all of the hairs in the right places. My gosh how embarrassing it was for me lift my leg up when she said to.

"You know what? That is it!" She doesn't give me a chance to protest. She snatches my hands away from my area, instantly placing me into her mouth. "OH!" I yell out, nearly falling back.




She sucked me off like it was the last thing she could possibly do on this here earth. The way she rocked her head fiercely back and forth, to the way she cupped my balls lightly in her small hand. She genuinely looked happy to give me oral; she wouldn't stop smiling, and kissing all over him.

"Ooh babe, I almost forgot how much you fill my mouth up." She slowly pulls me out of her mouth, watching how my precum and her spit mix together to make one wet watery like substance. "My damn, oh my damn." I nearly bust a nut, right then and there. Yet I don't, instead I hold back my urge to.

She licks over my swollen tip over and over again, making her tongue wiggle around the head crazily. She's a wild thing, this early in morning. I am surprised when she pulls me away from her mouth... to bend down and suck on my balls. This girl, oh this damn girl here, man!

"Ahh, oh my gosh, woman." I hold myself up with the wall, reaching down to hold on to her hair with my other hand. "Mmm." She pulls away, smiling at me.

"You want more?" She asks, yet I'm too distracted by little stars flying around my eyes to answer. "Well, okay then." She swiftly takes me in her mouth, causing me to jerk forward... which makes her choke a bit. Oops, I think I hit the back of throat.

"Animal of a woman right here. Sucking out the living life out of me. Have to fight through it." I speak incoherently, pulling her up to her feet. "Hey, I wasn't done ye-" I pick her up like a sack of potatoes, of course with her screeching in surprise.

I lightly place her on the bed, spreading her legs wide enough to see every single detail of her lower region. The first thing I saw was her glistening clitoris; so mouthwatering it looks. Without any further delay, I smash my face between her legs like it was a piece of cake on my birthday.

"AHH!" She scream so high pitched; just like Lydia, in Teen Wolf. Maybe Malarie is my very own banshee; her signaling me of her death to come when I give her several mind blown orgasms. "That's right, Baby Shark Tank, I have the power. Let me love you; you know you want me." I mumble against her aching bud, slurping and sucking up all of her juices. She gasps loudly, tugging and pulling on my hair.

I stay face planted in her sweet soaking sex, eating her as if it would be my very own last meal on this earth we call home. Nothing matters right now, nothing will get in our way right now. It's just me, Malarie, her aching bud, and my throbbing dong. My ding dong.

"Oh yes, oh baby yes!" Mal fists clumps of my hair, while I eat her out animalistic. "You like it?" I flick my tongue over her sensitive spot, causing her to reach an orgasm.

I'm not quite sure how many she has reached with me face down in her gates of my very own heaven; I lost count. I do know I have her withering like a fish out of water, every single time I go down for some more. She's delightfully scrumptious on the taste buds all over my tongue.

"Please, please no more." Her voice is hoarse and pleadingly, which only makes me agree to give her a break. Just Kidding! "Alright then, let's make love then." Her tired eyes widen, with me chuckling at her flushed looking face.

I run my fingers over her already dripping wet core, seeing she's already ready for me. I mean obviously; I have a great mouth keeping her wet and ready. I settle myself in between her legs, giving her one nicely slow thrust. Her breath hitches, and she immediately kisses me and wraps her legs around my waist.

I keep a nice steady pace; not too fast, and definitely not too slow. We don't really like old people loving. Way too boring and no type of fun. Our sweaty bodies molds into one, as we become one in our very own sexual way. We have been one for a while, but being one... as a married couple is quite different. I feel like it's our first time; our real first.

"Oh, baby." I pick up my past, giving it to her. Not at all hard, but quite firm for her liking and my own too. "Jason." She moans my name, with me kissing her hungrily.

"I'm right here." I whisper in ear, lightly groaning in her ear. "Faster." She moans, looking up me with hooded eyes.

"No way, I like it slow." I slow down my pace drastically, making it not only hard for her, but extremely hard for me. "Are you cr–" she nearly says the word, yet my stopping and stern gaze makes her clear her throat.

"Are you silly, please go faster, Jase." She whines, poking out her bottom lip. "Alright, then." I smirk in mischief. You said nothing but a word baby girl.

I turn her over on her stomach, picking up my pace to pound into her over and over again. I even reach down to rub my pointer and middle finger over her throbbing bud. This causes her to scream out in pure bliss.

Wanting to see her face again, I turn her back around to face me. I immediately kiss over her lips, with her kissing me back with as much intensity. I begin making love to her once more, making sure I rub my two fingers over her clit over and over again. A few minutes pass by of me loving all over her body, with nothing but our breaths fanning against each other lips.

I pull back a bit to watch myself slide in and out of her wetness. She throws her arms to side of her, clawing at the sheets underneath the work of art she calls her body. Her eyes are closed tightly, her mouth is slightly parted, and her beautiful chest rises and falls in a rhythmic way. She's enjoying herself, she loving every single bit of it. I am too, more than I ever have.

I place more pressure on her fire hot clit, pounding into her now; wanting her to feel the amount of love I have for her. Just wanting her to feel how much I love her, how much she means to me, how much she belongs to me, and how much she makes me feel like a man. My sweat drips down on her already sweaty body, coating her with some of the water I'm losing.

"Please don't stop." She speaks with full emotion, opening up those eyes I fell for a very long time ago. "I won't." I grit, continuing to thrust and rub on her bud of nerves.

The faster I rub her on her glory, the faster her chest begins to move up and down. Liking how she looks in sexual distress, I continue my love making on her body. She tells me to slow down a few times, and I do, seeing her once heaving chest slowing down as well. Is she withholding herself from releasing? Ooh very bad girl Wanting to see her do that erratic movement she did before, I pick up my pace on her. I give her powerful thrust, and fast rubbing motions on her little pinkness down below.

"OH!" She screams out; her eyes rolling behind her head, her chest doing that weird thing again. "Are you going to cum for me?" I ask, withholding my own self from releasing many of many of children.

She shakes and nods her head at the exact time, not giving me a clear answer. Is she nodding her head yes, but saying no? I'm not understanding here. Her body begins to jolt wildly, her eyes turning into her head... almost possessed like. Before I knew what was in fact happening, I felt her lower region contract against mine... and then she squirts all over the damn place. I pull out of her, watching in pure astonishment.

"What the shit," I whisper to myself, watching her screech and scream as she continues to let it all go. "That's so hot." I talk in a daze, rubbing my fingers along the wetness as she slowly comes down from her and stops.

"Oh my, oh my goodness. What did you do to me?" She questions all out of breath. "I made that pussy squirt." I laugh, and so does she.

She sits up punches my chest, looking down at the soiled sheets, and some of her squirt droplets on my chest and stomach. She falls back covering her face, being all embarrassed there's no need to be. Being her she thinks otherwise, and for twenty or thirty minutes I assure that what she did wasn't nasty and that I was turned on. She finally agrees with me, and we both pull off the soaked sheets on the bed, so we can put clean ones.

The first thing she tried to do after we placed clean sheets on, was try to go to sleep on me.   I'm sorry, I couldn't let that happen. I nicely expressed to her, that I didn't have a release for myself. She of course gasped so loudly, covering her mouth in shock and guilt. She wouldn't stop apologizing; not making any moves to touch me. After several minutes of her saying how sorry she was, I had to stop her. My dick was throbbing and I was beyond horny.

Needless to say, we went at it again. Her with her many of orgasms, and me with a few of my own. She didn't squirt again; only because she begged me not to tease her to the point where she's turning into a ferocious creature. If it was up to me, I would have done it several times over and over again. Each of my times I came, it was deep inside of her. I don't have to worry about a thing, she's on birth control.

We made love for a long while; almost the whole entire twenty four hour flight. The only time we rested was if we needed a bathroom break or food. And even then, we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. Man, I'm going to love this honeymoon.


- The sexual Chapter 51 has come to an end. It's all most of you have been asking for. So no more having to ask, here you go. Feel free to reread if you want. Lol

- Alexis

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