Emison: The New Girl

By emison_18

175K 2.9K 473

Emily Fields starting her junior year at Rosewood Day High School. On her first day she runs into the queen b... More

First Day
Alison's House
Morning After
The Results
Honey, I'm home.
Not an update
Making Amends
Date Night
Date Night Cont...
Anniversery Set Up
Anniversary Day Pt: 1
Anniversary Day Pt: 2
Back To Reality
Coming Home
The After Math
Ultra Sound Day
Not an Update
Back To School
Picking Names
Boy? Or Girl?
It Is Time
The Ring
First Day Home
Wedding Day

Where's Em?

4.6K 93 18
By emison_18

Alison's POV:
It was lunch time and I met with the other girls. I pulled Hanna to the side. "Hey. Look I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I didn't mean it. Sometimes you go too far. And I feel my sex life should be between me and Emily." Hanna looked at me. "It's okay. You're right. I'm sorry Ali. I'll cut back on the jokes." I hugged her and she hugged me back. We got our lunch and sat down. I haven't seen Emily since 2nd period. "Hey guys I'll be right back. I need to find Emily." I went to the pool first. Nothing. Girls bathroom. Nothing. Girls locker room...nothing. Okay. I decided to call her. I could hear her phone coming from the girls locker room. I walked in and saw it. It was under one of the toilets. I grabbed it. Where the hell is Emily? I got worried. I texted the girls what happened and said I'd be back. I went to Emily's house and she wasn't there. My house. Not there. I went to the kissing rock...Emily. Where are you? I called the girls and told them I couldn't find her and I have her phone. I went to police station and filed a missing persons report. I went straight home and started crying. No. Why? Why does the bad stuff happen to Emily? Not me? I'd do anything to get her back. Anything. I fell asleep crying. I was awoken by my dad walking in my room. "Hey there babygirl." He said sitting down on the bed next to me. He saw the redness in my eyes. "What's wrong?" I took a deep breath. "Daddy...you know Emily right?" He nodded. "Well...we have been dating and-" he interrupted me. "What?!? My daughter!!!? Dating a girl?!? No. That's unacceptable. You are not to see her ever again. Do you understand!!?" I started crying. "No dad. You don't-" he yelled. "DO I MAKE MYSWLF CLEAR!!!" I looked down. "Yes." He got up and slammed my door. Great...of course. My girlfriend is missing, I can't find her, I can't see her, and on top of it my dad hates me. I looked down at the necklace Emily gave me. I held it in my hand and started crying. I got a text from an unknown number. To Ali: "Want your girlfriend back? Do what I tell you. Come to this address at 8:00 pm. 2987 Smith Drive. And come alone or Emily dies. -A" Who is "A"? Ugh. I looked at the time and it was 5:00...this was going to be a long night.

Emily's POV:
I woke up tied to a chair. There was duct tape over my mouth. I looked around and the room was dark and I could barely see. I saw a figure by the door way. It walked to me slowly and pulled the tape off my mouth. "If you scream I'll kill you." He said huskily. Why does this voice sound so familiar? He took a needle out and put in my arm and injected the liquid into me. After a few minutes I felt my body go numb. I couldn't move. He walked over to me and untied me and carried me some place. He set me down and started to undress himself. No. It's Noel!! I'm trying to move but I can't. All I can do is scream and say no. "Why can't I move? What did you do to me?!!" He laughed. He unbuttoned my shirt and took it off. Then my tank top. Then my jeans. Leaving me in my bean and underwear. Not again. Please. Anything but this. Torture me i don't care. But not this. For the love of god no. He took his boxers off and pulled his underwear off. He unclasped my bra and started to suck on my neck. I felt the tears running down from my eyes and me yelling at him. He covered my mouth with his hand. He pulled away my neck. "Hickeys? From my girlfriend? Wow Emily. You've been naughty. You need to be taught a lesson." He bit down on my neck. "OWWW. Stop. Get off of me!! Somebody help!!!" He put his hand back on my mouth. While the other was playing with my boob. He soon entered me going in out fast. Every time he went out he went in much deeper. "Fuck! Ow. Stop. Please stop." I mumbled through his hand. He came inside of me more than once as I was still crying. My body was still paralysed. God help me. Please. He went to kissing my lips and he started moaning and groaning my name. I felt disgusted with myself. He pulled out and sat beside me. He lifted me up onto his lap and entered me. He laid back down and he helped me ride him. I was gaining some control over my body and I tried hitting him. He grabbed a needle from beside him and injected me with it. My body went numb again. Almost immediately. I can't. Ali please. Someone help me. After a few more times of him cumming inside of me he stopped. He laid me back down and he got dressed. Then he knelt down by the bed and licked up everything. God please. I can't. I was still crying and asking him to stop. He tied me back to the chair and put the duct tape back over my mouth. He injected me with another liquid and soon my eyelids got heavy.

Alison's POV:
I snuck into Spencer's house and into her dad's office. He keeps a gun locked in his desk and I took it. I hid it in my clothes. I drove off fast to the address. I got a call from the same number that texted me. It was a voice changer "Throw your purse and phone into the pool now." I threw my purse into the pool and hung up. There was nothing in the purse. I just needed him to suspect there was. I yelled out. "I'm laying my phone down right here. I'm not throwing it in the pool." I walked into the building. It was dark. Then a spot light came on. I saw my poor Emily tied to a chair completely naked and knocked out. I walked over to her quickly and removed the duct tape. "Emily!" I kept saying her name over and over again. She started to wake up. "A-Ali..?" She looked up at me and started crying. I hugged her. "Emily. Its okay. Im here. Who did this?" She went to speak but I heard a familiar voice. "I did. And you better tie her back up or she's going to get it." I tied her back up but not as tight so she can get out if needed too. I whispered in her ear "I'll get you out of here. I promise." Noel laughed. "Now. Since this dyke asshole Emily thought it would be cool to fuck my girlfriend and for you to leave hickeys all over Emily's body. I had some fun myself. Didn't we Emily? She orgasmed three times. Isn't that right?" I looked at her knowing she felt disgusted. I punched him in the face hard. It really hurt. He looked at me and grabbed my hands before I had time to reach for the gun hidden in my clothes. He turned Emily's chair to the bed. "Now Emily. I'm going to make you watch so you know how I felt knowing what two were doing." He kissed my neck and went down. That's when Emily untied herself and jumped on Noel's back. Trying to get him off of me. That gave me time to get the gun out. He had Emily by her throat and a knife to it while I pointed the gun at his head. "You do it Ali and she's dead." Before he could do anything I pulled the trigger and the bullet hit into his head. The knife dropped and Emily ran to me. I held onto her. "Hey. Baby. It's okay. I got you." She started crying uncontrollably. We walked outside after I wrapped her in a blanket. I picked up my phone and called the police. After a few minutes they showed up. We gave them our statements and I took Emily to a hotel. The police have her some extra clothes. She didn't want to wear the ones she was wearing earlier. I told the girls we would be back when Emily was ready. Emily was in the shower. Why does this keep happening to her? It's my job to protect her and I can't. Ugh. Emily got out of the shower and got dressed. She sat down on the bed next to me. "Em. I'm sorry. That this keeps happening to you. I'm sorry I haven't been able to protect you like in supposed to. I love you so much. And ill do anything you want me to. Just so you can be happy." Emily cuddled into me. "Just hold me." So I did. I kissed her head several times. "I love you Alison Lauren DiLaurentis." She said. I smiled. "I love you too Emily Catherine Fields." She looked up at me and went to lean in but stopped. "Em. It's okay. You can kiss me. It's over. It's all over. He can't hurt you. He's dead. I know what you've been through is hard. And I'm so sorry. But don't shut me out. Honestly. Please baby." Emily smiled a little. She leaned and kissed me. My heart fluttered and j felt electricity shoot threw me. She pulled away quickly. "What's wrong?" She looked scared. "It's just..I close my eyes and I see it...him.." I pulled her into me tightly. "It's okay babygirl. I'm here. You're here. You're safe. You're in my arms. You're okay. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. Or let them take you away from me." She nuzzled into me. I looked down and saw her neck. There was a huge bite mark on her neck. I ran my fingers over it. She flinched. "What that?" She asked. I gulped. "It-it's a bite mark...from Noel.." She looked at me shocked. She ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror crying. I walked up behind her and hugged her waist. "Hey. Shhhh. It's okay. It'll go away. I promise. We just have to put some medicine on it." She turned around hugged me tight. I held her while she was crying. Emily..ugh. Why her? Why now? Why ever? I picked her up bridal style and sat on the bed holding her the same way. I felt awful. I don't know what to do. She doesn't deserve this. And I'll have to tell her what my dad said. How is she going to respond to it? I have to tell her. "Em.." I said quietly. She looked up at me. "Yes?" I sighed. "When I found out you were missing. And I filed the missing person report. I went home. My dad came home and saw my eyes red from crying. He asked what was wrong. And I had to explain we are together. And he freaked out on me. He said I can't see you anymore." She started crying. "Hey. You know what I said. No one is taking you away from me." She smiled a little bit. "Ali..when we go back..we are looking for a small apartment and we are moving in together. I'm not losing you. And I'm going to protect you. I don't care what anyone says. We are seniors. We can live on our own." I smiled and kissed her. She kissed back. "I'm supposed to be protecting you Emily. Not the other way around. I love you. No one is ever going to hurt you again. I promise." I smiled and we soon drifted off into a deep;calm slumber.

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