I Love You, You Crazy Hothead

By myliealexis7

420K 8.5K 303

Moved from Quotev!! This is my very first official story that I ever wrote! I felt like it was being neglecte... More

Scarlett Marie Cameron
Way to throw it all away...
I've Missed You Guys!
Bonding With My Boys!
Twin Bonding Day!
This is Just Great
Memory Lane...With Paul?
Explanations and Apologies
Managed to Piss Off A Wolf...Awesome.
Scars and Bruises
I Really Do Need My Brother..
I Can Heal Fast?
I Got My JareBear Back!
I'm an Elemental? Sweet!
Time to Prepare
Training and Mindreading?
Wait He's Gone?
This Is All Her Fault
The Wedding and Teases
You Have Some Nerve
Everything's Getting Better
Date Night
More Drama...Great
Liars and Understandings
Girls Day!
Holy Emotions
More Teases and Damn Buzzing
Cliff Diving
My Conversation with Jake
Halloween Movie Marathon
Best. Day. Ever!
Its Just One Thing After Another
Just Great
I Need Time...
Quick Question
I Need You. More Than Air.
I Hate Being Sick...
Oh. My. God.
This Might Be A Good Thing
Shopping With Emily
Family Talk
First Appointment.. I'm Nervous
Merry Christmas!
The End and Our Beginning
I Can't Wait To Meet You!
Welcome To The Family
Plans, Plans, and Plans
Little One's Bedroom
Is That? Yes It Is!
Welcome To The Family
Forever and Always
I Love You, You Crazy Hothead
Bonus: Ashton's Third Birthday
Exciting news!!
The Originals-Preview

Battles and Broken Bones

7.2K 177 3
By myliealexis7

~Scar's p.o.v.~

A couple days pass and we were getting ready for the army of newborns to come to town.. yippee.... see sarcasm, yeah everyone's super stressed.

I'm worried because Jake has to carry Bella up the mountain because she 'doesn't want him to get hurt'. Please Jake is a beast and one of our best fighters, he can take care of himself, but now we are one badass short...

Paul wants me to stay close to him, but I have to help to light the fires and keep the leeches lit and dead haha, I get the fun job!

So the pack and I get to stay in the cover of the forest until the army comes then the fun starts! We're all waiting quietly because Sam wants us "focused", please most of the boys are just excited that they get to "finally rip some vampire hide".

Alright guys, here we go

We all head into the meadow with Sam in the lead and Jared and Paul as flanks, myself next to Paul and the rest behind us. The field looked like it did in the civil war, our side on one side, with me in the middle, and the newborns across from us.

Alright guys, take down as many as you can, help the Cullen's, but don't do anything stupid.

Us? Do anything stupid? Please Sam..

Guys I'm serious, and also keep an eye on Scar.

Hey, I can take care of myself! I got this, I'm not doing much.

But still, it's our duty to protect each others imprints—even if you can protect yourself that's just the way it is.

Fine. But I don't want any of you getting hurt because you're 'protecting' me. Stay focused on the fight, not me. 

And with that, hell broke loose and the pile of bodies started, filled with newborns. I turned my body toward the pile and lifted my right hand out towards it, and simply pictured it burning.

Not five seconds later it started burning filling the sky with purple smoke and the grossest smell, I can't even describe it, like dead animals and shit ha.

So that's how it works!! Wicked!

Yup! Luckily I can multitask enough to be able to talk to you guys and hold my concentration on the fire.

I lit another pile with my other hand, while just listening to the background conversations of the boys, because I was afraid that if I talked then I would lose my concentration and that wouldn't help at all.

We are totally winning this, but I feel like this is a distraction for the rest of us, because we haven't seen the red head anywhere.

Sure as shit Seth chimes in that the red head and some boy is with her and they have found Bella (figures), and that Jake is headed down to help us, and he phases in right after Seth says that.

Their numbers are dropping drastically, and Seth and Edward have defeated the red head and her 'boyfriend' or what ever. I'm still concentrated on the fires, not wanting to let go until I know those leeches won't spring back to life, creepy little bastards-earning a round of chuckles from the boys, but are stopped short.

SCARLETT!!!! Watch OUT!! 

It was Jake who saw the rouge newbie running up behind me, and was the one to tackle it to the ground while Paul had jumped over me keeping me blocked.

I could feel how scared and worried he was, but he was also pissed that something had almost happened to me.

Paul. Don't beat yourself up about it

He didn't answer me back so yeah he is beating himself up about it...

Then it happened, his screams filled my mind as I'm sure it did with the rest of the boys, we all jump into action and Jared takes down the vamp as I light his ass up, by then Jake has already phased back and is in A LOT of pain....

I kneel beside Jake but I don't touch him, I mean I don't wanna hurt him more ya know?

"You guys need to leave, the Volturi are on their way." The doctor leech said as the boys phase back to grab Jake.

The boys grabbed Jake and headed into the woods with me following. All of us silent except for the painful whimpers coming from Jake.

This is all my fault, if I had been paying more attention that leech wouldn't have snuck up behind me, and Jake wouldn't have been crushed....

We walk back to Billy's house, someone must've called because he met us outside and told the boys to bring him to the room, Carlisle would be here soon.

"Sis? You alright?" Jared came over and wrapped me in his famous JareBear hug, and I just buried myself in his arms and he didn't say anything for a bit.

We just sat there, trying to hold back my tears Jared whispers that it isn't my fault but I just shake my head and start to cry..

"But it is! If I was paying more attention he wouldn't have gotten hurt!" I whisper to Jared over my hiccups. He moves us away from the rest of the pack and looks at me from arms length.

"Scarlett, listen. It. Isn't. Your. Fault! Jake was just doing his duty in protecting you, and he's strong. he'll get through this."

And of course he's right, but at that time Jake let out another painful scream as the Doc re-broke his bones. So we did more waiting, and cringing, until Carlisle came back out.

"How is he?" Billy asks and Sam puts a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"He's resting now, I had to re-break a couple of his ribs and set them and he's on morphine, but his body temperature will burn it up. Otherwise very lucky." Billy and the pack just nod their heads in understanding.

"Can I see him?!" I blurted out. Carlisle gave me a sad smile and nodded.

"He's been asking for you as well." And that's all I needed to rush into the Black's small house, and practically run to Jake's room. 

I stop outside his small room and slowly open his door to see something I've never wanted to, Jake's entire right side is wrapped tightly and his face slightly scrunched in pain. I gently sit on his bed and brush the hair out of his eyes.

"Jake?" His eyes flutter open and he tries to smile, but it looks more like a grimace. I can feel the tears coming on.

"Scar. Don't cry, please. I hate to see you cry." He says wiping a few stray tears.

"I am so so sorry Jake. This is all my fault! If I would've-"

"No Scarlett, stop. Don't blame yourself for this. I was simply doing my job and didn't think. Like usual." He gave a weak little chuckle and it made me smile slightly at how easy he can blow this off.

"I'm still gonna feel bad. I was worried about you."

"Yeah and we were all worried about you, you're like a sister to all of us Scar, but Paul especially. He felt bad he couldn't protect you sooner."

"Well I guess since we're all fine now. We don't have anything to worry about." I said and we both smiled.

"Get some sleep Jake, you need it."

"You saying I look like shit?!" He's broken and can still joke...that boy.

"Well you don't look in one piece."

"Ha ha very funny." We both laughed and I left only to be engulfed by an apologizing and slightly crying Paul.

"I am so sorry I didn't get to you sooner!-"

"Shh Paul, it's fine. I'm fine! We're all fine." I say while cupping his cheek forcing his eyes to mine.

"I know. I just—I just didn't want to loose you." He says while we both stare into each others eyes making it seem like just us.

"You're never gonna lose me Love." I smiled while he lent down and gave my a sweet yet passionate kiss and I kissed back with just as much passion and desire.

I could get used to this. :)

Comment, favorite, and heart! :)

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