I Love You, You Crazy Hothead

By myliealexis7

420K 8.5K 303

Moved from Quotev!! This is my very first official story that I ever wrote! I felt like it was being neglecte... More

Scarlett Marie Cameron
Way to throw it all away...
I've Missed You Guys!
Bonding With My Boys!
Twin Bonding Day!
This is Just Great
Memory Lane...With Paul?
Explanations and Apologies
Managed to Piss Off A Wolf...Awesome.
Scars and Bruises
I Really Do Need My Brother..
I Can Heal Fast?
I'm an Elemental? Sweet!
Time to Prepare
Training and Mindreading?
Battles and Broken Bones
Wait He's Gone?
This Is All Her Fault
The Wedding and Teases
You Have Some Nerve
Everything's Getting Better
Date Night
More Drama...Great
Liars and Understandings
Girls Day!
Holy Emotions
More Teases and Damn Buzzing
Cliff Diving
My Conversation with Jake
Halloween Movie Marathon
Best. Day. Ever!
Its Just One Thing After Another
Just Great
I Need Time...
Quick Question
I Need You. More Than Air.
I Hate Being Sick...
Oh. My. God.
This Might Be A Good Thing
Shopping With Emily
Family Talk
First Appointment.. I'm Nervous
Merry Christmas!
The End and Our Beginning
I Can't Wait To Meet You!
Welcome To The Family
Plans, Plans, and Plans
Little One's Bedroom
Is That? Yes It Is!
Welcome To The Family
Forever and Always
I Love You, You Crazy Hothead
Bonus: Ashton's Third Birthday
Exciting news!!
The Originals-Preview

I Got My JareBear Back!

8.8K 195 2
By myliealexis7

-Scar's p.o.v.-

We pull up to the front of my house and I'm slightly nervous, I mean my brother and I hardly get mad at each other. But I miss him so I might as well go and fix it. I can see Paul watching me from the corner of my eye, so I take a deep breath and get out of his truck stabling myself against the it's side.

He grabs my hand to help me walk to the door and into my house, and it's dead silent which is kinda scary.

"He had the day off patrol right?" I ask Paul thinking Jared might be at Sam's or something.

"Yeah, and he wasn't hanging out at Sam's...he's gotta be here." I slowly make my way to Jared's room with Paul following, and when I open the door I sigh in relief.

There's Jared spread out like a starfish, face-down on his bed. I had to bite back a laugh at how funny my brother looked and instead made my way over to the side of the bed and kneeled down so I was level with his face.

"JareBear?" I whisper while I move his black bangs from his face, then I realize he has tear tracks on his face. He's been crying..

"JareBear? Wake up please." Still whispering and then his eyes flutter open, hazel to hazel. I smile at the innocent look he has when he wakes up.

"Scar? What are you doing here?" He asks voice groggy from sleep. I giggle at this and tease him.

"What you don't want me here brother?" He jumps outta bed like it's on fire.

"No! I just thought—you were angry with me still and—Hey! Aren't you supposed to be on bed rest?!" I get up from my crouched position and sit on the bed next to him.

"Well funny story. About that, apparently I have fast healing skills. Just not as fast as you guys." The look of confusion on his face was priceless!

"But wait you can't be a wolf? You would have phazed when I did.."

"The doc said I'm not going to phase because I don't have the high body temp like you guys. And I don't stink like you guys." I say with a sly grin.

"HEY!" Both Jared and Paul yell out, and of course I burst out laughing.

"But really Scar. You're all healed up?"

"Yup. Not one problem." I say with a smile then I remember the real reason I came to talk to him and I look down at my hands which are now fiddling in my lap.

"Jared, I wanted to apologize for lashing out on you earlier, It wasn't right of me." I rush in one breath so he can't interupt me.

"Scar. You don't have to apologize. I honestly deserved it I was being an overprotective older brother and I'm sorry. To the both of you."

Looking at both Paul and I. I throw myself at Jared and wrap him in a bear hug which seems to be a popular thing around La Push haha.

"So you're okay with everything?"

"Well, not really but I can deal with it because it's for you and you were right he is my best friend after all." He says with a smile which makes my grin bigger I have my brother back!

Suddenly my stomach growls and we all burst into laughter, that it was my stomache and not one of the boys.

"Way to ruin the moment sis!" He says with a wink.

"Whatever. I haven't eaten in forever! Let's go to Sam's! WAIT, I need to change!" A quickly walk out of the room to chuckling boys and change as fast as my sore body will let me.

"Now let's go to Sam's!" And with that we all head out of the house for a short walk to Sam and Emily's, just in time for dinner! Man does Emily's cooking sound amazing right now!

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