Brotherly Love

By DallyDaz

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The Love of Family Is Powerful, but not When you Have Drugs, Abuse, and Neglect in the way. More



121 3 1
By DallyDaz

Zack's Pov
"I was adopted" I blurted out, Bluntly. Ms.Angelina's eyes Widened with Shock.
"What? It doesnt say that In your records"
"Of course not" I laughed to myself. "It was a illegal adoption.
"Where you Sold?"
"Yes, Actually. When Lana was Pregnant with 'me' she found out she was having a Girl. My father Got rid of it. Brought me. It was more of a Trade off."
"Im guessing youre talking about Wilnona" she asked, taking a sip of her Coffee.
"How did you figure this out?"
"I always knew we had a sister Some where, The others would talk about it. I just didnt know She was Traded out"
"How do you feel about this?"
"Broken. Betrayed. Trapped"
"Do you care to explain?"
I rubbed my hand across my face in irritation. I wasnt irritated by her, but By the Fact of me being traded.
"Well. I never did get to Meet my real Parents. We where Switched at Birth and They died a Couple months Back, Car Crash."
"Im sorry for your Lost."
"So am I. Crazy part was, Lana Didnt Have the Guts to Tell me. Neither did Jared."
"What is your Take on Lana"
"Well.. I was Somewhat Slid to the side. All the time. I dont know if it was because I was The youngest, or because I wasnt Blood. Lana Tried to Love me. She really did. It was Hard because Everytime she looked at me, she would think of the Trade off. I couldnt blame her. A side from the Love, They Treated me the same when it came to School, Sports, and Stuff. They still showed up to my Games."
"Thats good."
"Not really."
"Care to explain?"
I Leaned back on the soft Sofa and Relaxed my Legs on The Coffee table infront of me. I took a Sip of water and Thought back.
"They would Show up at my games a Mess. Parents doped out. Everyone else, Arguing. Crazy part is, we where Closer back then. When we had no freedom"
"No freedom?"
"None. Well, the only freedom we got, was when we played our Extra Curriculums. Other than that, none."
"Why is That?"
"Jared was an Asshole and Lana was a Kiss up"
"For a Person whos "adopted" You sure Do act alot like your Brothers"
"Blood couldnt make us Closer. I grew Up around them. I Love them and They Love me. We where and Are, forever."
"Im Glad you Think that Way. Its very Positive, you seem Happy with them"
"Thank you, and I am. We actually have dinner reservations tonight."
"Thats great"
"Can You Join us?"
"Oh I dont know. That would be Against the Rules of my Job"
"Cmon, Break the rules a Little."
"Just as Friends right?"
"Well. We all have dates, Except for Brad."
She thought about it for a Moment.
"This is Not a Date, this Is just me Getting Closer with my Patients to help you guys"
"Call it what you want" I said with a Smile.

Flash Back
"Coach, Let me on the Court" I spoke to My Coach. He had me on the Bench because Of my temper. Ive been irritated all day by my family and I really didnt want them Here. They aren't here yet, but the way my luck is set up, Something was Bound to Happen. My Coach took One more look at me and then Gave me the Okay. I smiled and Met the rest of the Players on the Court. I made sure my laces where Tied and made way to the court. The reason The coach was Skeptical about letting me play is because of my anger issues. I hate losing and I hate when people Jump in my face. I stood from the other side of the ref as he checked to make sure we were all ready to play. He nodded and Threw the ball in the Air. I slapped it my teams way and they caught it. Dribbling down the Court.
The game went smooth. I was Making 3-points and my Dribbles had gotten better. I felt untouchable. They threw the ball to me and i took my time crossing everybody in sight. I crossed someone so hard that they fell. I went to keep running but them ref blew the whistle.
Annoyed, I turn Back to see what the problem was.
The ref was throwing out words but the only one i seemed to catch was 'Foul'
"Foul? What the fuck?" i yelled, confused. Coach grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.
"You pull another stunt like that then your off the team"
"whatever" I spoke, snatching my arm away and Irritated. I walked back to the court and got in position.
We where currently down one and we had 30 seconds on the clock. This was highly nerve wrecking. One of my team mates threw the ball to me and I started running towards the net. Before I could reach it, the Gym doors flew open. Im walked my loud and obnoxious family. Arguing, practicality fighting. I saw Jared Throw Lana Out of his way as he reached the bleachers. She jumped up and charged after him. Causing the boys to charge after them both. Security was called and everyone ran off the court to stop the scene. I looked over at coach and he mouthed the words "youre off the team"
Anger rushed inside of me..i flicked him off and Threw the ball at him. Making sure we lose. His eyes grew big but I blew him a kissy face. As I was running towards The incident. He threw me hard on the floor, this caught me off guard and i ended up landing hard on my ankle. Pain rushed through my body as I looked up pissed.
"Lets see if youll ever play Basket Ball again" he said with a Smirk.
"Lets see if my brothers will beat your ass" I said. Trying to muster up a Smile. I yelled there names and they all came rushing towards me once they seen me. I told them what happened. And They made sure to handle the Coach.

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