Ten Years Separation

By ririsasy

3.7K 183 191

☆A Qingyu Werewolf fanfiction☆ The story of a forgotten love that surge up to the surface when destiny finall... More

untangle the red thread
The beginning of The end

the first creation

1.1K 52 69
By ririsasy

"Please have a seat" Qing broke the silent that threatening to cut both of them in two.

He didn't prepare for the day he had to meet this man again. At least not today. He is not ready.

All his plans will go to ashes if he has to see him like this now. Never once he stop thinking about him. Dayu always dancing at the corner of his brain.

At the first period of their separation Qing was being too anxious about the unexplain sensation that he felt.

He couldn't possibly be apart from that boy.

He remember dayu's unconcious body that he layed on his soft bed at that early on the morning after his scars disappeared.

He remember stroking dayu's smooth hair for the last time. Caressing the trace of bite on his neck.Holding dayu's hands tightly and kissing his plump lips chastely.

Doing all the things he couldn't do when the sleeping man open his eyes.

Wang qing acknowledge his desire toward the golden boy, he likes to call him golden boy in his mind after he saw him for the first time in that yellow field, it wasn't a common thing to have desire toward a boy.

He never experience it before. But one day when he asked dayu to swim with him at the lake close with the mountain. Qing knew that there is something more than a mere admiration toward this boy.

Dayu was cluelessly opening all his clothes to get ready to swim for the first time in the beautiful lake. Qing told him a couple of time after they became friend about the whereabout of this lake. He was so eager to taste the water.

The blue mingle with green was the color of the lake, dayu dipped his hands in the clear water.

It was very cold, dayu almost hesitate to come into water, but looking back at the other boy that stand not too far away from him, his nudity was not something he felt comfortable around Qing. He want to hide from that eyes.He jumped into the cold water, strangely he felt fresh instead of freezing.

Qing threw his clothes aside, he was an expert in undressing, he didn't get too close with Dayu after he followed him in the water, he gave him a space to swim freely, he enjoy to see the curves of his body that bend and twist from side to side in attempted to stay afloat in the water.

He rise his body heat to stay warm inside the cool water, he slowly swims closer to dayu. Dayu was diving and didn't aware when Qing swims smoothly near him.

Qing touched his feet and made dayu almost got a heart attack. He thought it was the snake Qing told him about. He surge up fast and look around at the naughty boy.

Qing was smiling at his success trick to bully dayu.

Dayu tried to hit him but it was a little bit difficult to achieve in the water, hence instead of punching the boy on the face, he end up in his embrace.

Qing skilfully hold him up to prevent both of them from drowning.

Being that close with Qing wasn't something right. Their naked body was against each other. Only seperate by the molecules of waters.

Qing's body was warm. Qing was staring at him with the same gaze he gave him when he look at him undressing himself, the hunger look.

Did Dayu imagine things? It couldn't be possible for Qing to like him that way.

Qing strong hands grabbed his hips and was painfully close toward his buttocks.

Their soft members brush slightly everytime Qing moves from side to side to swim.

It was a short moment but also felt like eternity, there was something happening between them and both refuse to acknowledge it, dayu push Qing chest to free himself from his hold.

He swims away all his doubt and Question, they were just friend. Barely six months they know each other and both are men. No way that kind of spark happening between them.

Half hour later dayu swims to the nearest banks, put his clothes on and told Qing to also come to the surface. He want to get back home.

Qing didn't say anything about their racing hearts when they embrace each other in the water. They walk silently to their home and seperate with the lump in their throats. They want to say something but confuse where to begin.

It wasn't the only occasion that they both feel that spark between them, many things happen in that 2 years they were together. It was like somekind of natural thing for them to be gravitate toward each other, it just like two magnetic poles that finally meet.

But they always run away from that chemical reaction in their brain everytime that magic happen between them. They refuse it just because both of them are men.

Until that day, Wang Qing couldn't hold any longer the possesive instinct toward dayu, he already claimed him as his and to see another human being threatened the logic that he imprinted in his brain turned him into the real beast that he is.

Dayu should be his, no matter how the boy felt, it was a toxic logic and Qing knew it, he chose Dayu's feeling and well being over his carnal need to have him.


Dayu woke up from a very peculiar dream. everything felt so real, the kiss with yue yue, it was his first real kiss with a girl after his kiss in elementary school he did back then with the girl next door.

The beast that hold him and sunk his teeth on his neck, he rubbed at the spot and startled himself about what he found, the wound was there, he rushed quickly to the look at himself in the mirror, he had the urge to reach for his glasses but weirdly his vision was clearer than usual.

The trace of bite was there. He rubbed at it and felt the longing he couldn't explain. He slumped on the floor thinking carefully about the last night event.

The pain was real he remember about it, he felt like he was walking through hell and back, the sharp sensation of the torn of his skin on his stomach he can still feel it. His every cell was on fire, he felt like his nerve was being pulled outside of his body, he was expecting death but it never come.

Then Dayu also can felt the soothing sensation, there were warm hands and also the blowing stroke of thousands atomic size hands that seeping through his pores taking care of his pain almost to the core of his cells, trying to heal the broken mess of his system.

Was it the same feeling of the first creation, thing appeared out of nothing? It was the feeling of death and reborn.

Dayu went to school with a mix feeling, he felt that he could walk twice faster, his lungs expand quicker when he inhale , his eye balls move quicker observing his surrounding, his hearing felt sharper, what's happen with him?

With a heavy step he arrived at his school and was searching immediately for the solace of his heart that he refuse to admit. He didn't know himself but it seems telling all the burden even the small one with Qing will help to ease his uneasy feeling.

He thought Qing was late that day but after the end of the school he didn't show up, it was strange because qing never get sick before, while him in other hand is easy to catch a cold.

On the way home he visited Qing house to check for his condition, he was just standing at the gate when his security guard told him that Qing was off to taiwan with his grandfather.

Why so sudden? Why he didn't inform him at all? Dayu was Texting and trying to call his bestfriend but no result.

Dayu's parents already present in the living room, they arrived safely at home from their trip, he greet them and head straight to his room, he didn't feel at ease, his heart is heavy. He need to talk this thing out to someone and that someone is apparently in taiwan now, when will he come back?

Exhausted and anxious dayu fell a sleep immediately after his body hit the bed, he dream a very strange dream, he was running in the forest chasing his rabbit, he was 13 again in his dream, he saw his rabbit running quickly crossing the river over the bridge, he follow fast behind, the rabbit enter a small house in the center of that green forest, the temperature drop dramatically when he step his feet inside the old house, the humidity is too strong, he start shivering while keep looking for the naughty rabbit.

"Doudou where are you? If you didn't come out soon I will leave you here to be eaten by the wolf!" Dayu was trying to lure doudou with sweet words, but that eating carrot animal didn't want to cooperate, hence dayu search the entire house, under each table in the old house, he was crawling on the floor when his eyes suddenly see two feet, it wasn't belongs to his rabbit, it was a woman feet, he look up and almost scream his lungs out.

The old lady was staring at him, looking at him with attentive eyes, "young boy, why are you searching for something that already gone?He runs away from you. It means he needs time for himself, when the right day come, He will be back for you and you will have his offsprings", what nonsense the shaman was babbling about, did his doudou get pregnant ? But doudou is a boy rabbit.

He was about to protest to the shaman when he see doudou at the corner of his eyes, he chase the rabbit and he enter one of the room inside that old house, weirdly the room become Qing bedroom, he saw that doudou hiding under the bed, he lay to the floor to look for him.

Instead of doudou, he look at the big wolf sleeping under the bed, doudou was so close with the wolf, dayu carefully stick his hand to reach for doudou before doudou disturb the owner of the room and be eaten by it, hoping that he won't wake up the sleeping beast, just before he grab for doudou, the wolf open his eyes and it look straight at him with his red eyes making dayu's heart jump to his throat.

With a jolt he woke up from the nightmare, Sweats covering his entire body, making his school uniform sticky, he remove the clothes haphazardly and enter the bathroom, his body temperature keep increasing.

Did he get fever ? His head was spinning, he felt dizzy, he turn on the cold shower and let the water pour at his hot body, did he see it right? The steam was visible from the vaporisation of the water that touch his body, he was in fact like a hot burning stove.

He couldn't hold himself any longer, slumped to the floor on his knees and two hands, dayu want to call for his parents down stair to help him, he think he will faint in no time.

He was trying to produce a real sound but he only can hear a weak howl from his own mouth, the more he tried to speak the weirder the voice that come out from his mouth, he reach for his mouth to touch at his tounge but he see that his hands have claws and furs was covering half his arms.

Did he still dreaming? Why he couldn't wake up?

He shut his eyes tightly, letting the stream calming his rapid heart, this is just a dream, this is just a dream, he keep chanting that spell, you are feng jian yu, wake up, wake up.

"Dayu, dayu! Baby! Come down stair to have dinner, you have been sleeping all day long. Baby! Why are you locking the door? Dayu!"

Mom? Dayu open his eyes and called his mother name, this time he can produce humanly sound, the claws weren't there anymore, did he just fell a sleep in the bathtub?


One week in taiwan and Qing unable to reach his anchor, he become unstable, he keep shifting to human, wolf and werewolf form, he couldn't think about anything else except that one name. He was screaming that name in his head.

Dayu. Feng Jian Yu.

Wang cou acknowledge deeply his grandson distress.

His bestfriend had informed him that dayu's parents already accept him as his son tutor, he will perform the ritual soon to extract the synthetic soul from the boy and Wang cou will do the same to wang Qing.

In order to survive the long seperation both of them will have a replacement of each other in another kind of manifestation.

One day when dayu has a session with Lo zang, He told him that he didn't feel alright and want their study to be finished quickly. Lo Zang pretend that he didn't know about dayu's condition and asked the boy to tell him about what he felt.

Lo Zang convinced dayu that he knew how to make that fever dayu told him to go away, it wasn't a common fever he told young dayu, one of his village neighbor also experience the same kind of fever.

Lo zang purposely told dayu that his neighbor experience the similar symptoms after the attack of wild animal. It coulnd't be cure with usual medicine. It needs a talisman charm to chase away the bad spirit that come along with that animal attack.

Lo zang asked dayu did he got attacked recently by wild animal? Dayu told him nothing happen toward him but he didn't reject the idea of chasing the bad fortune through the charm.

Lo zang said he would bring the talisman for dayu and asked the shaman to make the special one for him but dayu need to give him his flesh, blood and bone.

If dayu didn't experience all the weird hallucination or nightmare, hell he even sure that he saw the wild beast attacked him even though there is no vicible scars on his body, he wouldn't believe in the words of his new tutor.

He is the son of a priest, he used to pray to ease his mind from bad thing that might harm him, but apparently there is so many thing that he couldn't find answer in the bible that he read.

He believe in God, but isn't God command him to take action in order to see the result of What God might gave him, is he making the validation about the thing he is about to do?

Seeking shaman help, is it the right thing to do? But if the talisman working perfectly, the shaman might able to help him cure his hallucination, he has seen himself change into a beast, see the claws appear on his hands.

Hence, he cooperate when Lo zang take a few drops of blood from his fingers, a little bit of his flesh and a part of his nail, dayu thought that taking his bone would involve of him losing his finger at least, thankfully it just a little bit of nails. He need to cut it anyway, It has become too long.

The making of synthetic soul only possible by the present of 3 powerful werewolves . The powerful Alpha, Beta and Omega.

It wasn't hard for Wang Cou to bring them all together, he knew all the werewolves, he hold the secret information about their whereabout.

The flesh and bones represent the omega, everything that relate with earth in the body, which are skin, tissues and hair. Blood is the water in the body along with saliva, sweat, urine and semen, and it was the Beta place. The alpha sit on the throne as the fire in the body which consist of longing, sleep, hunger, lust, thirst and desire. The will that make us human, the commander that differentiate us between other creatures also between our own kind.

The talisman is in form of triskelion pendant [a triple spiral exhibiting rotational symmetry], 1 spiral represent omega, the other is beta and the last one is The alpha.

The essence of Dayu will be put in the triskelion and also the essence of Wang qing, to make the element join together Wang cou and the other werewolves force their spirit into it.

Qing can felt dayu present when he wear the necklace with tiskelion pendant , dayu can sleep at night in peace, a sense of tranquility and comfort blanketing him after he received the talisman from lo zang that he also wear as his necklace pendant.

Along the way, when dayu start opening up to lo zang, he revealed who he is to dayu, he teach dayu how to control his shift, teaching him about the history of werewolf, introducing him to another pack so he can learn and ask question to them.

When dayu enter college, Lo Zang keep being his mentor, moving with him to beijing and teaching him all the information he need to know, he has a potential to become the great omega.


Dayu can smell the alpha in front of him, it's a familiar smell, he knew it too well, the talisman that hanging on his neck feels hot, he caress it unconciously, he see that his old best friend also doing the same, caressing the invicible pendant under his shirt.

Dayu has learn eveything he can get his hands on the information about werewolf, from the thing that might hard to swallow and impossible to believe but he already knew it all.

He has known how to recognize the werewolf, Knowing who belongs to whose pack just by the smell alone.

It couldn't possibly be true. Is wang Qing his alpha?

This is his first time scenting Qing but he is a pro, he knows and believes in his own ability.

If he can smell Qing's alpha identity then no doubt Qing also can identifies that he is an omega werewolf.

They can pretend that they didn't know, but what for? The truth is bare in front of them, the only thing that left is for them to admit it.

Still, to know that Qing might be his potential alpha. He couldn't think of a good reason why he abandon him? Why he cut off the tie with him?

"Mr. Feng jian yu please explain the detail about our contract regarding the new material that your company propose for our plastic material" once again Qing hold his composure.

Dayu open the files and flip the pages until he found what he was searching for, he push slowly the file toward wang qing "Dr. Hao, one of our researcher had found that hemp fibres and hemp oil-based polymers can make totally renewable and green-fibre composites we didn't need to rely with petroleum-based oil heavily anymore".

Qing wasn't really paying attention, even though the information is something that put Qing on surprise, he has been discusing about the suistanability of the material they use to produce plastic with his team. This can be a new era for his company and even for the world to start slowly moving from petroleoum based plastic to hemp oil.

Dayu's scent is just too strong, is it because he has been waiting, fantasizing about the day he finally meet him again? Why so alluring?

Is dayu in heat today? His alpha wolf taste the sweet inviting smell, his head felt dizzy. He close his eyes and massage his forehead.

"Mr. Wang, are you alright?" Dayu soft voice bring him back to the present time.

Still closing his eyes, he asked weakly "are we planning to keep playing the game of not knowing each other?"

Dayu taken a back about what Qing said at him but soon he answer with the suppress anger in his voice "I thought you like that game, we have been playing it for 10 years, maybe today is the new start for another 10 years" he said bitterly.

Qing can hear the upset and anguish in dayu's voice, it hurts him to finally able to hear the truth from his mouth.

"I have a reason" he open his eyes and stare at his omega pleadingly.

He believe in his grandfather advice to wait for another year and then next year, and the next before he meet with dayu, he got distracted by his study, his project, achievement, seeking validation as the respectable alpha from the eldest, running his grandfather company, 10 years passed in a blink of an eye. Both have grown so much. He is glad dayu turn into this strong omega.

He is not oblivious about dayu progression, his grandfather always inform about dayu to him, one thing that made him didn't approach dayu, wang cou told him to wait after dayu find his mate and so does Qing, it will be easier for them to be close with each other, more over for Qing.

Qing already turn dayu into something he might don't want to, he didn't want to turn him more into something else.

Qing aware of his tendency, he was attracted toward dayu, he learn that a Wolf mate for life, but maybe, maybe out there someone is waiting to love dayu the way he is without having to turn him into the omega his wolf alpha require him to be.

Qing was hoping that dayu will mate with someone else in this 10 years, but he comes here to his office as virgin as ever, there is no trace of other wolf smell on him that claim him.

Qing was hoping that maybe dayu wasn't his mate, that he himself someday will fall for someone else along the way, but it seems it will need another 10 years of proof for these men to realize that they can not escape their destiny.

"When will you planning to tell your reason to me? Now I know why suddenly even your family was moving away from huangshan not long after you. They were avoiding me.! You created me and thrown me away." Dayu couldn't help but spilled the poisonous truth in front of them.

"Not even a day I live my life without thinking about you. I always watch over you. I know about you dayu. I never throw you away."

"Don't tell me Lo zang is your guy" Qing keep silent.

"My college, my job?" The remaining silent from his accusations toward qing is the answer for dayu.

"and even today is your doing? Did I ever have my own life? Which part of me is the real me without your hands in it? Now how do you expect me to react? Is my reaction still according to your plan?" Dayu stand abruptly, ready to leave this nightmare behind. This couldn't be real. He didn't wake up yet. This is only his hallucination.

"I didn't spy on your every move. I just making sure that you get a good life ! I just want the best for you ! Always the best. You didn't know what I sacrifice for you dayu."

"Bullshit! It's freaking 10 years ! You think it was easy for me to become that creature alone! Now I understand everything. Safe your breath. "

Qing grabbed dayu's hands but dayu trying to free himself soon after that, he couldn't win against that strength, Qing pulled dayu toward his embrace.

"Dayu, listen to me. I stay away from you for your own good. I swear. I think you already learn so many thing about our world then you will understand about the meaning for the thing that I will tell you. I never want you merely as my pack member, I didn't want you as my omega, I didn't want you as my best friend, I only want One thing from you, I want you as my Mate."

Even though it was hard for Qing to tell him about it, he didn't want to further the pain in dayu's heart to think that his alpha throw him away because he didn't want him, it wasn't the reason at all.

Dayu knew what the alpha can do even to a male omega. Inside every man and woman, there are both male and female chromosomes with one sex turned on the other off. It's not about physical appearance. It's about qualities of light.

if they have a regular daily sex activity, the abundant sperm of alpha that have a strong will to have offspring can trigger the change in male omega so it can turn on the off chromosomes and change his reproduction, make the male omega able to have an ovum and womb. if the sperm can inseminates the ovum in the womb during the intercourse, then it will stay in there until the offspring born, the male omega won't change on appearance but his inside will change so much in order to make room for the fetus to grow. If the insemination didn't occur and the alpha and omega didn't have that regular sex, the womb will disappear again.

"I am an alpha, You know what the alpha can do to omega. Dayu, I didn't want to degrade you as a man by turning you into my mate, I want the thing You couldn't possibly give willingly to me. I didn't want to hurt you even more. You never ask to be a werewolf but I turn you into one. Do you think I have a heart to ask for more from you?"

"Let me go" dayu struggle in the man embrace.

Qing didn't budge, there is so many thing he still want to tell dayu. he restrain some of his words like he want to tell dayu that he will want so many children and he have to be the one who bear his children. If he think that had thrown dayu away then he is so wrong. He sacrifice himself, so dayu won't have to bear the consequence of his desire.

"I don't even know how to ask forgiveness by turning you into my kind. I couldn't undo my doing, Now you know the truth, tell me If I made a wrong decision by staying away from you. Do you want me to be near you if that what I want from you?" Qing whisper close that words to dayu's ear, he can see clearly the trace of his bite, he couldn't help but grace his teeth lightly on that part.

Dayu push Qing hard escaping his hold and open the door immediately, he left the revelation behind, he want to run and change himself into a werewolf, he want to howl and scream because knowing is as painful as being oblivious.

He finally knew who created him, he met him, hold him, smell him and feel him.

He feel whole and scattered all over the place too, what is he running from? The truth? Or the obvious answer that Qing is his mate, both of them shouldn't try to broke the fate that already written for them.

But it won't be that easy, his brain telling him that is not logical for him to fall for that reason but his heart knows that they have been running for too long from their destiny.

It is still the same spark they avoided in that lake in huangshan village after all.


Everything in this ff just a part of my imagination, I twisted some truth to match my fantasy, there is truth in here but don't believe in them guys. Sorry for a very long wait for update . I got distracted so easily. Maybe I have ADD ( Attention Deficit Disorder) because It pains me to pay attention to one thing at a very long time. Just like writing a fanfiction. I need to sit for hours to write and run some small research . LOL. It wasn't because I don't have time to write guys. I Just couldn't focus. *sorry why am I pouring my heart out here?*. I am an engineering student so sorry if my language kinda confusing. I couldn't help myself to include one or two things about it in here.

Peace. Thanks for reading, voting, commenting . Much love.

Ps. If you find some part confusing, read the comment section, who knows your question might already been discussed . But asking again is not prohibited yaw!

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