In love with a maid??

By yoreimycruz123

196K 8.6K 751

He thought she was just another girl whom he used. She thought she could handle a guy like him. Eli... More

Chapter 1 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 2 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 3 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 4 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 5 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 6 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 7 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 8 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 9 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 10 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 11 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 12 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 13 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 14 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 15 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 16 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 17 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 18 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 19 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 20 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 21 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 22 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 23 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 24 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 25 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 26 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 27 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 28 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 29 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 30 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 31 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 32 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 33 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 34 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 35 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 36 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 37 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 38 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 39 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 40 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 41 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 42 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 43 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 44 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 45 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 46 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 47 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 48 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 49 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 50 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 51 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 52 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 53 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 54 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 56 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 57 Elias's P.O.V. ~Last Chapter~
Chapter 58 Analia's P.O.V.

Chapter 55 Elias's P.O.V.

2.3K 109 6
By yoreimycruz123

This was it.

The moment of the truth.

We all stood there, all of us, every one of us.

Elis, Emily, Bradley, Jaden, the doctor, two nurses, and a few police officers.

Awaiting to hear her pronounce the words Jaden is guilty of almost killing me to death.

Well, atleast I was waiting for that and not because I wanted anything bad happen to Analia but because I didn't want anything else like what happened to her occur again and with Jaden around that couldn't be possible.

And everyone knew it that.

I wanted him far away as possible from her along with paying for everything he has done and damaged, including Jaden himself, he knew perfectly well that he wasn't wanted.

°•°•Flash back°•°•

15 minutes ago.......

"It's over" I state to his face.

"What are you talking about?" he questions.

"You know very well what I'm talking about" I spit.

"No I really don't" he replies.

"Analia remembers what happened. Everything. And she knows you were with her, and she also knows you were the cause of her being in the hospital" I state in anger.

"But I wasn't" he defends himself.

"Yeah we'll see about that. We'll see what she has to say and what's her side of the story. And when she does say the truth you'll pay for everything you've done to her and everyone else you've hurt" I fire.

He lets out a smirk.

"I didn't push her into the street" he retorts.

"And that's what she's going to say" he adds.

"No! She's not!" I refuse to believe.

"Yes she is, because I didn't do it!" He states.

"Liar!" I yell.

"You know what!? Believe whatever you want ok, I don't care! You'll see you're wrong when she does say the truth!" he shouts.

"I'm done defending myself unnecessarily. I'm done picking out a fight with you. I'm done explaining myself to people who are a waste of time" he confesses.

"You don't even care about Analia!" I state.

"So what? She doesn't know that" he shrugs his shoulders.

My jaw clenched, however I remained calm.

"She's not someone you use then throw away Ok? She's worth much more, and she deserves better than you and me combined. But even if I don't deserve her, I'm not leaving her side" I assure.

He laughs.

"Stop fooling yourself. You know you want one thing from her" Jaden states in amusement.

I shake my head.

"That's where you're wrong. I was after one thing, but now I'm after more than that. I'm after everything, both her inner and outer self. Because I have real feelings for her" I confess.

"Whatever man" he replies unbothered.

"I don't want you anywhere near her. Don't you dare lay not even a hand on her!" I warn.

"You're not the one to decide that" he informs with a grin.


"The day of the accident I had been fired from my job as a maid at the Richardson's home" she begins.

"It was a very mind blowing and stressful day for me. I had no idea where I was going or what to do" she explains.

"So I wandered the streets. The chilly, dark, abandoned looking streets. Alone" she explains.

"Until someone found me. Jaden." She informs to the officers.

"So Ms.Parren are you saying Jaden was with you way before the accident even happened?" an officer questions.

She nods.

"Yes he was".

Yes! This is it! He's going to pay for what he deserves!

"What happened after that?" the officer urges for her to continue.

"He offered me his help. But considering our past encounters I had refused" she states.

"And so he tried to take me with him by force" she replies.

"For her own good ofcourse. It wasn't safe for her to be alone out there" Jaden joins.

I shoot him a glare as the others give him a glance then turn their attention back to Analia.

"As so he states. And so after fighting him off, I ran.

I ran into the street, he called my name I turned, he tried to warn me yelling watch out and to move out the way, but it was too late" she explains.

"So no, Jaden did not push me into the street so a vehicle could run me over.

He tried to save me.

However he did lie to everyone when he said he found me after the accident had happened" she adds.

"Thank you for your statement Ms.Parren, you have a nice day and get better soon" the officer replies.

"Thank you" Analia smiles.

"That's it!?" I ask angrily.

"I'm afraid so" the officer states.

"But he triggered the accident! He should pay for that!" I shout.

"Sir there isn't evidence of that" the officer explains.

"She just say what happened! That's evidence enough" I argue.

"She isn't blaming him for anything. We can't take him, he did the right thing trying to warn her in order to get her into safety" the officer states.

"Well can't you arrest him for sexual harassment!?" I ask.

"No" the officer shakes his head.

"I believe our job here is done. Thank you for your time" he adds and waves leaving with the others.

"No!" I shout.

"This can't be it!" I state.

"Elias calm done!" Elis orders.

"No!" I snap.

"I can't. Jaden is off the hook once again for doing something to someone I care about. And im tired of him getting involved in my life like that!" I confess.

"Dude you're always going to have some type of hatred for me. I didn't push her into the street, she's getting better, I'm not going to jail, what's your damn problem now!?" Jaden questions.

"I had enough of you messing around with my family and Analia!

I had enough of seeing your face everywhere.

Just leave far away!


Where someone actually wants you, where you can't hurt anyone else, where you belong!" I explode.

"Again, you're not the one to decide any of that" he simply replies.

"You don't know how much I hate you" I confess.

"It goes both ways buddy" he replies.

"That's it!" I fire.

"Stop!" Bradley commands.

"You're acting like a child!" he shouts.

"I don't care!" I snap.

"Well you should!" Emily joins.

"Stay out of it!" I spit.

"Guys can we just all remain calm?" Elis questions.

"Nobody in here is calm alright!" I state in annoyance.

"Yeah, because you're causing a show!" Bradley states.

"Like you don't always do yourself" I fire.

"I don't!" He defends.

"Yeah!" Emily agrees.

"Can we all lower our voices!?" Elis questions.

"No!" We three say in unison.

"You guys are so annoying!" Jaden complains.

"Then leave!" I exclaim.

"I'm pregnant!" A voice declares shutting everyone up.

All our heads jerk towards her direction.

Our jaws drop as we stare at her in shock.

She looks at us in embarrassment.

"Sorry I just blurted that out. I've been meaning to tell you, but you guys are always fighting. You don't even consider poor Analia's feelings!" she states.

"So there it is. It was meant to be great news, it still is. Just in a pretty bad situation" she mumbles.

The room remains quiet for a few minutes.

"So?" she questions.

"Y-you're pregnant!?" Emily questions.

"I'm.......pregnant" Elis repeats.

"Oh my God" I hear Bradley.

"This is fantastic!" Emily cheers causing Elis to smile widely.

"Oh my God" Bradley repeats.

"I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt to my sister and bestfriend's baby, this is great!" Emily pipes taking Elis's hands jumping up and down.

"I know, I'm excited myself" Elis agrees jumping along.

"Oh my God!" Bradley continues.

Elis stops jumping.

"Is that all you have to say!?" She yells at him in anger, disbelief, and annoyance.

"Somebody catch me" he restates.

I hear a thump indicating Bradley had fallen.

Emily gasps running towards Bradley on the floor and Elis frowns.

"He didn't find the news good?" She questions in the urge of tears.

No wonder she's been so dramatic and craving everything lately.

"No it isn't that. He's just shocked" Analia informs.

"Are you sure?" she asks her.

"Positive, who wouldn't be happy to be having a baby with such a beautiful girl like you?" she compliments.

Elis's frown is replaced with a smile.

"Thank you Ana" she says hugging her.

"You all are nuts. I'll catch you later Ana" Jaden states leaving the room.

"Yes leave!" I bark.

"Yes leave!" he mimics.

"Congratulations Elis" Analia replies.

"Ummm Elis I think your future husband needs assistance" Emily states causing Analia to chuckle.

"Right" Elis says pulling away and walking over to Emily and Bradley who was getting fanned with a plastic plate laid on the floor.

Wow, I can't believe I'm going to be an uncle.

This is kind of exciting.

My eyes then fall on Analia.

She looks over.

Our eyes lock.

I then remember where I stood in her life and frown.

Breaking eye contact I rush out the room without hesitation.


Analia's P.O.V.

"Great news Ms.Parren, you're free to leave the hospital tomorrow afternoon. Just follow the prescriptions, and when ever you feel head pain just take the pills we provided you with" the doctor informs.

"Thank you so much doctor" I reply happily.

"No problem, you have a nice night" he states.

"You too!" I call out watching him exit the room.

A few minutes after Jaden entered the room.

"Hey" he greets.

"Hi" I reply quietly.

"I just came to apologize and to tell you I'm leaving, for good" he states.

My jaw drops in shock.

I quickly close it.

"I-uh why? Oh my God, wow" I say in confusion.

He chuckles.

"Yeah I'm surprised myself" he states.

"Look" he begins taking a seat next to me.

"I know I lied to you, but it was only because I didn't want more dirt on me.

I had already messed up big time with you before, I didn't want this to be added to the list.

So when I heard you lost your memory I saw an easy way out.

And I took it.

It's the only thing I know how to do" he explains.

"And all just to try and get one night with you.

That's all I ever wanted from you.

I didn't really care about you at all" he states.


"And I realize now that it was very wrong of me to think of you like that" he adds.

Much better.

"I just want to save you the yelling and getting angry. Even though you probably are right now" he continues.

"You got that right" I agree.

"I'm sorry" he apologizes.

"But I can't change who I am.

I'm a jerk and much more.

I have a lot of problems, including anger issues.

I admit it.

I'm a complete mess even though you didn't see me as the monster......I am.

You accepted me for me, I could never be any more grateful for that" he informs.

"And the worst part is, I take advantage of girls. Any girl I can get. But I don't care" he confesses.

He needs medical attention.


"I don't want to change who I am even if I should. I'm perfectly fine being who I am. Not proud of everything I've done, but I'm judged either way" he shrugs his shoulders.

"So what's the point in changing. I feel good the way I am" he states.

"I never judged you" I remind.

He smiles.

"That's why I'm telling you this.

That's why I'm leaving.

I don't want to hurt a girl who actually cares about me.

Who actually sees good in me.

And who knows almost everything about me" he confesses.

"My intentions towards you aren't a hundred percent good.

So I made the decision to control myself and stay away from you, because Elias is right you deserve more than him and I combined, but he's willing to give his all to you" he informs causing my face to soften.

"That's where him and I are different.

He is willing to be there, me, I don't even know.

I'm the type to get what I want and run to the next big thing" he confesses.

"But Analia you deserve much more than I could ever give you. And I don't want to harm you" he replies sincerely.

"I've known Elias for a long time, we may not be that close now, but I know you've changed his world completely" he states.

"That's just what you do.

You give people hope and give them a different way of thinking" he informs.

"You're really precious Analia Parren, and I want you to be happy" he states.

I smile.

"Thank you" I manage to say wiping away a few tears from my face.

"No, thank you" he rephrases cupping my cheeks.

"Goodbye" he says kissing my forhead.

"Goodbye Jaden" I say wrapping my arms around his neck for a hug.

"Be safe" I advise when we pull away.

"Will do, I'll visit you sometime" he states.

"Oh and don't tell Elias all those nice things I said about him" he replies causing a chuckle to escape my lips.

"Just tell him I'm leaving, I won't bother him anymore" he suggests.

I nod.


Elias's P.O.V.

"The doctors informed us that Analia can leave tomorrow afternoon!" Emily pipes.

"I can't believe I'm a father" Bradley states out of no where.

I give him a weird look.

"Dude shut up already" I state.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a father" he repeats.

"Well that's what happens when you abandon your friend named condom, so snap out of it!" I reply.

He shoots me an annoyed glare.

I shrug it off turning my attention back to Emily.

"That's fantastic" I reply.

"Yeah, Elis, the girls, and I will take her to her new apartment once she's ready to leave" she explains.

"Sounds good" I respond.

"We ready to go?" Elis questions.

I look around.

"Uh yeah. Yup, totally" I reply.

"Alright let's go home-".

"Wait!" A voice calls.

We all turn.

"What do you want from our live's now!?" I ask with a tired sigh.

"Relax I'm not here to cause problems" he assures.

"I think you've caused enough of those already" Bradley snaps.

"Yeah I know" Jaden nods.

"And I'm here to apologize" he informs.

I look at him in confusion.

"What did you just say?" I ask.

He sighs.

"I'm here to apologize" he repeats.

"Did he recently drink or something?" Bradley questions.

Jaden rolls his eyes.

"I'm was wondering the same thing" Emily confesses.

"Right" Elis agrees.

"No I have not drank anything unusual ok" Jaden confirms.

"I'm being serious" he states.

"I'm leaving" he informs.

"You're leaving?" I ask slowly.

He nods.

"Where?" Emily questions.

He shrugs his shoulders.

"Far from here. Away from you guys, possibly to get help or just for a fresh start for a while" he retorts.

"But you were pretty firm about staying" Bradley reminds.

"That's true" he nods.

"What made you change your mind?" I ask.

"Analia. I realized no matter how hard I try, I can't get what I want from her. And I'm glad, because I don't want to hurt her" he confesses.

"Believe it or not she's really special to me. So I made my decision" he confirms.

"Wow" I comment.

"She's surrounded by people who care for her and help her, so I know she's in good hands" he states.

"That we know" I state.

"Look man I'm sorry. For everything. If in anything I betrayed you or gone against you" he apologizes sincerely towards me.

"And I'm sorry for hurting you and taking advantage of you the way I did. And I understand if you don't ever forgive me" he states towards Elis.

"And I'm sorry if I offended you or your girl in any way" he apologizes towards Bradley.

"And you" he smiles looking at Emily.

"Behave yourself, continue to be that great sister for Elis and Analia. And always remember you're precious" he informs towards her.

"I also apologized to Analia, so my job here is done. Goodbye" he says with a wave walking away.

And that was that.

Shocking and unbelievable, but it had happened.

"That was crazy" Elis comments.

"Very" I agree.

"When did he get close to you?" Bradley asked Emily.

"Umm shouldn't we be going now? It's getting late" she changes the subject.

"Yeah we should get going" I state.

We all make our way towards the elevators.

The doors open revealing an average height man yet taller than me, with light eyes, and dark hair that was slowly becoming grey.

I examine him as he walks out.

He looked pretty familiar.

We all walk into the now empty elevator.

I watch him as he walks towards the front desk and asks something.

I try to figure out what he was saying but he was far and the elevator doors had just closed.

He just had a way of giving me a funny weird feeling.

Like he was full of bad vibes.

And it kept me wondering......why?



Hayyyy my lovelies💜.

So glad and excited to bring forth another chapter of 'In love with a maid'😍😍😍

Hope you enjoyed😘😘

And you see I updated as soon as I could😊😊😊

Just continue to be patient with me please.

Make sure to vote and comment😄💙.

Also keep up the views😌🎉.

Love you all😘😘😘.


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