The Daughter of Fire and Magic

By ems2u2

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Percy Jackson AU: Camp Halfblood is in ruins and most of the demigods are dead. Nine years have passed since... More

Chapter 1: Me, Myself, and I; an Introduction
Chapter 2: Mr. D Thinks I'm too Hot to Handle
Chapter 3: A Minotaur and my Morning After
Chapter 4: Sloan Williams, Camp Half-blood Enemy Number One
Chapter 5: Sloan, I am Your Father
Chapter 6: How to be a God 101 with my Poor Visions
Chapter 7: I Think I'm Drooling, Felix Maurer Just Arrived... XOXO
Chapter 8: Hello Uncle, I Think You've Confused Me With Someone Else
Chapter 9: Let's Get Down to Business, to Defeat Kronos
Chapter 11: Anyone Know Greek?
Chapter 12: Blaspheme!
Chapter 13: We're Going to Hades in a Handbasket
Chapter 14: Back to the Future on Low Power
Chapter 15: Talk About Cracked Skin
Chapter 16: Nothing Bad Ever Happens in Canada
Chapter 17: Blood, Apologies, and Tears
Chapter 18: Victory Comes with a Price
Chapter 19: The Epilogue
Background and Character Information

Chapter 10: And the Award for Worst SOAB Goes to: Ryder Stevens

66 2 0
By ems2u2

We arrive in New York City and Felix uses his connections to get us a couple rooms in a hotel near Marcus's apartment.

"It's so loud," Heron says when we get into the city. Heron covers his ears and I dig around in my bag for some earbuds. I give them to Heron and tell him they should help.

"Yeah, big bro here has really sensitive ears," Helena whispers to us.

"I heard that!" Heron says. We settle into our rooms and Felix and I have a conversation with the others about not trashing it out.

"This is all on my tab at the agency, so don't break anything." Everyone looks around the room.

"What do you mean, these rooms are so gross, I doubt they'll notice if something happens in here anyways." Helena says wrinkling her nose. "Sloan can't you bibbidi-bobbidi-boo this place?" I sigh and say a spell that cleans up the rooms.

"That's all I'm doing though, we aren't staying here long. Just long enough for Ryder's brother to contact us, and for us to figure out where to go from there." That night Ryder goes and visits his brother. After a sleepless night had by all, we go to Marcus's apartment in the morning.

As soon as we walk in I can sense something's off, but Felix is the one who verbalizes it when Marcus enters the room. "That's not Marcus it's--" before Felix can say anything more he's gone.

"Felix!" I yell.

"I see my agent has lead you all here. Good work Ryder." Kronos steps out of Marcus's body and comes over to me.

"What have you done with Felix?" I spit. Before I know it I'm the only one conscious besides Marcus, Ryder and Kronos.

"You all will be joining him shortly. But first I'm going to give everyone a choice." I look over at Ryder and see conflict in his eyes.

"You don't have to do this Ryder. Remember at the creek? I could see the regret in your eyes, but Ryder you've done nothing to regret. Stop now and you never will!" I plead with him. Marcus says something to him I can't hear, but Ryder's eyes grow wider and I'm out like a light.

I wake up to find Jason tied up on the floor next to me. "Don't even think about it," Marcus says with a sneer.

"Where is everyone else?" I demand. Marcus says nothing. "What did you say to Ryder," I ask trying to calm down. I can feel my divine form trying to creep out; probably the reason Jason is in the room with me, to keep me from using it and killing everyone.

"Nothing you need to know." Ryder comes into the room, eyes slightly glazed over, Kronos follows him in.

"What did you do to him?" I ask panicking.

"He needed a little more convincing," Kronos says. "Apparently he was getting cold feet and I can't have that. Now I will give you the same choice as I've given all your friends. You can either serve me or you can die."

"I don't like ultimatums," I spit back.

"I'm going to take that as a no then. Ryder, Marcus, put these two with the others and get ready. Once these eight are gone, nothing is going to stand in my way." Marcus picks me up and Ryder grabs Jason.

"Please Ryder! Snap out of it!" Marcus puts a rag in my mouth to prevent me from saying anything more. We are dumped into a room with the others, all unconscious. When Marcus drops me I spit the rag out. "Ryder I knew you planned on killing me. I've known since I've met you." I watched as his eyes cleared a little. "At first I just wanted to keep tabs on you to protect myself, but the more we talked, albeit we lied to each other half the time, I felt more like I needed to prove to you I'm not the person you think I am. I'm not the person they're making you think I am. Look back to all the times we've shared. Am I so evil?" I watch the fog lift from his eyes. Marcus gives me a disgusted look.

"Fine, if you want to be with them so badly then so be it." The two fight it out but Ryder is no match for his brother. Marcus electrocutes Ryder and ties him up next to me.

"Ryder?" I pull him over to me and check to make sure Marcus didn't kill him. He coughs and sputters awake.

"I'm fine," he says and I use my bound hands to sock him in the face. "What was that for?"

"For getting us in this situation in the first place."

"I didn't really have a choice." I look at him confused and wanting further explanation. Ryder sighs. "Marcus, he came to me one day and told me about this thing he was planning; putting Kronos incharge. I told him he was nuts and he should cut his own tongue out for saying such things. Then he told me I should join him in his crusade. He proceeded to tell me he'd kill our other siblings, and all my friends if I didn't. You've seen how powerful Marcus is; I was scared of him. I told him I would, I would help recruit the others to his cause. Then you came along, I asked Marcus about you. Apparently then he told Kronos and you were the person who would bring our little plan to a stand still. Marcus told me to kill you right then and there, but then he told me to just befriend you and wait for further instruction."

"Why do you listen to Marcus?" I ask.

"I don't know. There's just something about him and the way he speaks. When he gives a command everyone listens and wants to do as he says. I always figured it was one of his powers."

"He's done this to others?"

"Yeah, why else do you think some of the people I used to hang with sided with me."

"That makes sense." Ryder and I don't speak again until everyone is awake.

"What is he doing in here with us?" Isaac demanded.

"If I weren't bound I'd kill you! We trusted you!" Helena spits.

"Yes, you did. Which was why it was so easy to trap you."

"You aren't exactly helping your case," Elena says to Ryder. He sighs.

"I can't really make you all trust me again, I know that, but at least now I can be honest."

"How about you start with where Felix is?" Helena says through gritted teeth.

"I don't know, normally Kronos just kills anyone who doesn't join him, or has one of his followers do it."

"Did you kill anyone?" Elena asks.

"No, I was just the messenger to the camp. Kronos didn't want me to do anything that might get me found out."

"So then I'm going to ask again. What in the name of Zeus happened to Felix?!" Marcus comes into the room a smug look on his face. Ryder cringes at the sight of him.

"You'll find out soon. Master, they're awake." Kronos comes into the room and when he snaps his fingers we are unbound traveling in a vortex of color.

"Good luck getting out of this one," Kronos says as the vortex closes. 

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