Emison: The New Girl

By emison_18

175K 2.9K 473

Emily Fields starting her junior year at Rosewood Day High School. On her first day she runs into the queen b... More

First Day
Alison's House
Morning After
The Results
Honey, I'm home.
Not an update
Making Amends
Date Night
Date Night Cont...
Anniversery Set Up
Anniversary Day Pt: 1
Back To Reality
Where's Em?
Coming Home
The After Math
Ultra Sound Day
Not an Update
Back To School
Picking Names
Boy? Or Girl?
It Is Time
The Ring
First Day Home
Wedding Day

Anniversary Day Pt: 2

5.2K 92 6
By emison_18

Alison's POV:
I am so upset that I forgot Emily and I's anniversary. I'm definitely going to make this up to her. We sat down across from each other. I grabbed her hand. "Em, I appreciate all of this. I really do. Thank you. Nobody has ever done anything like this for me. I am so sorry I forgot. I have no excuse for it. But I do have something to say. I love you, with all of my heart. And I will make this up to you." I smiled at her. She smiled and leaned over the table and kissed me. She then sat back down. I rubbed my thumb over her hand. Smiling and admiring her beauty. "Em, I wanted to ask..how's swimming?" I asked as we ate the food Emily cooked for us. "I was actually kicked off. Well suspended. From shoulder. I tore my rotator cuff." I had to make sure I heard her right. "Wait..suspended? Kicked off? Are they going to let you back on?" I asked worried. She nodded. "Yeah. Once the doctor clears me." She smiled. "Okay. Good. Because you're the best swimmer ever. And it would be a shame if I couldn't see my girlfriend in the water. Especially with those legs." I rubbed my leg against hers under the table. She giggled and did the same to me. We kept doing that until we finished eating. What Emily didn't know was I told aria what happened and had her book a couples suit for us. I'm paying to her use candles and rose petals. I feel bad for asking too much of them. But I'll make it up to them too. Me and Emily finished and cleaned up. I pulled her to the car and helped her in. "Are we going back to your place?" She smirked at me. I shook my head. "No." She frowned. I put my hand on her inner thigh. "There's somewhere even better." She blushed a deep shade of red. I kept my hand on her thigh while we drove to Philly. The hotel there looks over the city and at night it's beautiful. Occasionally I'd rub my hand up and down her thigh. She'd squirm a little bit trying to get me to go higher. After awhile I stopped. I could tell that made her mad but I know even the slightest bit of contact between us made her happy. After an hour we pulled up to the hotel. She looked at me confused. "A hotel?" I nodded. "Wait for it Emily. Wait for it." I helped her out of the car. We checked into the hotel and I went behind her and covered her eyes. I opened the door and lead her in slowly. "Ali, can I-" I removed my hands from her eyes. She looked at the room in awe. She turned around to me and smiled widely. "I can't believe you'd do this? How did you-" I cut her off. "I called in a favor after we had our little fight. I owe you. I wanted to show you I'm sorry, instead of just saying it." She hugged me tightly. I hugged her back. After a minute we pulled away slowly, looking into each others eyes. We both slowly leaned in..after what seemed like an eternity our lips touched. The kiss was slow and loving and passionate. I ran my tongue over her bottom lip. She denied any entrance. I got mad. What is she doing?

Emily's POV:
Ali rubbed her tongue on my bottom lip and I denied. I could tell she got mad. Which is good. Mad Ali is so hot. She did it again..I still denied. She groaned in frustration. She pulled away from me. "What? Are you not ready to go there? With me?" I looked shocked. "No. Ali I am. I was just-" Alison cut me off. "It's because of my body...isn't it? Because I'm not skinny enough? Because their are so many other sexy skinny girls out there." She started tearing up. "No. Ali. That's not true. I love you. For every part of you. I don't care about your body. How big or small it is. And I don't care IF their are other sexy skinny girls out there. I have this sexy thing right infront of me." I wiped away the tears that had fallen from her eyes. I leaned into her. I caught her lips in mine. Still feeling the electricity from our first kiss when we got to the hotel. I moved my hands to her waist. She wrapped her arms around my neck. This kiss was filled with so much love and passion. I was shocked. It was different. Even from out very first kiss. I moved my foot a little. Next thing I knew we were walking to the bed. Instead of sitting on the bed. We fell on the bed. We laughed uncontrollably. I pulled her into me, I held her. I played with her hair. She sighed. "Em. What the fuck? We were in a moment." I laughed at her. She went to punch me but I caught her hand. I pulled her on top of me and kissed her. I felt her loosen up and melt at the touch of my lips. She rubbed her tongue against my bottom lip but then stopped. Remembering the last time I declined it. So instead, I did it to her. She didn't open. Okay. I see what she's doing. Get back at me. But two can play this game. I moved my hand to her waist. Then her butt. While the other hand was on her cheek. I squeezed her butt and she gasped. I took that opportunity and slipped my tongue in her mouth. She tried speaking but I wouldn't let her. My hand was still on her butt, she moved a hand behind her and took it off her butt. She moved it to her waist and put her hands back where they were. Her hands slipped under my shirt. I felt goosebumps forming all over my body. Her hand went higher to my chest. She squeezed my boob and I moaned into her mouth. She smiled through the kiss. She flipped us over so she was on top this time; still kissing each other. Ali pulled away to breathe. Her hand still on my boob. She then said what I figured she was going to before. "Well played Fields." I winked at her. She then placed her self directly on my center. She straddled my waist with her legs. I knew what she was going to do, so I put my hands on her butt and moved her forward. A little on my stomach. I pulled her down to me. But she stopped. Ali was hovering above my face. I went to lean up to her but she pulled away. What the fuck? She lifted my head and moved my hair from both sides of my neck. She lunged at my neck and kissed it. I could feel where her lips were..that part of my neck started tingling. She bit down. Ouch! Fuck that actually hurt. She looked up giving me an apologetic look then went back to kissing my neck. Her hand moved away from my boob to my waist. She went extra slow making sure it tickled a bit. I shivered. From what she was doing to my neck I could tell there was definitely going to be a mark. She started to kiss down my neck to the open part of my dress. I put my fingers under her chin and pulled her face to mine. I immediately attacked her lips with mine. Our tongues clashing together fighting for dominance. She won. But there was no way she's being dominant in the bed. I flipped us over so I was on top of her. She reached behind me and unzipped my dress. I  pulled away and got up, taking the dress off slowly. Knowing I'm being such a huge tease. She glared at me angry at what I was doing. I got back on top of her and kissed her neck. I made sure not to leave a mark, I didn't need the entire school knowing we had sex. I was awoken from my thoughts when Alison's hand landed on my butt. Her fingers traced my underwear lines. I lifted her up and reached around her. I unzipped her dress. She pulled her arms out of it and slipped it down to her waist. I kissed from her neck to her chest. I started making little marks into a heart on her breast. She moaned slightly. It was turning me on a little bit. A lot actually. I took her bra off and just stared at her. She covered her chest with one arm and her stomach with the other. I leaned down to her ear and whispered huskily "you're so sexy." She blushed.

Alison's POV:
Em pulled my bra off and was staring at me. It made me feel like she was judging me. I really hate how I feel when my stomach is showing. Then she whispered in my ear. God she sounded hot. I moved my arms away. She kissed down my chest all over. I looked down at her and saw marks on my boob in the shape of a heart. Asshole. She's paying for that. She kissed back up to my lips. My hands wandered all over her body. I got to her back and unhooked her bra. I pulled it off of her. I wanted to look but Emily wouldn't let me move from underneath her. I moved my hands to her abs. I needed to move and she wasn't letting it happen. I needed to her her back for leaving like 20 hickeys on me. I moved my hand lower and lower until I got the hem of her underwear. I played with it letting her think nothing of it. Then I quickly put my hands in her underwear. She moaned at my touch and I felt her breath hitch. I started to tease her and she cried. "Ali..p-pl-please. D-don't do that t-to me." I smirked to myself. She stopped everything she was doing. She kept asking me to stop and saying to just do it. I took the opportunity of this to flip us around. I pulled my hand out of her underwear and pulled her underwear down. But not with my hands. My teeth. I mad sure It was slow and steady. She begged me over and over again. I kissed from her legs to her mid thigh. "Ali.." I looked up at her. Emily's eyes were dark with lust. I entered her with one finger. She arched her back and moaned loudly. I covered her mouth with the other hand. Then I added another finger. Then another. While still fingering her I went back up to her lips to help suppress her Loud moans. After a few seconds she pulled away. "Ali...im..I'm gon-gonna c-cum." Sure enough she did. I kissed down her body then I got to her center. I cleaned her up. Her hands came for my gave and pulled me back up to her. She kissed me with so much passion. After a few more minutes of making out I laid down next to her. "What do you think you're doing. It's your turn." She smirked at me. And the rest was history.

A/N: sorry. I kind hate writing sex scenes. It's not my best thing to write. I'm at a hue block now. Can someone give me some ideas? Some things you want to see on Pretty Little Liars? Like their emison scenes where they don't kiss or whatever. I can change them into something you guys like. Just comment or message me your favorite Emison scene and I'll rewrite it a little. Thank you guys for reading. I love you!💕😊

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