That Love ➳ l.t.&e.c.

By tomlinsonrose

36.3K 1K 497

●════════●♥●════════● "Louis, this isn't good for us, we're not good for each and we can't be in a relationsh... More

That Boy
1. That Day
2. That Ass
3. That Girl
4. That Fight
5. That Night
6. That Class
7. That Plan
8. That Kiss
9. That Talk
10. That Feeling
11. That Lorry
13. That Date
14. That Stupid
15. That Person
16. That Filler Chapter
17. That Moment
18. That Tutor
19. That Arguement
20. That Starbucks
21. That Call
Contact Me ➳ Authors Note c:
22. That News
23.That Conversation
24.That Session
25. That Box
26. That Bracelet
27. That Club
28. That Day
29. That Love
updates :)
30. That Feeling
31., That Shit
Cliché x
32. That Shot
That Love Week (updateupdateupdate)
33. That Done
That </3
34. That Death
35. That Hospital
36. That Morning
37. That Kiss
Petals <3
38. That Camera
39. That Dress
40. That Shock
Check out my blog petals x
41. That Moment
My snapchat
42. That End

12. That Dream

894 30 9
By tomlinsonrose

Eleanor's POV

I wake up to a bright light flashing in my eyes.

The lorry's getting closer. Closer and Closer. I can't move. I can't move out of the way. I'm frozen.

'DRIVE!' he yells

I slam my foot onto the pedal as he swerves. He swerves it to his side. So he gets hit. Instead of me. He saved my life. And I could have taken his.

I scream an cover my eyes.

'LOUIS!' I scream, sitting up, jolting a pain up my arm.

'LOUIS!' I scream again.

The doctor shakes his head at me, a solemn look on his face.

'LOUIS!' I scream

Everything starts to fade away.

'Eleanor!' Louis yells, running towards me

He's running down a corridor, but the corrirdor just keeps getting longer and longer

'LOUIS!' I scream at him, reaching out, desperatly trying to get him



'Ellie!' Mum says, rubbing circles on my back.

'Ellie! Wake up! Ellie!' 

I jolt up, looking at my surroundings

I'm at home, on my couch.

'Louis!' I yell, my eyes darting around

'He's still in hospital Ellie. Do you remember what happened?' Mum asks

'I-I remember the crash. I remember Louis swerved the car so the lorry would hit him instead of me. And then I blacked out. Thats all I remember.'

'You fractured your wrist but our fine. Louis....Louis worse. He broke his leg and fractured his ankle in six different places, broke his collar bone and broke three ribs. But he's alive, and thats what counts'

'I need to see him' I say determinedly

'I'll get Ciara to drive you' mum says, sighing

I nod.


A few minutes later, I'm running down the hospital corridor to where the nurse said Louis was. I stop in front of his ward and run in, looking for him. I spot him and my heart breaks. My hand flies up to my open ,outh and I choke on some tears. He looks so sick. So dead and sick and pale. His foot is in a cast, and elevated up. His torso up to his neck is all in a cast .His face is pale and his lips have no colour. His hair is lifeless, like his face. He looks defeated.

'Oh My God!' I breath, a tear running down my cheek 

This catches his attenton and his head slowly turns to meet mine.

'I'm so so sorry!' I say, my voice cracking as tears spill down my face.

'It wasn't your fault' he says

I walk over to the side of his bed and sit down

'It was! I should be the one in the casts, not you! I should have driven when I could! But I just sat there. Staring at the truck. Like wanted it to hit me'

'El, this wasn't your fault' he says, his voice filled with kindness

'I'm so sorry!' I mumble, running a hand through my hair

'Lou! I got you a bar!' a voice calls, coming into Louis section

'You?' Harry questions when he sees me.

I wipe my eyes, and sniffle slighty, running a hand throught my hair.

I probably look awful

'Me' I say

'I'm sorry, I should go. I just came to make sure Louis was ok. I just...yeah. Sorry. See you in school. I'll  visit you soon Louis' I say, giving them a slight wave before walking away

 I walk away from Louis bed, despite the fact my heart was beating faster and faster with every step away from him, despite the fact that my brain was telling me to turn around and be with him, despite the fact my heart was aching as I walked further and further away from him, despite the fact my insides are practically mush, just thinking of him despite the fact that my brain shuts down and my heart takes over whenever he's near, despite.....despite the fact I loved him. Despite the fact I loved Louis William Tomlinson. But no matter how strong my feelings are, no matter how much my heart beated when I was near him, no matter how much my brain told me to go be with him, no matter how much my heart was aching or how much my inside turned to mush when I was near him or the fact that my heart takes over when I'm near him, none of that mattered. Because deep down, I knew, no matter how nice he had been, no matter how sweet and kind he had been, he was playing me. He had no feelings for me. Even if he was actong like he used to when we were going out, thats all it is. Acting. This is all a sick game to him. 

I get madder and madder as I argue with myself in my head about Louis. Maybe I'm the one that should be in hospital..... 

I get into my car and slam the door, gripping the steering wheel.


I grab my phone and scroll down until I find his number. I open up a new message

To: Keenan ;)

Hey, It's Eleanor, we met at the restaurant :) x

I start up the car and start driving home. I decide to stop at Starbucks on the way back. I park my car down the street and grab my handbag, getting out and locking the car. I take my phone out of my bag and see I have 1 new message.

From: Keenan ;)

Hey! Yeah, I remember :) How r u? xx

To: Keenan ;)

uhm i was in a little crash earlier but I'm good :) hbu?? xx

From: Keenan ;)

Oh God! Really?! R u ok? :/ xx

To: Keenan ;)

I' m fine haha :) xx

From: Keenan ;)

I'll have to c 4 myself! r u free? x

To: Keenan ;)

Ya, i'm just out of hospital, just stopped off at starbucks 

From: Keenan ;)

I'll be there in 5 mins! xx

To: Keenan ;)

Cnt wait! :P x

I realise, when I put my phone away, that I walked past the restaurant.

I sigh and turn around, waking back to it. I open the door and walk up to the counter.

It's suprisingly quiet, only an old woman sitting in the corner

'Hiya what can I get you?'

'A skinny grande white chocolate mocha frap no whip please' I say

'Jees thats a mouthful!'

I turn around and smile when I see Keenan's face hovering in front of mine,

'Hiya' I say smiling broadly at him

'Hey, your drinks ready' he says pointing to the end of the counter

I thank the lady and pay her, going down to get my drink.

Keenan leads me to a little corner booth. we sit down either side and Keenan smiles warmly at me.

'So how did it happen?' he questions

'Excuse me?' I ask confused

'The crash' he explains,  laughing lightly 

'Oh right, I don't know. I was in the car coming home from the restaurant with Louis and I saw headlights. I didn't know what to do. I kinda just froze. All I oculd see were these headlights getting closer and closer to me. I knew I wasn't going to live thorugh it, it was a massive lorry! Louis told me to drive so I just slammed onto the gas and he turned the wheel so I wouldn't get hit. He took the blast of it, not me. He broke his leg and fractured his ankle in six different places, broke his collar bone and broke three ribs. I only fractured my wrist' I say lifting up my cast and showing him

He frowns for a minute, digesting the new information.

'Jesus' he mutters

He runs a hannd through his brunette locks

'I'm glad your ok' he says finally, smiling goofily at me

I grin back


'Is uhm...Louis gonna be ok?' he asks, pausing before Louis name

'I think so' I say shrugging

He nods once more

'Onto a more happy subject' Keenan says, laughing

I grin and laugh at him

'Where are you from?' I ask, taking a sip of my frappachino 'I mean, I pressume your from Ireland, you have a thick accent' 

'Yeah, I'm from Sligo, in the West' he says, smiling

'Is that near Galway?' I question

'Yeah, around an hour and a half away'

'Yeah, My cousin studies in Galway' I explain

'Oh cool, so does my brother'

'Cool! When did you move here then?'

'I moved here to come to uni, so I've been here just over a year'

'Oh what are you studying?'

'Medicine' he says smiling

'Liike to be a doctor?' I ask

He nods, grinning

'Wow' I say, shocked

He shrugs, a slight blush crawling onto his cheeks

I giggle

'What about you?' he asks

'I'm still in high school'' I say, blushing slightly

If he was shocked by my statement, he didn't show it.

'What year are you in?'


'What do you want to do next year?'

'I'm going to study politics and sociology in Manchester'

'Oh cool, so what do you want to be?'

'I've always liked the sound of being a lawyer'

'Ok, well I have an arguement, well hopefully actually it won't be an arguement' he says

'Proceede' I say, smiling

'Will you go out with me this Saturday night?' he questions

I pretend to think hard

'Yes, I will' I say, giggling

Louis' POV

 I watch Eleanor briskly walk away.

'You retard!' I growl at Harry once she was safely out of hearing distance

'What?' he questions, shocked 'It's just Eleanor, ennit?'

'She's not just Eleanor' I growl

Harry's eyes widen before turning into a grin

'You like Eleanor!' he says pointing at me

'Do not!' I defend

'Oh My God you luuuuuurrrrrvvvveeee her!' he says, drawling out the word

'I do not!'

'Awwww Lou and El sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-' Harry's cut off mid sentence by the nurse coming in and giving him a funny look

'How are you feeling Mr. Tomlinson?'

'Fine. Kinda painful, but thats understandable, ennit?'

She giggle and smiles at me

'Yes it is considering your circumstances'

I smile at her

'I'll bring some painkillers into you in an hour or so Louis, but for now you need to rest' she says, looking at Harry sternly as she says this

'Oh I hear you loud and clear missus' Harry says

She nods briskly and turns away

Harry salutes her, making a face as she walks away

I try and hold back my laughs

'You. Love. Eleanor' he says

'No, I don't. I really don't'

'This shit all started out with you trying to "play" her but you've uncovered feelings for her along the way! Oh God this is like one of those cliché movies you see on t.v!' Harry says

'It's not because I don't love Eleanor'

'I dunno who your trying to convince here man, me, or you' Harry says

'I. Do. Not. Love. Eleanor. Jane. Calder. Never have, never will!'

Lies. All lies. It's all bull! I'm head over heels for Eleanor! She's got me wrapped around her little finger! But no way am I gonna let Harry know that!

No one can know about my feelings for Eleanor. I'm just gonna have to keep it bottled up inside. Bottled up forever.

Author's Note

Nice long chapter for ye sweetiepies!

I love it when ye comment so please do! Comment anything! What you thought, who you liked the best, what you think'll happen, what you want to happen, questions for the charaters, questions for me, even what your eating! I don't care, I just love all yere comments! LOVE EM!!!! <3 xo

So keep em coming and obvs votes, cus they are trés important!!!

Till next time cherry dumplings 

~Niamh :) xo

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