The Goblin: Got Damn Goblin

By LilTatiana

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Part two to 'The Goblin'. You should probably read part one first before you read this, just a suggestion ☺️ More

Got Damn Goblin
Chapter 1: Intro
Chapter 2: Whatchu Gon Do?
Chapter 3: Suprise After Suprise
Chapter 4: The Beginning of Tron Cats Reign

Chapter 5: Tron Cat Always Gets His Way

275 10 9
By LilTatiana


We were all down at the precinct. Travis had already been interrogated. We were waiting for Devon to be done. Tyler and I still needed to go in. I couldn't lie, I was nervous. I know I had nothing to do with Zoe disappearing but what if they made it seem as if I did? Then I go to jail. I'm too pretty for jail. My mom would be shattered if both of her kids end up in jail.

I looked across from me at Tyler. He looked to be in a whole different world. He was staring off into space. One minute he was agitated and the next he was calm again. It was like he was arguing with himself internally. It was strange. But I didn't dare to comment on it. I just sat in my chair waiting for my turn, trembling.

After another fifteen minutes, Devon finally came out of the interrogation room. He gave me a look suggesting he was glad it was over. I was still trembling wondering if I was next.

Cop: Ms. Conner.

He looked at me with an eyebrow raised. I looked over a Tyler who was still in his trance then followed the cop into the interrogation room. I sat down in what was obviously my seat. The two cops sat on the other side of the table. I felt like I was in a movie but this was no movie. It was real fucking life.

Cop 1: My name is Detective Bass this is my partner Detective Rands. We'll be questioning you about somethings. We know you and Zoe were best friends. We also know that you were one of the last people to see Zoe before she went missing.

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. Were they gonna pin her disappearance on me? I couldn't kill Zoe. She was my best friend.

Rands: Look, sweetie. I can tell you're nervous but assuming you don't have anything to do with her disappearance or know of any details you should have nothing to worry about.

Little do they know I have everything to worry about.

Bass: Tell us about the day Zoe went missing. What happened from start to finish.

I thought of that day. I remember Zoe crying and being all hysterical about Mr. Farmer and her thinking Tyler had something to do with his death. But now they both do. And her talking about him being weird. She was basically trying to put Mr. Farmer's death on Tyler but Tyler said it was all her. But I feel like there's more to the story.

Danielle: I met up with Zoe at school in our usual spot, our lockers. She had been crying and acting hysterical.
Bass: About what?
Danielle: Mr. Farmer.
Rands: Mr. Farmer? The old man that was brutally murdered? Why was she hysterical?
Danielle: He lived across the street from her.
Bass: He was her neighbor? What was their relationship like?

I thought of Zoe's diary. How she said he raped her and she was pregnant. But if I told them that they would ask me how I knew. And Zoe, sure enough, didn't tell me to my face but it would make her the prime suspect of his murder. It could be the reason why she was hysterical and disappeared after word got out that his death was basically a first-degree murder charge.

This all suddenly made sense and her diary is proof but her diary also points to Tyler being involved. Him being the one that killed Mr. Farmer though it was supposedly Zoe's idea as he tells me. But with her suddenly disappearing and her diary placing Tyler at the scene with her at Mr. Farmer's it would look like he got rid of Zoe to shut her up. He was also the last person to see Zoe alive.

This was all too much for me. I don't think Zoe could just run off like that. But how she was acting the day of her disappearance she could have. And I don't think Tyler would have killed Zoe. He could have helped her hide somewhere.

Danielle: As far as I knew she would help him around his house from time to time but that's like it.
Rands: Now when you say she was hysterical, how was she? Was she panicking because he was dead? Or was she panicking because she knew that we were going to possibly catch her?
Danielle: Because he was dead. She couldn't stop talking about him being dead. It bothered her.
Bass: Interesting. Do you think she had anything to do with his death?
Danielle: Zoe? No, she wouldn't hurt a fly. She couldn't even kill a spider if I was in her house. She would always make sure it left her house alive.

Lying to the police didn't feel right but this was a lose-lose situation for me. No matter how this turned out it would somehow involve Tyler and if he knew I snitched I could be next.

After another hour of questioning, they let me go. Saying they would be in touch. I immediately walked out and made my way home. I could feel Tyler's eyes burning a hole in my back but I didn't bother to look at him. I didn't rat him out or anything nor did I mention anything about Zoe's diary. Speaking of that I needed to get it put up somewhere. It had too much evidence in it proving me a liar and Tyler a suspect and a serial killer.

I hurried home with that on my mind. My house was quiet. It reminded me that my brother was in jail for Raquel's disappearance. There was so much going on that I couldn't wrap my head around it.

Once I made it to my room I frantically searched for Zoe's diary. After tearing my entire room apart I couldn't find it. All I had was the key. I was frustrated yet panicking. Someone could have it right now. What if my mother got it and went through it thinking it was mine? Zoe didn't have her name written anywhere in or outside the diary. What if she turned it into the police? I would be fucked. Tyler would be fucked. That would make me double fucked.

But there's no way she could have found it. Plus my mother never went through my things as far as I knew. Where was the last place I had it? I remember reading it in Zoe's bedroom. And again when I got here. Then taking it to Tyler's. After that, I don't remember having it. I remember us talking then me running out of his house frightened by him. I don't remember putting it back in my bag. Zoe's diary has to be at Tyler's house. Fuck.


After hours upon hours, so being questioned Tron Cat gave them no leads to me or Danielle. All I could think about was Zoe the entire time he talked for me. I wish I could've stopped him but I was completely powerless to Tron Cat. I hated it. We were let go but not without them letting us know they would be in touch. I know Tron Cat was saving my ass but I really wish he'd let me live my life alone.

Tron Cat: Where is the key to Zoe's diary?
Tyler: I don't know Danielle probably has it still.
Tron Cat:
(chuckling) We must pay wifey a little visit then.

We knocked on Danielle's door and waited for her to come to the door. The plan was to get the key and dispose of the diary itself. It had too much information that could give me nothing short of the death penalty. And honestly, I wouldn't mind being dead if that set me free from Tron Cat.

Moments later Danielle finally came to the door. She was instantly paralyzed once she saw it was us.

Danielle: What do you want?
Tron Cat: May I come in?
Danielle: You know it looks suspicious with you coming over here after we just got questioned right?

Tron Cat knew she was right.

Tron Cat: And making me stand out here looks any better?

She reluctantly opened the door and let us in. Tron Cat was definitely smooth with his words. That's one thing I actually appreciate him for.

Danielle: So.. what's up?

She stood there awkwardly barley looking at us. I knew she was scared of us, well Tron Cat at least.

Tron Cat: I'm here to talk about Zoe's diary.
Danielle: (looking directly to him) You have it?
Tron Cat: (holding up the diary) I'm in need of the key and I know you have it.
Danielle: If you'd give it to me I'll unlock it for you.

Tron Cat began laughing loudly as he stuffed the diary back into my backpack. He knew Danielle was up to something and he wasn't going for it.

Tron Cat: I'm afraid that that simply isn't gonna happen.
Danielle: Well you can't have the key.

I felt Tron Cat grow angry. He doesn't like not getting his way. You can't tell him no. You can't tell him he couldn't have anything. Tron Cat always gets what he wants. I learned the hard way.

Tron Cat: (sternly) Give me the key.
Danielle: Why?
Tron Cat: (raising his voice) Give me the key!
Danielle: No.

I felt my skin get hot. I knew Tron Cat was gonna lunge at her at any given second. I wanted to warn her to at least get a head start but of course, I had no control.

Tron Cat: I'm gonna say this one last time. This is your final chance. I like you, Danielle. Don't screw this up!

She eyed us up and down. Tron Cat loved her feistiness but he was also growing annoyed from him not immediately getting his way.

Tron Cat: Give me the key!

Danielle took off running into the kitchen as Tron Cat went after her. We tackled her to the ground.

Tron Cat: Where is the key?!
Danielle: I'm never gonna tell you!
Tron Cat: Fine I'll find it myself!

With that, he hit Danielle on the back of her head knocking her out cold. We searched her pockets but didn't find anything.

Tron Cat: It has to be around here somewhere.

We went back to the living room searching every surface. There was no key insight. We went upstairs and searched in her bedroom and we still couldn't find it.

Tron Cat: Where did she put this damn key?!

We went back downstairs into the kitchen. We gave it a good look over. Next to the light switch was a key holder that holds one set of keys. Attached was a letter D key chain. Danielle was the only family member whose name started with a D. Tron Cat chuckled again as we made our way to the key holder. Of course, there was the dairy's key.

We took it off the key ring as Danielle regained consciousness.

Tron Cat: Silly, silly girl. Did you really think I was that dumb?

He laughed as Danielle stood up. We took off out the house before she could chase us. Now she knew too that Tron Cat always got his way.


I watched Tyler run down the street. I was devastated that I failed. But with the way he hit me on the back of my head, there was nothing I could have done. Nothing. I closed my front door and decided to go shower. I had no idea what he had planned with the diary but I knew it wouldn't cause trouble for me. Or at least I hoped so.

Once out of the shower I heard another knock on the door as I was getting dressed. What now? I was growing agitated. I just want to be left alone. I hurried and put some pants on and ran downstairs to see who it was. It was Zoe's parents.

Zoe's Mom: Hey Hun. Sorry to bother you but we came by to get Zoe's diary back. Were you able to open it?

Fuck! Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse!

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