My Dying Wish **UNDERTAKING E...

By ElloImTheDoctor

9.7K 303 125

After a tragic car accident with John Smith, Rose is left on her own again. Rose carries on but is still full... More

My Dying Wish (TenxRose)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Sequel Part 1
Sequel Part 3
Sequel Part 4

Sequel Part 2

260 12 7
By ElloImTheDoctor

Author's Note

Thank you guys for the feedback and comments, especially @bad_wolf_ (Might have gotten that wrong) but I guess you guys want me to continue and your wishes are my commands!

So with that I shall let you read now!

Also one more thing, please check out my other fan-fics and vote/comment!



The Doctor sat there, gawking, mouth hanging loose unable to move. What was he going to do? Do the right thing and tell Rose or would he find some way to terminate the pregnancy? Not that he wanted to do that, but what if Rose didn't want the baby and blames him, ending with her leaving the Doctor? He stood there conflicted and slow.

He didn't hear the sound of her soft soled slippers against the metal grating in the control room, he didn't hear her at all, he was wrapped up in an internal battle.

"Doctah, what's wrong? What's the matter?" Rose glanced at him with a concerned look from across the way.

"Uuuuh.." He closed his eyes, "Hmm yes, what?" He smiled, taking the image from the monitor away and back to it's basic pattern of always shifting gallifreyian language.

"You alright?" She eyed him suspiciously.

"Yes, of course I am. Why wouldn't I? Are you alright? Because I am alright, actually splendid." He smiled, he was doing his best at trying to remain calm but wasn't succeeding.

She moved closer to him, looking to the monitor then back to him. Her eyes roaming his body, sweat beading at his hairline ever so slightly. She raised a hand to his forehead, normal temperature, then down to his cheek, cupping it in her hand rubbing her thumb in a soothing motion. He smiled, putting a hand on hers and leaning in to her touch, "I'm fine, I am. Are you?"

She frowned looking away then back at him with a still lurking suspicion. He looked at her with worry, " I'm serious Rose, are you okay? Do you feel okay?"

Her face filled with curiosity and a sliver of slight fear, "What-yes. I am fine Doctah. Why, what are you worried about?" She smiled looking into his eyes, "What are you not telling me?"

He thought about if he was going to tell her, would he? " Nothing, I wasn't going to tell you anything because I had planned a surprise and now you ruined it!" He improvised.

She looked away, dropping her hand from his cheek to her other hand playing with her own fingers. At first the Doctor thought she was crying.

"Oh Rose, I wasn't meaning to be cross-" He heard a giggle, then her looking up with a tongue playing along her white teeth. "Good, I wouldn't want you to be cross at me." She left a small sweet kiss on his lips, leaving him slightly dazed as always and her sweet taste left on his lips.

"Even though I kind of ruined the surprise of surprising me, you can still surprise me. If that makes any sense..any ways let me go get ready." She laughed and rushed down the hall way, her blonde hair trailing right behind her.


The Doctor knew Rose took a longer amount of time to get ready, specially with taking a shower but the scent of her strawberry shampoo did not fill the hallways nor did the steam and heat parole through the corridors. He knew the routine, but something felt eerily different. She was taking longer and the hairs stood up on the back of his neck.

The Doctor did what he was born to do, run, he ran so fast all the way to her bedroom but it was empty of her presence. He bolted to the bathroom next, the door was locked.

"Rose, Rose!" He cried. Silence hung in the air, besides the pitter patter of his beating hearts. Then he heard the sound of a moan and groan, then a chocking sort of sound.

"Rose! Rose, I'm coming in!" He yelled, panicked. He withdrew his sonic screwdriver from his coat's inner pocket and aimed it towards the lock. "Please, no. I-I'm-" Another chocking sound. He went against her small cries of protests and swung the door open.

He saw her lying against the toilet only wrapped in a towel, mascara running down her face. "I-I'm just not feeling good. Please, leave me. I don't want you to see m-me like this." her breath shaking. Her body lunged towards the toilet and the almost clear liquid sprung from her mouth, oozing slowly from her chin. He sprang to her side instantly, holding back her hair soothing her sob racked body by rubbing patterns along her back-mostly words in gallifreyian by habit.

"Oh Rose, oh my Rose." He looked at her sadly. He would tell her after her stomach settled.


It was awhile longer until she finally felt as though her body would stop upchucking the clear liquid. It had been her breakfast at first but when that ran out it was just her stomach fluids, burning her throat and mouth. Rose had been getting ready to take her shower then she felt the pressure of the barf barging it's way up through her system. She knew she wasn't sick and that this was the most random thing. She was secretly pleased that the Doctor had stayed by her side, soothing her and caring for her. He had helped her clean up and put her to rest, he even promised to clean up the mess she had made- which she had argued with him until he refused to let her worry and that he would handle it.

Now she was awake from her hours long nap. Water and a little note on her night stand.

'Didn't know when you were to wake, so I left this water here instead of tea. When you have finished reading this I have something to tell you. Love you as always.

Yours truly,

The Doctor '

She rose slowly from the bed, not wanting her stomach to stir, and wrapped herself in her robe. She made her way to the library, knowing the Doctor would be there. She pushed the door open, he was sitting- more like dangling upside down- from a chair reading a book on ..Baby names? She shook her head, thinking she was mad but the Doctor noticed her presence and had set the book down some where.

"Hello Rose, are you feeling better?" He stayed in his spot, the blood rushing to his face.

She giggled at the sight, "Yes, much better. I feel completely normal. Must've ate something rotten the night before. Something you needed to tell me?"

His expression changed into a plain almost strict face. "Please, sit." He motioned to a chair across the way before sitting the proper way in a chair. She did as she was instructed.

"First off, when I tell you this I don't want you to be mad or upset or leave the TARDIS. Please listen to all I have to say first." He said, looking at her with a calm face but panicking eyes.

She nodded, curiosity was prickling in the back of her mind.

"I have been noticing that this sickness has been occurring more and more often, morning sickness."

Her eyes widened and her mouth began to make a gasp but he continued, "I had the TARDIS run some tests earlier after breakfast and I found that you are indeed.." he quieted.

"Pregnant." Rose finished, clamping her mouth down. So he had been looking at a book of baby names, She thought.

They remained silent, The Doctor not knowing whether she was mad or if he were to have to plead for her to stay with him.

She rose up, squealing like a teen girl then remembering she had an audience. She cleared her throat, "Sorry." She tried to quiet her giggles. She saw the relief register on The Doctor's face.

They embraced each other in a hug, then he put his hand on her belly-which was still flat but none the less still held their child.

"We can have a family, a proper family now." Rose said grinning, radiating with glee.

"A family." The Doctor agreed, looking to Rose with a grin and intertwining their hands.


I don't know how long this sequel will be but not as long as the first story of course! UNTIL NEXT WEEKEND!


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