Chapter 8

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Author's Note

Chapter 8, this ought to be a good one. Also, thanks for commenting (You know who you are.) it makes my day when I see a nice comment about the story! Remember to follow/comment/vote/ and tell your whovian friends about this story please!

**Note: Side font means Rose is thinking/remembering/dreaming/reading..etc. (Most of the time.)



Rose arrived at the Torchwood Tower exactly at 7:30 a.m. as she didn't want to upset Jack again, and to make sure she got here before Susan. Rose's back ached from yesterday, the library certainly didn't have comfortable chairs and the floor hadn't been much better. Rose, standing down at the lobby, was about to text Susan to ask if she was lost but stopped when Rose saw her strolling in. "Good Morning! Glad that you found your way here." Rose was in a good mood despite the ache in her back.

"Good morning and yeah, it wasn't too difficult." Susan said in a spirited voice.

"Oh and um, I brought you some coffee. If you drink it even. Just thought you could use something on this frosty day." Rose smiled at Susan, thankful that she had a friend beside Jack and Mickey.

"So, first thing we need to do is get you signed up for a guest pass. We can get you a more permanent, yet still temporary, pass later. As long as your with me, you've got access anywhere. Also, where to start.." Rose passed, tapping her foot in thought. "..I can give you a tour now or later if you want?" Rose didn't know where to start, she still hadn't even told Jack about Susan, nor Mickey.

"Would you mind telling me a little about Mickey and Jack? Just if I am going to be working with them you know? " She never has a shortage of questions.

"Mickey, he is good with computers, he is our tech guy. Well, my tech guy, he doesn't technically work here."

"Just like me?" Susan asked. "Sorta, not quite. He is more like a part time worker. You're just helping us with this case, you're a guest." Rose looked at Susan, who in return wore a look of disappointment but only for a brief moment. Rose wasn't even sure if she even had for sure, Susan was apparently quick to hide her emotions.

While Rose was getting Susan a VIP guest pass (which didn't take long), Susan explored the main entrance area. The building was very tall, hence the name, and Susan could see the floors extend higher and higher, until she saw the glass top but there wasn't much to view since it was a gray day. Workers were scattered about, busy with their jobs, scuttling from one place to the next. The tower had a sleek modern design to it, with top notch technology too. Some of the technology even Rose didn't understand. "It's hard to believe I work somewhere this cool." Rose interrupted Susan's thoughts, walking towards her with Susan's pass in hand.

Susan, who had been caught of guard, slightly jolted, she had been lost in her thoughts. "You really are the most astonishing person I have ever met." Susan said, still looking at the sky.

Rose chuckled, "I have met people who are by far way more magnificent, and incredible." Rose paused, "Oh, sorry I always seem to bring him up- Here is your VIP guest pass! Now let's go introduce you to the rest of the crew." Rose ushered her, slightly embarrassed. I don't need people to think that's all I think about. I don't want people to think I try to get their sympathy.

"How many levels does this place have?" Susan asked astounded.

"More than you see." Rose smirked. They continued with small talk the rest of the way up to Jack's office. Both Mickey and Jack expected to meet in Jack's office for her little surprise. Rose opened the dark wooded door and entered into his office with Susan right behind her. The boys looked up from what they were doing, Mickey just stared at Rose with admiring eyes, then flashed to Susan, curiosity taking place of the admiration. Jack had decided to do his famous introduction, much to Rose and Mickey's annoyance.

"Well hello lovely thing." Jack paused to kiss the back of her hand, which caused her to blush a shade of red. "What is your name?"

Rose only rolled her eyes. "This is Susan, I met her at the library and has been a huge help in finding more facts/clues." She explained, "Susan, this is Jack. Jack this is Susan." Rose wanted to hurry through the process.

"That would be Captain Jack Harkness." He grinned and winked at Susan, causing her to blush furthermore.

"Susan this would be Mickey, Mickey this is Susan." Mickey rose out of his chair and shook hands with her.

"Ello." Was Mickey's only response.

"Hello, nice to meet you both." Susan eyes flickered to Jack, to Mickey and finally Rose.

They all stared at Rose, "Well what are you all lookin' at me for?" Rose exclaimed, she didn't like how all their eyes were fixed solely on her.

"You said you had some information?" Jack said.

"Oh, right. Well firstly, you could have just asked instead of all staring at me.." Rose looked down to her bag, shuffling through the contents and pulling out her notes that she had found. "Well the very first thing I found was some of the people involved. In one article it stated the group leader of medical scientists, Dr. Walter, who was 28 at the time. Then it mentioned the two professional scientists that help the group. Dr. York, 38 and female. The other was a male, Dr. Stewart, who was 46. So, my question is do you think any of them may still be alive for investigation?"

"Yes, most likely. We need to figure out their birthdays though." Jack answered. Mickey still remained quiet. What's his problem?

"Well, we have their birthdays!" Susan spoke up. " If this research started in 1960 then the year he would've been born is 1932. Dr. York would've been born in 1922 and Dr. Stewart in 1914." Susan didn't even look at her notes.

"So if we want to find their exact birthdays we need their birth certificates, or their full names." Mickey spoke from his quiet state.

"Exactly." Rose said with glee, they were getting further into the investigation. Everyone's mood had risen, they were slowly becoming unstuck from the quicksand of their block.

"What else did you find?" Jack asked, curious. Susan and Rose both grinned and proud of their work.

"All the time in the library paid off. Susan found some more of the medical team members and their names, so more chances to investigate!" Rose paused, excited for the next part. "We also happened to find the address to one of their old research labs that has been abandoned for years." Rose grinned and her tongue poked through her teeth.

Jack rose from his chair and kissed each member of the team on the forehead, which caused mixed reactions. Mickey wiped his forehead of in jokingly disgust and Susan blushed bright red. Rose was used to Jack's extreme expressing of happiness. " Thank goodness for you Rosie! Also, good first impression Susan." Jack laughed. "Okay, so the game plan is that we celebrate our findings tonight and investigate tomorrow!" Jack ordered. Everyone agreed, it sounded like a good plan.



Guys, school is starting soon and I have already started volleyball and I'm already losing time to write for this. I am going to keep writing of course, but just don't get annoyed or anything when I don't update as quickly as I have been! Sorry guys! Thanks for understanding! Also, almost 200 reads total! :D

Remember to vote/comment/share the story! Feed back is appreciated as well!


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