Sequel Part 3

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Helloooo, yes I know I haven't updated for a lil' bit and I am terribly sorry but I would rather it come out better written than rushed! 


Thank you to everyone who got this story to 1.5K reads!! <3



Rose sat in the worn in armchair at her mum's flat, people surrounding her who she didn't even know just to celebrate the news of her new addition. Presents sat all around her feet and the base of the chair, chatter and laughing flowing through the small home. Rose sat quietly, exchanging a few 'Hello's' and a few 'How are you?' but besides that she felt alone, she wished the Doctor was here but Jackie had forced him out. Jackie finished a chat with one of the strangers who claimed to be Rose's childhood teacher and grabbed a glass cup tapping a fork on the glassy side. 

"Listen up, everyone quiet! I think it is time that the soon-to-be mother should open up her presents!" Everyone laughed and agreed, all eyes flickering to her and a few people saying "Open mine first!" 

Rose smiled and selected a present from the enormous pile, it was a hand made silky on one side and fuzzy on the other tan blanket. They were still unsure what gender the baby would be since Rose couldn't go to the hospital and risk being discovered. 

"Thank you, it's lovely." She said to the crowd, not seeing the card in the bag. She continued to open the presents getting diapers, bottles, pj's and cute tiny outfits for the baby. Soon all the bags were gone and the party was coming to a close, everyone stayed in their spots.

"Are you two actually married?" A voice shot from the crowd.

Rose looked in the direction it came from but didn't find the person responsible for it. "No, actually we're not." Rose blushed, the thought never occurred to her. 

A few gasps came from the crowd, "What? He can give you a child but not a promise?" Another voice shot from the crowd, a few heads nodded in agreement. 

"I really haven't thought about it, I've just been so excited with my pregnancy but maybe one day." Rose smiled, shrugging. 

A few people looked at each other grinning as if they had a secret, a few rolled their eyes, and one said, "I think you missed a present!" 

Rose looked around her and behind the chair, she couldn't see anything. "I don't think so." She turned herself back around and their was The Doctor on one knee. Rose was taken back. The Doctor took her hand, beaming with happiness. 

"Rose Tylah, I know that this isn't the best proposal but it's the best I could manage as I'm not good with this..but anyways, when I first met you I thought nothing of you besides you were another girl and I didn't realize how much you would affect my life. Over the course that I've known you I've had the best years of my life and finally understood what true happiness is." He paused, "Rose Tyler, would you do the honor of marrying me?" He asked her as he opened a blue box with a diamond ring. 

Rose hearts pumped, everyone waiting on her answer. She grinned, a playful tongue poking through her teeth, "Yes, of course. Yes." She answered cheerfully. Everyone applauded and the couple celebrated with a passionate kiss which lasted until everyone had gone quiet and Jackie had to break it up. 


The Doctor and Rose had left the party early, saying goodbye to the guest but wanted sometime alone to talk. They had gone to the park, sitting on a bench, snuggling to keep warm. 

"The ring is lovely." She held out her hand to stare at the ring. It was simple, but elegant and perfect. Everything Rose expected and more. 

"I'm glad, I had help picking it out." He smiled. "I would have probably gotten the most ugly ring ever."

"Who helped you?" Rose asked laughing.

"Mickey, actually. I asked him since I knew he would probably know more about your jewellery taste more than I. That's pretty sad considering I'm about to marry you-"

Rose observed the ring, there were patterns written along the inside. "Doctor," She cut him off. "I love you too."

She snuggled up closer to him, his arms wrapped around her. "See, you are understanding gallifreyian!" He grinned, his warmth radiating on Rose's jacket seeping through her clothes warming her up. 

"When will we get married? After the baby, but we have to wait and save up. How'd you even afford the ring?" Rose already felt the responsibility of taking care of another, but the responsibility of planning a wedding wasn't exactly what she wanted. Not that she wasn't buzzing with happiness at the idea of being married to the Doctor but planning for a baby and a big event was a lot. She would leave most of the details to her mum, she thought. 

The Doctor chuckled, "I saved, I had this planned. We can get married whenever you'd like." He said softly. 

She reached her head up and left a small kiss on his lips, she was content and happy. 

"After the baby, just a few more months." 


yeahyeah idk. 

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