Loving My Murderous Mate

By GlaciaGirl

233K 6.5K 474

FORGIVENESS is the best form of love... it takes a strong person to say SORRY and an even stronger person to... More

New beginning
Promise me
The threat
Alone with a monster
I get it from my Dad
I get it from my Dad (Kayden's POV)
The truth
I want you
I love you
Our Daughter
Hold me
A child is born
Home bound
Someone who understands
His blood
Something worth dying for
One problem after another
Sequal sneak peek!!!!!

I'm sorry

14.1K 331 59
By GlaciaGirl

I look around the lush forest I was raised in. The full moon shines on my body that is in werewolf form. The wind blows through my fur as I walk through the forest. I howl for my pack to find me but there is no response.

I try to pick up a scent but all I can smell is.... Oh no.. Blood!! I bolt towards the smell running past tall trees. As the smell grows stronger, I slow down.

Suddenly I feel the ground give out from under me. I find myself falling off a cliff and into a body of water. The warm liquid encases my body then I rise to the surface. I gasp as I reach the surface and then crawl out to dry land.

I lay on the ground then notice the smell is stronger than ever. It's on me!! I look at the liquid that has drenched my body to see blood all over me!! I scream then jump to my feet.

I turn to run but I trip over something. I look down to see....no...no!! Ty!!

"Ty!! No!! Ty!!" I scream then grab my hair.

Only then do I look all around me to see all of my pack mauled, barely recognizable. I look up to find comfort in my last friend, the moon. But when I do I'm met a blood red moon. I scream.


My legs are thrashing everywhere and I feel a sharp pain from both my hands. I don't dare open my eyes, scared that my nightmare might be real. I suddenly feel someone grab my shoulder's. I scream and start to thrash even more.

"It's okay sweetie!! It's just a nightmare!! Wake up!!" A husky voice says.

My eyes shoot open to see Alpha Kayden in front of me. I jump back away from him but hit the wall in the process.

"Calm down, it's okay." He soothes.

He reaches his hand toward my face and wipes his thumb across my cheek. I then realize he's wiping away tears I didn't know I shed. His touch instantly calms me down. Worry was clearly plastered on his face.

He looks down to my hand which I notice are dripping in blood. I feel his fingers run across my palms. I wince in pain. Looking up I see sadness in his eyes, and My wolf wants desperately to comfort him but my fear and hatred of him and his pack keeps my frozen in my place.

He runs into the bathroom and comes back with a first aid kit. Though I heal fast, the cuts are so deep it will take a couple of days. He pulls out a cotton ball and peroxide. Soaking the cotton ball in peroxide, he then gently cleans my hands.

I gasp when is goes over a really deep cut. I see him wince. My wolf whines because we made him feel bad but I shrug it off. He deserves it! I know he didn't mean to hurt me but he still did. We sit in silence as he cleans my wounds, then he looks at me.

"Who's Ty?" He asks suddenly.

I flinch at his name. Was I talking in my sleep? I start to feel tears sliding down my cheeks. I quickly wipe them away, not wanting to seem weak.

"He was my brother." I whisper.

I try to swallow the knot in my throat but fail. I tense when I see the Alpha's eyes filled with pain.

"How'd he die?" His voice is now a whisper as well.

I feel my anger bubbling over. Did he seriously just ask me that?!?! I look away from him, knowing if I didn't, I would do something I would regret.

"He died saving me from another werewolf." I say trying to sound calm.

I couldn't take it anymore. I want him to know what he did to me!!

"He died trying to save me from you!! And your  pack!!" I spit out.

He flinches when I say it. Pain fills his eyes and it makes my inner wolf whimper. I suddenly see tears streaming down his face. I'm so stupid!! Here he is taking care of me and I start killing him with my harsh words!! Though he may deserve it, I can't hurt him like that, my wolf nor I can take it. Despite what you may think, I hate hurting people. Even my enemies.

I bite my lip as I see the visible pain in his eyes. Okay, suck it up Tara!! Just say your sorry!! Come on!! You got this!! My wolf screams at me to comfort him but I resist. But my wolf keeps n until I can barely concentrate. I sigh quietly and look up to my mate.

"I'm sorry." I whisper then take a shake breath.

He shakes his head and touches my long, dark hair.

"No.........you don't need to apologize... I do.... I'm sorry sweetie. I destroyed your life then I freakin kidnap you!  I hurt you and that will haunt me until the day I die.." His voice breaks at the end.

I stare at him in awe. Is he really sorry? No! No, he can't be sorry! He's a monster! He then stands up and walks in the bathroom to put up the first aid kit. When he comes back I am standing. He sits on the bed and motions me to come to him.

I hesitantly obey and go to him, fearing he might lash out if I don't listen. He pats the bed beside of him in a fatherly manner which almost makes me chuckle. I sit down next to him and cross my arms over my chest. I suddenly feel arms pick me up and set down on the Alpha's lap.

"What's your name?" He whispers in my ear.

I thought he would've known my name because his pack has been watching me ever since that night. Hesitating for a moment, I freeze in my spot. I don't want this monster to know my name! My wolf growls at me and suddenly takes over for a split second.

"T-Tara." I say quietly. Or should I say my wolf...

He doesn't move, "Tara... That's so beautiful" he says.

My cheeks burn. I'm sure my face is as red as a tomato. Stupid mate bond! Every second, the bond grows stronger and I can't hold back for much longer. My wolf is howling desperately trying to get me to ask his name. I shut her out but my own curiosity got the better of me. I lean away from him to look at his face.

"Yours is Alpha Kayden?" I ask meekly.

He chuckles," it's just Kayden sweetie."

He picks me up once again and sets me on the bed. I gasp at the sudden movement and my body tenses when his fingers glide over my hips. Taking a step back, He stands up and looks at me. I could see a faint smile growing in his face which made my heart flutter. I try to ignore the feeling, but it's impossible because of this stupid mate bond.

"Now get some sleep. I'll be in the other bedroom if you need me. Goodnight Tara." He closes the door behind him and I listen to his steps grow fainter.

I pull the covers back and stare at the door,"Night Kayden." I whisper, feeling pity for him.

Dang!! What's wrong with me?!? He killed my family and I have pity for him!! I ponder on my thoughts as I drift to sleep.

It feels like I just closed my eyes when I hear the door open. My eyes dart open and I jump out of bed. I blink quickly because my eyes aren't ready for the bright morning light.

"Woah! Tara it's me! Calm down sweetie." A familiar voice says.

"Kayden..... What is it?" I say groggily.

He chuckles,"Just brought you some new clothes sweetie. I'll leave them here." He places the clothes on dresser then leaves, closing the door behind him.

I groan and fall back into bed with a thud. Wait! He's been calling my sweetie! This just has to stop!

"I'm not your sweetie! Don't call me that!" I scream into the pillows.

I hear him chuckle from the other side of the door before his footsteps grow faint. I sigh and jump out of bed, staggering when I get to my feet.

I go to the bathroom and quickly take a shower. I then  go to grab my clothes from the dresser. Once I get my bra and panties on, I hear the door open.

"Wait!! I'm get-" I try to say before the door opens all the way, but it's too late.

I grab my old T-shirt and try to cover myself as best as I can. I expected Kayden but to my surprise, I see Daniel.

"Oh crap!!" He yells, staring at me.

He tries to look away but it was like his eyes were glued to me. What is with this idiot?! Oh yeah, he's a man...

"Don't you knock, Jerk!?!? Get out!!!" I tell then throw one of my tennis shoes at his face.

Unfortunately, I have a crappy aim and it hits the wall with a loud 'thud'. The sound I think snapped him out of it because his face contorts with panic and he goes ghost white. Peeling his eyes away from me, he slams the door with a loud bang. I quickly throw my clothes on and then open the bedroom door.

Daniel is waiting outside. His eyes are filled with fear. I look at him with confusion. What's wrong? I mean, I'm mad but I'm not gonna hurt him. I can see him shaking. I reach out and touch his arm.

"You good, jerk face?" I tease, though I am truly worried.

He flinches away from my touch and nervously licks his lips.

"I'm fine" he practically whispers.

I can hear his shaky breathing. I then see see Kayden in his bedroom doorway. I see a flash of anger, then it vanishes. He walks toward me and shoots an angry glare at Daniel. Daniel whimpers and looks at the ground.

Now I know why he is scared. Kayden saw him staring at me. I know alphas are especially protective of their mates. Plus alphas have one bad temper. Kayden might kill Daniel! Oh crap! I'm suddenly afraid for Daniel's life.

I touch Kayden's shoulder,"Can I speak to you in private?" I say meekly.

Kayden keeps his eyes on Daniel who is shaking uncontrollably. So much for big bad beta...He nods and I follow him into my new bedroom. Once the door is closed he turns around to face me. Dang!! I want to smack him so much!!! His dangerous glare shoots to me and I flinch back quickly. My anger quickly vanishes when the fear of him comes back.

"I'm gonna kill him for looking at you like that!!!"He yells.

I jump back and squeeze my eyes shut. He's not gonna hurt you Tara. You're  his mate. He won't hurt you. I take a deep breath and and open my eyes.

"Don't hurt him, Kayden." I say firmly.

"But he--" I stop him.

"You better not hurt him Kayden!!" I yell.

He steps back in surprise of my demand. His eyebrows furrow from frustration. I wait for him to answer. He looks at me and nods.

"Okay...okay... But if I see him even glance at you like that again, I'm gonna beat his freakin face in!!!" He yells.

"Thank you." I whisper.

Kayden nods then opens the door. I see Daniel still scared to death. I give him a mischievous smile.

"You owe me one, jerk face." I say.

Daniel looks at Kayden, and Kayden nods. Daniel gives me a half smile. The fear leaves his eyes. Kayden grabs my arm and leads me to the living room. I obediently follow though his grip hurts.

We go out the front door and we head towards the forest.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"We're going for a run."

"Aren't you afraid I will run away?"

"Should I be?"

A smile creeps up on my face. He looks at me and smiles back. I shake my head. He laughs and starts walking faster. The wind makes me shiver from the cold but I ignore it, I'm too excited to even care.

"Come on Tara." I says excitedly.

I giggle from his childish excitement and follow behind. We finally make it to a clearing to transform in. I look down at the damp grass then look at Kayden.

"You can go behind that tree and take off your clothes. And don't worry, I won't peek." He laughs.

I blush.

Hide you face!! You don't want him to see your face as red as a tomato!! I quickly run behind the tree and take off my clothes.

I breath in deeply and let my wolf take over. I feel my bones crack and my gums ripping apart. I fall on all four and let out a howl. My wolf is out.

I peep from behind the tree to see if he is done transforming. His wolf stares at me with his blood red eyes. His jet black fur ruffles in the wind. I slowly emerge from behind the tree.

Compared to his wolf, mine looks ugly. My wolf is a dirty brown color with
black stockings going fairly high up my legs. The tips of my tail and my ears are also black, so are my stomach and chest.

He walks towards my and playfully nips my ears. I jump on his back and nip both of his ears. Hah!! That'll teach you!!

I heard that you know...

I stagger back. Kayden?

The one and only

How are you doing that?!?

Since we're mates we have a link to each other.

What?!? So you heard everything I was thinking this whole time I've been here?!?!

The silence answers my question. I growl at him, how dare you listen to my thoughts without my consent!

Woah! You're the one who left your side open!!

How was I supposed to know I had to block my thoughts?!? I mean, you killed my family the day of my transformation!! They never had the chance to tell me anything!

Kayden whimpers and his ears droop.

I'm sorry, that was a bit harsh...

Tara, it's alright... I deserved that.

We stand there in an awkward silence until I nudge him, come on, let's go for a run.

We both run through the dense forest until we find a very large creek. I stop instantly and back away. Kayden flys by me and jumps in. He quickly swims to the other side and shakes the water off.

What are you waiting for Tara? Come on! I want to show you this beautiful meadow up ahead!

I take another step back and whimper.

I-I....uh.... Well... I can't swim.

Kayden cocks his head to the side. then he plunges back in and swims back to me. He gets out and shakes  the remaining water off. He looks at me with a sad expression.

Guess that one's on me too....
Come on, it's getting late anyways.

He nudges me and we both run back to where our clothes were. I once again hide behind the tree and change back into human form. The cold nips at my exposed skin so I quickly put on my clothes which are now damp from the ground.

I come out from behind the tree and shiver from the wind.

Kayden was all dressed and waiting for me. I scurry to his side and we both head back to the house.

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