The 25th Annual Hunger Games

By SlyDance

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My name is Haller Sapot. This is my last year of the Reaping. So I plan on going in. But it is the Quarter Qu... More

Author's Note
1 ~ The Reaping
2 ~ Goodbye
3 ~ The Train
4 ~ The Capitol
5 ~ Training
6 ~ Last day of Training
7 ~ Tribute Scores
8 ~ 12-15 Category Interviews
9 ~ 12-15 Day 1
10 ~ 12-15 Day 2
11 ~ 12-15 Day 3
12 ~ 12-15 Day 4 (Part 1)
13 ~ 12-15 Day 4 (Part 2)
14 ~ 12-15 Day 5
15 ~ Victors of the 12-15 Games

16 ~ 16-18 Day 1

60 4 2
By SlyDance

Gladius smiled. "You will do great. You have two great mentors. Danil and Povie will make sure you stay alive."

I nodded. He helped me get get dressed. It was a plain black jumpsuit with a black rain jacket, that had those reflective strips down the side.

"30 seconds."

The robotic voice spoke.

"Young man, you will survive this. I have seen you train. So good luck. And you nailed those interviews."

I nodded a thanks.

For the first time since saying goodbye to the rest of them, I talked.

"Thank you. Gladius, thank you for everything."

"You're welcome."

"10 seconds."

I stepped onto the plate. The door slid closed. Placing my hands o the glass, the plate rose steadily.

It was dark. Really dark.

Light began to seep in, before my plate stopped completely.

The first thing that came to my mind was how much danger I was immediately in.

The torches light up each side of a door behind me. There were, from I counted, twelve exits.

The main source of light was coming from the top of the Cornucopia, where a gold number 60 flashed.

I noticed Aadi over about 9 plates to my left.

Jilian was directly next to me.

We were on the end.

There is about a 60 metre sprint between us and the Cornucopia.

A small thud rung in the air.





I took in my surroundings.

I couldn't see much except the less valuable things that were further out from the Cornucopia.

The countdown was down to 40.

Aadi signalled for my attention. He nodded straight towards the Cornucopia.

Memories of my childhood, and my parents flashed through my head.




I positioned myself.

If I didn't weight myself, the short fall of the plate could injure me.

Most of my weight was on my back foot.

10... For my friends.

9... For my family.

8... For Tate.





3... My name is Haller Sapot.

2... And I will win.

1... I will survive these games.

Suddenly a bright light exploded from the Cornucopia. Lights lit up around the Cornucopia.

It momentarily phased us. But as soon as I regained my vision, an eruption of chaos began.

I launched from my plate, Jilian tailing me. Aadi flew towards the most, landing into a roll, and breaking into a sprint. He was ahead at the moment.

I noticed Elsa and the girl from 4 running together.

So I guess there is two packs this Games.

Zander and I trained together. We knew each other's strengths and weaknesses,

I reached for a sickle. A boy ran towards me.

I made a wide arc with the weapon, the sickle cutting deep into his neck. He fell down, writhing in pain. A smile appeared on his neck, where the blood pumped out.

"Aadi! Grab weapons!" I yelled. Jilian was already gathering food. I got a small knife and put it in a rip in my shirt.

I launched for a backpack. I found myself fighting a District 12 boy. He swung the sword to far out, and I slammed our bodies together. My sickle slid to the left, and I pulled the knife from my pocket. I stabbed the boy in the side, as he grabbed both sides of my head, and slamming it against the ground.

I could feel the blood. But I didn't stop. I twisted the knife, and all he did was jump off in pain. I punched him in the throat.

I left him there, running into the Cornucopia. I found Stewart in there. He was gathering useful items.

I found a bow set, which I passed to Stewart.

"Fight. I will find some stuff." I grabbed a backpack, and a couple of sleeping bags, and ran out. Stewart yelled at me from the top of the Cornucopia. Jilian was behind him.

Aadi was fighting somebody, and most of the tributes had gone, except for six or so.

The first arrow sped past my ear, making its mark in a tribute that had snuck up on me. Right through the heart.

I spun round, staring at Stewart.

I knew he was good. But that? The 30 or so metres between him and I.

Aadi tossed me a knife.

My favourite weapon. There was a tribute about 7 metres to my right, trying to get away from the bloodbath. I threw the knife out to my left.

The knife curved round, slicing his neck open as the blood began to gush out. He fell limp almost immediately.

Another tribute attacked me from behind, and gripping my long knife, I drove it into his stomach.

There was only one tribute left. And it was 4. She threw a warning shot at me.

Blowing a dart, I parried it, cutting it as I went. I threw a small knife, marking it in the back of her leg. She fell forward, but got up immediately, and kept running.

There was only four of us left at the Cornucopia. And that was this years Career Pack.

Aadi, Jilian, Stewart and myself.

Aadi jumped up onto the Cornucopia, tipping all the weapons he had found out. There were five bags, and we emptied everything into the centre.

We began sorting out who needs what, the food to last us for days.

Jilian seeped through the rest of the Cornucopia.

I had my knives.

Stewart had his bow.

Aadi had his bare strength.

Jilian had her intelligence.

We would survive this round.

"So when do you plan on moving?" Stewart asked.

"Why?" Aadi responded quickly.

"I have no doubts the Gamemakers want you off. Most likely so when they want to send in a disaster or a mutt, they do so through the Cornucopia. I have studied the Games and there is only one way to win. Not by force. Not by outsmarting people. By always being one step ahead."

"But isn't that outsmarting?"

"No. You'd need to be facing someone. Being one step ahead means you don't need to outsmart. You just need to be there when your plan is in action."

Aadi glanced over at me. A pool of tributes and I think I have chosen the smartest one.

"I will take first watch." I said.

"Need help?" Stewart offered.


Aadi and Jilian went and set up a sleeping bag for them each.

I pulled all of my knives out and sorted them, creating some whole in the jacket, placing some concealed within.

"How do you plan on winning?" Stewart asked.

"Like you said. Stay ahead of everyone else."

"How do you plan to do that?"

"Stay one step ahead of the Gamemakers. Predict there move."

That's when the first shake hit the ground.

"You were right."

They want us out. A roar erupted from near the pedestals.

It's glowing green eyes were visible from here.

"MUTT!" Stewart screamed, as Aadi jumped up, wielding his spear.

With the noise, it began running.

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