You belong with me (Joey Rich...

By JulzLuvsYew

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You belong with me (Joey Richter Love Story)
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

chapter 7

860 12 3
By JulzLuvsYew

I walked inside and listened for my Aunt. I didnt hear anything. She must still be at work. Thank goodness.

I went upstairs and changed into a pair of pajama's then went into the bathroom and made my hair messy, looking in the mirror to make sure it looked like I had been in bed all day.

A few minutes later I looked good enough so I went and layed in bed. About 5 minutes later I heard my Aunt come in the front.

"KATNISS!!!" I heard her yell out. She came up the stairs and opened the door of my room.

"I got a call from school that you werent at school today! Where were you!?" She demanded.

"I was sick Aunt Jane. Im sorry. I forgot to call the school." I said. Her face softened and she came and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Oh, Im sorry for yelling dear. How are you feeling now?" she asked. I gave her a small smile.

"Loads better. I guess I just needed some rest." I said and she smiled at me.

"Well, Im glad your feeling better. Now, I have some paperwork to do for the office so I have to go....again." she laughed. "It seems like work is keeping me away alot. I'll be home late. Probably around 11 o'clock. Theres alot of marketing issues going on right now and I have to help sort them out. I love you." she said as she got up and kissed my forhead.

"Love you too." I said as she walked out of the room. I waited untill i heard her going downstairs then jumped up, grinning and went over to my desk. The days exilleration was still coarsing through me.

I brushed my hair out again then changed back into my clothes from today, not wanting to stay in my PJ's.

I then grabbed my notebook and went downstairs. I lay down on the couch and started sketching. I drew Joey, I made sure to make him with his goofy, crooked grin that he always had and seemed to edmitt a happiness and bubbliness that couldnt help but make you smile when you saw it. I also made his brown eyes with the sparkle of brightness they always had. Anybody that saw Joey Richter could see that he was a happy, nice, and funny guy. Definately the best friend that I could ever have.

When I was done with that I drew him with me on his back, mid-jump over the theatre seats, laughing like we had been earlier. I finished that drawing, setting, shades, and all at about 8'clock. (Drawing detailed things like this doenst just take 5 minutes people! lol)

I still had a desire to draw though so next I drew a picture of my parents, standing with my fathers arm around my mother. I had them memorized in this stance, because the only picture I had of them wasw them standing there like this. I felt tears rolling down my face as I added the detail onto the sketch. My Fathers juberant smile, my mothers young, beautiful features, my dads handsome face, mom's sparkling, happy eyes. When I was done I sat there and looked at the sketch, tears dropping from my face.

But then the doorbell rang and I was jerked from my reverie. I stood up, set the notebook down and wipped my eyes as I walked to the front door. I opened it and was surprised to see that Joey was standing there...again.

"Do you have a habit of always showing up?" I asked with a small smile. He didnt smile though.

"Why are you crying?" he asked.

"I-Im not." I said.

"Yes, you are. Whats wrong Kat?" he asked. I sighed and opened the door wider, stepping to the side so he could come in. He walked in and I lead him in the living room. I sat down on the couch and he sat next to me. He was still looking concerned.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"First tell me why you're crying." he said. I closed my eyes for a minute then picked up my notebook and handed it to him. He looked at the page it was on, the picture of my parents.

"Who is this?" he asked still looking at the picture.

"My parents." I said. He looked confused. Thats when I remembered that he didnt know about them being killed.

"Why would that make you cry?" he asked.

"Joey, my parents were murdered." I said softly a few more tears running down my face. He hugged me.

"Kat, Im sorry. I didnt know." he said. I shook my head.

"Thats okay, its not your fault." I said.

"Well, Im not sure if this would cheer you up or not, but theres a party tonight. Sinse the games tomorrow and Brian's parents are out of town hes throwing a party at his house. I was coming to invite you." he said pulling back from the hug.

"A party?" I asked. I'd never been to a party, well I had but those were family birthday parties when I was younger.

"Yeah, I mean I understand if you dont want to go." he said quickly.

"No! I-I um, sure." I said. He grinned.

"Great!" he said as we stood up.

"Wait, um, let me go change, I'll be back in a minute." I said and he nodded. I ran upstairs and looked in my closet. There /had/ to be at least one thing in here suitable for a party!

Finally i decided on:

I went downstairs and Joey grinned.

"Rockin the Cat eyes!" he said refering to my glasses. I grinned back.

"Why thank you!" I said. I just noticed what he was wearing:

"Looking good in the letterman jacket Joey." I grinned. He returned it.

"Well, the party is for pre-game day!" he said. I laughed a bit and then remembered something. Aunt Jane wouldnt be letting me out right now!

" sec." I said and ran back upstairs. I put my pillows under my blanket and reajusted the comforter. I stood back and looked at it. It actually looked like someone was alseep there.

I ran back downstairs and jumped on Joey's back sinse he was facing the opposite way. He laughed as he stumbled forward abit.

"TO THE PARTY!" He said and ran out the door, shuting it behind him. He let me off his back at the passenger side door and I got him. He went around and got into the drivers seat and then started up the truck. He turned the volume up all the way and Gives you Hell by All American Rejects blasted. We sang along on the way to the party.



I wake up every evening with a big smile on my face

And it never feels out of place

And you're still probably working at a 9 to 5 pace

I wonder how bad that tastes

When you see my face

Hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell

When you walk my way

Hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell!" We sang, more like shouted out, and Joey rolled the windows down.

"Now where's your picket fence, love?

And where's that shiny car?

And did it ever get you far?

You never seemed so tense, love

I've never seen you fall so hard

Do you know where you are?

And truth be told I miss you

And truth be told I'm lying

When you see my face

Hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell

When you walk my way

Hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell!" A The car behind us honked at us but we just sang louder. I grinned at Joey and he grinned back as we sang/shouted.

If you find a man that's worth a damn and treats you well

Then he's a fool, you're just as well, hope it gives you hell

I hope it gives you hell

Tomorrow you'll be thinking to yourself

Yeah, where did it all go wrong?

But the list goes on and on

Truth be told I miss you

And truth be told I'm lying

When you see my face

Hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell

When you walk my way

Hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell

If you find a man that's worth a damn and treats you well

Then he's a fool, you're just as well, hope it gives you hell!" The car behind us passed us and as they did so they flipped up the bird. Joey just returned it as we kept singing even louder and I laughed.

"Now you'll never see what you've done to me

You can take back your memories, they're no good to me

And here's all your lies, you can look me in the eyes

With the sad, sad look that you wear so well

When you see my face

Hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell

When you walk my way

Hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell

If you find a man that's worth a damn and treats you well

Then he's a fool, you're just as well, hope it gives you hell

When you see my face

Hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell

(Hope it gives you hell!)

When you walk my way

Hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell

(Hope it gives you hell!)

When you hear this song and you sing along, well you'll never tell

And you're the fool, I'm just as well, hope it gives you hell

When you hear this song I hope that it will give you hell

You can sing along, I hope that it puts you through hell!" We finished just as Joey pulls into Brians street where cars are lined up. He turned the music off as we laugh and he parks.

We climb out and walk over to Brians house, which is a large two-story that has a huge yard. Theres music blaring from inside and you can hear laughter and talking from inside. There are also people in the yards, talking, a group of guys having a wrestling match, laughing and all kinds of things.

"Joey! Took you long enough Man!" Brian said as we walked inside, grinning. He held his hand out and Joey clasped it then they did that man hug thing with the pat on the back.

"And you brought Kat!" He explained throwing his arms out. He gave me a hug and I laughed.

"Looks like Joey's not the only one rocking the letterman jacket!" I said guesturing to Brian's. He laughed.

"Yeah, all the football players are wearing them tonight." he said. I nodded.

"Well, come on guys!" Brian said and grabbed our arms, pulling us into the living room, pushing past groups of people.

"Joey!" Scott said and came over, doing the man hug with Joey as well. A few other guys came and gave Joey high-fives. All wearing letterman jackets, football players.

"Hey Katniss!" Ivy said hopping over to me. She was wearing her Cheerleading jacket.

"Um, Hi Ivy." I said.

"So, who'd you come here with?" she asked.

"Oh, Uh, Joey." I said and she giggled.

"Really!? Nice!" she said. I realised what she thought.

"No! We uh, We're only friends." I said.

"oh." she said then her grin re-appeared. "But still! You came with Joey! yay!" I laughed.

"Alright! Listen up!" Brian called out. "I know its what 7th graders do at parties but I dont care! Football players and Cheerleaders! 7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN!!!" he yelled out and the football players and cheerleaders whooped. "AND...." Brian said cutting them off, "KATNISS!" he yelled. I froze. 7 minutes in heaven!? /Me!?/

"Come on! Everyone in the basement!" he said and they all started downstairs. Joey saw me just standing there so he grabbed my hand and started pulling me with them.

"Come on Kat! It'll be fun!" he said when i looked unsure. I thought against it for another minute then just followed after him. I felt happy for some reason that Joey was holding my hand.

We got downstairs to Brian's finished basement with furniture, and pool table, and all and we all sat in a big circle.

"Alright! All the guys in here!" Brian said and all the guys followed him into the next room over. They came back and all sat back in there spots. Brian was now holding a pillow case that had all the things that the guys had put in to mark themselves.

"Alright Girls! Lets start with Jessica!" Brian said and held the pillow case out to Jessica, a tall girl with long brown hair and blonde highlights. She pulled out a blue sharpie. Cameron stood up.

She giggled and they walked over to a door that led into a closet. Brian shut the door behind them and called out. "You have seven minutes! Oh and no fvcking! Remember, this isnt your house!" everyone laughed at that and Cameron called out for him to Shut it.

Brian sat on my right [Joey was on my right].

"So, Katniss. I have a very important question for you." he said. I nodded, signaling for him to continue. "Do you like squirrels?"

I smiled at that. "Yes, I like squirrels." Brian grinned at Joey.

"Okay, she is allowed to be your friend." I looked at him confused and Joey laughed.

"Brian thinks that anybody that doesnt like squirrels isnt right in the head." Joey said and I laughed.

"Well, I think hes right! Squirrels are awesome!" I said.

"Shes a keeper!" Brian said putting his arm around my shoulders I laughed again. He looked at his watch and stood up. He walked over to the closet and pounded on the door.

"ALRIGHT!! Times up! If I open this door and you dont have clothes on Im kick your for fvcking in my house!" He called and everyone laughed again as he opened the door. They walked out, hair messed up and with Jessica grinning.

"Oh please tell me you didn-" Scott started but Cameron hit him upside the head.

"We only made out you dip stick!" he said.

"Ok! Next person is....KATNISS!" Brian said. He held the pillow case out to me and I reached in. I grabbed the first thing I felt and pulled it out.

It was a...............

*HAHA!!! You gots to read next chapter to find out! lol*

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