By KeyGotSauce

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Music Mogul Dame Dash didn't expect to feel a instant connection with his best friend Jay's conquest. That co... More

Author's Note
Chapter 7: DO YOU LOVE ME?
Chapter 11: GOTTA TELL EM'
Chapter 12: BLEEK KNOWS!!!
Chapter 13: BET AWARDS 01'
Chapter 14: "The Next Level/Jay Finds Out"
Chapter 15: "Friend or Foe?"
Chapter 16: "Friend Or Foe? Part II"
Chapter 20: "Made your Bed, Now Sleep In It"
Chapter 21: "I'll Forgive you.."
Chapter 22: "Resolution..."
Chapter 23: "Keeps Me Shakin'"
Chapter 24: "Do I Deserve You?"


189 14 4
By KeyGotSauce

The party was winding down, and we was all at the table chilling, I saw Jay keep staring at me for a minute, it was cute but I wondered why. He then got up, came over and whispered in my ear.

I nodded getting up, adjusting my blouse. "Aye, I'll be back, going to holla at Hov for a minute see what's up" I said letting Kidada, Natane and them know. They looked at me sideways, like whhaa? "Mm okay, you little fast thang" Kidada said. I shoved her...

"That was my drink.." she shouted, "Oops" I said sarcastically sticking my tongue out at her, and I headed with jay.

Damon was tilting his head and drinking his bottle as he saw me and Jay leave, what was up with these two? I hope they ain't competing for me...

Jay finally got me alone, to be honest I wasn't expecting what he was gone say that it had to be privately. So, I just ran with it..."Sup Jay, you aight?" I asked him rubbing his arm, he sighed and then looked up, then back at me.

"Yeh ma I'm good, I just... you know, I have feelings for you and all. Been just something I wanted to get out of my chest." He paused then looked away, "Um okay, What's up J?" I asked trying to understand.

"Look Aaliyah, I'm trying to see if want to be my girl that's all, I like you and the whole 9, we have fun together, you're a beautiful talented young thing, I know together we can dominate this fucking industry since you sing, I's just been on my mind that's all..." he said sweetly and shyly.

This was a side of Jay that I never really seen much, I knew he was a great guy but this was heavy on my heart, how he felt such way for me. I looked down and thought heavy about this, I mean Jay is a wonderful man, and he was fun, but there's something about him I don't find myself fully attracted to him, he was missing something.

And no people it wasn't looks, I thought Jay was quite handsome, but it's just something he lacked that I needed and I just couldn't do it.

I sighed and grabbed his arm. "Jay, you my guy, and I'm too flattered you feel that way about me, honestly...but...that's all I see you as one of my best friends, a homie, and big brother, I don't find myself into you "like that" baby."

I seen his head tilt down, like he felt defeated, and it really hurt me. I gently touched his face, bringing it back up.

"Jay baby, please, don't be upset, because then I will be. The last thing I want to do is hurt you." I said emotionally. I hated I had to hurt his feelings.

He nodded his head, rubbing his nose and sighed. "It's all good Aaliyah, I like that you're honest and not faking it like most females, I love you anyway baby" he said throwing me into a huge hug.

I hugged him back and felt myself wanting to tear up, cause I hated turning a good guy down, but I just couldn't see myself fully with him on that level.

He respected my decision, which made me sigh a relief, even though I'm sure he still felt some way. We walked back to where every one else was, he had his arm around my neck. And I gripped his hand that was over it.

Damon was on the other side very skeptical bout what went on between me and was so awkward, the vibe. But me and Jay worked it out, and I don't ever want to lose him as a close friend, I'd be heartbroken. We have history.

A hour later, we all decided to up and leave go back to our hotels, I said goodbye to a lot of folks, and gave huge hugs to my big head fools Jay and Damon, before going back to my girls. They had a concert in the morning...


Me and Dame went back to our hotel, we was in our SUV and he noticed I was looking like I seen a ghost, since I wasn't talking while he and the rest of the boys joked around.

"Yo Jay what's goody with you dawg? Why you look defeated?" Dame asked tapping me.

I shrugged, then licked my lips looking out the window with my finger over my mouth. "It ain't nothin' man" I said unbothered.

Dame shook his head, "Come on J, I know you better than that, we your dudes you can tell us dawg." Dame said.

"Aaliyah shut a nigga down, and put me in friendzone...aight?..and I'm just feeling some way about it, I'm just having a moment b that's all." he said still looking out the window.

Dame nodded his head, "It be aight bro" Dame tapped me on the shoulder, and then changed the topic.

They laughed and talked the whole way. Jay cracked a few smiles and giggles here and there. Dame got out, adjusting his shorts, and three of them, him Jay, Biggs, and Ty got out of the truck and walked into the hotel building.

They all slapped each other hands, as they went to their rooms.

Aaliyah POV.

I was at my hotel suite, and was about to shut it down for the night. After I got out from taking a shower, my two-way buzzed. I looked down to read who it was and it was both Dame, and Jay gosh, how awkward. I read Jay's first "Even tho you turned a nigga down, got love for you baby! Please reconsider tho, night ma!"

I sighed and text him back "Appreciate that hon, you too!! and um, Maybe..." I said, I wasn't promising nothing. But at the same time, didn't want to shut him out like that. Then I read Dame's text "Had a blast wit you ma, gotta kick it again...don't b a stranger with ur cute ass, goodnight!"

I chuckled at that I don't know what to feel, both these dudes magically just text me like 5 minutes apart, wasn't sure if they were in this together, or both competing? or they just both like me.? So many questions.

But then, I did say I was in love, my heart honestly was yearning for Dame, he was sweet, funny, compassionate. But then so was Jay but why did I feel so attracted to Damon more?

Dame's POV

I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth, just got done showering and shit. I gargled spit, and continued brushing, then a knock came towards my door. I went to it, and it just kept pounding. "Fuck is y'all doing, I'm coming damn!!"

I said opening it, and it was Jay.  I slapped his hand, and brung him in a hug. As I talked with the brush in my mouth, walking back inside, he followed "What's up Jay? Thought your ass was asleep."

Jay shrugged "I don't know man couldn't, but I wanted to talk to you for a second b you cool with that?" He asked me, I shrugged as I went to go spit some more, in the bathroom. I wiped my mouth with my washcloth and came out, turning off the lights "What's good b?" I asked as I put deodorant on.

Jay sat on the bed, "man I can't get over Aaliyah turning me down, ain't use to that shit know what I'm saying?" he half chuckled, and I nodded as I licked my finger and rubbed it on my eyebrows.

"Man I feel you" I said, and he turned his head "What she friendzone you too?" Not really but yeah, "Yeah man, she did. But it's all good, I don't think she ready to be down like that you know?"  I said as I threw on a red Rocawear sleeveless shirt.

"You might be right, but you know we're best friends right?" I squinted my face "Hell yeah, why you question that J?" I asked as I turned on the tv. "Cause man...not trying to be all hostile, but you know I like Aaliyah a lot b" I shrugged as I laid back on my bed.

"Okay and?" I chuckled, "I'm just saying, gone come a time where we both gone try that again. And I'm like this, we just not even bother with her, cause it's gonna result into something. We can't fight over the same girl g." I bit my lip, I wasn't gone vouch to that, Aaliyah was sexy and we have chemistry, Jay my homie since day 1.

"Nah I feel you b, it's just you know we can't help what she likes, if it comes down to either of us muthafuckas one of us gonna have to deal with it." I said as I rocked my leg back and forth and rubbed my scalp. Jay shrugged.

"But man, you promise you won't say yes? Come on Dame, we can't let a girl get between us, no matter how much we like her." I just sighed, he was trippin' but I was like whatever. "Aight man" I said dapping him, I laid back, and he got up.

"Aight just wanted to clear that up, we cool tho right?" He asked with his arms out before he left. I nodded "Yeah we goody mane, don't have wet dreams and shit." we both laughed "Word. Should be saying that too you nigga" he went out and shut the door.

Will Dame double cross Jay? Will Aaliyah choose who she wants? If Damon will he accept? Stay Tuned. :)

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