Fresh Meat

By poopie_chick

390 11 10

New girl New school New people Same old shit More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Three

53 1 1
By poopie_chick


It's been quite a while since I've updated so here it is. I'm also going to apologise now for the mistakes I know I'll make through this chapter.


Matt, still half naked and I, only in shorts and a sports bra made awkward eye contact for about 3 more seconds before I moved out of the door frame giving him access to leave.

As he walked out I looked at him and his back was sooo toned, like I just wanted to brush my fingers over the top of his back muscles. I was still staring when he turned around and answered my earlier question.

"Yes, I do like Chicken nuggets." He simply stated heading toward his room.

I smugly smirk turning back into the bathroom to have a shower. Every night I'm in the bathroom for approximately an hour, and about half of it is only spent in the shower. I'll walk in, go on my phone for about ten minutes then finally go onto Spotify to make a whole new playlist, that takes about 15 minutes. Then I finally get in the shower and wash my body, sit down in the shower for 5-10 minutes, wash my hair and then sing and dance until my dad tells me I'm hurting his ears. That's when I get out.

I was wrapped up like a burrito in my towel and ran towards my room hoping not to run into Matt.

I safely made it to my room and got clothed. I checked all my social media and see a new message from Sammy, the guy I met at the beach today.

Sammy: Hey Amberle! I was just wondering what your address was so I could pick you up tomorrow.

Amm: Oh right, it's 39 Sunset Avenue

Sammy: No way?!?
Does that mean your family is the one who is having Matthew Espinosa live with you??

Amm: Yeah, how'd you know?

Sammy: Well Matt is my friend and I'm picking him up tomorrow as well, we all actually usually meet where he lives. We all go to school in 2 cars and one of them is his.

"Amberle, Matt, Daniel!! Dinner is ready!!" I heard my mum yell from downstairs.

Amm: I've got to go now, Bye!

I threw my phone on my bed and walked towards the door seeing Matt walking out of his room and Danny running down the stairs.

Matt was behind me walking down the stairs and I'm not sure if I was uncomfortable or nervous but I just kept my head facing toward my feet, I didn't want to make any type of eye contact with him. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, as soon as I looked up, my dad chest-passed a basketball toward my face that I very skilfully caught. However, in the process I leant back and my head hit Matt's chest.

"I'm so sorry!" I yelled turning to meet Matt, our faces were just centimetres apart, and my breath probably smells like the skittles I had before my shower.

" It's fine, but why did you peg a ball at her?" Matt questioned looking into my dads direction.

"Oh, yes. Great news Amm, I found out that they have a Basketball team for girls at New Memoria. They didn't do that when i was there!" My dad said excitedly. He trained me when I was younger and I am a very good player, the star player at my last school actually.

"Oooh" Matt sighed while his face softened. I was kind of nervous for what he was about to say.

"What's wrong?" My dad questioned for me.

"The girls Basketball team at my school are TERRIBLE. If you're as good as I think you are, you're definitely not going to enjoy it." He replied. I sort of felt happy cause he said I look like I'm good at it.

"We'll see." My dad said before motioning the two of us toward the dining room.

We all sat down and before I knew it, dinner was over.

"Oh my gosh! What's the time??" Matt questioned quickly standing from the table.

"Umm, it's 8:15, why what's up?" My mum questioned looking at her watch.

"I've got to go and do some things for Mrs. Revertan, she's really ill and every Sunday she needs someone to help her with all this medication stuff. I'm pretty sure she's just a few houses away. I usually get to hers around this time."

"Oh okay, well Amberle you can walk with Matt, we wouldn't want anything bad happening to him. And when the two of you get home you can go to sleep. We all want to be up and ready for tomorrow." My mum stated, I mentally rolled my eyes because I know I'd be dead if I did it physically.

I looked at Matt and we both got up and went toward the door. He opened it for me and we left the house. Silence filled the air and I for some reason felt nervous. I was snapped out of my anxious thoughts when Matt started talking.

"Mrs Revertan can be a little inappropriate sometimes, she may say things that are offensive but she doesn't mean it....and" Matt sounded just as nervous as me, he was scratching the back of his neck while telling me.

"Matt it's fine. Why do you do this for her though?" I questioned, tucking some of my hair behind my ear and looking down to my hands.

"My brother did this thing with a group of heaps of other people where you'd be assaigned an elderly person and you'll help them with their needs once a week. Well, when my brother died from a car accident, Mrs Revertan didn't have anyone to do her medications for her, so I do it now." Matt said really casually.

" Oh Matt, I'm so sorry, I didn't kn...." I began saying apologetically awkwardly reaching out but not actually touching him. He cut me off.

" it's fine Amberle, really. Oh I almost forgot, Mrs Revertan doesn't actually call me by my name, she thinks I'm my brother, she and Micah were really close and she is half blind, I didn't have the gut to tell her." Matt told me chuckling a little afterwards.

We walked up a driveway with gorgeous daisy bushes either side the paths. When we got to the door, Matt did a rhythmic knock and walked straight in, I followed after him.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to come Micah" an old woman with silver short hair but gorgeous thick lashes and wearing a pink floral nightgown chuckled.

"You know what Mrs. R? I was actually considering not coming but then I just couldn't resist seeing your gorgeous face." Matt chanted back to her walking into the kitchen where she sat at a table. He isn't as bad as I thought.

"Oh Micah, you don't ever fail to make me smile. Look at this, you've brought a girlfriend with you!" She nearly yelled, motioning her hands for me to go to her. "sit down love, here next to me."

"Mrs. Revertan, she's not my girlfriend, she's the eldest child of the family who I'm living with that I told you about last night." Matt smiled while rubbing his temples.

I just kindly smiled at her. "Honey, you're not going to ever find someone quite like this young boy.." She tried whispering to me, but chuckled once she realised Matt could hear her.

"You know I wouldn't need you if I wasn't half blind" Mrs Revertan laughed out while squinting toward where Matt was getting all her pills and things sorted. "You're lucky that you get to see me everyday, Matt" she told him.

She turned to me and tucked some hair behind my ear. "What is your name, Dear?"

"I am Amberle, my dad chose the name." I nicely replied.

"Well Amberle, you are a beautiful girl and l won't be around for much longer and Matt needs a very mature and gorgeous lady in his life and I want you to be with him, he may deny it but he needs you........" She began with a huge smirk on her face.

"Okay Doris, I think that's enough chit-chat for tonight. Here's your pills and I'll be here earlier than usual to make up for today. Sleep well Doris" Matt smiled walking me out of the house waving goodbye to the old woman sitting in the chair.

"Goodbye Micah, Bring back dear Amberle with you tomorrow!" She yelled to him.

We walked out and again, awkward silence. We were about two houses away from my doorstep when the silence was haulted.

" Was she trying to hook us up?" I managed to laugh out

"Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't get you out of there fast enough" he replied chuckling. I just laughed back in return.

In the corner of my eye I could see that Matt was staring at me, I just ignored it so nothing would become even more awkward. We walked up to the house and walked straight in. I looked around downstairs to see if anyone was still up, all the lights were off so I guess not. The unpacked boxes everywhere were casting shadows that looked a little too much like bodies. I ran up the stairs trying to shake the thought out and tripped on the last step.

I heard the pitter patter of somebody's footsteps and prepared myself for the lecture my mum was about to give me.

"Hahahaha, Oh shit Amm, how did you manage that you dumbass!" My dad whisper yelled between breathless laughs.

"Yeah, thanks for the help dad." I smiled back,"I got scared and ran up but tripped" I told him. Matt then walked out of his room and once he saw what had happened he just turned back in with a smirk on his face.

I stood up and kissed my dad on the cheek then went into my room. I could faintly hear that Matt was on the phone, I tried listening in but failed. I had my ears right ear against the wall to try and hear into his room.

I gave up trying to eavesdrop and just laid down waiting to fall asleep. I put on my 'Sleep' playlist on Spotify and drifted off to the voice of Shawn Mendes.


"Up and at 'em Amberle!" My mum yelled throwing my set out shoes for the day at my tired body. I hate when she did this, so so bad. I looked over to my new side table where my digital clock sat and......,

"Mum, are you kidding?! It's 5 bloody 15, why are we up so early?" I questioned running my hands through my hair.

"Matt, told me you're going to be going with him and his friends to school, You guys will be leaving 6ish because they have Basketball training." She told me flattening my shirt on the dresser.

"Okay, well I'll get ready once you get out" I said while standing from my bed and stretching. She turned to me and gave me the ' bitch, you gon speak to me like that than you can give me a foot massage later' face. I've encountered that face on more than one occasion believe it or not.

She walked out closing the door behind her and I walked over to my dresser to put on my clothes. I got changed and then put some mascara on, a little bit of blush, lip tint and a tad bit of highlighter. I like my makeup to be subtle and look a little natural but still pretty.

After I put my shoes on I ran out of my room. As soon as I started heading down the stairs I was hit with a strong smell of pancakes and syrup. I waltzed the rest of the way down and into the kitchen. Mum, Dad, Matt and Danny were all seated around the table eating their own pancakes, well Danny wasn't, he was making holes in his pancakes so he could use them as a mask.

"About time, hurry up and have something to eat before you leave. Don't want you being hungry when you try out for the girls team later." My dad said smirking while rubbing his hands.

"I'm actually kind of really early and I have plenty of time to eat before Matt's friends show up." I replied sitting down in the chair next to Danny and rubbing my hand through his hair.

Matt just kept asking us about what it was like living in Arizona and all of that, Mum was also telling the both of us about how my parents knew his and all the cool things they did as teens.

Time really flew by.


"That would be us." Matt cheered standing from the table. I stood up myself, kissed Mum and Dad on the cheek and hugged Danny goodbye.

Matt lead me out the door and I was met with the faces of Sammy and five other guys who were ALL attractive and in workout gear, I noticed that Matt was as well, they really take their training seriously.

Sammy waved and then hopped into his black Range Rover with two other guys, his smile could melt steel.

Matt lead me to his car which was a baby blue Jeep, I loved Jeeps so much, I didn't like the real flashy ones though.

Before we hopped in he introduced me to the three guys there already.

"Amberle, this is Teo, Spencer and Ian. Guys, this is Amberle." Matt said looking back and forth between us. "Amberle here is actually a really good basketball player as well. Her and my dad were Co-Captains for the senior team back in 1995."

"Shut up Matt, I'm not as great as my Dad is so don't hype it all up." I told him.

"Oh, in the other car with Sammy was the two Jacks, we just call one Johnson and the other, G." The one with the dusty blonde hair, tall and slim.....very pleasing to the eye said. I think that one was Spencer. Well all of them were pleasing to the eye actually.

We got into the car when they all began bombarding me with advice.

"I'm saying this as a friend and not as a hormonal teenager. You've got a really good body so when somebody slaps your butt, just punch them or tell us." Teo threw out there.

"If you have trouble with your work, don't ask anybody who sits in the front row, they're always the nerds who think they're better than everyone else and they won't help you with anything." Ian decided to add.

"Don't get too close with Sammy and his mates he hangs with at lunch, they're all snakes!" Spencer yelled from the back.

I turned from the passenger seat and looked at Spencer, Teo and Ian. "What do you mean 'snakes'?" I questioned looking back at Matt driving.

"Sammy is known for getting close with girls just so he can....ya know, hoiiiyaaa" Matt told me yelling that last part and then smiling.

"No but seriously, you don't want to be around him when he's with those guys" Teo added.

We pulled into the parking lot of New Memoria High School where there were about another 6 guys waiting outside the front doors of the school.

We got out to go and greet them. "Is coach not her yet?" Ian asked a very hot  boy with dark brown hair and obviously some guns loaded with ammo.

"No he's here, he left his keys in his car out back and there's no other teacher's here." He replied. He then looked at me and introduced himself as Nate Maloley. I immediately didn't like him as soon as I saw he kept checking me out.

I walked toward the back of the group where Matt and Ian were talking. "Is that Nate dude one of the guys I should look out for?" I asked the two of them.

"Yeah, definitely one of the biggest snakes in our school, straight after Sammy. He's a fuckboy as well." Ian told me trying not to be too loud.

"Amberle, all the guys on this team other than Teo, Spencer, the two Jacks, Ian and myself are fuckboys and chill with Samny a lot so, just stick with the ones who were in the car with you."

"Righto. Shouldn't Sammy and the other two be here already?" I asked looking around.

"They go to pick up G's girlfriend, Maddison every morning. Speaking of girls, what type are you usually friends with so we can introduce you to some?" Ian questioned.

"I've never actually had any girl friends, my two best friends growing up were boys." I said biting my lip afterwards. "If it's alright with you, I'd love to chill with you guys for a while?" I really hope they accept.

We all heard the padlock of the door being rattled so we all turned to face the door. A solid man, maybe late thirties opened the door and told everybody to go straight to the gym and stretch.

When we passed Nate and two other guys, Matt asked what they were doing.

"We're just going to wait for Sammy, G and Johnson." He simply stated while smirking. Matt knew now, that he was looking at my butt as we began walking inside the school.

The halls looked pretty similar to the ones back in Arizona. I just followed the team to apparently where the gym was. We ended up walking down three flights of stairs, you'd think we were going to the basement but I guess their gym is underground.

We walked through these massive doors into the gym and holy shit, their basketball court was gorgeous. Polished floor, freshly painted lines, new looking hoops at either ends and they had a huge, and when I say huge I meant it, trophy case with a few jerseys hanging up.

As we all walked over to the bleachers I looked over the entire room in awe.

"Didn't think a girl like you would be so intrigued by a Basketball Court" The coach bellowed with a slight laugh.

Matt then walked up beside me and put his arm around my shoulders. "Coach, you're looking at the descendant of THE Richard 'Richie' Matthews." He exaggerated the Richie part.

I watched the Coach's expression change to complete surprise when he excitedly shook my hand.

"I haven't seen your father since we graduated, it is a great pleasure to meet you Miss Matthews." He said slightly bowing his head.

I politely smiled and then stood up to sit in the third row of the bleachers when Sammy and a small group followed behind him, I just stood by Matt.

"You're late boys!" Coach yelled out.

"Sorry Coach, it was my fault, we had to pick up Maddison." The one holding the really pretty girls hand yelled out.

They all walked over to stand with the rest of the group. The girl however, Maddison, just sat down in the front row.

"Listen out for your names boys! This trial training session will help me decide who the captain for the next semester will be!" The coach yelled through the gym, his voice booming.


"Okay ladies, I'll definitely have the Captains name and the positions by the end of this week, now go shower and change before the bell goes so I don't get in trouble!" Coach casually said leaving the gym.

We all were walking down a hall that lead to the boys locker room. "Shouldn't I head somewhere else, ya know cause it's the BOYS locker room?" I asked Teo.

"Nah, you can just wait where the lockers are with Maddison. We don't take long to shower and change." He replied.

I could hear behind us running footsteps getting closer and closer. Before I could even turn around some random dude yelled "Fresh Meat!" Whilst slapping my butt causing everybody in the hall to turn their heads to my direction.

Well least he was hot.

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