Let's Not Meet Again

By CareFreeHugz

236K 6.9K 906

This book tells the tale of true and horror filled experienced. These are stories from reddit, all credit goe... More

The Creepy Suiter
Money Saved My Mum
Oh Yeah, You Live In The Pink House
The Taxi Man
Now I Carry Mace
I Think About This Time From Time, And It's Still Pretty Chilling
Subway Guy
Sometime's You Can't Call The Cops For Help
He Tried To Frame Her
Creepy Old Ladies Alert
I Just Fought Off A Potential Dog Kidnapper
The Road Trip
When Helping Someone Goes Wrong...
Please Marry Me
She Laughed In My Face
Forced To Let Him Ride
Psycho From The Party
They Wanted To Butter My Muffins
Creepy Internet Guy Shows Uninvited
He Had Plans For My Five-Year-Old Brother
I Was The "Girlfriend" Of A Pedophile
4 AM What Are You Doing Here
"Hello, It's Me..."
Body In A Box
Didn't Go To Hotel Swimming Pools For A Long Time After This
I Don't Even Know What To Call This But It Literally Just Happened
Threatening Stranger Harasses Me At Work
Always Use A Brick...
Never Be The Last Person To Leave The Dog Park. Followed By The Smiling Man
I Still Cannot Explain This...
I Tried To Do The Right Thing, Honest... But He Got Too Creepy.
The Potential Horrors Of Camping
Mary Lou
"Just Wait Until Mummy And Daddy Aren't Home..."
My Roommate's Client
I Was Unknowingly Engaged To My Stalker
He Always Seemed To Find Me
I Never Run Alone Anymore
My Best Friends Rapist Brother
The Guy Who Used To Live Behind Me
The Church Parking Lot Story
I Could Get In A Lot Of Trouble For You
We Never Made It Inside...
Listen To Your Intuition
All We Said Was "Hi"
The Stranger At The Door
Guy On A Walking Trail
Creepy Driving Instructor
"You're Too Sexy To Go Home Alone"
Dangerous Italian Creeps
The Creepy Neighbor
I am Being Stalked By The Cable Guy
Weird Kid At My House
"Don't You Recognize My Voice?"
"Don't Be Sorry,"
I Just Wanted A Job
Asking For More Than Directions
Drunken Intruder
Do You Want To See A Dead Bird?
Man In The Garage
His Eyes Were The Worst
Saved By Bikers
Be Careful Who You Friend
Taxi Driver
Tree Climbing Maniac
Hunted By Masked Men In The Great PNW
Homeless Shelter Love Scare
Chose Your Friends Carefully
City Night Stalker
I Was Home Alone
A Guy Followed Me and My Friends
Mr. Smiley
Covered in Blood, He Wanted A Hug
Leopard Shirt Man
Creepy Neighbor Upstairs
Manny The Mexican
Pedophile In The Making
Fearful Girl
I Hope He Didn't Mean What It Sounded Like He Said
Neighbor From Hell
An Unexpected Visitor
My Sister Set Me Up
The Midnight Stalker
Angry Road Rage
Stalked in Texas
Bikers Looking For Me
A Woodland Escape
Sleep Devprived
Be Careful In Jail
Creep In The Crocs
Locked Doors
The Walks to School
Thank God He Checked Under The Bed
Pizza Hut Pedophile
Trailer in Texas
Creepy Geeky Ex Boyfriend
The Travelers
Creepers at Two Different Malls
Yay or Nay?
The Eagle Scout
Never Walk Alone At Night...
Paranormal Encounters
Internet Girlfriend
Let's Have Some Fun
Waffle House Weirdos
Friendly Neighbor
My Overly Clingy Stalker Friend
No One Helped
Can We Sit Here
Crazy Glasses Loving Customer
No Compliment Goes Unnoticed
"It's Okay, She's My Girlfriend"
My Windows
The Suicide
The Holiday Creeper
Red Hair in Argentina
Mr Creepypants
Ride to the Airport
Horror Movies Saved My Life
"Just Slide That Back Under The Seat"
High School Sweetheart
He Was Grooming Me
The Sounds of Banging
My Deepest Regret
Cornered In Church
My "Friendly" Neighbor
Hunted Down For My Bike
I Just Have A Couple More Questions For You
Night Tim Nightmare
I've Had A Stalker For The Past Five Years
"Be Careful Where You Go Through"
Let's Just Go For A Ride
Creepy Guy In Front Of The House
The Window Wanker
Creepy Late Night Visitor
Just A Night Out
I Think A Nun Tried To Steal My Baby
Old Ladies Love Animals
Not A Cat Lover ...
Best Friends
I Wanted Attention
Oh, Tinder
I Don't Trust Uber Anymore
Scary Cable Repairman
Always Look Confident
The Man With The Thick Accent
The Perils Of Online Roleplay
An Evening By The Creek
Outside My Tent
Step Monster
Submit Your Stories
No One Was There
Man On The Train
Balcony Stalker
Flashlight Guy
The Man in My Driveway
The Drive to Grandma's
Red Truck
"Let Me In"
House Sitting
"Daddy, Dennis Is Here..."
All I Wanted Was A Place To Sleep
Mall? No Thanks
Waste Of Time
I Met Him From The Internet
My High School Stalker
Big Tony
Craig and Laney
The Red Pickup Truck
Crazy Neighbor
Parents Didn't Believe Me
Unexpected Backyard Visitor
Guy From The Pub
So Sorry
Carmel the Maintenance Guy
A Veteran's Road Rage
Men in the Woods
They Just Wanted to Talk
The Kidnappers in the 1990 Camry
The Men in Masks
He Was In My Wardrobe
Almost Kidnapped
The Story of My Ex-Fiancee
Scariest Night of My Life
House Sitting and the Owner's Crazy Ex
Delusional Resident is Fixated on Me
My Coworker Became My Worst Nightmare

Michael the Psycho

747 29 4
By CareFreeHugz

I met Michael when I was a super insecure 18 year old. We met on a shitty dating app, chatted for a few days and then met up for a date after a week or so of knowing each other. The date went well and we became an item almost immediately after (ah so young, so naive).

Now when I was 18, I was a pretty timid girl, with very low self esteem and was desperate for a boyfriend because I had never had one.

Michael would lie, lie and lie some more. When I first met him he told me he was 19 but on our first date he told me he was actually 18, and about a month into our 2 month relationship ( so long ) he told me he was actually 23. I asked to see his ID and he refused to show me, so I just accepted that my now boyfriend was 23. He lied about his father being dead, he lied about his last name, and he lied about his ethnicity on multiple occasions. I just ignored all the red flags because a guy actually wanted me.

Anywho, one night shit hit the fan. Michael and I were hanging out around his neighborhood and I needed to charge my phone. He took it inside his house to charge it for me, while I waited for him outside. We walked around for maybe an hour when I decided I should start heading home and asked if he could get my phone for me. He comes back with my phone and I have a shitload of missed calls and texts from my best friend, my mother and and one of my brothers. I thought someone had died and I called my mother and she didn't seem too worried, just asked where I was and said everyone's been trying to get in contact with me. I called my bestie and asked her what was up and she told me that someone was posting some photos on my Instagram (nudes that I took for Michael and forgot to delete off of my phone). She panicked and assumed someone had taken me or something because she knew I'd never post pictures like that on Instagram, so she called my mom and my brother to ask if they knew where I was. Which they didn't because no one knew about Michael.

I sign into insta, I see the pics and freak out. I walk back up to Michaels door and ask him if his cousin is the one who posted the pics on my ig and Michael is very clearly, pretending to be confused and his cousin comes to the door shouts some insult that I can't remember and shuts the door on my face. At that point I feel super violated and just wanted to go home and cry. So I called up my older brother and he picked me up and took me home.

Needless to say, I dumped Michael after that. And he was cool about it and accepted it like a normal person would. Lol jk.

I ignored every text and call he sent me. I would block a number and 5 mins later I'd get another text from a new number. In total I ended up blocking 10 random numbers, all him, all the same text "I miss you". This was before you were able to to easily block someone on the iPhone, so I had to call my carrier each time and give the rep the number I wanted to block. 10 numbers was their limit.

One day, I unlock my phone and see that I have a text from yet another random number, this time it's a picture of him holding a gun and "I'm going to find you and I'm going to kill you if you don't respond". I wasn't really scared because he had no idea where I lived, so I just took a screen cap of the message just in case some shit went down. But after that the texts stopped for months.

I was working at a fast food place at the time and when I closed I would get home super late from work (sometimes 3am). I worked in the city but did not live there, I would have to take a 30 min ferry ride and another 30 min bus ride to get home.

One night, I was getting off of the ferry and heading to my bus stop. I stop in my tracks when I realized Michael was waiting for me, inside of the ferry terminal. He was asking if we could just sit outside and talk about everything. F'no I was not doing that, but I didn't want him to follow me home so I sped walked to my bus stop and called 911 before anything escalated. While I was waiting for the cops to show up Michael was pacing back and forth in front of me, clearly pissed I called the cops but not smart enough to leave before they arrived????? He decided it'd be a good idea to push me down on the ground at the exact moment the popo show up.

The cops came. I told them the deal. I wrote a statement. And they made sure I got home safely. I never heard or saw Michael again.

Until a week ago!

I'm a baker now, and I work very early mornings. Usually when I'm commuting that early, I'm surrounded by big construction workers who are also starting their day quite early.

Anyway, I was walking to the train station and suddenly I hear a guy's voice through my music. I look up and see Michael, grinning from ear to ear. It's been 4 years since we've last seen each other and oh man am I different person, both inside and out. I take one earphone out, look him dead in the eyes and say in a very serious, very cold tone "if you ever touch me or talk to me again, I will slit your fucking throat", then I skip away into the train station. And of course he follows because he obviously has a weird death wish.

I head to the platform and notice that there a handful of big and beefy construction workers waiting for the train. Since Michael is following me and I now have an audience, I decide I should make a big scene and maybe that'll scare him away. So I turn around and beeline it towards him and start shouting "ARE YOU FUCKING FOLLOWING ME??!!! IM NOT THE SAME WEAK ASS 18 YEAR OLD GIRL, MICHAEL! I WILL END YOUR FUCKING LIFE" . He stepped away a little taken aback, I continued shouting "I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU FOLLOW ME ON THIS TRAIN I WILL STAB YOU IN THE FUCKING THROAT" . I stepped onto the train and he attempts to follow me, but two very big and very beefy construction workers stand beside me and escort me onto the train while shooting daggers at Michael.

I get onto the train with my new besties and we all laugh and joke about how fun it was to start our day with such drama. One of ,my two new buddies gets off at the next stop and Guess who enters our subway car at the next stop? You guessed it, Michael! Now he's keeping his distance and shouting at me from across the train.

He sounds like a lunatic. He's going back and forth between calling me a stupid bitch and telling me he misses me so much. ( we dated for 2 months, 4 years ago buddy) And then he says "you have to get off the train at some point". The entire time he was going off I ignored him, but that comment INFURIATED me. The nerve of this asshole to think he could get away with harassing me and then threaten to follow me off the train? NAH, not today!

(Just a little side note, I carry a little pocket knife with me at all times because I live in a big city, and people suck. )

I calmly took the knife out of my bag and waved it at him from across the train and said "try me." I got up and moved to another car he followed. I moved to another car and he followed again. At this point, the train was stalled at a station so I stepped out and asked an MTA employee to call the cops because I was being harassed and she told me to find a train conductor. I walk back onto the car ready to go find a conductor, but I already see one arguing with the Michael, telling him he has to get off of the train. He refused to so the conductor called the cops.

The cops come and I give them a very brief synopsis of what happened. The entire time the officer is speaking to me, his partner is speaking to Michael and Michael is shouting at the officer to check my bag because "that bitch put a knife to my throat". The officer that is speaking to me just smirks and ask jokingly if I pulled a knife on him and I just smiled my innocent smile and say "officer, if I pulled a knife on him you would know" he chuckles and I'm just hoping he doesn't search my bag and find my knife and weed (lol).

The officer took my info down and I wrote another statement and hopped on the next train and went to work.

I'm 100000000000% certain that I'll be running into Michael's psycho ass soon. Hopefully he stays away because I'm not going to be able to control my anger next time and I will chop his dick off and feed it to the rats on the train track.

TLDR; I dated a psycho, 4 years later he's still a psycho.

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