Promises (Pirates of the Cari...

By AlaudeAbyss

56.6K 1.3K 318

I noticed there isn't a lot of stories about James Norrington from Pirates of the Caribbean.. I decided to ma... More

I - Past
II - Reunion
III - Tour around the town
IV - Will Turner
V - Pirates
VI - Confession
VII - Perfect
VIII - I'm sorry....
IX - A Way Back
X - Returning
XII - Aboard the Flying Dutchman
XIII - Faltering Trust. . .
XIV - Raise of the New Ruler of the Sea
XV - Judgement Day

XI - Promises

2.7K 83 8
By AlaudeAbyss

Maria Swann POV
"..this is strange.. it's like I left it yesterday.." James says as we arrived at his house. "come here nearly everyday and clean.. I don't really have a lot to do while you were gone.." I say and he smiles "although we are still yet to be wed, you're already acting as my wife.." he says and I flushed slightly. "I missed you so much.. I tend to surround myself with things that either belongs or reminds me of you.. I didn't touch your things.. just swept and dusted.. then I would go to the beach, or the docks and see if you have returned.. or if there were any signs of you being near.." I confess. He tightens his grip on me and looked at right me with his bright green, teary eyes. "Maria.. I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry I left you.. it has been complete agony without you by my side.." he start to sob. I smile sadly at him and kissed his tears away. "James.. it's alright.. we're together again.. just promise me.. this time, you will never leave me side.." I say "I promise you, Maria.. I'll never leave your side.. I'll always be with you.." he vows and we smile at each other before leaning towards one another, but then James started coughing. "James! are you alright?!" I asks as he fell on his knees.. "I'm fine.. *cough* just.. *cough* the consequences of not being able to bathe and be clean.. *cough* has finally caught up to me.." he coughs more. I start to panic a bit. "I'll prepare you a bath immediately!" I say as I help him up and help him towards his bathroom. I let him sit on the floor as I clog the tub with it's cover and ran the water. "stay here. I'll get you a glass of water for your cough." I tell him then made a dash to the kitchen. Once I returned to the bathroom, I see him nearly half naked and I shut the door immediately.. "i-I should h-have kno-n-knocked.. I'm s-sorry.." I stutter then the door opened and I immediately shut my eyes. "Come now, Maria.." I hear his voice say in a deep, seductive whisper then felt him lift my head by the chin, I feel my face heat up from the tone of his voice. "this would be normal in the future.. we would be seeing each other bar--" "ja-j-James, this is a highly in-in-inappropriate topic to be speaking of ri-r-right n-now.." I cut him off, still too embarrass to open my eyes. "my apologies.." he lets my chin go and felt him take the glass from my hand. "my mind is still poisoned by a vile drink called 'rum'.." I hear him gulp the water and I turn around and open my eyes. "I'll prepare you something to eat. you mustn't have had a proper meal since you left." I tell him "thank you.." he thanks and I nod and made way to the kitchen. As soon as I got to the kitchen, I took all the necessary ingredients needed and start to cut what's needed to be cut... my mind then drifts to a memory.. after I had gotten the marks on my hand and arm, that now travels to above my elbow, my connection with Calypso grew stronger

"yer eyes are changing colors.." she says "is it because I'm nearing the age of 21?" "yes.. your eyes will be as blue as da sea and remain dat way fer good.." she informs me and it became silent "if ye are so worried about yer lover, den.. why don't ye take a look where he's at?" she asks "I can do that..?" I asks in surprise "de sea is partially yer's to command.. whatever it is ye want, de sea will answer yer call.." she says. I hesitate for a while.. but then took off my right glove. I saw my marks and grew worried as it had spread.. "put yer hand in da waters and command the sea.." she instructs and I do as she says "show me my love." I command with a bit of hesitation, but the waters swirl and formed something like a viewing orb. and there! there was James, aboard a pirate's ship, cleaning the deck. "James!" I call him, but I know that he cannot hear me.. "James.. I miss you.. please come back to me.." I say as I touch the orb, and it popped as I made contact with it with my right hand and the was a glow in the waters. "Yer lover will come to you.. sooner dan ye tink.. ye commanded da sea and da sea will deliver whatever it is ye want.." Calypso says "thank you, Calypso. for teaching me all this.." I thank but got no answer in return.. "Calypso?" I call for her but there was no response.. '
there's still a time limit to how long we speak....' I say in my thoughts.
~End of Flashback~

I smile to myself as finish setting the food on the table. "what's the special occasion to explain all this food?" James's voice ask and I turn and faced him. "you sure took your time." I walk towards him and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down for a kiss. "and to answer your question, it's to celebrate your return. I thought you might be hungry enough to eat a horse for being gone for so long.. only consuming what you can get your hands on and ..rum.." I say "how thoughtful of you, love. I assume you will join me then?" he asks "of course. I wouldn't let you dine alone." I smile and we walk over to the table. It was quite a bit odd seeing James eat like a savage.. but it's probably because my assumption was right.. I let him be and ate like I usually do.

the next day, I took a walk with James, who was in his new blue and yellow uniform and powdered wig. I decided to wear .. which I rarely do. "Where are we going?" I ask "Lord Beckett informed me that today, I personally meet Mr. Jones. so, I thought you might like to meet him as well." he answers with a smile. I smile back at him and we made way to the docks. "ah, Admiral Norrington, there you are. Maria, it's always a pleasure seeing you." Beckett greets as he turns his attention from the ..... human sea creatures. "Lord Beckett, I prefer for you to call me 'Miss Swann'." I forced a smile on my face "but it would be rather confusing to call you 'Miss Swann' as I call your sister 'Miss Swann'." "I highly doubt that there would be any confusion seeing my sister isn't present." he frowns and gives up. "Let me introduce to you Davy Jones and his crew, Captain of the Flying Dutchman and newly added member to Admiral Norrington's fleet." Beckett introduces. Seeing that we can't shake either of his hands, James nods and I curtsy.I then noticed a man resembling Will.. "Will Turner?" I ask and the man seemed surprised "you know my son?" he asks and steps forward, but was stopped "...he's my sister's fiancee.. my future brother-in-law.." I say and I saw happiness shining in his eyes. He was about to step forward but was stopped once again. "casualties have been exchanged.. Maria, shall we head back?" James says, turning my attention away from Mr. Turner. I nod, seeing him slightly upset. We head away from the docks. "are you heading back to your office, James?" "yes.. why?" "it's become a habit of me to go to the beach.. may I? I promise I'll be in view." he sighs "I only need to read and go through a few document. either sign or stamp my approval on it. perhaps I'll join you once I'm done." "then I will be waiting for you." We kiss before we parted ways.

I arrive at the spot that I usually speak with Calypso, which was conveniently at the view of James's office. I simply glaze at the waters happily for hours when something emerges a few feet in front of me. I gasp, startled but then relaxed as I realized it was Davy Jones. "Mr. Jones... fancy seeing you here.." I greet "...yer not exactly who ya think ya are..." he says and I regained my posture, narrowing my eyes at him. " know who I am.." I state, but not as a question "aye.. I couldn't say it in front of the short, annoying .. Lord Beckett.. but I sense the great power ya have.." he says "how can you sense it..? did you perhaps came in contact with someone like me?" I ask and sorrow flashed his eyes, similar to when I first met Calypso. "you don't have to tell me the reason how. I was simply... curious." and his tensed structure relaxed a bit. "I came contact with someone called Calypso.. she taught me who I am, Triteia.. she once told me when I've come of age, I will become ruler of the sea.." I say and noticed him flinch at the name 'Calypso'. "..mythology tells that yer the daughter of Triton, companion of Ares.." he says "which makes me skilled in combat, no matter what weapon.. and have the wit of Athena from the books I've read over the years.. I also have power over the waters.. but I have no clue to what my full potential is.." I say I study his movements, his left.. claw seems tightened and his right....... tentacle hand was clenched.. and he spoke no words. "would you tell me the story of you and Calypso?" I ask and he look startled "how do you know about Calypso and I?" he glared "your body movements.. and the look in your eyes when she's mentioned.." I answer casually.. he didn't speak.. "Calypso and you were lovers, weren't you?" I boldly asks ".....aye.." he answers softly "what happened?" I ask, concerned "betrayal.. that's what happened.." he says then hesitates before continuing.. "Calypso.. daughter of Atlas.. both loved and feared by sailors.. she and I fell in love.. but it wasn't meant to be as she was a sea goddess.. an immortal with mortal blood.. and because I love her, I agreed to step foot on dry land only once every ten years... to prove my love to her, I completed the task of collecting all the damned souls who died at sea and ferry them to the worlds beyond..." he starts his story with love in his eyes but then that melted to somewhere between despair and anger. "but every time I came ashore, she would be nowhere to be found.. the seas are fickle and unpredictable as she is..! so, I plotted against her with a group of pirates that now they call the 'Brethren Court'.. we tear the rule of the seas away from her and imprisoned her into her mortal form!" he angry stated, but grief has replaced the anger in his eyes.. "...grief and guilt consumed me.. so I ripped my own heart out, the heart that betrayed me, and locked it away.." he ends "and without a heart you became fierce and cruel.. brutal.. but because of that, Lord Beckett controls you as he has your heart.." I stated and he nods.. "something tolds me that you came to me for a reason.. you hesitate and have too much pride to ask.. but I can see what you are trying to ask from me..." I say and he had a bit of hope in his eyes. I smile "I will help you get back with Calypso.. and I will help you be with her again.." I promised.

James Norrington POV
I would glance hourly outside to the beach where my love is at and see her just happily waiting there as she has her attention in the sea. I would smile to myself and continue my work for a while. for hours of doing so, I grew tired and look out again and saw my Maria with Davy Jones. I took my sword and raced to her side. "Maria!" I call as she and Jones came to my view. She sees me and smile before meeting me half way. "Maria, are you alright?" I ask, looking over her to see if she had any injures, marks, water, dirt-- anything unusual on her, but found nothing. "I'm fine, James. why so worried?" she ask, giggling softly. "I look away then look back at you and find you with... him.." I look at Jones, who had a... sadden face and eyes of envy and sorrow.. something I felt that time at the beach when I saw Elizabeth with Turner. "we were just having a friendly conversation." she says.. 'oh her innocence is of a naive child... but her mind is as of a old wise' I thought to myself.. "I see..." I turn my attention away from Jones. "I apologize for taking too long. there's still a lot I needed to work with seeing how much time passed and there's a large pile of paperwork needed to attend to." I tell her and she just smiles at me "it's alright, James.. you know, you can always as me to help you with the paperwork." she says and I smile at her "Maria, you know I don't want to be a burden to my own betrothed.." I kiss her, making her flushed. "..that should have been 'wife' by now.." she pouts adorably and I glanced towards Jones and find him gone.. into the ocean.. 'what happened between them?' curious, I ask myself.  

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