Bite • Clary Fray

By crimzun

115K 3.5K 496

"I can be the subject of your dreams Your sickening desire." -Troye Sivan, Bite ••• Sebastian Starling was th... More



4K 129 21
By crimzun

(Sebastian Stan is fkn H O T . THATS ALL I HAVE TO SAY.)


Sebastian found himself sitting on his bed alone with a piece of paper in his hand.

The content of the paper made him angry. It was the unfinished sketch of himself made by Clary. In the other hand was his cuff. The one he enchanted to find Clary. Looking at it, he grew angrier by the second.

Tears fell from his eyes and from the rage, he threw the cuff away hard on the other side of the room. The neatly stacked paper on his desk flew everywhere in his room. His magic was going out of control as he grew furious at Clary Fairchild, the one who broke his heart.

She had came in his life, unexpectedly, and she made him quickly fall in love with her. Sebastian ran his fingers through his black silky hair, thinking about how he had came to love Clary.

The realization set in his mind. He was infatuated with her and that maybe blinded him into thinking he was in love with her. A chuckle escaped from his lips as more tears fell from his eyes. Am I even in love with her?

Using his magic, black fire was in his palm. He was about lit the paper on fire but he hesitated. He sighed, knowing he wouldn't be able to destroy the drawing. He stood up, placing the drawing on his desk and used his magic to organize the stack of paper he had previously messed up.

Magnus entered the room, a worried frown on his face. In his hand was his phone. He softly closed the door, looking at Sebastian who was glaring at a piece of paper. He approached him and saw the content of the paper. He placed a comforting hand on his arm.

"They need us in the Institute." Magnus told him and his head snapped towards his best friend. A look of bewilderment was placed on his face. He couldn't go there.

"I'm not going there. I do not want to face her." He said with a pained look. He didn't even dare saying her name. It pained him to utter her name and to even imagine her. "I can't, Magnus."

"She's not there. She has some business to attend to." Magnus stated, placing a hand on his shoulder. "And if we do see her, just use a portal and get away from her. I'll complete the job."

"Fine, Magnus." He agreed, using his magic to change. He looked like a mess and he hated looking bad, although it was impossible with a face like his. He used his magic to get rid of the puffiness from his eyes and any sign that would show that he cried. "It- It's just that I feel like I would forgive her the second I see her and I don't want that. I don't want to be with her knowing that she is capable of cheating on me but I need her. I don't understand what to do."

"I understand, Sebby." Sebastian scowled at the nickname. "But you do know that you will have to face her one day. Valentine is back and everything is going wrong. Problems are arising and they need our help. It doesn't help that Clary is one of the people that needs us."

"I know that, Magnus. I just can't face her now." Sebastian said, looking down at his shoes. "Let's just go there and finish before she arrives."


Sebastian and Magnus was on separate sides of the limp Forsaken. They worked silently together. Blue and black mixing together as it shot down to the Forsaken's chest. Sebastian scrunched up his nose as a strong disgusting stench came from the Forsaken.

"You guys almost done?" Isabelle asked, grinning at Magnus. She watched as the two magic mixed together, both contrasting each other. She couldn't deny that it was a beautiful sight. "I want to get my hands on that thing."

"Patience is a virtue, my dear." Magnus stated, eyeing the disgusting looking creature. Sebastian cringed at it, wanting to go home and be in the comfort of his music and blanket. Isabelle laughed and took Magnus' side.

"Speaking of which, how is Alexander? I was hoping I might hear from them." Magnus asked her. Isabelle moved the head of the Forsaken and scrunched her nose, smelling the horrid smell. She almost gagged but she wanted to look professional in front of the two Warlocks.

"Putrefaction. It's decomposing." Isabelle muttered, letting go of his head.

"It's just so hard to tell if Alexander is interested in me. I mean, I can't fathom why he wouldn't be." Magnus said, giving them a smirk at the end of sentence. He winked at Sebastian when he gave him an unimpressed look.

"I'm not sure if you noticed, but my brother is not exactly warm and fuzzy." Isabelle stated making Magnus sigh, knowing she was right.

"Hmm, I suppose." Magnus agreed, sad to hear that it was going to be a lot harder. He really did like Alec.

"It's a lot worse now that he had to deal with our parents who are trying to find him a wife." She stated, wanting Magnus to be aware of this. Magnus looked at her, a surprised look on his face. Although he was hurt by hearing thing, he was glad she warned him.

"I'm gonna go deliver the preliminary findings." Magnus muttered with a sigh. He eyed the Forsaken one last time, cringing at it before leaving.

"What about Clary? Is she okay?" Sebastian asked, concern filled in his voice. He couldn't help but still care about her even if she did break his heart.

"She has a lot in her plate. I mean, she just broke up with you and now she has to deal with the fact that her best friend is a fledgling. She shed a lot of tears these days." Isabelle told him, not wanting to beat around the bush. She - although slightly hated Clary for kissing Jace - wanted them to be together again.

"God, I really want to comfort her, tell her that everything will be alright but she already has Jace for that." Sebastian said bitterly. Isabelle used the knife to cut in the Forsaken's stomach.

Sebastian gagged, looking elsewhere. He used his magic to open up a portal and turn to look at Isabelle. "It seems like you have everything under control here. Bye, Isabelle!"

He got in the portal, not hearing the 'wait!' from Isabelle. She had wanted to tell him that Clary rejected Jace but he had already disappeared in the magical portal. He arrived in his apartment and was glad to be free from the horrendous smell and the disgusting sight of the Forsaken.

He tugged on his hair, trying to fight away the urge to comfort Clary. But he couldn't. Not after what she did. He slid down on the wall and looked at the ground. He allowed his thoughts to be on a certain redhead even if it was going to be painful.

Sebastian wished that she was going to be alright even if he hated her slightly for her actions.


I NEED YOUR HELP. I NEED A SHIP NAME FOR CLARY AND SEBASTIAN! Maybe Clastian or Sebary or Starchild (Starling x Fairchild)? I like Starchild but like IM OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS.

Sorry for the long wait!

Anyway, how did you like this chapter?


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