Nalu: The Pirate Princess (co...

By mawsome99

358K 9.5K 4.1K

Lucy Heartfilia is a runaway princess. She's captured by Blue Pegasus when she's rescued by the pirate crew k... More

Another Nalu fanfic
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
Cover Choosing!
Before we finish

Chapter twenty five

5.3K 166 35
By mawsome99

Me: hellooo and welcome back to-
Mira: you better not have killed Nalu author.
Me: why would I do that? It's a Nalu book!
Lucy: as much as I don't like it....
Natsu: I don't mind.
Lucy: you Baka...
Happy: aye.
Wendy: um...maybe we shoul-
Me: let's start!


Natsu jumped on top of me, Happy and Plue just before the ceiling crushed us. Red wings surrounded us, keeping us from being crushed by the debris. Plue and Happy were snuggled between our stomachs. Natsu's face was a few inches from mine. I felt my face heat up and butterflies in my stomach. Natsu gets up and the ceiling debris falls off of him. He still has his horns, but he now has red wings. Happy flies into the air.
"I need to see if Carla's ok!" He says and flies to where the others were. Natsu pulls me up and Plue runs after Happy. We follow them.

A little bit ahead of us Happy and Plue are standing there. Happy's crying and Plue is whining. I suddenly realise, they didn't make it. I start crying and fall to the floor. Natsu crouches beside me and pulls me into a hug. I hug back and bury my face in his now bare chest. I hear a loud crash and Happy gasp. I look round and see the ground is forming a circle. The ground breaks away, falling to the floor, and standing there, is everyone. A faint purple bubble is encasing them and Melody's hands are glowing purple. The bubble disappears and her hands stop glowing. I stand up and hug them all. We all share a group hug.

After a few minutes we separate and Gray glares at Natsu.
"You." He says and walks to Natsu.
"I-I didn't know." Natsu says as he backs away.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"I don't know." Erza replies.
"It's because of you." Gray says.
"W-What did I do?" Natsu asks nervously.
"What's he gonna do?" Wendy asks.
"Hush child." Carla says.
"Now I need to-" Gray says raising his hand.
"NOOO!" Happy screams. Happy flies between Natsu and Gray.
"Don't do it!" He screams. "He didn't know!"
"Move Happy, it's for the best." Gray says. When Happy doesn't move, Gray continues to ice make. I run in front of Gray.
"Move Lucy." Gray says to me but I stand my ground.
"He did nothing wrong." I say. "What would Juvia say if you killed Natsu out of cold blood?" At the mention of Juvia's name, he goes silent. He slowly lowers his hands to his side.
"Fine." He says. "You win, but the moment he loses control, I'm going after him." I turn around to see Natsu crying. Happy and I hug him.
"It's my fault." He whispers into my hair as he hugs back.
"It's not your fault." I say.
"Aye, you didn't know." Happy says.
"Come on guys, we need to get out of here and help the village." Melody says behind us. We release him and follow everyone.

After hours of walking aimlessly through hallways, we find the exit. During those hours, Natsu managed to find out how to turn back into a human. And then a demon again. Gray was still angry. Most of us were silent throughout the journey. Once we got outside, we saw that we were still at the giant village.
"How are we gonna help them?" Wendy asks.
"I have a trick." Gray says. He places his hand on some ice. After a few seconds, it starts to disappear.
"Wow.." I say.
"Not bad ice princess." Natsu says.
"HEY!" Gray yells.
"Boys." Erza says.
"Eep!" They both say as Natsu hides behind me.

We go to a large ice block in the shape of a flame.
"Maybe if we melt this?" Wendy asks.
"I'll try." Gray says as he places his hand in the ice. Slowly, it starts to melt and an orange flame is in its place.
"Woohoo!" Natsu cheers. Despite what happened, he's still as childish as ever. The Giants slowly start to turn back to normal. One comes up to us.
"Uh h-hello." I say.
"Well hi there!" He says. "Did you help us?"
"Yes we did." Melody says.
"Thank you." He says. "Please stay, we can give you food."
"How can we decline?" Erza says.
"Woohoo!" Natsu cheers. "FOOD!"

A huge plate is placed in front of us. It's then filled with different meats, cheese and fruits. Natsu dives into the food and helps himself to the meat. Erza didn't want any, since there was no cake. Happy sees a huge fish and immediately flies after it. I grab a chunk of meat and give it to Plue. I then grab some fruit and cheese and eat them. Gray grabs some meat and cheese. Melody fights Natsu over some meat. Wendy helps herself to some fruit. Carla does the same. Eventually, we eat all of the food.
"Thank you for the food, kind sir." Wendy says.
"Your welcome." The giant says. "Please , come visit any time."
"We will." Gray says. And with that, we head home.

When we get back to Crocus, Levy runs up to us.
"Lu, I'm so sorry!" She says.
"Why a happened?" I ask. "You didn't steal the book I'm writing, did you?"
"No, I didn't." She says. "You didn't hear?"
"Hear what?" I ask. She grabs my wrist and pulls me to the castle. Everyone else follows. She pulls us into my parents' chambers where I see them lying on the floor. In a pool of blood.
"No...." I say covering my mouth. I fall to the floor in tears.
"They can't be gone!" I yell.
"I'm sorry Lu..." Levy says.
"Luce...?" I hear Natsu behind me. He walks behind me and pulls me into a hug.
"Come on, let's go." He says pulling me away.

After a few hours of discussions between my father's advisors, guards and nobles, it was decided that my cousin, princess Hisui would be the ruler of Fiore now. We stayed for the burial. I couldn't bring myself to say anything, so I just placed a bouquet of flowers on each of their graves before heading back to the ship.

A week has now passed since my parents' death. I'm back to normal, didn't want to spend too long mourning them. My birthday's tomorrow and I'm excited. I fall on my bed and go to sleep.

Opening my eyes, I realise that my body is already getting itself up and dressed. After feeding Plue and getting some breakfast, I walk to the manor. I walk in to an empty room.
"SURPRISE!" Everyone yells as the lights go on.
"AAH!" I scream. Natsu walks up to me and hugs me. My face goes red.
"Happy birthday Luce." He says.
"T-Thanks." I say. We spent the whole day partying. (Me: too lazy to put what happened, but I think we can all guess.)

I walk home carrying the presents in a wagon that Erza had let me borrow. Plue, being lazy, sits on top of the wagon. We get home and I open the door. Plue runs in and lays down on the sofa. I unload all of the presents and place them in the living room. I'll sort them out later. I walk past my desk and see a letter. Sitting down, I open the letter.

'DeAr LuShE' this handwriting is terrible.
'HaPpY aNd I aRe GoInG aWaY fOr A yEaR tO tRaIn AnD cOnTrOl My DeMoN pOwErS, We'Ll Be BaCk SoOn. YoUr PrEsEnT iS iNsIdE tHe EnVeLoPe.
FrOm NaTsU aNd HaPpY.' I open the envelope and see a golden necklace with a dragon pendant. The dragon had blue-purple diamonds on.

I quickly put it on and ran out the door. Plue staring at me curiously. I run to the docks in hopes of finding them. There's no one here.
"I can't lose you too!" I scream. "If they leave, I'll be lonely! Bakas!"


Me: and done.
Mira: *is hitting Natsu with a newspaper how dare you abandon Nalu.
Natsu: Ow...I'm...ow...sorry...ow...Mira.
Mira: you should be. *stops hitting*
Lucy: that's what you get for leaving me.
Natsu: you're still mad about that?
Lucy: maybe.
Happy: AYE!
Nalu: you left too!
Wendy: aye...
Me: another Happy?
Mira: it seems so.
Me: anyway....everyone say bye.
Everyone: byieeee

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