Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)

By itshelbs

124K 3.3K 1K

What if one day you meet a special someone, but then come to find out that she's your new Algebra 2 teacher? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 23

5.4K 156 98
By itshelbs

Camila's P.O.V

Miss Jauregui has been released.

I couldn't stop re-reading it over and over again as I drove back home. Yes, my plan worked! There was no doubt that it was going to work if my parents really did care about me. And they really did! They were willing to drop the charges if that was going to make me go back.

At least Lauren wasn't going to be in that horrible place anymore. I had to see her, I needed the warmth of her body. Even though it had only been barely two days, it felt like an eternity. I wanted to make sure that she was okay and that she didn't suffer behind bars. God, I knew nothing. Just that she had been released. I tried calling her, but she wouldn't answer me. That worried me. Was she avoiding me or what?

Ugh, I needed to know. I was almost back in town. To make sure of what was going on, I called Dinah. The hand on the steering wheel gripped on, I felt so damn nervous. Hopefully Lauren wasn't avoiding me.

"WALZ!" Dinah screamed into the phone. I was hearing cheering in the background.

"What time was Lauren released?" I asked immediately. There was no answer. "What time was Miss Jauregui released?" I rephrased. She was probably not used to hearing the first name. After all, Lauren was still a teacher in her eyes. It was going to take some time for my friends to get used to the idea.

"She hasn't," she answered, loudly. Mainly because of all the noise.

"What do you mean?" my heart raced. I thought she was supposed to be let free. "Why did you say she was released already?" I questioned, starting to worry again.

"Oh I did? My bad," was her way of apologizing, unbelievable. Was Lauren even going to be released. "Don't worry though, we have been informed that she's being released, first they need to sign some documents, etc," she explained. Oh thank god. My heartbeat went back to normal. That would explain why Lauren wasn't picking up my call. She probably couldn't or didn't even have her phone with her.

"Okay good. Thanks." I was able to breathe again.

"Hey!" she quickly called before I could end the call. "Are you almost here? We're all outside the police station," she informed.

"I'm actually parking the car right now," I answered. Good thing that the police station was right at the town's entrance. Otherwise, it would've taken longer to arrive.

"I see you. Hurry up, I think Miss Jauregui is coming out," she rushed. Holy shit, I immediately parked the car and jogged to Dinah. Other cars were driving by, which kept interrupting my running. Why did they have to drive when I was running, hmm? "Come here boo," she waved me over. Well I was trying to reach her, but these stupid cars kept on passing by. Were they intentionally trying to ran me over? Was Vero in every single one of those cars?

"Hold on," on the first opportunity, I sprinted to the other side of the sidewalk. Finally, I was able to jog to Dinah, without any problems. When I reached her, I saw the other students who were supporting Lauren. Wow, there were a lot of them. Of course, they were all sitting on the ground now, with their signs. The march must have exhausted them. "How long have you guys been here?" I thought out loud.

"Like five hours," she answered. My eyes widened. "Well not really, we left when they told us that Miss Jauregui was gonna be released, but then came back right now," she explained. Okay, that made sense.

Either way, I appreciated what they were doing. Especially for what Dinah was doing. She actually let me borrow money to stay in a motel, out of town of course. If it wasn't for her, I would've had to sleep in my car. Dinah was a true friend, unlike Vero.

"Oh," I understood. I glanced at the entrance of the police station, "Have you... uh, seen my parents after they drop the charges?" I asked, somewhat hesitant.

Her head shook, "No, they haven't come out," she informed.

"Did they seem really mad?" I feared.

She thought about it, "Not really." she sounded unsure. "They seemed more worried than angry," she added. That made me feel a bit relieved.

"Mila!" I heard Shawn shout. My eyes searched for him, he was standing by Ramon and Ethan, well they were sitting. Those lazy asses, aha, I adored them. Dinah and I walked over to them. "I've missed you," Shawn brought me into his arms.

"It was only a day," I chuckled as my arms slipped around him.

"I still missed you though," he assured as he released me. One of the guys was yanking on my jeans. I looked down to see what he wanted.

It was Ramon, "We came here to save your girlfriend," he grinned, innocently. It was actually kind of awkward now that everyone knew about it. I felt like everyone was staring at me, not exactly judging but it was a whole different feeling. It didn't bother me too much though. Either way, they were all here to support us.

"Thank you." I mimicked his grin with a shy blush on my cheeks.

"Look!" Dinah slapped hard on my shoulder, making me turn to look at the entrance of the police station. The doors were opening, and just then, the love of my life stepped out. Lauren had finally been released.

A tear of happiness strolled down my cheek, I let it roll down freely. Her mom was by her side. Both of them walked down the steps. Everyone started cheering. Now Ramon and Ethan got on their feet, along with everyone else. Seeing and hearing all of them cheer and clap for her, was really touching. I smiled widely when I saw the smile on her beautiful face.

Everyone else stood in front of us, blocking us from her. It wasn't done intentionally, they didn't realize it. Even though I wanted to hug and kiss Lauren, I stayed in the back. I let her have her moment with everyone else. They were congratulating her, for being released. Lauren was thanking them all for coming out here to show their support.

Dinah and Shawn were making me step forward. They made everyone else move aside.

"Step aside, girlfriend coming through," oh my god, Shawn was embarrassing me. Someone had to remind me to kill him later on. That was gonna be Dinah's job, not his.

I jabbed him in the ribs, "Shut up!" I muttered.

It got the job done though, everyone stepped aside. Lauren was now standing in front of me, she froze. Just stared at me, tears were welling up in her eyes. She was too beautiful, staring at her was like staring at a angel. I couldn't help but to smile, being in her presence.

"Camz," her voice broke as she hurried to wrap her arms around my neck. Immediately and on their own, my arms slipped around her waist, bringing her in for the tightest hug ever. Now that I had her this close, I felt completed again. "I've missed you so much" she cried into my neck, I felt her tears drop on my skin. I hugged her even tighter. I inhaled in the smell of her hair, although the vanilla scent was not as strong anymore, some still stayed in tact.

"I've missed you so much baby girl," I replied, desperately wanting to kiss her. Even though everyone else was around us, it was as if it were the only two of us.

Her hand brushed down my hair, gently, caressing it.

"Kind of awkward to see this," I heard Ramon mutter to someone else. "Although, really cute," he sounded excited.

"Yeah," that was Ethan's voice agreeing. "A little more awkward than cute though," he stated his opinion.

"Really? I think it's more exciting than awkward," Ramon stated.

"Yeah, you're right," oh wow, now he completely agreed with him.

Haha those two sure were something. I adored them. I wanted to laugh just by hearing them. I was surprised that they were still here though. Knowing them, I would've expected them to be flirting with the other girls who were here. This only came to show that they actually cared about their teacher and were literally here to show their support.

As I continued embracing Lauren, I noticed my parents walking down the concrete steps. They looked out at me. Dad held mom, probably just in case she tried doing anything. This wasn't going to stop me from enjoying this moment with Lauren though. I continued hugging her, continued feeling her hot breath on my neck, along with her tears.

We released each other a bit, only to look into each other eyes.

"Are you okay baby?" I looked her up and down, examining her to make sure.

People were still around us, watching us. I glanced at them, feeling a bit exposed and uncomfortable. Dinah must of noticed, "Um, back up," she requested from all of them. They scattered, giving us some privacy. Shawn and Dinah made sure to keep them all at a distance. Ramon and Ethan didn't completely walk away though. Only took a few steps but stayed nearby. That was fine by me. And Lauren didn't seem to mind them either.

"I'm fine," Lauren answered. "Just hold me again," she requested as her voice broke. I did as asked. I kissed her jaw in the process. Lauren was overly sensitive. It was understandable since she was in jail, but something else must of happened.

"Hey, did something happen Laur?" I asked gently, close to her ear. She nodded and cried heavily. I cupped her face, "What?" I began to worry when she didn't answer. "Lauren. What baby?" My heart started beating rapidly, fearing her response.

"A woman in there tried...," she paused. Oh no, this was bad. My heart pounded hard against my chest. My breathing became heavier as well. "She, uh, tried...," more tears ran down her face.

"Take your time babe. Breathe," I wiped her tears off with my thumbs and stroked her cheeks, gently.

"She tried taking advantage of me," she was barely able to mumble out.

I felt anger inside of me. Lauren didn't deserve that. I wrapped my arms around her, comforting her. She looked devastated. Images of it invaded my head, as much as I tried to not imagine it, I couldn't stop it. I was torturing myself with it.

Lauren cried on my shoulder.

I felt a knot in my throat, I hated that feeling. Inevitably, I started to cry with her.

"Did she?" I didn't know how to word it. I didn't want to make her remember it.

"No," she shook her head on my shoulder. "Luckily, a guard stopped it before it got any further," she explained. Ugh, either way, she was touched. I wanted to beat the shit out of the woman who dared to touch her. Lauren was mine! She deserved to be loved, not taken advantage of for being beyond gorgeous. She was more than just looks.

"At least you're out of there now," our foreheads leaned against one another.

Lauren's eyes shifted to the left, a bit past me. I turned to see what held her attention. It was Ethan, raising his hand up, of course.

"Yes Ethan?" It sounded like Lauren wanted to laugh lightly.

I have a question," he stated. Aha obviously. We weren't in class, he didn't need to raise his hand for that. "Are you still going to be our teacher?" hmm, that was actually an excellent question. Good job for him.

"Actually no," Lauren shook her head, seeming somewhat upset about it. "My teaching license has been suspended," she informed.

"Fuck," I muttered.

Lauren yanked lightly on my hand, silently scolding me.

"It doesn't matter, due to the way we met, the suspension is being reviewed," she explained. "I might get to teach again, but it'll be a while," she added. There was still hope though. And after all, she didn't seem to mind on the waiting.

"We're seniors though, you won't be our teacher anymore no matter what though," Ethan frowned.

"Unfortunately," Lauren replied. That was true. Lauren wasn't going to be my teacher anymore. Meaning, her and I wouldn't have any problems dating, right? Hmm, this wasn't so bad after all.

"Either way, you'll always be our most favorite teacher," Ramon stated, smiling.

"Thank you," Lauren looked at every single one of them.

"We have to go now," Dinah then said, pulling on Shawn. "Come on, guys," she gave Ethan and Ramon a look. Those dummies didn't seem to understand. DInah sighed and walked towards them, shoving them away from us.

Once they were far enough, I held the back of Lauren's neck.

"Finally alone," I smirked. I glanced around us, seeing the other people who were still here. Not looking us, that was good. "Well some what," I chuckled. I leaned in for a kiss but surprisingly, Lauren stopped my lips.

"Not here. You're still a minor, kissing each other wouldn't be the best plan, not right in front of the police station," she excused.

She had a point there. Besides, I didn't want her back in jail. I looked past her, I had forgotten that her mom was right there. When I checked, nope, she was not there. I didn't even notice when she walked away. She didn't even say anything.

"Where's your mom?" I wondered.

I looked and that's when I saw her mom speaking to my parents. Again, I worried. Hopefully my mom wasn't insulting Lauren's mom. She was a good lady, who didn't deserve to be mistreated. Especially because of something that had to do with me and Lauren.

It surprised me to see my mom looking so calm. Not rude whatsoever. She had a decent behavior.

"Let's go see what they're talking about," I held Lauren's hand and we headed over to them.

They stopped talking when they saw us though.

"Sweetie," Lauren's mom hugged her. That made me smile. It was nice seeing them together. Both must of suffered so much these past two days. "Mrs. Cabello has something to say to you," she informed. That was shocking.

Lauren turned to look at my mom. My eyes shifted to my mom's hands, making sure that she was not gonna unexpectedly slap her.

"I would like to invite you over to our home, so we can talk about this whole situation," it seemed like my mom was actually making an effort. This must of been extremely difficult for her. She was barely able to make eye contact with Lauren.

"Of course," Lauren accepted, and then glanced at me. I shrugged, just like her, I had no idea what was going on. This was all new to me as well.

"Can it be right now?" My mom rushed.

"Of course," Lauren repeated herself. I could tell she was nervous.

"You're invited as well," my mom said to Lauren's mom, and smiled this time. Was I seeing this right? It seemed like they were getting along. What were they talking about before we showed up, because it seems like they bonded.

"Thank you," aw. Lauren's mom was so sweet and polite. "We'll meet you at your house in a bit." With that being said, Lauren and her mom walked away. I watched them leave.

"Camila, I'm so glad that you're okay," my mom hugged me. I froze, I thought she was going to be furious. Wow, she actually did care. I actually felt protected in her arms. It made me emotional. My arms then wrapped around her too.

"We're glad that you're back," My dad wrapped his arms around the both of us. I was happy to be back home too.

Now things had to be settled with Lauren. Hopefully they would accept her.


Lauren and I sat on the couch, sitting up straight. While our parents sat on the longer couch. Even though Lauren was an adult already, it seemed like she was a teenager, here with me. Just waiting for our parents to have that talk with us.

"I'm going to cut straight to the chase." My mom stated. "I understand that your relationship is serious and no matter what, it won't end," she started off. Lauren and I exchanged a look, then looked at my mom again. "I've been thinking things over and I don't want to lose you," she looked directly at me. "If accepting this relationship means you staying around, then I'll accept it."

"Really?" this was great news. Lauren and I exchanged another stare and smiled. "Mami," I breathed out, wow, I couldn't believe it. "Thank you!" I really appreciated it. This was the best thing yet.

"There will have to be some rules though," I had to see that coming.

"Like?" hopefully not any tough ones.

"Like going to Miss Jauregui's house," she paused. "Sorry, Lauren's house," she rephrased. "You're not allowed to go over there for a long period of time," was her first rule. Aha sure, I was always able to lie about being over there. That was no problem. We both nodded, understanding. "You'll still have to be careful and discreet until you turn eighteen, Camila," was another one. Ugh, I thought we were going to go public now.

"Understood," Lauren nodded. Well she was an adult, she knew better too. Lauren was probably going to make up that rule anyways. 

"Yup, understood," I nodded too.

I'm glad that my parents decided to accept it. Otherwise, I was about ready to update my facebook status to orphan. I'm glad that they were coming through and accepting Lauren as my girlfriend. They were right, as much as they didn't like it at first, nothing was going to separate me from her... well jail was, only that though.

"You're being given the chance to be mature about it," my dad stated. "Be smart about it all," he advised. "Don't make us regret our decision," he warned.

"No, daddy. We'll be mature about it," I assured. Saying daddy was probably not the best choice, but I didn't think it through. "I mean, Papi," I rephrased, but it made no difference. Lauren nudged me in the ribs, hinting for me to shut up. I was able to do that.

"It's okay," they all laughed lightly. "You're dismissed," he excused, a bit awkwardly. That was awkward only because Lauren was an adult already. 

"Thank you, sir," she stood and helped me up by grabbing both my hands in hers.

"I'll walk you to your car," I offered. Her and I hurried out, leaving her mom behind, talking with my parents. 

As soon as we were out of the house and at the driveway, Lauren gripped my waist and pulled me into her. Immediately, her lips met mine. Finally! I had been wanting to kiss her since I saw her walk out of the police station. Now I was finally feeling her lips again, and her sweet and hot breath.

As always, her hands pressed on my lower back, bringing me in closer. She nibbled on my lower lip and I nibbled on her upper lip. My hands held the back of her neck. I wanted to pin her against the wall and trail kisses down her jawline, to kiss her Adam's apple. Unfortunately, we couldn't, not here. Her mom was probably going to show up at any second now.

Her tongue entered through my lips and twirled around. It slipped out a few times, teasing me. Then slipped back in. Her hands roamed up my back, then led to my face. Her fingertips caressed my face, tracing it while still making the kiss more passionate. Her gentle touch made my heart skip a beat. It made me want to giggle.

Our lips parted, "I love you Camz," her forehead leaned against mine, she panted lightly. 

"I love you," I pecked her lips before biting the lower one, gently.

She laughed a little, "I can't wait until you're eighteen so I can take you all around town," she smiled on my lips.

Yeah, I couldn't wait either. My birthday was going to be the best day of my life, well right after the day I met Lauren. 


Months Later 

God, my backyard was packed with lots of people. What could I expect, after all, it was my birthday party. Finally eighteen, I was legal now! God, I was able to pick the president now... vote. I didn't have to do everything my parents demanded... well I did as long as I lived under their roof. Point is, I was now longer a minor! Meaning, that there was no problem in Lauren and I dating!

Just what we had been waiting for. All these months, just for this.  "Chancho, happy birthday," Dinah came up from behind me, hugging me.

"This party is awesome," Shawn was taking off his shirt. Yeah, it was also a pool party. "Please tell me that Lauren is gonna swim too... and in a bikini," he wished. Luckily, he had gotten used to calling her by her first name. Though, he was still checking her out whenever we all hung out.

I chuckled and shrugged in response.

"By the way, where is Lauser?" Dinah asked looking in all directions.

"She's not here yet," I answered. Here we were, the three of us, hanging out. The three best friends. Even though we were missing someone, it sure didn't feel like it. Vero had been out of our lives for the past few months. "Have any of you spoken to Vero recently?" I wondered.

Shawn shook his head, seeming not to care about her anymore. 

"No, hopefully it stays that way," Dinah huffed.

"Yup, Vero was never a real friend, good thing we realized it," Shawn threw an arm over my shoulder. 

"Last thing I heard of her was that she was hanging out with bad people," Dinah informed.

"Well she belongs with them," Shawn replied. They were still very upset because of what Vero did. Betrayal could not be easily forgotten. 

I admit, it was sort of sad that we lost a close friend. But like they said, Vero wasn't a real friend at all. She never apologized for what she did. And still wasn't sorry about it. To be honest, I was still really angry with her. Not as much as before, but I was never going to be friends with her ever again.

"D, let's go swim," ah, Normani, Dinah's girlfriend appeared. Shawn and I grinned at each other, in amusement. 

"Okay," oh wow, Dinah was whipped as fuck, she couldn't say no to her, ever! That was kind of cute though. They walked away. 

"I'm gonna go swim too," Shawn excused himself from me and ran to the pool. I laughed while watching him, he actually almost tripped. That idiot was awesome.

Well yeah, Dinah and Normani were dating. Going strong for almost... two months now. That wasn't long, but it seemed like quite some time. Funny how they bonded over Vero. Well over ranting about her. Sure, they were both devastated because of who Vero really turned out to be. They found consoling within each other.

At least things worked out for the both of them.

"Mija," I heard my mom's voice with excitement, right behind me. I turned around and to my surprise, Lauren stood between my mom and dad.

Oh my god, my dad was attaching a red gift bow on top of Lauren's head. 

"This is our birthday gift to you from us," both mom and dad grinned, pushing Lauren towards me. Oh my god, were they really doing this? I couldn't believe that Lauren was playing along. "Now you can officially date," my dad stated. Was this their way of not getting me a real gift? That's not fair. Well either way, Lauren was the perfect gift.

"Come on, Alejandro," my mom then hooked arms with dad. "Let's go check on the other guests," with that said, they walked away. Leaving us alone. Lauren instructed me to a corner, where no one could see us.

"Happy birthday my little Camzi," she grinned while taking off the bow. 

"Thank you," I pecked her lips then helped her unclip the bow. I stepped closer to her, holding onto her waist. "So you're my birthday gift, huh?" I spoke close to her lips. "When do I get to unwrap you?" My hot breath whispering onto her lips, seductively.

Her body quivered, "You smartass," she chuckled. "Uh, wow, um, t-tonight at my h-h-house," she stuttered while playing along. "I want to see you in your birthday suit," she winked, now more calmer than just a few seconds ago.

"Can't you just say naked?" I chuckled.

Her eyes shifted to my lips, "Whatever," she held my chin between her fingers, directing my lips to hers. Our lips pressed together. Instead of continuing to hold her waist, I held her face, while she still held my chin. Finally, we were able to be together without any problems. "God, I love you so much," she panted on my lips.

"I love you more Lauren," I replied.

"It's not a competition," she poked my stomach playfully. I shrugged. "Either way, I love you more though," she claimed. Haha, I thought it wasn't a competition? That's what she said. "So, what do you want to do now that you're eighteen and graduated already?" she asked, intertwining her fingers behind my back.

"Well I'm not sure, I just know that I want to take a year off," I answered. Maybe she had something in mind. "What about you?" I asked. Lauren's teaching license was still suspended, so she had nothing else to do. It's not like she needed the money, she had enough. Therefore, she had nothing to worry about.

"I want to travel with you," she smiled, seeming sincere. 

"Really?" hmm. 

"Yeah, let's travel, Camila," god, I loved hearing her say my name. "There's nothing stopping us now. Let's take the year off and travel," she sounded excited about. 

"Sounds perfect," I accepted in pure bliss.

Honestly, Lauren and I needed this. We needed time on our own, as a couple of course. It was our time now. 

"Perfect," she cupped my face and kissed me again. I couldn't get enough of her. I loved her gentle touch, her sweet kisses, her comforting hugs, I simply loved everything about her. Our lips parted. "Where would you like to go now that we're officially dating publicly?" she left it up to me.

I knew exactly where I wanted to go. 

"To the zoo," I said with a firm nod, and a small smile.  

"Why there?" she found it funny.

"Because there's where we met, we practically fell in love there, and had a great time, without having to worry about anyone else seeing us," I explained.

"I want to go back there with you," I stroked her cheek with my finger, gently. "That place means so much to me," I bore my eyes into her emerald green ones.

"It means a lot to me too baby," she smiled, savoring my touch. "Let's go," she held my hand. "Let's go home," she added. 

"But I thought we were going to the zoo," my forehead creased in confusion.

Lauren face palmed herself, "That's what I meant by saying home Camz," she clarified while lightly laughing. Oh, well I felt stupid. 

"My bad," I shrugged and grinned, cutely. "I love you," I added.

"I love you too cutie," she smiled.

We continued walking to her car. Even though my party was still going on, I preferred to be with Lauren at the moment. Finally, it was just her and I. No teacher and student bullshit... although I did find it kind of hot. Haha, I was dating my teacher; well she wasn't my teacher anymore, but the point was well made and understood, right? If not, then oh well.

But once again, we were just going to be two normal girls at the zoo.

A/N: It's over guys! :( Hopefully this chapter lived up to your guys' expectations! Please vote, comment, and share this with friends. Norminah finally happened lol...

I also have the first chapter of my new Camren fanfic called 'Lauren' up on my account, so go check that out, and vote/comment/share for me if you haven't already:) Thank you all so much for reading this. And for the typos throughout the story, I apologize for confusing you lol. Love you babes!


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