Twilight plus one

By fluffymeowcat

142K 3.8K 389

❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 I'm in what century now?
chapter 3 Home sweet home
Chapter 4 different era and chapter 5 combined
chapter 6 Why is Carlisle carrying a limp body.
Chapter 7 Yeah I have a new sister sarcastic much?
Chapter 8 Fist hunt....Joy
Chapter 10 My big teddy bear brother!!!!!
Chapter 11 Emmett my brother... what can I say
Chapter 12 Big brother bear.
Chapter 13 Jealous
Read please :)
Chapter 14 Meeting the Quileutes
Chapter 15 Alice and Jasper
Chapter 16 Meeting the Denali coven
Chapter 17 Twilight. (Baised on the book and the movie)
Chapter 18 Biology
Chapter 19 Brothers got a crush
Chapter 21 Take a chance, make a change and breakaway
Chapter 22 First meeting
Chapter 23 Emmett and the bear (short chapter)
Chapter 24 Willie
25 Hey batter, Batter swing! NOT AT ME!
Chapter 26, showing my true self.
chapter 27 Crazy,psycho, tracker.
Chapter 28 We lost a human in a airport
New moon: New begging's.
Chapter 29 He Changes His Attitude Like The Weather.
Chapter 30. Put The Gun Down.
Chapter 32 Say something.
Chapter 33 My Last Breath.
Chapter 34 Heaven Knows. (Re-written.)
Chapter 35 Going home
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37 Were not all suicidal. . . well at least i'm not.
Chapter 38 "Here we go."
Chapter 39 "Adding it to my collection."
Chapter 40 "Bella, the Caffeine Junky."
Chapter 41 "Welcome to the Family."
Chapter 42. Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 43 Eclipse: Letting the Spectrum In.
Chapter 44 Dig Up His Bones
Chapter 45. Surprise surprise.
Chapter 46. The Race.
Chapter 47 The Argument.
Chapter 48 The Truth.
Chapter 49. The miscommunication.
Chapter 50. Through The Valley
Chapter 51. When I Was Younger.
chapter 52 Medicine Man
Chapter 53. Cloaked Figures.

Chapter 31 Black heart.

1.8K 60 30
By fluffymeowcat

Here's another update hope you like. 

 Happy late Thanksgiving. 

Hey guys if you need any help making covers, or trailer's, go check out @literallylina. She is an amazing person! And helped me out with covers, and trailer's. !! 



(Emily's P.O.V)

I was face to face with death. I always have been. But for some reason this was different. My mates mother is trying to kill me. Colton grabbed me, and put himself in front of me. Know he's being dumb. 

"Mom" He begged. "What are you doing?" 

His mother's face showed a flicker of sadness. But it was gone in seconds. "She needs to die. There's a bounty on her head. She's wanted. " 

Colton walked closer to her. I grabbed his arm in concerned. His mother wasn't thinking. What if he gets shot? He ignored me." Mom I love her, for who she is. Just drop the gun. I-I love her."

"You just met her. You don't know anything about love." 

His posture changed and he stood tall. "I know she's my mate. Mom, please don't make me chose. What if there was a bounty on dad's head? Would you kill him?" 

The gun was still pointed in my direction. I wasn't going to jump in. I could tell Colton was getting through to her. Her eyes were fierce, anger showed in them. Slowly she lowered the gun, and stared at me. Both mine and Cole's body relaxed. Colton reached for the gun and pulled it out of her grasp. 

Footsteps came up the stairs. Kevin came in with a smile on his face. His face was a little dirty. When he looked between the three of us, his smile dropped, and his face became serious. He looked at his insane wife. "What did I miss?" 

"Oh nothing much, your insane, physio wife tried to kill me. Did you know that she carries a gun?" I hissed.

Kevin blinked. "Cassie, is this true? Why would you try to kill her?" 

She scowled at her husband. "Maybe because she's-"

"Different!" Cole blurted out. All our eyes went to him. Colton what in the hell are you doing? "S-she's part werewolf. . . half human. I didn't want to tell you guys, because I was afraid you would judge her." 

Kevin sniffed. "Is that why you smell different?" 

Well either that or I need a shower. "Uh yeah." We'll just leave out the vampire part for now. No need to get my head cut off, or get eaten by sharks, or being someones pinata. Mrs. James just glared at me. We both had secrets. Secrets we couldn't tell anyone. Both of our covers would be blown. 

"Well now that we got that out of the way, mom what's for dinner?" Colton asked. 

She sighed. "I'll go look." 

Kevin looked after her, and walked with her. "We need to talk." There footsteps carried downstairs.

"Got to love your mom." I said sarcastically. 

"Isn't she the best?" Colton asked with just as much sarcasm I had intended. We looked at each other and smiled. "Sorry about her." 

"Cole, I don't think its safe here for me. She knows my dad. That right there is dangerous. I don't know what your mom is capable of. No offense." 

"None taken. But it'll be fine. Promise." 

"Yeah that's what every guy says to the girl in the horror movie, and guess what? That girl always dies." He rolled his eyes. "I'm serious."

He went to lock his door. He looked at the curtains and closed them. "There. Now were alone." He plopped down on his bed, looking at the gun, his eyes far away. Something was bothering him. 

"Want to talk about it?" 

He exploded. "How could she do that? To you? To me? Hell your Innocent! You did nothing wrong! She's my mom and yet she didn't even think about pulling the trigger! I mean god, she was about to take you away from me, without a single thought. Your an Innocent !" His eyes flashed gold. 

"Cole I'm half vampire. I'm not an Innocent at all." 

"That's what you got from it. Seriously? Out of everything I said, that's what you take from it?" 

I rolled my eyes, and grabbed the gun, and put it behind the of my jeans. I would find a holster for it later. "I'll keep this. Although I'm pretty sure you'll mom with have more." 

"I am really sorry about her." He got off his bed, and made his way towards me. His arms wrapped around me and looked into my eyes. "I will protect you no matter what. Plus a guy always need's a guy in his life when its a mess, because just like in a game of chess; a queen always protects the king." 

I smiled. "Have you been listening to Adam Levine?" 

He chuckled. "You had to ruin my moment."  He went to lean down to kiss me but there was a knock at the door. It was Kevin. I smelt the alpha a mile away.

I flashed to the door and opened it. "Hello Kev. " 

He raised an eyebrow at his new name, but had a small smile on his face. "Mrs. James just wanted to let you know. Dinner is ready. Hope you like steak." 

A vampire eating steak. I rather have deer. "That sounds delicious." 

The three of us headed down stairs. When we entered the dinning room, silver plates were set out. Bowls were set out, with food in them. There was mash potatoes, burgers, steak, gravy, corn.  

Cassie was at the far end of the table glaring at me. A knife in one hand. Well this should be interesting. I sat down across from her, Kevin on my right side and Cole on my left. His father told us to dig in, and we did just that. The whole time, Colton's mom rarely looked any where but me. The dinner was awkward, and tense. The same for the conversation's. Especially when my mates parents ask about my family. What am I suppose to say? My family are a bunch of vampires, and one was dating a human before this, and then we all went our different ways, and I don't keep in touch with them. Yeah I'm sure that will go well. 

We were all done, when Cassie got up and collected her and her husbands plate. "Emily be a doll and help me with the dishes." 

No do it yourself, you crazy maniac. "Yes of course." I grabbed my plate and Cole's. I bent down to whisper in his ear. "If I don't come back in fifteen minutes. Come and get me, whatever you do don't believe the suicide note." Before I could hear his answer. I hurried up and followed Cassie.

"Place the plates in the sink." She pointed to it.

I nodded. Slowly putting them down in the sink. My senses were heightened.I didn't trust her. Not one single bit.

She's a mom. She will protect her family no matter what. Before she reacted. I pulled the gun out from my back of my jeans and pointed it at her. She did the same with a different gun, the only thing was, was that I was quicker.

I smiled. "That's the second time you pointed that thing at me."

"Well you took my gun. Plus I know what you are."

"So what are you going to do Cassie? Huh? Tell everyone? Go ahead. But you and I both know the consequence of those actions now don't we. So go ahead, pull the trigger. But I'm pretty sure I'm quicker than you." 

The gun in my hands, was ready to fire. I wasn't going to kill my mates mother. I'm not a killer. I'm not the Vulturi. There wont be blood on my hands. Well maybe animal blood, but that's it. 

"How about we both put our guns down at the same time." She told me with a sigh.

"You mean on the count of three?" She rolled her eyes at my comment.

Every so slowly I lowered my weapon. Her arms slowly slid down to her side. We stared into each other's eyes. Waiting for someone to say something, to make a move. Neither of us said one word. There was still tension in the air. 

"Everything alright in there?" Colton's voice rang out. 

"Yeah were okay, were just talking sweetie." 

I sighed. "Look I know you know what I am, but you have to understand my side of the story. You probably only heard my dad's side. Speaking of him, you need to leave him alone. If you double cross him, or question his line of power, he wont hesitate to kill you, your family, or the pack. So before you go making promises and deals think about that. Because of right now, your decisions are affecting everyone. Now I know you can murder one person, but can you murder everyone?" 

A knock on the back door startled us. Jeez I didn't even hear it. I need to start concentrating on my surroundings. I raised an eyebrow at Mrs. James. Do I look like a maid to her? She rolled her eyes and opened the door. There stood a man around in his thirties, black hair, and eyes that showed no emotion. Wait he looks familiar? What is with this place? 

(Flashback 1582)

"Father please let me out, I beg of you." I cried out. Why was he doing this ? Does he feel more powerful keeping his daughter locked up in a cage? "Father!" I knew it was no use, he nevered listened to me. 

The door unlocked. A man, my father's servant. Kyle. He would always bring me something to eat. Or he would let me get cleaned up. We hardly said two words to each other. The only words we did say was "thank you" and "your welcome" 

He opened my cage door, and set clean close on the ground, and walked out. But not before locking my door again.

I never saw him after that. Fearing the worst had come. My father had killed him.

(Flashback ends.) 

"Kyle what are you doing here?  I told you I have it all planned out." Cassie glared. Kyle didn't look ant different. What did she mean she had it all planned out?

He glared at me. "Yeah I can see that. " He pulled out a gun and fired it right at me. What is with everyone trying to shoot me? I flashed out of the way, and grabbed his gun. I put my feet on his chest and back-flipped. He lost balance, and fell.

I growled. "Get up." 

He obeyed and took of his coat. His eyes turned menacing, and his nails grew. Looks like my father had been busy. Before I could react, I was on the ground being chocked. I growled again and flipped us over, replacing my hand on his neck.  Kyle put both hands on my chest and shoved me off. He grabbed his gun, his finger on the trigger. A shot rang out, but he didn't shoot. Instead he fell in front of me. A gun shot to the head. I looked over my shoulder and saw Cassie standing there with a gun in her hand, shaking. I got up and took the gun from her hands. We both looked at each other and nodded. I went over to Kyle and pushed him over, I kind of felt like poking him with a stick. Ignoring that thought, I made sure he was dead. 

Colton and Kevin came out. Blood was on their face, and hands. They looked worse then me. I raised an eyebrow. "What the hell happened to you two?"

Kevin panted. "We got ambushed inside, three men. What happened here?" 

"Same." I looked at Colton's mom. "Cassie this could be the start of a beautiful friendship." She didn't answer back. Well then.

"I'll drag him into the living room, with the rest of them." 

I went to Colton, looking at the cuts on his forehead. I touched them. He hissed under the pressure of  my thumb. "Sorry, you okay?" 

He nodded "Yeah you okay?" 

I nodded and looked at Kevin, "Where are the other three?" 

"Ah, two are in the dinning room, the other is in the living room . Follow me. " We all did as, we were told.

Two werewolves had knife's sticking out of there chest. Nice I didn't know that papa smurf had it in him. I looked over to the living room, and walked towards it.  There was a blood spot on the white carpet, wow that wont come out. I looked around the living room, no one was there. 

"Hey Kevin, you said 'There was a third one right?" I called out to him. He nodded. "Well where is he?" 


Am I speaking some kind of language he's not getting? "Where is the body?" 

Kevin walked over to me, and looked around. "It should be here." 

"So there's a dead guy walking around? Where's Daryl Dixon when you need him?" Can this day get any worse? Looks like we have a new problem on our hands. 

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